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Spirit Unbound: Your Down-To-Earth Guide to Everyday Ascension
Spirit Unbound: Your Down-To-Earth Guide to Everyday Ascension
Spirit Unbound: Your Down-To-Earth Guide to Everyday Ascension
Ebook438 pages2 hours

Spirit Unbound: Your Down-To-Earth Guide to Everyday Ascension

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About this ebook

Imagine reaching out to your angels and suddenly finding yourself in a higher place. Imagine having immediate access to universal intelligence whenever you need it - uplifting spiritual guidance that would not only help you to navigate through a challenging moment, but also assist you in healing and transforming your life. Imagine being able to see the world through Spirit’s eyes. Spirit Unbound offers you more than timeless wisdom for the now; it gives you the power to change your perception of reality.

Remember your true identity Reclaim your inner power Raise your vibration Re-view the now Realize your dreams Recreate your life

"This is one of those divine books that takes no effort at all to read. My advice would be to just let it fall open at any page it wants to, because whichever page that is, you'll instantly receive a message vital to your heart and soul. The premise is deceptively simple, and like Robin's previous book, the result gives you all you'll ever need to feel spiritually complete." - Jenny Smedley, best-selling author and Angel Artist.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 5, 2016
Spirit Unbound: Your Down-To-Earth Guide to Everyday Ascension

Robin Leigh Vella

Robin Leigh Vella is a gifted ascension guide, who is dedicated to helping people expand their awareness. A channel of light, she teaches others how to use their inner power to heal and transform their lives. Robin, a resident of Rochester, NY, is an openhearted adventurist who believes in miracles.

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    Spirit Unbound - Robin Leigh Vella

    Copyright © 2016 Robin Leigh Vella.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5632-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5634-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5633-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016909167

    Balboa Press rev. date: 08/03/2016


    To John: My husband, my soulmate, my teacher, my LOVE…for bringing real magic to each

    and every day, for filling my life with miracles.



    I would like to thank the incredible people who have supported me throughout this soul-stretching/life-changing journey. You have touched the center of my heart with your kindness and generosity. I love you all, beyond words.

    Jp and Thomas for bringing the spirit of joy to my heart, and for answering all my computer-related questions for the past six years without losing your patience; Dad for lending your wonderful light to my words; Mom for being a constant source of inspiration to me, as well as a brilliant teacher, insightful healer and cherished friend; Dannielle Cohen for always reminding me that it is a beautiful day, no matter the weather; Shani Kletz Perelmut for using your divine gifts to create the perfect illustration for this book, and for dancing in the rain with me; my wonderful clients for blessing my life with goodness and greatness; Linda Buff for your loving friendship and continuous encouragement; Susan Coleman for holding up the mirror, and for helping me to expand my vision; my angelic Facebook family for filling my soul with peace, showering me with love, and lifting me into the light of infinite possibilities.

    And to my beloved Guides, The Silent Voices That Speak as One, thank you for teaching me how to rise above the illusion of physical reality. Thank you for showing me how to manifest miracles through the power of unconditional love. Thank you, with all my heart, for inviting me to dance with the winds of change.


    Maintaining our balance from one moment to the next is essential to our overall well-being. But, when the winds of change are blowing, it can be challenging to keep ourselves grounded.

    Change is good; transformation is a miracle. But, when we are in the throes of a personal storm, it is not always easy to see the Good. Sometimes we need to stand in a higher place in order to widen our perspective; we need more light in order to see the bigger picture.

    Designed as a What do I need to know right now? guidebook, Spirit Unbound lifts you into the center of your heart, where the infinite possibilities are. Written from the standpoint of unconditional love, it invites you to re-view your personal circumstances from the position of your Highest Self.

    In moments of darkness, the truth eludes us. Our answers appear to be non-existent and illusions seem real. Not only will this book support you by continually reminding you to be who you really are, but it will also assist you in expanding your definition of reality by encouraging you to reclaim your inner power.

    During a challenging circumstance, the last thing you need is another challenge. Spirit Unbound asks nothing of you other than to be fully present. There are no chapters to pore through. There is no complicated material to wrestle with. There are no visualizations or exercises to do. The purpose of this book is to assist you in expanding your awareness at your own pace. Full of healing energy and timeless wisdom, not only will it support your spiritual growth, but it will also grow with you.

    As you celebrate the now for every miracle it has to offer you, let love light the way to endless new beginnings. Believe in yourself. Be blessed. And take my love with you.

    I love you,


    How to Use This Book

    It is very important that you trust your own inner guidance, so I have kept my suggestions list short; please make this book your own. One moment you may decide to use it as a vibration-raising tool. At a different time, you may find yourself opening the book with your eyes closed in order to guide yourself to peace. On another occasion, you may desire to use one of its messages to initiate a conversation with your angels and spirit guides. The possibilities are endless. What I would suggest is that you ask your heart this question: How can I use this book to support my intention to expand?

    The messages in here are not only timeless, but they are also inter-dimensional. Every sentence is layered with meaning. Every page is designed with ascension in mind. Even if you find yourself choosing the same message repeatedly, you will discover that it will have a different meaning each time, because its meaning will expand as you expand your awareness.

    OK, now that you have some how-tos, it is time to get started. Are you ready to see the world through Spirit’s eyes? Are you ready to be creative? Are you ready to open your heart to endless new beginnings?

    Breathe slowly and deeply to quiet your mind. Center yourself in peace as you take hold of Spirit’s hand. It is time to experience miracles. It is time to experience the never-ending miracle of you.

    About the Cover

    It was a quiet morning in late October. John had taken Thomas to school. Jp had gone to work. And I was waiting for my computer to warm up. For the past two days my Guides had been relaying a message; I was planning on adding it to my ever-growing list. Eventually, the black screen turned blue; unfortunately, there would be a delay. I was expecting to see my startup page. Instead, I was met by these words: Please Wait.

    Having no other choice than to be patient, I went into the kitchen, turned on the radio, and danced to pass the time.

    After twenty minutes had elapsed, I returned to the computer to find a new word on the screen: Welcome. Before I had a chance to sit down, however, an unexpected noise captured my

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