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The Team of Four
The Team of Four
The Team of Four
Ebook189 pages3 hours

The Team of Four

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About this ebook

The Team of Four continues the events in the life of Cole Webster, recently discharged from the air force.

He marries Ilona Masters, a professional pianist, and earns a BBA from the University of Wisconsin.

Coles goal is to be successful in the business world, and hers is in classical music. Careers clash when Ilona goes on tour and is caught up in the music world and abandons their marriage.

Gabe Holberg hires Cole to manage his faltering company and has great success with the aid of three air force buddies.

After a ten-year absence, Ilona returns home a crippled arthritic, but Cole dissolves the relationship, returning to his faithful air force friends.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 18, 2016
The Team of Four

William Young

William Young can fly helicopters and airplanes, drive automobiles, steer boats, rollerblade, water ski, snowboard, and ride a bicycle. His career as a newspaper reporter spanned more than a decade at five different newspapers. He has also worked as a golf caddy, flipped burgers at a fast food chain, stocked grocery store shelves, sold ski equipment, worked at a funeral home, unloaded trucks for a department store and worked as a uniformed security guard. He lives in a small post-industrial town along the Schuylkill River in Pennsylvania with his wife and three children.

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    The Team of Four - William Young

    Copyright © 2016 by William Young.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-5144-5273-8

                    eBook         978-1-5144-5272-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 03/17/2016





    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Chapter Twenty-Nine

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty-One

    Chapter Thirty-Two

    Chapter Thirty-Three

    Chapter Thirty-Four

    Chapter Thirty-Five

    Chapter Thirty-Six

    Chapter Thirty-Seven

    Chapter Thirty-Eight

    Chapter Thirty-Nine

    Chapter Forty

    Chapter Forty-One

    Chapter Forty-Two

    Chapter Forty-Three


    C OLE WEBSTER AT twenty-three years of age had experienced events in his life that most people do not encounter for a lifetime. His youth had been simple with very few luxuries, but his household had an abundance of love that made it bearable. Simply stated, it was just an existence. But Cole was determined to pull himself out of that existing stage, and set goals for his future. He enlisted in the Air Force for four years of active duty, served his country, and became a widower after his wife Laura died in childbirth and was left to raise his daughter Rose alone. Cole then faced four years of college at the University of Wisconsin before entering the business world.

    After the death of his wife Laura, Cole moved into a spare bedroom with his in-laws Jim and Irene Miller who tended to his new baby Rose while he was still on active duty. But many more changes were on Cole’s horizon. He loved Laura so deeply that he could not develop a relationship with another woman for eight months after her death. He could not find a woman that would measure up to Laura. However, Cupid’s arrow is sharp and unpredictable and capable of seeking out a bullseye at any time. Cole was stricken by that arrow and it began a new chapter in his active life. He met Ilona Masters at a neighborhood house party and slowly became attracted to her. Ilona was a small woman, with beautiful blue eyes, and a bubbly personality. She was a skilled pianist, and a graduate of the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music. Cole wanted to pursue a relationship with this lovely young lady, and after eight months of courting he popped the question.

    In July, 1955 Cole knelt in front of Ilona asking for her hand in marriage, as her family stood by in awe.

    Yes, I will was her faint response as Cole drew her near his body and passionately kissed her.

    All the prior months of heartaches and loneliness Cole had endured seemed to disappear at that moment. Tears and laughter were the order of the moment. Fred and Irma Masters, Ilona’s parents, were ecstatic, and siblings Joe and Jennie were grinning from ear to ear.

    Irma, get out a bottle of champagne and we’ll drink to these two.

    Coming up Dad.

    Everyone raised glasses and Fred gave the toast may these two have a long and happy marriage. Welcome to the family Cole.

    Thanks everyone, I will need your love, patience and understanding. I’ll try my damndest to be a good husband to Ilona and also become an active participant in the family. Cole captured the hearts of the family with his forthrightness and honesty.

    After the party subsided, Ilona and Cole went into the bedroom to discuss wedding plans.

    Ilona, my college classes will begin in September, and it leaves little time for planning a wedding, or to go on a honeymoon. Cole was determined to proceed with his plans for an advanced education, and also to marry Ilona. Angel, since we are pressed for time, if you agree we can just have a small wedding. Can we ask your pastor to marry us in the parsonage? This arrangement would be fine for me.

    Cole that would be perfect for me as well and would save us a great deal of money. We can invite a few friends and keep it simple. I have known Pastor James Willis of St. Andrews Church for years, and I’m sure he would be happy to perform the ceremony. Ilona looked at the calendar and said Cole, will Thursday, August 25th at two o’clock be a suitable date and time for you?

    That will be perfect, and we can plan a weekend get-away. Neither of us have out-of-town people coming that would delay it. Let’s discuss this arrangement with Fred and Irma. I don’t want them to be disappointed."

    Okay, that’s settled, let’s break the news to the family.

    Although Irma preferred a big wedding for Ilona, considering the circumstances she concurred with their decision along with the other family members. Joe and Jennie were bursting with excitement, but for different reasons. Joe looked forward to having another guy in the family to go hunting and fishing with, and Jennie loved the excitement of planning a wedding, being a bride’s maid, having new outfits, and all the other hullabaloo.

    Ilona, I must go home now and break the news to Jim and Irene about our wedding and introduce Rose to a new word she has never used—Momma. It will be a traumatic moment for them because I was married to their daughter and you will be taking her place. Irene is the only mother figure Rose has ever known. She calls her Mimi. Ilona, I would like very much for you to come with me as I break the news. They are aware of our relationship, but I want them to see firsthand that this will be a good thing for Rose and for me because you are such an understanding person. Will you, please?

    Cole could see that Ilona was nearly in tears, but she responded I certainly will my Darling. I know this is a hard thing to do, but together we will salve their pain. Cole, help me be a good mother to Rose. She is an angel, and I want her to love me as much as she loves you.

    Don’t worry, she will. Can you go with me now? No need to dress up, casual clothes are fine. If we hurry, Mom may have supper prepared and we can eat with them.

    Okay, let’s go.


    I T WAS A short drive to the Millers. Cole and Ilona chatted constantly on the way, making plans for one thing or another. He inserted his key in the lock and the door swung open.

    Mom, Pop, Rose, anyone home?

    Yes, come on in Son Jim responded, walking up to the door.

    Pop, I want you to meet Ilona Masters. She is the lady I told you about last week.

    Ilona, I am very glad to meet you, welcome to our home.

    Mr. Miller, Cole has told me so much about you and the wife and how you have helped him when things were really tough. Ilona had barely spoken when Irene came in from the kitchen, wiping her hands on the apron that was neatly tied in the back with a bow.

    Oh, my dear, I have looked forward to meeting you so much as she embraced Ilona and became emotional. It was a welcoming moment, almost like Laura had come back.

    Mrs. Miller, I too have been anxious to meet and get to know you. Don’t let me interfere with your cooking, in fact, I’ll be glad to give you a hand in the kitchen. I’m not very skilled but you can teach me some of your tricks.

    Mom, where is Rose?

    She whispered softly, playing hide and seek, she’s in the bedroom. Cole ambled suspiciously toward the bedroom saying where is Rose repeatedly, and slowly opened the door. Where is my Rose? Suddenly she ran from a dark corner and grabbed her daddy around the leg and said Dada. There you are, you little rascal, come and give Daddy a big hug. Rose loved him so much and would jabber unknown things constantly.

    Let’s go in and see Ilona, Mimi and Papa.

    As Cole entered the room holding Rose, Ilona held out her hands and she eagerly fell into her open arms.

    Pop commented Ilona, you have a way with that child.

    Supper’s ready, is everyone ready to have a bite?

    I’m starved was Cole’s response. Ilona, you sit next to Cole, and I’ll put the highchair close by. Rose can eat several table foods now. She makes a terrible mess but has to learn what she likes and dislikes. That’s fine though, nothing I can’t clean up.

    After the meal was over and everyone was stuffed with Mom’s wonderful food, Cole, Rose and Pop retired to the living room to talk. Ilona and Mom stayed behind and cleaned up the kitchen, and got a lot of ‘girl’ talk out of the way. In a few minutes they gathered with the men to continue their conversations. Jim and Irene wanted to become more acquainted with Ilona and learn of her family, and vice versa. After a few minutes of serious conversation, Jim, who had been sitting quietly in his easy chair spoke up. Well, when are you two kids going to marry? Cole and Ilona were taken aback by his question, but Cole could see Pop’s wisdom showing. He sensed they had come for that purpose and reacted accordingly.

    Pop and Mom, we did not want to hide anything from you, or take any action without your knowledge. I love you both too much for that. Laura has been gone for a long time now, but she demanded that I go on with my life. It has been a tough time for me and for you, but neither of us can change a thing that happened. Almost two years have passed since we lost Laura, but this lovely lady Ilona stuck with me through it all. She is kind, compassionate and understanding of my dilemma, and I have grown to love her for what she is. She is not Laura, but I love her just as much in an entirely different way. Rose is going to need a real mother as she grows older, but you were a lifesaver in the interim. Mom, you don’t need a youngster to raise at this point in your life. It is time for some rest. Jim and Irene, tonight I ask your blessing of my marriage to Ilona, the lady who stole my heart for the second time. A quick glance at the face of Jim and Irene revealed reddened eyes and tear covered cheeks.

    Cole, you are right, it is time to move on. Irene and I approve of your new love, and we gladly give our blessing to this union. Only one favor we ask, never let Rose forget her Mimi and Papa.

    Never fear Pop, that won’t happen. Cole smiled as he embraced Ilona who was in tears.


    A S COLE AND Ilona drove back to the Masters’ home, a very intense conversation continued. A heavy burden was lifted from Cole’s shoulders knowing that Jim and Irene were receptive to his marriage to Ilona.

    As they drove through the busy streets, Ilona commented Cole, the Millers are wonderful people. You are fortunate to have married into a beautiful family like theirs. I will be careful to always include them in our family functions. And little Rose is simply adorable. I will surely cry when she calls me momma, because it is a title to be cherished.

    It was ten at night but the Masters family was still up watching television as Cole turned into the driveway.

    Mom and Dad, we had a wonderful evening with Rose’s grandparents. We had dinner and a wonderful visit. Irene is a great cook. I helped in the kitchen with the cleanup. Rose remembered me and fell from Cole’s arms to mine. But the most important thing about our visit was they gave their blessing for our wedding. It was a very special, and heartfelt time, each of them shedding tears. I will definitely invite them to our wedding.

    Cole announced, while standing in the midst of the family, before leaving tonight, I want to thank you all for helping me to reach this point in my life. Cole pulled his bride-to-be near his side, and looked into her bright blue eyes, and said Angel, you are mine and my heart is bursting with love for you. God sent you to be my salvation, and you are. Fred, Irma, Thursday night I will be your son-in-law. Joe, Jennie, Thursday night I will be your brother-in-law. I have never been an in-law before, but it sounds mighty nice to me. May I always merit the title. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I must be going home now, Ilona and I will have a busy day tomorrow getting a marriage license and talking to Pastor Willis. Come here Angel and give me a goodnight kiss for the road. As Cole held Ilona in his embrace, the family stood happily together approving of this young man. Fred and Irma saw the seriousness of their friendship months ago but this was more than they had imagined. There would be many life-changing events for all of them in the months ahead.

    Rose enjoyed waking her daddy by running into the room and crawling over, squealing and patting him on the face. Cole would always sit up quickly and wrestle with her on the bed and play peek-a-boo by pulling the blanket over his head and suddenly removing it. She was very attached to Cole because his love was real, and she knew it. Rose learned this quickly. Okay, Rosie, let’s go to the kitchen and have breakfast with Mimi. Mimi, Mimi! she yelled.

    Can you say Papa yet? She blurted out Papa, Papa! You little rascal, I love you as they strolled toward the kitchen.

    Mom, did you hear her say Papa?

    I sure did and I’m anxious for Dad to hear it. Are you and Rose ready for bacon, eggs and waffles?

    Yes ma’am. Has Pop had breakfast yet?

    Yes, he’s an early bird. He ate and went to the garage to organize things on his work bench.

    Mom, I have several things to do today with Ilona so don’t plan on me for lunch. Will Rose be okay with you?

    Cole, she will be fine here with me, so you go on and tend to your business.

    Breakfast was eaten quickly. Cole grabbed a quick shower, dressed in a cool outfit and waved goodbye to Rose as he drove away in his 1951 Chevrolet to pick up Ilona. She was ready and waiting

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