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Journey to Freedom: A Story of Visions, Dreams, Hope and True Life Experiences
Journey to Freedom: A Story of Visions, Dreams, Hope and True Life Experiences
Journey to Freedom: A Story of Visions, Dreams, Hope and True Life Experiences
Ebook132 pages2 hours

Journey to Freedom: A Story of Visions, Dreams, Hope and True Life Experiences

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About this ebook

The story of Michael Maxwell is true and unique. It is filled with real life experiences, dreams and visions. These accounts will prompt the reader to ask questions like, who am I, where did I come from? What is my purpose in life? Where am I going? Is Heaven real? Is Hell real? This book is an eye opener for those who are holding on to religion and traditions. It lets those who do not know what to believe, know for certain that there is hope. It is also for those who need to be reassured that God is forever seeking after his children; his love searches out for them, wherever they are. After losing his mother at a young age, Michael drifted in a world of obscurity and self pity, having only his music to calm his fears. But his encounter with Jesus changed everything for him. His testimony will help you make the greatest of all decisions and set you on the way to the most wonderful journey of your life, that of your journey to freedom.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 15, 2016
Journey to Freedom: A Story of Visions, Dreams, Hope and True Life Experiences

Samuel Michael Maxwell

Singer, song-writer, instrumentalist, producer, author and music teacher, Michael Maxwell was born in the Commonwealth of Dominica, in the West Indies. As far back as he remembers, he was attracted to faces on the records played at his father's grocery shop which offered entertainment to the hard working villagers that would gather there in the evenings. At age 19, along with a group of musicians, he left his native island and came to St. Martin. With the recent passing of his mother, he was seeking for answers to soothe his troubled mind. His journey took him to diverse places where he played his guitar. His first recording was done in the USA. Despite his popularity, and increasing experience, Michael wanted more. In 1978 he enrolled in a music school in Dominica. There he studied under the late L.M Christian, a graduate of the Royal School of Music in England. Since then he has studied several instruments and holds a BA. in music education. He worked for several schools on the island of St. Martin and established his own school in 1987. His real fulfillment and peace of mind came in 1980 when he had an encounter with Jesus. This changed his life. He has never been the same. After receiving Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, Michael was used time and again to bring personal messages to people God would lead him to. At times he would receive vivid dreams of events to come. In 2011, Michael was ordained as a prophet by his spiritual leader, Apostle R. Romney. This book, Journey to Freedom, tells of visions, dreams and true life experiences in the realm of the spirit. After reading this book, one must ask questions like, who am i, is there a Heaven, is there a hell, where will I go when my life is ended?

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    Journey to Freedom - Samuel Michael Maxwell

    Copyright © 2016 Samuel Michael Maxwell.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the publisher makes no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    The author guarantees the accuracy of the information contained in the book.

    All scriptures are taken from the King James Version of the Bible

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-6440-6 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-6441-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016919136

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/30/2016




    Chapter 1 Growing Up

    Chapter 2 School Days

    Chapter 3 Working with my father

    Chapter 4 Losing my mother

    Chapter 5 Strange Manifestations

    Chapter 6 Leaving Home

    Chapter 7 Almost Busted

    Chapter 8 My Conversion

    Chapter 9 Dreams and Visions

    Chapter 10 Youthful Rebellion

    Chapter 11 Worldliness

    Chapter 12 Is There a Hell

    Chapter 13 Is There a Heaven

    Chapter 14 Attacking God’s People

    Chapter 15 After Death

    Chapter 16 Repent, Stay Under the Blood

    About the Author



    Michael Maxwell’s testimony as well as his practical experiences is actually the same as many Caribbean young men. The only difference is that he had the courage and boldness to share them with us. I was spellbound as I read his straightforward accounts concerning himself, his family and his friends.

    Finally, his clear-cut, forceful presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a culture that is basically religious and suspicious is to be highly commended.

    Everyone will be blessed and enlightened as I was, when they read this timely book.

    Apostle Rosemond Romney

    Michael’s Summary of his life, growing up in the Caribbean is one that people can easily identify with. The accounts in the book hit home very fast, because in almost each situation we can see ourselves.

    The difference between Michael’s early life and that of the multitudes in our region is Jesus Christ and the dramatic significance he brings to a life that is surrendered to him.

    Whether you are a Christian or not, you will find that the emptiness you feel inside can be filled with the love of Jesus and the freedom you have been searching for can only be found in a sincere relationship with Christ.

    I have known Michael and his family for quite a number of years and have worked with them in the Golden Crown Ministries (a youth ministry). I was truly blessed by this book.

    Great job, Pastor J

    Journey to freedom, by Michael Maxwell is more than just a testimonial. In its contents there are values and information shared to make a difference in lives.

    This book challenges those who are involved in the occult, and shows the dangers of such practices while helping to find real life in the person of Jesus.

    It can be a guide to the young and the aged who are struggling to find the peace of God.

    Pastor Hilton Albert.

    This book has really challenged me to always share the good news gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone that I encounter. This beautiful life experience shall touch everyone that reads it. Your life will never be the same.

    Monica Matthew.


    This book has been in the making for a very long time. As I recall, I started back in 1988 after the tragic death of my brother, Mashew. I felt a prompting in my spirit to write down these accounts so that people could be warned and escape while there is still time.

    There is hope for those who call upon the Lord, but sinners and the ungodly that refuse to repent and turn to God for salvation will be lost.

    These dreams and visions are real. I saw them, and they came to pass in the lives of people I saw from day to day. Some had the chance to escape because they listened and turned from their wicked ways; others perished because they didn’t heed.

    As you get ready to read this book, do know that it is a testimony and there is a reason why God is allowing you to read it. When you are through, search your life, the end is near, come to the Lord while there is still time. Too late has been the cry of many souls in hell.

    This is your day, don’t let it slip away. Don’t let too late be your cry.

    Michael Maxwell.


    This book is dedicated to everyone far and near, rich or poor, to everyone under the sun.

    The time is at hand, hear what the Spirit is saying to the church of the living God and your soul shall live.

    Chapter 1

    Growing Up

    I was born in the beautiful island of Dominica, one of nature’s gems in the Caribbean. Its lush vegetation, rain forests, and large plantations are filled with all kinds of foods, vegetables and nature’s goodness. It’s a breathtaking place, where you can live in harmony with nature and enjoy God’s creation.

    As the eldest son in a family of nine, four boys and five girls, I recall the good days as well as rough days. Most of our sustenance came from the soil. This meant that we had to work very hard in order to support the family, and I mean manual work. This was the only way of survival.

    For us, things were a little different than most of our neighbors. We had a nice home; my father was a very hard-working man who saw to it that his family was well taken care of.

    In the village of Wesley, where we lived, Dad was one of the prominent business people. He ran the second largest grocery store. He also cultivated his land on which we grew bananas, yams, and other crops.

    While I was growing up, we were looked upon as well-to-do people.

    I remember always having animals to take care of. We had rabbits and chickens. Every day after school, we would dash home, grab something to eat and set out to find the rabbits’ feed. Sometimes we would have to walk long distances, often over one mile away from home, but for us that was fun. Besides, our Johnny cakes and fried fish kept our minds busy. (Johnny Cakes are a Caribbean specialty. It is a sort of biscuit made from flour, shortening, salt and water. They can be baked or fried). The making of this everyday part of the diet is one of the first cooking skills that girls learn around the age of ten.

    Because there never was a written recipe with measurements; every sister, and sometimes brother in the home tried very hard to turn out the best Johnny Cake; each one with his or her own twist. Usually, the grandmother would be the judge.

    Back then, time never seemed to be a problem.

    Once, while walking through the bushes, I was bitten by a snake. Our country has many different species of snakes, but fortunately for me it was just a couleuvre, one that is not venomous. The island of Dominica was once colonized by the French; therefore, this heritage is found in a lot of words and names of places, such as: Pont Cassé, Petite Savanne, Massacre etc. Still, I was scared stiff because we heard so many horrible stories about snakes. After that day I watched carefully when I ventured into the woods. I made sure not to step on anything.

    As I grew a little older, I would gather the feed hastily, because when I returned home, and washed up, I was allowed to help my father in the shop. There would be the smell of the fried Johnny Cakes being prepared by my mother’s skilled hands for the evening’s customers. Dad would let me cash, I even got to settle accounts with the creditors who took stuff and paid monthly.

    My brother Mashew, who was one year younger than I, was not granted this privilege. That sort of put me in control. We were extremely troublesome boys, full of energy and always at it. It was hard for our parents to keep up with us, because we were so many.

    On one occasion when we were punished, I don’t recall the deed, we had so much to our account. We were left at home naked while Mama and Daddy took my two oldest sisters to the fields with them.

    To ensure that we would not venture outside (we had a history of running away to escape punishment) we were left upstairs. In those days, it was a normal thing that children be left naked, they also walked the streets barefooted. I remember being naked twice. The second time, my brother and I ran away from our house and hid ourselves trying to avoid our punishment. I remember walking in what we called small tracks (little alleys between the bushes). We were trying to hide our kiki (familiar word for penis, used in the neighboring French islands)) from being seen by the passers-by.

    Other times, as soon as they turned their backs, we sat ourselves on the foot pedal of Mama’s Singer sewing machine. The wheel that guides the belt became the steering wheel for the brand new car we had just bought! Boy, that Singer machine took us places we had never seen. Our imagination simply went wild. If our parents only knew what went on back at the house, they would have thought twice about

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