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Only in America: Mama's Three Angels
Only in America: Mama's Three Angels
Only in America: Mama's Three Angels
Ebook68 pages59 minutes

Only in America: Mama's Three Angels

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African American historical from a familys point of view that reflects life in the United States of America during the late 1950s to late 1960s.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 16, 2016
Only in America: Mama's Three Angels

Frank Charles Dodson

Frank Charles Dodson (living), author, actor, singer. Carolyn Ann Walton (deceased), author, wife, mother, grandmother, librarian. Janet Cunningham Faye (deceased), author, wife, mother, grandmother, elementary school teacher, occupational therapist.

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    Only in America - Frank Charles Dodson

    Copyright © 2016 by Frank Dodson; Carolyn Walton; Janet Faye.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 02/09/2016




    Table of Contents

    A).   ‘To Butch with Love’ From Carolyn and Janet

    A).   Preface by Janet Cunningham Faye.

    1).   The Soliloquy of Grace Caldwell By Frank Charles Dodson and Carolyn Ann Walton The Apartment (Part One)

    2).   ‘Drop and give me Ten’ ‘An American Experience’ By Frank Charles Dodson

    3).   ‘Soulmates’ By Janet Cunningham-Faye

    4).   ‘What It means To Be A Black American’ By Carolyn Ann Walton

    5).    Know Thyself By Carolyn Ann Walton

    6).   Back Talk by Carolyn Ann Walton

    7).   ‘Growing Up As A Black American’ Janet Cunningham Faye.


    Limited release of copyright:

    This letter authorizes Frank Dodson to make copies and use photos of himself and his two sisters Carolyn A. Walton and Janet Cunningham Fay (Both now deceased). For promotional purposes and publication of their writtings.

    Any publication of these photo’s must carry the by-line Photography by Floyd

    Thank you

    Floyd G. Walton Jr.

    Photography by Floyd



    Frank Charles Dodson

    ‘Only in America’ is a book comprised of seven short stories written by the children of Mrs. Charlotte Octavia Henderson Merritt, of which I am the sole surviving child. Originally I intended to title this book, ‘Momma’s Three Angels’ but I had inner reservations which caused me to rethink implying such an idea about my Mother’s children. It occurred to me that Carolyn, and Janet may have been angelic in their behavior, but I was anything but an angel, so I chose the name ‘Only In America’, largely to reflect one family’s experiences, and impressions of life in the United States of America, with the firm conviction that such experiences, and impressions would not be possible in any other country on the planet earth, barring possibly South Africa. It is a title which is often used as a cliché to imply that great human developments, career successes, and unimaginable fortunes could be achieved nowhere else except in the good old USA. In this book however the reverse of such definitions apply. That being stated it is this writer’s intention to allow you the reader to become focused on a vision of America that is constantly swept underneath its three thousand mile long continental carpet. This book although generally intended to be available to everyone, is specifically dedicated to the Grandchildren, and Great Grandchildren of Mrs. Charlotte Octavia Henderson Merritt. I personally have no heirs as I have not fathered any children during my lifetime.

    We live in a country where the question ‘Do Black Lives Matter’? arises all too often. This book of short stories by Carolyn, and Janet allows you the reader to review some of the events that occurred in America dating back to the early nineteen sixties, in order to realize that this very question has been asked since time immemorial. My two Sisters were not professional writers, Janet was an Elementary School Teacher, an Occupational Therapist, and a single parent, whereas Carolyn was an employee of the local Government in Michigan, a Librarian, and a Housewife, neither of these young women had aspirations to win either the Pulitzer Prize, or even to write the proverbial best seller, yet what they wrote was heartfelt, and probably intended to be submitted to some local writing contest in order to rate their abilities as potential writers. They wrote about what they knew, and had experienced firsthand, which indicates an honest and truthful approach to the task they had set for themselves. In all fairness to the people referred to in the following stories, be they people of color, those of the Caucasian persuasion, or of other ethnicities who have fought to uphold human dignity, and equal rights for everyone, the contents of this book in no way is a stain on your fine character, you are honorable people!, to disparage good people is a shameful thing, I am confident that God will bless each of you immeasurably. Additionally this includes the many fine people, living and dead who served the United States of America in the military, who truly believed that they were both defending, and helping to improve the quality of life for everyone deemed to be an American Citizen. I learned long ago that you can’t paint all people with the same broad brush. Carolyn, and Janet never had such an intention. However what is documented within this collection of short stories

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