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Stop Stoning Naïve People: Beware of the Killer Social Case Workers of America
Stop Stoning Naïve People: Beware of the Killer Social Case Workers of America
Stop Stoning Naïve People: Beware of the Killer Social Case Workers of America
Ebook54 pages43 minutes

Stop Stoning Naïve People: Beware of the Killer Social Case Workers of America

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This is a story about injustice toward societys poor by the people in control. Flower is a native of Eritrea and new to America. She came here without knowledge about its laws and far from her family overseas. Follow her story as a social worker helping the abused and victims of injustice.
Release dateFeb 9, 2016
Stop Stoning Naïve People: Beware of the Killer Social Case Workers of America

Flower Tom

I was quite shocked when I watched “The Fugitive” on the television; this was the 1993 American action film starring Harrison Ford. The movie was about a good doctor who was falsely implicated in a crime of murder by a fellow bad doctor and his colleagues, who had ganged up against him. The good doctor’s wife had been killed, and her husband (the good doctor) was then falsely accused of the crime by the bad doctor and his colleagues. The local police had no interest in helping the innocent doctor. They chose to arrest him and send him to jail using the false testimony from the bad doctor and his colleagues. The cops were quite satisfied to accept the false evidence, so long as they could book the person for an alleged crime. While being transported to the jail, the doctor and the arresting cops became involved in a messy bus accident. The resulting confusion made it possible for the innocent doctor to escape from the unjust police custody. This escape also turned out to be a true gift of God for him, and it gave him a new opportunity to seek the justice that had eluded him earlier. This shocking movie also reminded me of my own sad situation when I was falsely accused in Washington, DC, by Doctor Timothy George and his colleagues to be a danger to society. Sadly, I did not get a chance to escape like this good doctor did in order to prove my innocence. The police and lawyers showed no interest in helping me. Dr. Timothy and his people tried to ruin my life. I was told that I was not welcome in the community and I would not be allowed to raise my child. I was constantly threatened by these evil black immigrant health workers. They tried to paralyze me during childbirth so that my child is taken away for foster care to prevented her from real family love and help and let her to be poor and dependent on them. And I become their patient for life. But God was good to me one day as I chose to pray. He jogged my memory, and so I was able to call a few good people of my Eritrean community for help. I was able to explain to them that I was abused by the Amharic Ethiopian doctor and his staff. My new friends did help me, and they then suggested that I should call Dr. Morris at the Howard University Hospital for help. So I was able to explain to him in full detail how Dr. Timothy and his people had abused me. As a result, Dr. Morris decided to help me. He then got in touch with Dr. Baharu at the hospital where I was being held in detention due to the false accusations of Dr. Tedla and his collaborators. Dr. Baharu then reviewed my case and was convinced that I did not do anything wrong. He was also convinced that the claims and accusations against me were entirely false. I was therefore discharged from this hospital for dangerous people. I thank God that with the help of the good doctors like Baharu and Morris, I could survive the criminal abuse and mistreatment by the bad doctors, Timothy and his evil comrades. Most innocent people do not get a chance to escape like the good doctor. Most times, when you get falsely blamed, there is often little help to prove your innocence. This story of verbal and emotional abuse came to me from the book by June Hunt; it was a great help at times of great distress for me. Her story also encouraged me to write about the mental health workers who kept abusing the poor and me, by misleading the society. That I am a survivor of abuse by these very dangerous people, I have chosen to offer my own information ‘’about the emotional abuse and victory over emotional abusers.” I want to share my story so that it can help the naïve, and to remind all to be careful. Do not trust the dangerous mental case workers; do not ignore the complaints of many who suffer abuse by the evil mental case workers of America. So please beware. Now, I must thank God. May He give America the wisdom to protect us and save us from these “evil health workers, doctors and social workers” of America and the world.

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    Stop Stoning Naïve People - Flower Tom

    © 2016 Flower Tom. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/04/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7606-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7604-6 (e)

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    Chapter 1 The Poor Immigrant

    Chapter 2 Eritrean Nightmare In America

    Chapter 3 The Abusive Social Worker Saga

    Chapter 4 Meley. Poisoning

    Chapter 5 Abuses At Multi-Cultural Clinic

    Chapter 6 The Statute Of Limitations

    Chapter 7 The Gray Door Agency

    Chapter 8 Call For Action

    About the Author




    We learn best – and change – from hearing stories that strike a chord within us – John Kotter

    She was a beautiful vivacious and a charming young girl of 25 when Flower came to America in 1994. She had come from a newly liberated independent Eritrea from a loving family with dreams of things bigger and better. She and her family ran an upscale typing school in Eritrea where young men and women came to learn an important skill that brought those jobs and careers. She was surrounded by young people who came to learn from her and was happy and grateful when they were able to go out in the real world of jobs and careers.

    Coming to America, Flower had to work very hard, as she struggled to be a Nursing Assistant, which certainly was a lot different from the job she did back home. Struggle she did on her new American job, she soon found herself in an unstable and a very faltering economy, as she fell into hard times.

    Soon she had to take a job as a waitress in a restaurant owned by an Ethiopian dragon lady. Over worked, underpaid and starved on this menial job, Flower succumbed to a very serious illness in 1998 and was therefore had to be taken to for a pro-longed treatment to the University Hospital.

    This illness and its treatment left a very deep emotional scar on her. Its toll was so severe that she had begun to suffer from extreme mental stress, poor nutrition and the resulting financial bankruptcy. These continuing troubles led her to a situation that on discharge the Hospital had to refer her for further care to a not so desirable Social Service Agency in Washington, DC, famously called the Immigrant Clinic.

    Flower was the daughter of an Eritrean marine who died in the Ethiopean Civil War. Her mother had been working as a maid and a baby sitter with a family in Italy. Her sweet mother had to work very hard in Italy for 23 years to support all her extended family in Eritrea. She was made to work very hard with her hands in Italy so much so that her entire palm and finger prints were completely erased; and she had to die as a result of acute illness there.

    To make matters even worse, she received no unemployment compensation or social security payments for all her long hard labor of 23 years. Flower now had to look back; and growing up, she had

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