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Dry Bones That Lived Again: The Supernatural Power of God.
Dry Bones That Lived Again: The Supernatural Power of God.
Dry Bones That Lived Again: The Supernatural Power of God.
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Dry Bones That Lived Again: The Supernatural Power of God.

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This book brings to your attention the acts of God when, humanly speaking, all hope is gone. What makes God be God are his acts that are impossible in the eyes of man, and yet he does it anyway. You will come across ridiculous, hopeless, impossible, mind-blowing situations in which God manifested his power as you read this book. The author would like to bring you hope in your hopeless situation that there is Jehovah El-Shaddai who can bring back joy in your heart. Do not despair nor be discouraged, because Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateMar 14, 2016
Dry Bones That Lived Again: The Supernatural Power of God.

Grace Munthali

Grace M. K. Munthali was born in Zambia from Mr Alfred Kumwenda and Mrs Cleaver Mbuzi Kumwenda. Grace did her primary education in several places in Zambia, but her secondary education was done at Kalonga Secondary School in Kabwe. She graduated with a diploma in library studies at the University of Zambia in 1990. She worked as an assistant librarian at Nkrumah Teachers College and as a teacher/librarian at Luanshya Trust School. Grace obtained her MSc HSC at the University of Sunderland in UK. Grace is a pastor in Living Waters Global Churches–UK, preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ, marriage counsellor, mentor, minister of deliverance, youth empowerment leader, motivator, prayer warrior, and praise and worship leader. Grace is happily married to Apostle William Munthali. Together, they are blessed with three children: Ruth, Isaac, and Grace Junior. Grace is a woman with crazy faith in God.

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    Dry Bones That Lived Again - Grace Munthali

    Copyright © 2016 by Grace Munthali.

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    Rev. date: 03/03/2016
















    I acknowledge the Lord God Almighty who revealed Himself to a mortal being like me in ways and acts that inspired me to write this book. Lord Jesus, I am in love with you eternally. Holy Ghost, I will continue to depend on you all my life.

    I acknowledge my spiritual parents Archbishop Dr Bernard Nwaka and Archbishop Paul J Hackman, for seeing me with your prophetic eyes and decreeing the prophetic voice in my life. I salute you God’s Generals!

    I acknowledge Bishop Peter Joseph, Prophetess Gina Joseph, Pastor Isaac M Attram and the whole Colim family for your spiritual and moral support. It’s life in the early church when believers had all things in common.

    I thank God for you Steven Sun, my brother from another mother for your relentless love, care, and support. Gaia Santucci, words fail me. Only God will reward both of you for such hearts.

    Mrs Charity N J Gondwe, Rev Anne Murebwa, Bishop Ann Kabundi, Bishop Vanessa Benson, Prophet Lewis Ambundo, and many other servants of God and friends in the body of Christ for standing with us. May God continue to be faithful to you and do you good.

    My spiritual Sons and daughters globally for giving me an experience in motherhood in this area…you rock. I would never be a spiritual mother or mentor if you did not give me an opportunity. May God bless you all.


    I dedicate this book to my four treasures: my husband, His Royal Highness Apostle William, my children; Ruth, Isaac Timothy, and Grace Junior, given to me as a gift from my Father in heaven Jehovah Saboath. These four have seen it all and they usually put up with all my crazy kind of faith.

    To my mum who relentlessly believed in me that I would never fail even when sometimes I used to doubt her words. I wish my Dad lived longer to see what God is doing with my life (MHSRIEP).

    May God remember your labour and repay you a hundredfold in this life and the life to come, in Jesus’ name!


    The Author of this Book The dry bones that rose again is a full fledged and ordained Minister of the Gospel. Rev. Grace M K Munthali who is my wife and mother of our 3 children is an incredibly seasoned woman of faith and has lived this life not only during our wonderful marriage but also far long before we were married. Rev. Grace has stood as a pillar of great faith who stopped at nothing but seen the result of her prayer and declarations of faith, thereby mentoring so many people of all ages, nations and colour. Rev. Grace has quoted, lived and seen the manifestation of Ephesians 3:20 (Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us). I confirm that whatever Rev. Grace has written in this book is true and that my family has been blessed by her fervent life of prayer and great faith. As you read the great testimonies in this wonderful book, my prayer is that you will believe in the miraculous and that the great God will manifest in your life and situation much more than He has done in the Author’s life.



    The Red Sea could not stop Moses! The Wall of Jericho could not stop Joshua! The grave could not hold Jesus captive! Old age could not stop Abraham and Sarah from having a baby! The prison could not stop Joseph, a foreigner from being the Prime Minister of Egypt! Nothing can stop you from experiencing a supernatural miracle from God! The supernatural way opposes the natural way of doing things. If we applied the law of floatation according to the Archimedes’ principle Jesus and Peter could not have walked on water (Matthew 14:22-33), and the iron head of an axe could not have floated (2Kings 6:6). It is natural for live fish to multiply but it is

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