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Schaller's Politically Incorrect Conservalexicon
Schaller's Politically Incorrect Conservalexicon
Schaller's Politically Incorrect Conservalexicon
Ebook97 pages1 hour

Schaller's Politically Incorrect Conservalexicon

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About this ebook

We live in an Orwellian political world of propaganda and indoctrination. Deception is the method for grasping power and control. Dedicated Republicans are even confused regarding history, economics, science, and conservative principles. I present a list of appetizing words, terms, expressions, myths, facts, and definitions conflicting with the prevailing paradigm of acceptable ideology, language, and notions of political correctness. My lexicon is meant as an essential resource for any and all who seek to achieve enlightenment and break the cycle of cultural indoctrination.

Rather than read a book from front to back, my lexicon allows you to surf through a menu of appetizers, skipping those that may not appeal to your palate while still lingering at a buffet of goodies represented in your chosen chapter.

1. A scheme of social engineering and propaganda.
2. The politically correct term for Cultural Marxism, a systematic method to punish dissent and to stigmatize social heresy. Its trademark is intolerance, classifying its adversaries as haters, or mentally ill.
3. PC for short (or BS), it means conforming to a particular sociopolitical ideology or point of view.
4. As the new age bully, PC can be any true statement that has been transformed into a lie to control or mislead the weak minded or used as a weapon of intimidation to silence any and all criticism of a leftist authoritarian political agenda.
5. PC is the conscious, designed manipulation of language intended to change the way people speak, write, think, feel, and act, in furtherance of an agenda.
6. PC is also the MO for revisionist history.

1. For the most part, factually correct. 2. Shinola
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 4, 2016
Schaller's Politically Incorrect Conservalexicon

Joseph Schaller

Joe Schaller lives in Gallup, New Mexico, and is a guest columnist for the Gallup Sun free weekly newspaper. He grew up in Pullman, Washington, home of Washington State University. As a hippie counterculture dropout, he returned to college in 1973 and graduated from Eastern Washington State College in 1977 with a bachelor of science in nursing. Joe became a commissioned officer with the Public Health Service stationed at the Gallup Indian Medical Center and eventually obtained a private sector job as a turquoise dealer lasting twenty-six years. He was an active Sierra Club Marxist in the 1980s before rejecting liberalism in the 1990s. He became an expert in basketball quantitative analytics with his total performance ratings, doing a sixteen-year stint with He has utilized his array of lifetime experiences and knowledge to write as a conservative columnist for various Gallup newspaper publications.

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    Schaller's Politically Incorrect Conservalexicon - Joseph Schaller



    Politically Incorrect


    Knowledge is power.

    Arm yourself and take command

    with over 400 snippets of no-holds-barred

    conservative wisdom.

    Joseph Schaller

    Copyright © 2016 by Joseph Schaller.

    ISBN: Softcover 978-1-5144-7203-3

    eBook 978-1-5144-7202-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 03/03/2016

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    Chapter One: FREEDOM

    Chapter Two: CONTROL

    Chapter Three: DECEPTION


    Chapter Five: IDENTITY

    Chapter Six: ACTIVISM

    Chapter Seven: PSEUDOSCIENCE



    In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. – George Orwell

    We live in an Orwellian political world of propaganda and indoctrination. Deception is the method for grasping power and control. Dedicated Republicans are even confused regarding history, economics, science, and conservative principles. I present a list of words, terms, expressions, myths, facts and definitions conflicting with the prevailing paradigm of acceptable ideology, language and notions of political correctness. My lexicon is meant as an essential resource for any and all who seek to achieve enlightenment and break the cycle of cultural indoctrination.

    As a form of dictionary a lexicon offers the vocabulary of a language, social class, field or a subject. Being an enthusiast of conservative knowledge, my Conservalexicon is the essential book I have been seeking for decades as a quick concise resource. I never did find it so I decided to do it myself. In January of 2015 I put together a list of 18 terms with definitions pertaining to the massive welfare state in my region of northwestern New Mexico. I titled it A Politically Incorrect Lexicon for Gallup and Navajo Nation and proceeded to email it to numerous government agencies, representatives and political figures, purely as an educational tool. Months later I decided to expand my list, eventually dividing entries into categories, and by August put together a booklet of 13 chapters, Schaller’s Politically Incorrect Lexicon – a navigation guide to the PC cultures of McKinley County NM (and planet earth). With 260 entries it had already stretched way beyond the scope of Gallup’s regional borders. As I presented chapter by chapter in our local Gallup Sun weekly newspaper I continued adding entries, particularly regarding my specialty, environmentalism. Once I got to a total of 390 entries in January 2016 I decided to prepare for another publication and proceeded to rearrange everything into seven themed chapters. Several references to Gallup, McKinley County NM and the Navajo Nation remain.

    Rather than reading a book from front to back, my lexicon allows you to surf thru a menu of ‘appetizers’, skipping those which may not appeal to your palate while still lingering at a buffet of goodies represented in your chosen chapter.

    Warning to liberals. The liberal bubble is a warm fuzzy place of illusion and delusion. As Saul Bellow puts it – a great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep. The harsh realities outside of the bubble can be devastating to some and to others a slap-in-the-face wake-up call. Prepare to have your bubble burst.

    Chapter One


    libertarian, objectivism, Tea Party; see chapter 6

    AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM: ‘While most nations evolved from tribal clans and royalty the US was born, and born of ideas: that all men are created equal, that they have been given by God certain rights that can be taken from them by no man, and that those rights combine to create a thing called freedom’. – Peggy Noonan. The American spirit was essentially anarchistic – the antithesis of collectivism-statism-socialism – an exceptional spirit which has bedeviled radicals around the world to this day.

    ANARCHISM: A political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups

    AUSTERITY: Generally, refers to the measures taken by governments to reduce expenditures in an attempt to shrink their growing budget deficits. The short term pain of public sector layoffs is offset by long term economic gain. Sweden abandoned their soft-socialist experiment in 1992 with austerity measures and struggled a few years before their economy took off.

    BETTER LIFE INDEX: An OECD scale comparing countries performances in terms of 11 dimensions of well-being. Rather than focusing on the socioeconomic gap between the top 10% and bottom 10% a comparison of countries bottom well-being is most relevant. Mexico has a relatively small gap yet a horrible index rating. The US has a relatively large gap yet an excellent rating, our bottom 10% scoring equal to Italy’s top 10%.

    CAPITALISM, FREE MARKET: Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned. It demands the best of every man, and rewards him accordingly. In a free market men trade their goods or services by mutual consent to mutual advantage, according to their own independent, uncoerced judgment. Free market success depends on providing quality products and exceptional service, all at a competitive price. Entities that rip off their customers usually wither and die. In a capitalist society all human relationships are voluntary. In contrast to bureaucratic collectivism, capitalism rewards ingenuity, productivity and success – not so for ineptitude, idleness and failure.

    CAPITALISM, CLEAN: Along with short lifespans the world before the industrial age of capitalism was one of unsanitary stench and disease highlighted by horse manure, unwashed sweaty bodies, kerosene, outhouses, sewage, dust, mud, and pest infestation. Smoke from open fires choked cities, forests were stripped of trees and most of the crops went to feed working animals.

    CAPITALISM/SOCIALISM DICHOTOMY: Capitalism is voluntary exchange in a free market. Socialism uses force and coercion for redistribution of wealth. Capitalists understand economics, socialists understand squandering. As Winston Churchill put it the inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.

    CONSERVATISM: Individual freedom, personal responsibility, Judeo-Christian values, limited government, free market capitalism, fiscal responsibility, content of character.

    ECONOMIC FREEDOM INDEX: Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human to control his or her own labor and property. According to the index, the cornerstones of economic freedom are personal

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