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Killing Our Beloved America: “I Was There”
Killing Our Beloved America: “I Was There”
Killing Our Beloved America: “I Was There”
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Killing Our Beloved America: “I Was There”

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KILLING our beloved AMERICA reveals the ugly truth behind present-day deceptions. As an elected official, the author was privileged to confidential leaks by insiders such as how President Obama resisted Operation Geronimo to get bin Laden.
Discover the heroes of this mission shouting We overruled him! as their victory cry.
Introducing the Promise Plan, replacing Social Security with triple the benefits.
How did the elite blunder over the secluded lovers lane known as Niggerhead?
Proof America was established upon Christian principles accompanied by multiple quotes by our founding fathers.
Proof Jefferson was not suggesting a separation of this nation from Almighty God.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 19, 2016
Killing Our Beloved America: “I Was There”

Robert Louis Tegenkamp, ThD

Robert Louis Tegenkamp, Th.D, wartime veteran, entered opticanry at the age of 18. Honorably discharged from the military Robert attended the University of Cincinnati and eventually was licensed as an optician in three states. Having also earned a Th.D degree he became Christian educational director for two struggling churches in Pensacola building their attendances separately to over a thousand in their Sunday morning services. He also developed a million-dollar optical practice while televising a Christian Bible study hour to over 20 million households in Northern America. In 1999 he was elected to public office in Florida. In government Robert was responsible for accomplishing the impossible by transforming the Pensacola downtown waterfront into a paradise after removing the 70 year old wastewater treatment plant and successfully securing 75 million dollars for the project. He writes over 6 books with conviction and knowledge he has gained during many years in business, his Christian life and as representative of the people.

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    Killing Our Beloved America - Robert Louis Tegenkamp, ThD

    Copyright © 2016 by Robert Louis Tegenkamp, Th.D.

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    Rev. date: 09/20/2016






    Operation - Geronimo

    While In Office

    Sultry Fingers

    Fewer Excuses Please

    Failed Strategies

    The Promise Plan

    The American Health Care Plot

    The Greater Risk

    Wretched Deception

    The Final Proposal



    I really don’t remember exactly that which I must have been thinking recovering from a head-on collision, medicated with oxycodone managing each day as if it didn’t exist dragging myself through 24 hour periods one hour at a time as though soaring through imaginary space, one step at a time enduring nausea and vomiting, sweating off and on keeping pace the best I could as I staggered into my office at the Tegenkamp Optical store on old Palafox Street in Pensacola, Florida, that never to be forgotten morning of March 13, 1995. If only I had stayed in bed!

    I thought it so very necessary to show up if for no other reason than to make an appearance, sign supposedly critical documents, perhaps a few checks, and anything else that might appear important or otherwise the business would surly come to a screeching halt. I never missed a day of work in 30 years. Suddenly I was ordered by my doctor to stay at home and recover from the accident. Some ole day-dreamer ran a red light and I plowed into the side of his late model Chevy Impala. Could I stay at home and recover as ordered, why of course not, and yet this particular day would ultimately result as the one regrettable blunder I would craft unknowingly when on that morning my life would disrupt for many years to come.

    Only after a long period of time would I discover that similar situations occurring in the lives of others in my position have also become victims of their honest, generous and all too often easy-going nature. Surprisingly I felt I had graduated from the school of hard knocks years earlier but I was dreaming. I never saw this coming. The following turn of events was heartbreaking, incredible to say the very least, disappointing of course as well as perhaps the greatest challenge I would face in my entire lifetime. As I earnestly attempted to reconcile this situation which was imposed upon me, the cliché, "this too shall pass" which I verbalized often during various life challenging situations, didn’t satisfy the charade I had just uncovered.

    This time nothing could satisfy my disappointment or the emotional pain I suffered discovering the plot which was suddenly upon me.

    But as it has been said, that’s life; unfortunately, life’s not always fair and too often cruel to those living according to a higher standard of integrity thinking that ethics safeguards one from treachery. To this day I am unable to explain how our system, the American way of life; our vision of success and the anticipation of the future haunting many of us from our youth, actually satisfies the spirit of this nation. I wonder how any part of my many horrific life experiences explained will make a difference to anyone or their families even though I am certain that there’s a rationale to all this that just might benefit someone, somewhere who may also be presented challenges similar to those which I have for many years astonishingly survived. Nevertheless, as I attempt to deliver this tale of expectation, I wish for all of us to be encouraged at the very onset with this analogy exposing our national state of affairs as it appears yet understanding that there’s not only hope in the air but there’s the fragrance of cherry blooms budding as the spring season arrives with delightful blossoms bringing forth the spirit of new life. Understand please that this is neither a tale of doom nor despair but of blessing and hope outlined as a progressive restoration in an attempt to recover that which appears to have been lost. Notwithstanding, this advancement in life as we experience change is not without responsibility and great effort, having to work most of our youth away, surrendering nearly every minute of every day to the task, sacrificing much of life’s splendor laboring with one’s nose to the grind stone, literally if that one happens to be a lens grinding optician as I was, provided, that is, the one I am speaking about manages to dodge a host of schemers in this sacred capitalistic society of free enterprise and opportunity that we cherish so irresponsibly.

    Freedom and prosperity as we understand it is more costly than most of us care to imagine. I am not speaking about how to become debt free or tax exempt as if that is a possibility other than in a fool’s dream even if one waste all his or her time and income on the Lottery. Neither am I going to attempt to advise anyone as to how to fix all that ails us as a nation. That would be cynical of me. Yet, these radiant words of mine may very well inspire someone to engage a self examination of his or her own character even though at this point I feel the need for a few suggestions regarding my own attitudes. Considering this present society where little old ladies take in homeless men, feed them, groom them, insure them and eventually murder them to collect the insurance money leaves little room for the imagination. I am attempting to speak on the level, that verbiage few seldom use to communicate today, the reason being, most authorities with their obsessive addiction to media resources and the opinions of celebrities can’t seem to straighten out the gallant truth. You take President Obama for example, number two man on my list, when asked what kind of nation are we; pulsing, looking down as if to be examining his shoe laces he simply utters, Ah well attempting to speak to the question unable to come up with a reasonable response, that is, until he consulted with his devoted subordinate, Mr. Donald Graham, news director of the Washington Post.

    Then Pres. Obama, like so many other folks in his privileged environment, those having gained rule over the rest of us, elected or not, didn’t have a clue as to the fundamental convictions with which the rest of us view this nation. When cornered on the issue President Obama stammered before blurting out, "Well, we are not what we used to be." And just what exactly was that which we are no longer Mr. President? Meaning no disrespect of course but, this is the first President that doesn’t know who we are and in my opinion doesn’t care to reveal to his constituents who he is. Certainly he appears to some of us to be a one term president, and I say this with kindness before the 2012 elections, which as the votes came in proved me somewhat presumptuous and to be the biggest mistake of the century, and you can take that to the bank, that is, if there are any banks left that can afford to keep their doors open before the end of this president’s second term. I say this regrettably! And if that isn’t enough to upset your day, this president is also with no surprise, a huge disappointment to the majority of African Americans. I’d like to just start there if I may.

    The distressing state of affairs resulting from the election of Pres. Obama revealed that he deliberately had his way with every African American in this nation having never experience their social plight nor dare he claim any part of their painful heritage that gravitated from the core of this nation’s legacy forced upon them through their ancestry for centuries. African Americans have survived tyranny with a violent injustice of inhumane decadence from before the ancient Egyptians and then later the Romans throughout Africa and eventually on this continent by the Spanish colonies first in South America as early as year 1550. Nevertheless, having adopted this practice among the American colonies Georgia was the first to realize the injustices of its practice and in 1735 banned slavery which unfortunately lasted for just a few decades some 68 years. Nevertheless, during the 16th through 17th centuries an estimated 12 million Africans were shipped to the Americas as slaves at the hands of their own people. Typically these individuals were outcast as well as criminals and many cases deserving the death penalty. From before the modern age the African man had his own culture of moral principles as well as rigid disciplines with which he dealt severely upon the rebellious and unmanageable in his own culture. Of these outcasts were men women and children, literally sold into servitude to foreign tribes and eventually to an infant nation which became the glorious United States of America. During their presence here for over two centuries Africans were taught the ways of European civilization and the virtues of the Christian faith. As providence would prevail their offspring were eventually educated, groomed within this culture, and then later freed and awarded citizenship of this nation.

    By 1962 this same populous was intergraded into the American society with guaranteed civil rights. This came about through the righteousness of the greatest Christian nation on earth in the land of free loving people known to the world today as the good ole U S A. Many would have you to believe that this came about by the War Between the States. Unfortunately, that atrocity waged upon the citizens of this great nation was a conflict having nothing to do with slavery. In fact, Spain abolished slavery in South America in mid 1763 a hundred years earlier without a war or an uprising and without brother killing brother as was the slaughter of 200,000 men and boys during 1861- 1865. Nevertheless, during this period various forms of slavery continued in the United States eventually becoming a cultural wash-hog used by political scavengers lusting after the central power of this Republic. Abraham Lincoln, a clever debater yet, having lost several previous elections to local political opponents, seized this opportunity to capitalize on the dilemma of slavery. Upon this issue Lincoln claimed his bid for the Presidency of this Republic of American states. Slavery would become his genie in the bottle providing for him the Presidency. This single issue divided the colonies culturally from the industrial north favoring the abolishment of slavery as was occurring in Europe. Thus Mr. Lincoln seized his opportunity which eventually brought about the supposed civil war. There was nothing civil about this conflict of brother killing brother.

    Yet, this would become Lincoln’s stepping stone to the White House repeatedly declaring that his intent was to transform and stabilize this nation. The secession of seven southern states upset him profusely but being determined, he declared war on his own people becoming this nation’s monumental Grim Weeper. After his election Lincoln forced a division among the states over the issue of forming a federal union which further incited eleven sovereign southern states resulting in transforming this Republic into a coalition eventually referred to as the United states of America. Well, that sounds reasonable today but back then this was an affront to the freedom loving settlers of America. Abe Lincoln became the very first President to refer to this Republic of America as a Union. Understand, of course, that not all of the states were slave states but many of them did not want to become a union and they did not desire to become federalized.

    Previously the states were divided into 20 Free states, 11 working out their own declaration of becoming Free states, and 7 states concerned about becoming a free state very close to conforming. Out of the total number of states in 1860 there were 33 states and of these 13 States emerged gallantly as the Confederacy of America desiring to withdraw from the supposed union which was an ongoing divisional issue by many as well as many northern states. These Unionists having been known as Federalist in that day and especially in the north with the vast number of the population of both north and south many people had not been convinced that this decision was the most prudent course to pursue. At this juncture the Democrats of the north were split over the idea of attempting to force the remaining seven independent southern states into yielding. Ultimately newly elected President Lincoln disregarded diplomacy and declared war on the southern states of the Confederacy labeling them unpatriotic. He was the first politician to demonize his opponents by ruthlessly and unjustly labeling them. Ole Abe also had his share of enemies. Nevertheless this became the first efforts of the Federalists imposing their political doggedness upon the remaining independent sovereign states of the American republic. The result was a federal government operated by an elite few forcing their agenda upon the rest of us. Thank you brother Abe! Revealing his colors as a desperate politician, Pres. Lincoln perceived that if he declared slavery outlawed of which he had no right, he could use his executive power to declare an invasion of the seceding states thus securing his Union that he so desperately coveted.

    I personally would have preferred the two nations, the Union and the Confederacy of America. Ultimately slavery would have been abolished since most of Europe had already eradicated slavery but without aggression against its own citizens. Nevertheless, Lincoln wanted immediate control over all of the states with a progressive centralized government which he had been deeply involved in proposing years earlier before his death that fatal night when he would fail to live through the second act of "Our American Cousin" preformed that evening on April 15, 1865 as he sat without security in his reserved booth at Ford’s Theater. Nevertheless, the ultimate course for this nation at this point was destined. During his campaign while ole Abe was soliciting votes in the fall of 1860 shortly before his election he was questioned about the issue of slavery. He was not the great emancipator of which modern supposed historians boast. Ole Abe replied as history records; "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do it."

    His answer represents the typical strategy of modern evasive politicians neither informative nor unambiguous. May I ask, what exactly was candidate Lincoln saying? Having been a devious politician most of his adult life, ole Abe set the standard for modern political wrangling. He gave three possible proposals for his actions covering his intent from every angle. Progressives have often labeled his action as the key to victory over the southern states with the Emancipation Proclamation proposed on January 1, 1863. And while ole Abe made a good show in history many of us know that he was playing his trump card and yet be never got close to resembling the Trump of 2016. He gambled with the highest stakes of his day, the collective union of the independent Republic States of America. Lincoln did as most power driven authoritarians do, he provoked a conflict rather than negotiate a diplomatic solution, which led to armed aggression against his citizens. This has never impressed me except with disgust. While President Obama apparently has failed as a courageous or a proven leader, his failure is coupled with his desperate desire to solve world situations and conflicts diplomatically rather than rattling his sabers. Unfortunately, his lack of experience and wisdom hindered him. For this I charitably give him credit. To set the record straight, the real emancipator of African Americans was not good ole Abe or President Obama but one man in a million, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during 1964. This man of peace persuaded the United States federal government’s Commander and Chief, President John F. Kennedy, to honor the Emancipation of 1863. Opposing him, his brother Bobby, desperately attempted to label Rev. King Jr. as some kind of dissident, a threat to that present society. Nevertheless, the Government caved under pressure of a potential national rebellion. In retrospect, let us not forget that the slavery issue was merely a political move on Lincoln’s part as he had no power to dictate to the states their involvement in slavery at the time of his proclamation. The Confederate States of America formally seceded from the proposed union which was the ultimate rationale for the War Between the States referred to deceptively by modern progressives as the Civil War. There was nothing civil about this conflict. The civil war did not occur until the 1960’s when African Americans took to the streets demonstrating and declaring their freedom. Historically, slavery officially ended at the Appomattox Courthouse on April, 1865 after the victory of the northern states over the southern states but that was nothing more than a payoff for Lincoln’s proposed union not yet ratified. He divided a people with conflict and then caroled them.

    May I add that in 450 years of the Tegenkamp heritage none have ever accepted slavery! There are no African Americans possessing the Tegenkamp name as an entitlement. Pres. Lincoln had no other choice but to honor his astounding proposal to liberate African Americans as the price for his union. Nevertheless, following this accomplishment slavery still existed in many western states of this newly established Union. Lincoln’s amendment was later ratified on December, 1865 but by only 27 of 36 states which for a hundred years was no more than symbolic. This struggle never claimed its victory lingering in its agony for many decades. A hundred years would pass before victory was decisively declared. I was there. I watched it happen as I recalled a similar situation some 3300 years earlier when a man named Moses stood before Pharaoh, ruler of Egypt, a similitude of this current world, demanding that the Pharaoh of Egypt concede declaring; let the people of Israel go. In that era of history the slave masters had dark complexion and the slaves had light complexion, that is, if completion makes any difference. In those days color had nothing to do with the political status of individuals.

    Not until the sixties of the 20th century did we as a people attempt to eliminate all manner of discrimination among all races of people. I was way ahead of all this. I never discriminated against my neighbors of color, never! We were friends. Pharaoh had enslaved his own people for centuries as well as the Israelis. In fact, under Islamic law with its ridged submissive ideology, a large portion of those in the 57 Islamic States of today’s Eastern world as well as Africa still openly practice various forms of slavery. Their authority is endorsed by their Qur’an approving the traditions they have practiced since the 7th century. God set free all of the enslaved Israelis approximately 3400 years ago as He did Africans in 1865, tens of thousands of them under bondage in America. The grand Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States declares clearly: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist within the United States, nor any place subject to their jurisdiction." Like all great moments of change this Amendment has evolved into a living certainty. Out of this heritage, from out of their misery, this people suffering for centuries, deprived of their personal rights and God given freedoms, have brought forth a stunning generation of creative, industrious, gifted, and capable people who are as of this date yet struggling. Unfortunately, through his entire Presidential Administration, eight years, Pres. Obama had ignored their plight. After the 2014 elections, having lost control of the Senate with the Congress, Pres. Obama issued an Executive order on Thursday morning of November 13 against the will of the Republican controlled Senate and Congress, providing amnesty to over 4.5 million illegal immigrants, thus giving away millions of jobs that rightfully belong to a host of struggling, out of work, African Americans. So, to whom did Pres. Obama pledge his allegiance?

    This was a deliberate retaliation against the American people of which 70% had opposed this action appearing to them as a personal betrayal. Without realizing the circumstance, millions of African Americans were instantly deprived of their dignity. First, consider the vicious distress imposed upon early African American people subjugated during the 18th century during a shameful historic period simply because their plight was profitable for plantation barons, political officials and the esteemed aristocrats. Add to this list the nation’s industrialist and many financial speculators. And why is this so important to note at the very outset of this journey upon which we are about to embark? Of all the shameful existing deceptions, including those experienced during my own lifetime, this is a paramount example. If deception could be tracked down the hunt would begin at the top. From this dreadful heritage Barack Obama did not emerge as their hero even though he attempted to play his part well as one of the underprivileged. Instead, he usurped a heritage of which he was never and I say again he was never justly entitled.

    For a better example Herman Cain represents African Americans with pride identifying with their heritage being a descendent of his great grandfather, born a slave in Georgia, also announcing his candidacy for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2012. He stood proudly beside four other great American born candidates articulating his position with dignity and delight having earned the right to appear in this honorable spotlight of prestige. Receiving the attention and respect given to the other candidates he proudly stood. In fact, later a group of individuals awarded him the favorite of that initial debate. Presenting a number of solutions very plausible Mr. Cain could have very well become the front runner given his no-nonsense approach.

    In retrospect, the abolition of slavery during the year of January 1865 occurred with a constitutional amendment proposed after the War Between the States. Yet, this human achievement has since taken a hundred years to materialize. After this grand 13th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified, those still bearing the burden of their heritage remained segregated from the rest of this nation’s population unable to dine out where they pleased or drink from a faucet in the park or walk down certain streets or attend any other than so called black schools.

    Not until Martin Luther King, Jr. stepped up to the call of duty did this generation, longing to become a part of this great society of Americans, as their greatest desire, finally forced the hand of those that still denied them equal liberties; took the establishment to task for the privilege of being recognized as American citizens. Sadly, Pres. Obama has no claim to this honorable struggle. Neither did any of his ancestors have any personal collateral in this traitorous era of history other than being among the privileged exerting oppression upon fellow Africans as the Islamists do. His descendents actually lead the way of imposing slavery upon others, including his own people as well as those other than Africans captured from ships hijacked in the Barbary Seas. But that was soon to change. In 1784, Congress directed Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams to initiate treaties within the Barbary Straits including Tripoli located in today’s Libya. Much of the early American tax revenues were spent as pay-offs to Islamic pirates demanding that Americans submit to Muslim pirates a tax or be slaughtered on the high seas.

    Thomas Jefferson made a courageous diplomatic attempt to end this ongoing, traitorous barbarianism of 1786, with a meeting to reason with the Islamic Ambassador of Tripoli, Africa only to suffer insults and then unmercifully turned away. Jefferson was told that Muslims had the right according to their Qur’an to plunder and enslave individuals as they had done for centuries. They continue to do so today waving their Qur’an in the face of humanity. This is the reason Jefferson bought a copy of the Qur’an to study in an effort to understand the Islamic mindset. The Ambassador informed Jefferson that Muslims did not fear resistance since the Qur’an promises Muslims that are killed in battle a place in Islamic Paradise. Ultimately Americans paid millions of dollars in tributes to Islamists before Jefferson got fed up with this treachery and went to war against the Muslim pirates. Of course today, misguided politicians claim that our forefathers never went to war with anyone beyond the American coastline and also that Jefferson read the Qur’an for spiritual guidance. Obviously, none of these knot-heads know anything about our history nor have they ever read a Qur’an.

    Benjamin Franklin knew better along with Thomas Jefferson who grew weary having to pay great sums of money into the Islamists shake-downs for a so called "Jizyah tax" that is still levied upon people other than Muslims today for safe passage or homesteading in Islamic counties which is nothing more than political extortion. An example of this is visible in the deserts of the Middle-East by vicious Islamist groups since 2002 devastating Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other nations in their sites. Eventually Franklin and Jefferson with John Adams called for a meeting at their favorite tavern, City Tavern, known today as The Merchant’s Coffee House, 620 South 9th Street in Philadelphia. There they founded the armed forces which they called the Marine Corps, a military naval force established to patrol and protect American Ships on the high seas. From this action emerged the famous Marine anthem we all sing, "From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, we will fight our country’s battles on the land and in the sea." Americans paid dearly in ransom before Jefferson overcame this treachery and went to war with the Islamists pirates. Dealing with the Islamic world is not new.

    Why news reporters in the American media are stunned at the events of these troubling times is explained only by their ignorance of history and their lack of knowledge which Historic writings clearly predict for these modern times. Thus Barack Obama’s heritage from which he emerged was not from the slave era in America as many infer but from mysterious Nairobi Kenya. Since Pres. Obama’s father was Islamic; the entire household was and still is Islamic, even though his mother allowed her son Barack to attend a Roman Catholic school for two years after his father’s death. His heritage includes those in this world imposing their ideology of oppression on others even today, still trafficking in wholesale slavery among their own people as well as among many Arab states and even industrial Europeans.

    Barack Obama is the man that was elected to the highest office in this nation; excuse me, in the world just because his skin tone matched the color of those of America’s shameful past. He played the part of whom his ancestors had victimized

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