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The Mind, Heart & Soul of Depression: Your Guided Journal for Emotional Healing and Getting to the Truth of the Matter
The Mind, Heart & Soul of Depression: Your Guided Journal for Emotional Healing and Getting to the Truth of the Matter
The Mind, Heart & Soul of Depression: Your Guided Journal for Emotional Healing and Getting to the Truth of the Matter
Ebook123 pages40 minutes

The Mind, Heart & Soul of Depression: Your Guided Journal for Emotional Healing and Getting to the Truth of the Matter

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About this ebook

Are you depressed? Do loved ones minimize your depression? Are you unsure how to help yourselfor even if you can? The truth of the matter is that depression can be disabling, misunderstood, and misdiagnosed in our society.

In her book The Mind, Heart, and Soul of Depression: Your Guided Journal for Emotional Healing and Getting to the Truth of the Matter, Cathy Reimers, PhD, uses her twenty-five years of experience as a psychologist to explore the depths of depression. She shows you how to get to the causes of your depression with engaging short stories, followed by exercises to complete at your own pace. This self-help journal is divided into ten sections, beginning with a discussion of the symptoms of depression. Other sections outline links between depression and brain chemistry, the impact of family relationships and traumatic events, the risks of depression, the practice of mindfulness, psychological resources, and other helpful tools. Youll also learn how to deal with your depression through journaling.

Through The Mind, Heart, and Soul of Depression: Your Guided Journal for Emotional Healing and Getting to the Truth of the Matter, you will get to the mind, heart, and soul of your depression, let go of negative experiences, and free yourself from family conflicts. Youll embrace the heart of the matter, journey on a path toward healing, and live life to the fullest again.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 31, 2016
The Mind, Heart & Soul of Depression: Your Guided Journal for Emotional Healing and Getting to the Truth of the Matter

Cathy L. Reimers Ph.D.

Cathy Reimers, PhD, is a psychologist with more than twenty-five years’ experience counseling children, teens, and adults. She blogs at,, and, and hosts the Internet radio show Perfect Family Storms. She’s the author of The Perfect Family Storm: Tips to Restore Mental Health and Strengthen Family Relationships.

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    The Mind, Heart & Soul of Depression - Cathy L. Reimers Ph.D.

    THE Mind, Heart, AND Soul OF DEPRESSION






    Copyright © 2016 Cathy L. Reimers PH.D.

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    Cover design- Elyse Jennings

    Graphics illustrator- Phil Juliano

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-6422-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-6427-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016912954

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/29/2016





    1. Why Write in a Journal?

    2. Carrie and Her Horses

    3. Journaling Will Open Your Mind

    Part I. Symptoms of Depression

    1. My Sadness

    2. My Loss of Interest

    3. My Restlessness

    4. My Moodiness

    5. My Hopelessness

    6. My Sleep

    7. My Appetite

    8. My Concentration

    9. My Body Aches

    10. My Guilt

    11. My Anxiety

    Part II. Chemistry

    1. My Brain

    Part III. Traumatic Experiences

    1. My Accident

    2. My Child Abuse

    Part IV. Risks of Depression

    1. My Self-Destruction

    Part V. Family

    1. My Early Environment

    2. My Family Secrets

    3. My Family Shame

    4. My Self-image

    5. My Family Boundaries

    6. My Controlling Family

    7. My Triggers

    8. My Emotional Messages I Carry

    9. My Siblings

    Part VI. Maintaining Other Relationships

    1. My Interconnections

    Part VII. Healing

    1. My Practice of Mindfulness

    2. My Practice of Gratitude

    3. My Practice of Awareness

    4. My Stresses

    5. My Strains

    6. My Spirit Guides

    7. My Health

    Part VIII. Treatment Options

    1. My Psychiatrist

    2. My Neurologist

    3. My Psychologist, Counselor, Social Worker, Family Therapist, or Marital Therapist

    4. My Clergy

    5. My Intensive or Inpatient Care

    IX. Support Systems

    1. My Support Groups

    Part X. Lessons of Depression

    1. My Authentic Self

    2. My Story


    This book is for anyone who has suffered from depression but believes that healing is possible by getting to the Truth of the Matter of our Mind, Heart and Soul.


    I owe a debt of gratitude to some people who have contributed to this book in many ways.

    First, I want to thank my daughter, Emilie, who encouraged me to follow my passion in starting this mental health series.

    Very special thanks to my daughter-in-law, Elyse, who designed a book

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