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Broken Rules: Book Two of the Rules Trilogy
Broken Rules: Book Two of the Rules Trilogy
Broken Rules: Book Two of the Rules Trilogy
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Broken Rules: Book Two of the Rules Trilogy

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Love doesnt care about rules. Jase Curringtons destiny has always been on a distant planet as a member of an elite governing council, but he broke the biggest rule when he fell in love with a forbidden human. His temptation on Earth is now his affliction on Century.

Love doesnt care about heartbreak. Kelsey Jackson knew the foreigner was troubleand that was before he confessed his origin and complicated future. She couldnt convince her heart not to fall in love and chose a summer of passion over regret.

Perhaps the best they can do is choose which rules they will live by and which ones they will break.
Release dateFeb 1, 2017
Broken Rules: Book Two of the Rules Trilogy

Tracy Porter

Tracy Porter has lived her life in small towns, but that hasn’t kept her from traveling to the East and West Coasts, Canada, and Italy. She married her high school sweetheart and has two grown children. She enjoys boating and fishing with her family. She loves curling up in a comfy chair to read a romance novel, but has learned that there is no surer path to sleep deprivation than starting a new book in the evening. She’s addicted to the familiar love story of boy meets girl, and has watched her favorite movie, The Notebook, countless times. While she and her husband wait patiently for grandchildren, furry children with paws keep them entertained.

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    Book preview

    Broken Rules - Tracy Porter

    Chapter 1

    Jase Currington and Kelsey Jackson sat in silence except for the sound of the tires on the highway back to Atlantica. The silence was deafening. He never meant to deceive Kelsey, but he felt that’s what he had done by withholding the entire truth about his Centurion origin.

    Jase took his eyes off the road for a minute to peer to the right. Kelsey was slumped in her seat as if weights had been placed on her delicate shoulders. Several long blonde locks had fallen out of the bobby pin holding her upswept hair to the side. With one hand on the wheel, he reached over to tuck the strands behind her ear. His finger grazed her warm cheek and wanted to stroke her face again, but instead he returned his hand back to the wheel. Jase’s recent confession had hurt her terribly, so it wasn’t the time to scare her with wreckless driving.

    Kels, I don’t know what else to say. It’s killing me to see you like this.

    Jase slid a hand over to find hers. Her hand was cold. He squeezed it hoping to provide some warmth. Damn, his complicated future! They had shared many conversations about his planet far away. Jase had answered her general curiosity questions about Century, but he kept his answers vague or changed the subject when any reference of his future was asked.

    Jase’s destiny was written in permanent ink on the day he was born. After a temporary stay on Earth, he and his parents would move back to Century. His father would become the Centurion Council President, and Jase would take his place as a prominent Council member.

    A summer in Iowa with a good friend had given him interim freedom from his fate far away. He never expected to fall in love, and he certainly never expected to question his destiny. A day never presented itself that he didn’t want to be honest with Kelsey; but if he was honest with himself, not saying the words out loud to her somehow meant there was a slim chance he’d see her again. The guilt and heartbreak were practically unbearable now that Kelsey knew the truth – he was not only leaving Iowa, but he was leaving Earth.

    As Jase approached a stop sign, he checked in the rear-view mirror to confirm there was no vehicle behind them. He put the car in park and tugged at her hands forcing her to turn his way. Her full lips that had on shimmering pink lipstick earlier were now pale and dry.

    Kelsey sniffled and avoided eye contact. Jase, there’s nothing more to say for tonight. I just want to go home. She attempted to slink back into the passenger seat, but Jase held her hands tight. Can we please just go home? Her voice was weak and pleading.

    You believe me, don’t you? Jase asked tensely. You believe that I love you? He knew it wasn’t fair to ask the questions when he couldn’t give her any hope of being together in the future.

    Kelsey’s blue pools glistened as a feeble smile appeared. I believe you. She blinked but quickly turned away to avoid eye contact once again.

    The three whispered words she told him earlier warmed his heart until he remembered what she had also said…I love you enough to let you go. Jase took a deep sigh and stepped on the gas pedal relinquishing once again to torturous silence.

    Kelsey settled back in her seat and closed her eyes. She felt nauseous and was certain the scrumptious wedding food devoured earlier in the evening wasn’t going to stay down. Whoever coined the phrase the truth will set you free hadn’t fallen in love with someone from a distant galaxy.

    Jase kept both eyes on the road while his hand stroked hers. He laced his long fingers through hers. She peered down to find their fingers perfectly knotted. His warm hands had touched her lovingly many times. Kelsey had wondered a hundred times why Jase never tried to cross the final intimacy line with her. Now, that she had the answer it left her numb. The man she loved was an immortal Centurion; but if Jase made love to her, he would die. This would be his last Life Time and he would die! She was a forbidden human!


    Jase and his friend, Ryan Hurley, finished moving the cattle to the field with overgrown grass on the Hurley farm. They were relaxing in chairs on the front porch, sipping on sun tea, and staring out to acres of rolling Iowa farm hills.

    Ryan’s well-behaved lab, Lucky, ran over and sat between them. She had been helping in the field with the cattle, and now she needed a break too. Her tongue dangled from her mouth panting to cool her body down. Ryan extended his glass over to Lucky’s tongue, so she could lick the moisture dribbling down on the outside.

    A dollar for your thoughts, Ryan said interrupting the silence.

    I can’t believe the summer is over. It went fast. Jase removed his ball cap to wipe sweat from his brow while taking a swig of tea. His thoughts went back to when he first arrived in the small town of Atlantica. It took some pleading, but his parents finally decided he could visit Ryan for the summer provided he kept up with his risk analysis work for the family’s consulting business. Working on the farm and preparing risk assessment spreadsheets for his parents kept him busy all summer long. It was, however, the spirited farmer’s daughter who had monopolized most of his time.

    When you’re having fun, time always goes too fast, Ryan said matter of fact. Jase sat forward in his chair sighing heavily. He knew exactly what or rather who Ryan was referring to.

    When Jase persuaded his parents that he needed a summer of free will before leaving Earth, he could never have anticipated meeting an unexpected breath of fresh air with long blonde hair and curves in all the right places. He asked himself more than once if she was an angel sent from heaven to tantalize him knowing his time on Earth was limited.

    Jase had never given a human girl much thought or attention, but everything about the sweet farmer’s daughter captivated him. Kelsey’s innocence, lively personality, and simple outlook on life were addicting. Simple had never been part of Jase’s life; and the more time he spent with her, the more confused he became. He recognized spending time with Kelsey filled a void. For the first time he was living life instead of merely existing in it.

    Ryan interrupted Jase’s day dreaming with a slap back to reality. When do you leave for Century?

    I’m not sure, but my father seems to have a real urgency about it. Jase slowly stretched his long legs out from the rocker. Century was a planet with rules galore; and suddenly, he didn’t like rules.

    Ryan was silent giving his friend time to say what was on his mind.

    I can’t believe I’ll never be back on Earth. A large lump formed in the back of his throat. I know everything about me was a lot for you and Kelsey to accept but you both did. You kept my alien origin a secret. Thank you for that.

    Jase remembered the summer night he confessed his real origin to Kelsey after a truck accident in which he was unscathed, and Ryan was hospitalized for several days. She had accepted him for who he was and where he was from. Kelsey never looked at him like a freak and their friendship manifested into magic.

    Ryan was a good friend and continued to remain silent for Jase to talk, vent, yell, or do whatever he needed to do at this moment.

    Kelsey makes me want to live one life to the fullest with no regrets. Then, when it’s time to die, it’s over. I don’t care about living another 100 years. You know what I mean? As soon as he said the words, he realized Ryan had no Earthly clue how he felt.

    Ryan had one life to live and nothing was planned out for him. Ryan didn’t know how long he would live, when he would marry, or if he would be a father one day. Ryan’s life was a piece of paper waiting for ink. Jase, on the other hand, was Centurion. He knew he would live to age 100, sleep for 100 years, and then be reborn. It was a cycle that would go on for eternity one Life Time after another.

    Ryan took a large drink of his tea. I’m just worried about having one last college year of playing football. It kind of makes me worrying about football games seem trivial.

    Not at all! That’s what I’m talking about. You are living life to the fullest because you only get one and you don’t know how it’s going to play out or when it’s over. Centurions live conservatively and abide by all these rules. They…we don’t know anything about taking risks. We’re like robots. It’s ironic considering we’re immortal! Jase stopped even though he could have gone on and on, but there was no point.

    Do you know how many Life Times you’ve lived? Ryan asked with great curiosity.

    No clue. Jase turned to look at Ryan. It’s fucked up.

    Jase remembered the countless times the vision of a lady with long, dark brown hair had appeared to him over the years. He often wondered if he knew her in a previous Life Time.

    Enough of this serious talk!

    Kels and I are going swimming at the lake later. You and Caitlin want to join us? Ryan and Caitlin, Kelsey’s best friend, started dating during the summer.

    Sounds good. I’ll text her and see what she’s got going on. Ryan pulled out his cell and began typing.

    Jase stared out to see Ryan’s dad still working in the field. The John Deere tractor had rings of black smoke coming out of its chimney stack as he turned up a hill with the cultivator. A faint putt putt sound could be heard coming from the tractor every now and then.

    I helped with spring planting, and now I’m going to miss fall harvest.

    Ryan interrupted Jase’s sad daydream. Caitlin says it sounds good. You and I had better shower before we see our women. I’m not sure they’d like our smells-like-cow-pie cologne we’re wearing. Ryan snickered while giving Jase a tap on the shoulder before walking inside the farmhouse.

    As far as Jase could see in every direction, crops were growing in the fields except for a few scattered fields of pasture for livestock. Corn was between five and six feet tall with tassels growing on the tops of the stalks. Long, slick, dark green leaves grew the length of the stalk. Jase decided the leaves were the color of jungle green. Beans were large bushes that filled the empty spaces between the field rows. Their circular leaves were shiny with deep shamrock and mountain green colors.

    Jase’s heart filled with warmth and laughter knowing Kelsey would be proud of him for knowing the exact colors of the leaves. She had surprised him many times using precise Crayola Crayon colors to describe the rural countryside. They had played many color games throughout the summer, and now Jase was obsessed with using the exact Crayola Crayon color also.

    He’d miss Kelsey describing the new color scheme that would sweep across Iowa soon. He was going to miss this small town and the rural splendor of color that surrounded it. Of course, he wouldn’t have noticed its magnificence if Kelsey hadn’t opened his eyes. The irony of leaving Earth with its beautiful color palette to end up on a colorless planet didn’t escape Jase.

    Jase put his head in his hands knowing that he would be on a plane soon. His eyes jetted across the rolling hills in front of him. He took a deep breath as if needing to memorize its unique smell. Soon he’d be back on Century with its endless rows of tall buildings and sidewalks. Soon he’d say goodbye to Earth, his home for the past 15 years.

    Jase pulled out his cell to call the most important person in his life. Before he could dial the number, the hair on the back of his neck stood at attention. He glanced up to see a tall lady with almond-shaped eyes and long dark brown hair. She stared at him with a sad face. The ghostly image had appeared to him hundreds of times over the years.

    Who are you?!

    He was in no mood to ponder why this lady appeared at this moment. Jase looked down at his phone and then back up. Poof! The lady was gone. Jase let out a deep sigh and dialed Kelsey’s number.

    Hey babe, Jase said in a half whisper.

    Kelsey smiled hearing his husky, smooth voice. Hey yourself.

    I think Ryan and Caitlin are going to join us at the lake tonight.

    Sounds good. Kelsey stopped what she was doing to focus on her obsession.

    What time should we pick you up?

    I’ll be ready whenever you show up. What are you doing? Did Ryan keep you busy your last day on the farm? Kelsey swallowed hard not liking how saying something about his last day felt.

    Yeah, it was a good, productive day on the Hurley farm. It’ll be strange never seeing this place again.

    Kelsey swallowed again hoping she could continue the conversation.

    Maybe something will change in the future, and we’ll see you again. Even though she knew it wasn’t true, it felt good to think about the possibility.

    Maybe. Jase joined her in thinking about a possibility that would never be.

    We’re showering and then heading over. See you soon, babe.

    See you soon.

    It was going to be a tough night. Kelsey had one last night with Jase and then it was over. She reluctantly went back to writing on the vegetable jar labels. Her mom had finished another round of canning and she was doing the tedious marking task…carrots, corn, beans, and so on. All of the produce on Jackson farm was flourishing. Her family was working overtime in order to keep up. Whether it was canning for their family business, Jackson Market, or their own personal usage, every Jackson family member was working hard. This was also the first year her mom had baked fruit pies from their orchard…apple, strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry just to name a few. The pies had become a best seller in Jackson Market and her mother had a new name…The Pie Lady.

    Kelsey’s older twin brothers, Dex and Dillon, had graduated from the local business college with business degrees and were partners with their parents in the family business. When they hired a manager for Jackson Grocery, it allowed her parents and brothers to focus on their true love…Jackson Market and its organic fruit and vegetables.

    Kelsey was glad writing on the vegetable jar labels was a task that kept only her hands busy. She reflected on her perfect summer and meeting Jase Hollywood Model Currington. She was instantly drawn to him, but she wasn’t the only one. She had witnessed females vying for his attention time and time again. Thick, jet black hair and smoldering eyes with flecks of copper dust and emerald caused female hearts to go into frenzied palpitations. When he smiled his row of perfect pearls, girls forgot how to talk. She certainly had a time or two.

    Jase wore designer clothing at first but as the days of summer ticked away, his staple attire was nothing more than jeans and a simple white T-shirt. It didn’t matter because his body exuded sex appeal whatever he was wearing. Spending hours at the local lake meant Kelsey had ample time to memorize his toned body’s many dips and valleys.

    As Kelsey got to know Jase, she became very aware of his split personality…Mr. Cocky Casanova one minute and His Royal Highness the next. Once he confessed his Centurion origin and Kelsey met his domineering parents, she understood his split life. Jase was employed by his parents in their consulting business in which they treated him like a business partner rather than a son. Jase played the role of the future Centurion Council President’s son in their presence and around his friends he could be a relaxed, 25 year old.

    Kelsey finished putting the marked canned vegetables in the pantry and wiped off the kitchen counter. She smiled seeing a sampling of dirty utensils and drinking glasses on her mom’s kitchen counter. She hoped to have a kitchen like this in her house someday instead of the cold, unused one like Jase’s mom.

    Kelsey ran upstairs to change into her red bikini and was downstairs in a few minutes to find her mom preparing a grocery list while peering into the open refrigerator.

    Mom, I’m going to the lake with Jase, Ryan, and Caitlin.

    When does Jase leave? Her mom asked bringing up possibly the saddest subject Kelsey could imagine.

    Tomorrow. I’ve almost cried the last couple of times we were together. Poor Jase doesn’t know what to do with me. Kelsey felt water well up once again in her eyes.

    Honey, I know how much Jase means to you. Hopefully, you can stay in touch and be comforted in knowing that you never know what the future holds. Perhaps your paths will cross again.

    Thanks, Mom. Kelsey paused. I love him. A single tear slipped out of one eye.

    Kelsey’s mom wrapped her arms around her only daughter sympathizing with the complexities of young love. It was warm comfort that only a mother could give a daughter.

    Mom, if you only knew how complicated and unfair it really is! We probably won’t see each other again because leaving Iowa isn’t the biggest hurdle to overcome…Jase isn’t going to be on Earth much longer!

    The mother-daughter hug was interrupted by the sound of Ryan’s dual exhaust truck. Kelsey ran out the door and jumped into Jase’s strong arms. It was perfect timing to see his face and lift her spirits. Jase’s sturdy arms raised her high into the sky and twirled her around in a slow circle. As her face came within inches of his, Jase kissed her dainty nose causing Kelsey to giggle. She had no control over her 360 degree mood swings in which she could shed a tear one minute and giggle the next when it came to this man.

    Howdy babe, she said in a sweet, so-glad-to-see-you voice.

    Jase smiled hugely letting Kelsey’s feet touch the ground. It was nice to see Kelsey in a cheerful, playful mood considering their last several goodbyes. He knew she’d held back tears each time they’d said goodbye. Her strength hadn’t gone unnoticed, and it was simply one more amazing reason he loved her.

    How was your day, sweetie? Jase took her hand and noticed how it melted perfectly into his.

    Good. Even better now! A large smile spread over Kelsey’s face. Jase melted like a piece of chocolate on a hot summer day. He loved that lopsided smile and bent his head down to place a kiss in the corner of her mouth.

    Jase’s eyes studied Kelsey as she climbed in the back seat of the truck. His body hummed with excitement admiring her curvy ass on prominent display in tight jean shorts.

    How’s it going, Kelsey? asked Ryan while turning the radio’s volume down.

    Good. How about you? Kelsey replied scooting over so Jase could slide in beside her.

    They made small talk until arriving at Caitlin’s house. Ryan jumped out of the truck, leaving Jase and Kelsey alone.

    I’m glad we get to go to our lake again. Kelsey leaned over close to her man. Jase could feel the temperature in his body go up a couple of degrees, and it wasn’t from the hot August sun.

    "It will always be our lake," Jase said the words not sure if this was fair to Kelsey or not. She would be in her last year of college next month. Kelsey had talked about wanting to return to Atlantica to teach elementary kids. The lake would be part of her life as she grew old and raised a family. Jase, on the other hand, would never see their lake again.

    Kelsey muttered, Yeah. She draped her arms around Jase’s neck and kissed him needing to savor his lips. They held each other tight letting their lips continue the conversation.

    Can’t you two keep your hands off each other? Caitlin teased as she gathered momentum to spring up into the passenger seat. Kelsey and Jase laughed as they watched Caitlin’s short stature jump up to get into Ryan’s jacked up truck. She toppled into the truck and closed the door. Ryan started the engine.

    They arrived at the beach to find it more empty than usual for an August afternoon. The ladies spread their beach towels out while the guys opened the cooler.

    Ryan fiddled with his phone. Everyone expected a country song, so it was surprising when a pop song played instead. Ryan stood up and grabbed Caitlin. They began dancing and giggling on the sand. Kelsey started laughing while watching them. Jase kept his eyes on Kelsey loving that she was laughing given they’d had their share of depressing conversations recently.

    Once again, Jase’s stomach knotted thinking about leaving Kelsey and never seeing her again. He looked at Ryan and Caitlin dancing like fools, thinking how lucky they are -- no problems, no worries, and no future obligations. Jase turned back to Kelsey who was slumped over drawing a picture in the sand with her finger. It was a big heart with their initials in it. Jase pushed her long hair off to the side to expose her neck. He began peppering the tender skin with kisses up and down.

    It was their last 12 hours together, and the world around them disappeared. Jase’s finger began tracing little circles on her shoulder feeling it was essential to touch her until they said their final goodbye.

    Good picture, Kels. You have artistic talent that I didn’t know about, Jase teased. His hands began kneading her shoulders.

    I have a lot of hidden talents that you don’t know about, she flirted. A sigh escaped her mouth as her shoulders relaxed to his expert touch.

    Kelsey turned to face her man.

    Jase drew her close so they were nose to nose. Care to tell me about another one?

    Nope. If you were sticking around, I might have shared another one with you.

    Jase was worried that her words about sticking around would sour the mood. He was relieved when she giggled.

    Jase tickled her rib cage causing Kelsey to burst into laughter. She squirmed but couldn’t escape his fingers. Jase playfully pushed her down on her back and gently sat down on her. He carefully straddled his legs on both sides of her to support most of his weight. One of his hands secured her two smaller hands over her head. His free hand began drawing little crazy eights in the shallow, exposed area between her breasts of her bikini top. Her amused eyes widened and the giggling immediately stopped.

    As his fingers traced over the edge of her bikini top, goose bumps appeared all over her arms. Jase let go of her hands. Her arms fell to her sides like wet noodles. Kelsey’s eyes glazed over as if she were lost and needed to be found. A small, wicked smile appeared on his face. Kelsey was captivated by his touch; but when he kissed her, it was confirmation she loved him. She loved him and couldn’t change her feelings even if their time together was over. It was a stark reminder that love didn’t have a switch that you could just turn off.

    There were two small boys playing catch at the edge of the water, but it didn’t matter. They were always able to close off the world and encapsulate moments in their own bubble. Jase swept strands of hair off her face. He lowered himself to kiss her. Her lips tasted sweet, and her mouth was minty from her gum.

    Please stay! Please don’t go! Kelsey wanted to beg even though the words weren’t fair. How was she ever going to get over him? Pangs of hurt went through her heart, but they didn’t stay long. His hardness against her softness was enough to refocus her thoughts. Jase’s hard stare said everything words couldn’t. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. It took no time for him to ignite warmth in her body. He was the match, and she was the fire.

    As Jase stared into the most beautiful blue eyes he’d ever encountered, he couldn’t help wondering how it would feel to make love to this woman. If he could, would it help him find closure in knowing their forevers didn’t include each other? Damn Century and its rules!

    Jase moaned as sexually frustrating thoughts bombarded him. His arousal stirred in his swim trunks. It was torture loving someone and not being able to make love. The swell in his trunks continued; but when her mouth swept over his in a slow tease, the aggravation subsided a bit because he was now focused on exceptionally soft lips.

    They may have kissed for one minute or maybe it was five; but when he withdrew his mouth from hers, he immediately missed the warm connection. Jase didn’t want to, but he rolled off needing to adjust himself.

    Let’s go hit the water, Jase said needing some cool water to calm the combustion between his legs.

    Jase took his shirt off not waiting for an answer. Kelsey smiled at the 6’4" delicious frame with toned chest muscles. Her eyes widened seeing a trail of dark hair disappear into his swim trunks. Her eyes lowered to find long, muscular legs. She’d never know how powerful those legs could be in the right position.

    Kelsey heaved a deep sigh deciding it was time to shimmy out of her shorts. After undoing the button to her shorts, she inched her shorts down slowly. Jase’s dark eyebrows shot up in appreciation seeing more and more skin. Finally, her shorts hit the sand. She adjusted her bikini top and bottoms as if having all the time in the world. Jase watched every movement as if watching a how-to video.

    Kelsey motioned come hither with her finger. Jase stepped eagerly toward his obsession. They walked hand in hand to the water. Kelsey continued their playful banter by splashing water at her guy while they stood

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