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Why Me?
Why Me?
Why Me?
Ebook97 pages1 hour

Why Me?

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This book of knowledge is written as a source of awareness to the various cultures in the world and how their beliefs influence the lives of the groups within that culture and its environments. This book makes us aware that the world is a place of multicultural society, where everyone needs to understand the environment in which they live. This book is a material that promotes that natural wisdom of know-how in times when needed. This book can be used as quick referencing guides to information that may become or seem like puzzles in the human minds in the field of general knowledge and of wisdom at relevant times. This book is written with intent to share wisdom, knowledge, and information on world cultural heritage, how culture and environment affect our behaviours and thoughts, how people talk to one another and the mental reasoning that go along with it. This book is to enlighten the awareness of everyone and anyone, knowing that there is someone out there that knows more than they do, no matter what the status in education or otherwise their acquisition may have been. It is my passionate expectation that this book will educate and implant knowledge and wisdom to anyone that will read it, believing that they know it all.
Release dateMar 4, 2016
Why Me?

V. K. Leigh

V. K. Leigh is a professional business manager and consultant in management training with experience in the field of social care. He is an experienced hands-on deck manager, having had an inside practical knowledge, experience, and privilege of working with older persons in the United Kingdom through some of the largest housing organisations and local authorities in the country, both in the private and public sectors and as self-employed contractor in the fields of health and social care for the elderly. Combining the years of practical experience and knowledge in social housing, the care and mental health sectors, V. K. Leigh will undoubtedly be ranked as a professional in these sectors. In writing this book, titled Why Me, the contents go back to the early century, when bravery was the order of the day. Sharing knowledge with anyone and everyone who reads or uses this book, this book contains knowledge-based information for reading, giving an in-depth of supported beliefs in historical facts, enlightening the zeal of everyone who reads it. This book is written with intent to share wisdom, knowledge, and information on world cultural heritage, how culture and environment affect our behaviours and thoughts, and how people regard and talk to one another and their mental reasoning and personalities. I do believe that you will enjoy the contents of this book just as I have had the pleasure in writing and compiling the information it contains. Happy reading.

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    Why Me? - V. K. Leigh

    © 2016 V. K. Leigh. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/04/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-2913-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-2914-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-2913-7 (e)

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    About the Author

    -Other Publications by V.K. Leigh-


    My special gratitude goes to Jehovah – Lord God Almighty, Jehovah Elohim - my creator; the creator of heaven and earth, the one and only Jehovah El Shaddai – my supplier. Whom in his infinite mercy, Jehovah Jireh, gave me the wisdom, knowledge, courage and inspiration that led to the writing of this book, being wholly produced.

    The original statement commonly translated I AM is Ehyeh (Hebrew: אהיה), from Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh, "I Am that I Am (or will be, ongoing)" and is commonly given as a sacred name for God

    My appreciation goes to my wife and my children for their contributions, patience and inspiration, in times of challenges during the gathering of materials, preparation and writing of this book.

    Appreciation to Wikipedia for all the contributions made during the gathering of materials relating to this book.

    I would like to thank everyone and anyone who contributed in any other ways to the insight that gave me the challenges and results which brought about the awareness, research and understanding of all the issues which have greatly enriched this publication.

    God bless all of you.

    Worry about nothing, pray about everything


    Why ME?

    There were the good times when things were right for us and thinking were done on our behalf by someone else (Parents, Uncles and Aunties, etc.)

    There were the bad and odd times when things around us are not what we wished for or wanted around us or in our lives.

    We’ve all had things that happened to us in our lives, these made us to ask ourselves questions about our life-styles in one way or the other.

    Some of us have doubts and live in doubts for most of our lives; while others live in hope because they believe that there can be changes with efforts or by praying.

    One thing man must always remember is that what a man sows is what he reaps.

    In the later part of life, we begin to ask ourselves all sorts of questions, such as, why is it myself that all these things are happening to? The question of Why Me? then arises without any definite answer or answers.

    A long time ago, a friend said some words to me which I regarded as words of wisdom. He said that Oppressors, like unhappy people because sadness exists within them

    I did not quite understand then what he was trying to say or what he meant; but it soon became clearer as time passes by.

    Why LOVE?

    There is a saying that goes like this, Love makes the world go round. It can even make some people behave abnormal. I wonder how many people think that this is true.

    Let us look at relationships among the creatures of the earth.

    MAN – Man would do anything to get the opposite sex to like him. Many will go to the extreme, even to do what they don’t believe they could ever do or be involve in because of that thing called love. This also applies to the female species that takes to liking a man of their choice or dream for some would do anything or go to any length to achieve their intentions of having that man.

    This amazing thing that is called love, eventually clears from the eyes or brains as some people would say, after a period of time; like someone that has been under the influence of trance and at certain stage, dawns in the brain like the morning mist disappearing when the sun begins to rise; like someone out of hypnotism and the question why starts to crawl in to the mental areas of calmness; then the next thing will be, what happened to me, why have I been behaving like I did; what have I got myself into, what is happening to me and why me?

    Why STATUS?

    Status is described as the position or rank in relation to others; rank as in hierarchy of high prestige

    Status could be seen as a position in life such as wealth, as in power or as in riches, etc.

    Many people would do anything to be famous, rich, powerful, etc. but many never seem to be able to achieve it; whereas only few of them get there and only one percent stays on the top.

    Some people did

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