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Mr. T’S Quest
Mr. T’S Quest
Mr. T’S Quest
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Mr. T’S Quest

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Frank Talley joined the navy for a four year hitch to enable him to use the G.I. Bill to attend college. He was stationed at the Jacksonville Naval Base when his enlistment expired. While undergoing his discharge routine he met Megan, the WAVE Assistant to his commanding officer. He asked for a date, she agreed and both quickly fell in love.
Frank would be living with his aunt and uncle in Oyster Shores, 20 miles north of Tampa. He invited Megan and her commanding officer to visit him when his aunt and uncle were on a trip she agreed and they spent a delightful visit on the beach.
Megan and Frank were happily married for two months when she was killed in a head on collision with a semi driven by a drunken driver.
For the next 10 years he lived on the beach in a beautiful home on a beautiful beach on the Gulf of Mexico. For ten years Frank was on a quest to find a wife who would make him as happy as Megan. During his quest he would have his dreams shattered when ladies he fell in love with and who also loved him would somehow have fate change the course of their romance: falling in love with an old lover, moving away, extreme jealousy, or believing he was trying to change them into another Megan.
He finally married his dream wife, a woman who grew up and changed under his inadvertent tutelage and friendship.
Release dateJan 14, 2016
Mr. T’S Quest

Glenn Tucker

This is the fifth book written by Glenn G. Tucker. He was born and raised in Des Moines, attended Drake University and received his B.A from Iowa State Teachers College (1952). He taught science in Illinois until he moved to Florida to teach in 1958. In 1966 while teaching in Sarasota, he received a Fellowship at the University of Florida: M.A. 1967), Ed.S. (1958) and Ph.D. in Science Education, (1969). He taught Science Education at Marshall University, Austin Peay State University and Valdosta State University. For 6 years he served as a state science consultant for teachers. He also served as a high school principal and as a County Director of Instruction in Georgia. He is a widower and lives in Lake Par,k, GA.

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    Mr. T’S Quest - Glenn Tucker


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    © 2016 Glenn G. Tucker. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse   01/29/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7176-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7175-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016900117

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    1.   Out Of The Navy

    2.   Such A Loss

    3.   College

    4.   Expanding Horizons

    5.   I’m Sheila, Not Megan

    6.   Last College Year

    7.   Starting A Career

    8.   An Experienced Teacher

    9.   The Troubled Student

    10.   Donna Waller

    11.   Life With Josie

    12.   The Healing

    13.   Promotion

    14.   School Work

    15.   A New Roomer

    16.   Birthday Boy

    17.   School House Wedding




    Petty officer 3rd class Frank Taylor was called to his commandant’s office March 14, 1971, two weeks before he was due to be discharged from the navy after completing his four year hitch He had just celebrated his 21st birthday. He entered and spoke to the Wave secretary.

    Petty Officer 3rd reporting as requested, ma’am. Lieutenant Gill requested my presence at 14:30 hours.

    Have a seat, Frank. He’ll be with you in a few minutes. Call me Megan since we’re both non coms.

    Be pleased to, Megan. What’s the last name?

    Horne. She replied

    I assume this is the reenlistment plea? Frank asked.

    You got it. Are you planning to re-up?

    Not if I can help it. I plan to go to college. I want to be a physics teacher. I signed up for four years just to get the funds and G.I. Bill.

    Copy cat! Megan replied. I have a bit over five months to go and I’ll be doing the same thing. But your rating is in high demand!

    In a few minutes the buzzer on Megan’s desk buzzed.

    You can go in, Frank. Let me know what the offer was.

    Good afternoon, Petty Officer Taylor. Have a seat, the lieutenant behind the desk said.

    Frank took a seat in front of Lt. Gill’s desk.

    Frank, the navy doesn’t want to lose you or your training. Skilled radar people are hard to come by. What would it take to keep you in?

    I’m sorry, Sir. I joined four years ago to save money and use the G.I. Bill to go to college.

    You know Frank, I can offer you a reenlistment bonus of $10,000 dollars and a step up in rank; make you a petty officer 2nd. What would you say to that?

    Lt. Gill, that sounds good but I joined the navy to get the funds to go to college. My goal is to become a physics teacher. I had a good one in high school and she put that goal in my life.

    Lt. Gill laughed. You know Frank, that’s the one reason I went to college, to become a chemistry or physics teacher. I took the R.O.T.C. route. Then when I received my commission I liked my assignment so I dropped the immediate goal and I plan to go that route when I retire from the navy. In 12 years I’ll retire and I’ll still be able to teach chemistry after a few brush-up courses. I’ll only be 41.

    I appreciate the chance to pitch the navy to you but looking at your service record I believe you’ll make a good teacher. Good luck!"

    Frank stood, saluted Lt. Gill and left the office.

    Megan was waiting at her desk.

    Well, what was the offer?

    Can I tell you at dinner? Frank asked.

    "If I say yes will you tell me now?

    Promise? he asked.

    You bet! If it’s good enough I’ll even throw in a good night kiss, she replied, laughing.

    Ten grand and a step up if I re-up, he said.

    Are you?

    Nope. I want to be a physics teacher. Where do I pick you up for dinner?

    Waves’ barracks two at 6:00. That gives me time to shower. Civies?

    Civies! he replied.

    Megan walked out of the Waves barracks at 6:05 dressed in an attractive red dress that showed her curves. She was wearing red high heels and looked gorgeous. Frank was wearing a light blue sport coat and dark blue trousers with a white shirt and dark blue tie.

    Frank whistled when he saw her and she grinned at his response.

    You whistle real well. A lot of practice?

    Depends on the stimulus. In this case a lot of stimuli, he answered.

    Ooh! The man uses big words. You sound like you’ve been studying! Have you been taking courses?

    Yeah. I have two semesters at J.U. When I’m discharged I’ll be moving to the Tampa area and enroll in the University of South Florida.

    You’re ahead of me. I only have 3 courses from Jacksonville University. I’m taking one now, she replied.

    They took the bus to downtown Jacksonville and ate at Fuddruckers. They bantered with each other during the meal then walked to the river and sat on one of the benches on the bank overlooking the many docks.

    He kissed her and she returned his kiss warmly.

    You know, Frank, you’re not at all as studious as you make out to be, Megan said. I thought you might be one of those student type sailors. You can even be funny when you’re serious.

    Can we try this again? he asked.

    I’m amenable to that, she replied.

    Now who’s using big words?

    Oh hush up and give me another kiss. That first one was nice, Megan replied.

    He kissed her again and his hand dropped to her breast. She quickly removed the hand and broke the kiss.

    You can use the lips but that’s all, Buster! The rest of the body is off limits except for the arms!

    That’s a succinct way of putting it, Frank said. But you know; a man’s gotta try!

    I believe you and I don’t blame you for trying, but I’ve always set limits, she said, now laughing loudly. When the right guy comes and the right guy tries, the limits may be moved.

    Frank kissed her a few more times and when he started getting aroused, stopped.

    I take it you’ve reached your limit too! Megan said laughing. Take me back to the barracks and I’ll give you that good night kiss I promised.

    At the entrance to the barracks he kissed Megan good night.

    Can we do this again? he asked.

    I’d love to, she responded. You’ve proven you can be a gentleman.

    Oh I hate that. I’d rather be known as a lover.

    You meet that criterion too, she said, laughing. Good night, lover.

    When Frank arrived back at his room in the barracks, he found a note on his door telling him to call his aunt. Frank’s mother had died after a long battle with cancer when he was ten and his aunt and uncle helped his father raise him. He regarded all three as his parents.

    Frank’s father was wounded in WWII and over the years the effects of the wound grew until three years after his wife’s death he had to retire on a small pension and his war service connected disability pay. Frank’s mother’s brother and sister-in law took over much of the responsibility of raising Frank, with his father taking over only when his health allowed. Frank’s father eventually sold his home and moved into a mobile home park to cut his expenses with his brother-in-law helping him buy the mobile home. When Frank joined the navy after graduation from high school, Frank’s father allowed an old WWII comrade to move in with him to help with the expenses. From that time on Frank called his aunt and uncle’s house home.

    He went into his room and called his aunt Eileen Winters.

    Aunt Eileen, you called me while I was on a hot date with an attractive Wave. How are you and Uncle Bill?

    It must not have been a very hot date if you’re in your room at nine, she laughed. Bill and I would like to know if you can visit us over the weekend. We have a surprise for you.

    Can I bring that hot date? he asked.

    Sure, as long as she sleeps in the other bedroom, Aunt Eileen replied. Just buy a one-way bus ticket. We’ll make sure you get back OK

    The next day he called Megan and asked if she would like to spend the weekend at his aunt and uncle’s place on the beach.

    Frank, I don’t believe I want to spend the weekend with you in a room on the beach, she replied.

    That’s alright! Frank said, laughing. My aunt specified you’d have to sleep in a separate bedroom.

    In that case, I’ll be glad to go with you. Is your aunt trustworthy and won’t be swayed by a favorite nephew?

    She’s more like a mother. My mom died when I was ten and she and Uncle Bill helped dad raise me. In fact, in high school I lived with them more than my dad since my dad was ill.

    How are we going to get there and where is this house on the beach?

    It’s about 15-20 miles north of Tampa. I’ll get two bus tickets to get us there and I guess they’ll bring us back. She said they’ll make sure we get back OK. Just bring a swim suit.

    Can I bring other clothes too? she asked, laughing.

    Both Frank and Megan asked for and received a four day pass for the weekend starting on Thursday. He called his aunt and his uncle answered the phone.

    Hello, old Buddy. Ike told me you’d be here this weekend and that you’d be bringing a hot date. When are you getting in?

    We’ll be at the Tampa bus depot at 11:45 on Thursday. We have to be back on base Tuesday by morning roll call, but since they don’t call roll anymore I guess that means 8:00 A.M.

    Oh God! The navy has gone to hell! When I was in we had to stand inspection at 6:30. Now you just have to report at 8:00. What is the navy now; a party for wimps? No more ‘clean sweep down fore and aft’ at 06:30?

    Uncle Bill, the navy now has steel ships and big guns. There are no more sails. We even have steam boilers and in some cases atomic power running these big steel ships," Frank answered, laughing.

    Ok, my little Buddy. We’ll pick you and your hot date up at the bus depot. I do have some serious business to talk over with you.

    Frank’s uncle had also served in the navy before WWII and had reached the rank of captain. He had taken his inheritance from his father and by proper investing had watched it grow many times. Even when he no longer needed to work he bought a company and under his leadership watched it grow from a million dollar company to one now worth over 10 million.

    Frank and Megan left on the bus for Tampa at 6:30 with Frank using a taxi to take them to the bus depot. During the 5 hour drive to Tampa, with short stops at Daytona Beach and Orlando, Megan laid her head on his shoulder and fell asleep when the bus was moving, not awakening fully until reaching the outskirts of Tampa.

    Didn’t get much sleep last night? he asked her, grinning.

    No, I was just wondering what it would be like to sleep with you, she said laughing. It was boring. You didn’t even make a pass at me!

    Shall I try to arrange that event later to find out if it’s always true? he asked, chuckling.

    We’ll let it pass! At least I now know you can be trusted while I’m asleep.

    His aunt and uncle were at the bus stop when they arrived. He gave his aunt a kiss and shook his uncle’s hand. He noticed his aunt embracing Megan.

    You may shake her hand, Uncle Bill, but no kissing, Frank said.

    Why not? You kissed my wife! he said as he gave Megan a hug.

    I was going to introduce you two first but I guess Megan took care of that.

    Megan, you’ll have to excuse my Uncle Bill. He likes all pretty girls, notice the one he married?

    Thanks, Frank! Eileen said, laughing.

    They finally pulled in to Bill’s home and got out of the car.

    My God! Megan said in a surprised voice, That’s beautiful! Positively beautiful! Look at those green waves breaking with the white tops!

    Frank noted that one of the cars in the carport was covered with a green tarp, not unusual in Florida where blowing sand could quickly mar a cars finish.

    Come on inside, Eileen said. Bill bought this place for that view and built our house here so we could see it whenever we wanted. He also bought from the state a 300 yard strip across the highway down to the mean high tide mark so no one can block our view. He had to agree to allow the public free access to the Gulf but no one can build a bathhouse within 200 yards on either side of our property.

    Frank, now that you’re out of the navy, or will be in a week or so, what do you plan to do? Bill asked Frank.

    Well, I hoped to sponge off you for a few weeks until I can find a place to live while I attend the University of South Florida. I can’t stay with dad in Sarasota, he doesn’t have room in that mobile home and it’s too far to commute to U.S.F. anyway. I want to be a teacher, a physics teacher to be exact. I had one in Sarasota who really got me to love physics. She was an excellent teacher, an attractive red head who could really teach!

    How would you like to live here permanently? Bill asked. I’ve sold most of my sources of income where I had to work and put the monies into investments so Ike and I can travel and see the world. I’ve worked hard and now I want to relax for a few years and do nothing. I bought a plane with two engines and hired a WWII pilot friend who wants to do the same thing. I’ll pay all of his expenses and his wife’s. He’ll fly us where ever we want to go as long as all of his expenses are covered. We might come back to spend a few weeks here occasionally, while we recuperate, so to speak.

    Jesus! Uncle Bill! I’d love it! You know I’ve always loved this house! And it’s only about 25 minutes to the University of South Florida. This would be ideal! And you know I’ll take good care of it for you!

    I thought you’d like my offer. And to seal the deal, you’ll have to have transportation to U.S.F. so here’s the binder. You two kids follow me to the carport.

    Bill and Eileen had big grins on their faces as they ushered Frank and Megan outside.

    Here, Frank, is the key to your transportation problems he said as he took off the tarp covering a new 1971 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser station wagon with wood grain panels on the doors.

    It’s all licensed in your name!

    Jesus! Uncle Bill. For me?

    Let’s call it your graduation gift from the navy, Aunt Eileen told him, giving him an embrace. We never had any children of our own so we regard you as our only child and you have made us very proud. When you found you had no way to go to college, you worked for it by taking four years out of your life, like your father.

    Frank embraced both his aunt and uncle, trying to hide his tears, but Ike reached up and wiped his eyes with her handkerchief.

    Let’s go and get dressed for the beach, Bill said huskily, trying to hide his own moist eyes.

    As they entered the house, Megan walked over and put her arm through Franks.

    I like your aunt and uncle, she said. They’re good people.

    In 15 minutes all four came out wearing swimsuits. Megan looked terrific and she had a beautiful shapely body. Frank was tall and slender with the wide chest of a swimmer.

    After playing in the surf for over an hour and Frank swimming several hundred yards trying to regain some of his lost swimming skills they returned to the house, with Megan looking somewhat pink from a slight sunburn. The next morning Eileen asked Megan to go to the beach with her as Bill wanted to talk to Frank.

    Bill asked Frank to sit at the dining room table after the girls were across the street.

    "Frank, you are our only living heir. You mother was my sister. Ike and I have no other kin that I am aware of except you. All her family has passed on and she had no brothers or sisters. Your father is related by marriage only, but I’m not sure how long he’ll survive. Therefore I’m naming you as the executor of our estate in case both of us are gone. I don’t plan on dying anytime soon but both Eileen and I have each other as our sole heir but if both of us are dead, you are the only survivor of our clan.

    Here is the name of our legal company. They have the complete will and know what to do. If both Ike and I are gone, you’ll inherit this house and the land across the street. I’m dividing all other financial assets between you and your father with the stipulation that if he remarries the entire estate will still go to you upon his death. Even if he doesn’t remarry, upon his death any remaining assets will go to you. I talked to him and he wrote a will in my presence with those stipulations. I did assign a monthly allowance to be given to him until his death to help him out financially."

    Are you sure this is what you want to do? Bill asked Frank

    "This is what Eileen and I decided on. There are a few bequests to certain charities but all the rest will be on your shoulders, you and your father’s. Maybe this will help him have a better life for a few years. You don’t know this, but your dad has a college degree and had a good income. His wife’s illness and death took part of his estate but he squandered the rest after she had gone. She kept him in check as to his spending habits, but when she was gone, he sort of lost control.

    By the way, Frank, never tell anyone how much you own or how you got it! People will come out of the woodwork to get some or share it with you!"

    Bill gave Frank some papers and took him to the hidden wall safe, showed him how to open it and placed the papers inside.

    Notice the combination. Anything familiar about it? Bill asked, grinning at Frank.

    Frank recognized the familiar numbers and their sequence and grinned back at Bill.

    I should be able to recognize the numbers anyplace and anytime.

    Let’s join the ladies. I want to see Megan in her suit while I envy you, Bill remarked.

    They changed into their suits and walked across the road to join Megan and Eileen. The ladies were wading just above the surf line to avoid getting their hair wet. Bill went up and hugged Ike and Frank took Megan in his arms and kissed her thoroughly.

    Wow! Any more of those and I’ll forget where the limits are, she said.

    I have more like that, he replied grinning.

    Save them. I remember where the limits are now, she said and then laughed.

    For the next three days Frank and Megan laughed and played in the waves and once or twice he managed to sneak in a kiss or two.

    Bill, Eileen, we’ll have to leave now, Frank told his aunt and uncle late Monday afternoon. We have to be back on base tomorrow morning so Megan and I decided we had better leave now so we won’t be driving at midnight. I love you two! You two and dad are all I have. I’ll see you in about a week. I’d like to borrow your wife for a day, Bill, to go shopping with me so she can help me pick out some clothes for school. I don’t have the slightest idea of what to buy.

    We’ll see you in a week, Bill said. I’d suggest waiting to buy clothes until you see what the kids are wearing.

    Thanks, dad, Frank replied, grinning.

    Thanks, son, Bill answered, also grinning."

    Frank and Megan got into Franks new car, already registered in Florida by Bill. They pulled onto the highway and waved at Bill and Eileen as they started the drive back to Jacksonville. Megan moved over closer to Frank and rested her hand on his leg.

    I really like them, Frank. I’ve seldom seen two people more in love than them.

    I’m awful lucky to have them as stand-in parents. I love them just like my real parents, except I hardly remember my mother. She died when I was ten and she was sick for several years before then. Dad has been ill for almost that long.

    They were on I-4 north of Orlando and it was getting dark when Megan asked to stop at the next rest area.

    Will do, Sweet Thing, Frank answered.

    The next rest area was about 10 miles south of Daytona Beach. Both used the restrooms and when they got back in the car, Megan stopped him from starting the car.

    Frank, I want to kiss you a few hundred times and have you kiss me the same amount. Will you promise not to let it go further than kisses?

    I’d like that too, and I’ll promise to try.

    He drove to a dark, isolated section of the rest area and turned off the motor. Frank moved over to her side of the steering wheel in the roomy front seat. Megan turned around with her breasts against his chest and kissed him, fervently and with passion.

    Ever since that first night at your folks place I wanted to kiss you like that. You were like forbidden fruit, look but don’t taste. Saturday and Sunday nights I lay awake wishing I could join you, not to make love, just to kiss you and hug you.

    For 15 minutes they hugged and kissed and when she pressed her breasts hard against him he kissed her gently and withdrew has arms from around her.

    That’s about all I can take, sweetheart. Any more and I’ll start trying to make love to you.

    Dammit, Frank! I was right on the verge of letting you. I’d have been sorry as hell afterwards, losing my virginity in a car in a highway rest area! Thanks for more than you’ll ever know. I think I’m in love with you, but I thought I was in love in high school several times too.

    They continued on to Jacksonville and by 10:15 he was pulling into a parking spot next to her barracks. They got out of the car and he walked her to the entrance.

    I might regret stopping you at the rest area, but I’ll never know. Taking me out again?

    You’re damn right. Maybe you can join me at the Gulf house when I move in. Bill and Ike will be leaving in two weeks. Meanwhile I’ll meet you at this door tomorrow night at 6:00. OK?

    You’re damn right and that’s with a capital R, she said, kissing him fervently again.

    The next night he waited for her and she came down at 6:05 again.

    I’m being fashionably late, she said laughing. Never appear too eager to be with a man.

    Tonight he took her to McDonalds for hamburgers and a shake, making her go inside.

    I don’t want to spill food inside my new car, he said. That car is for going someplace, for necking, or maybe going someplace to neck, he added laughing.

    I start my terminal leave tomorrow. Tomorrow I get my last two paychecks.

    Two checks? she asked. What’s terminal leave?

    That’s right. My regular pay and a check for unused leave days. It’s called terminal leave. When you’re discharged you get paid for leave days you were entitled to but didn’t take.

    Then you’ll be leaving day after tomorrow? Megan asked, sounding concerned.

    Probably. I want your phone number and I’ll give you the one at my new home on the Gulf. When you can get away for a few days, call me and I’ll be here to pick you up; maybe a long weekend.

    That night Megan was almost successful in seducing Frank. Only their iron will power prevented her from succeeding.

    The next day Frank again went to Lt. Gill’s office to pick up his honorable discharge papers and his final months pay in cash and a check for his terminal leave. Before he left he asked the lieutenant if he could speak to him for a moment.

    Lt. Gill, you’ve probably guessed that Megan and I have been seeing each other since the last time I was in your office.

    I knew she had fallen for someone and I thought it might be you. It started right after you were here for the re-up talk. I like her! She’s a first class Wave. How can I help?

    I might be driving up from Tampa to pick her up a few times after I’m settled. If she leaves a few minutes early don’t be too hard on her or if she’s a few minutes late blame it on me?

    Lt. Gill burst out laughing. I’ll tell you what, Frank. I often leave early on Fridays. I’ll let her know when I’m taking off early and she can tell you when you call. Of course, when I leave early I don’t know when the office staff leaves. Get me?

    Loud and clear, sir. And here’s an invite for you, you’re wife and kids. I’ll be living in a beautiful three bedroom house on the Gulf with a magnificent view. Ask Megan. Anytime you can make it, drive over. You’ll be welcome.

    Now that, Frank, I’ll be pleased to take you up on. I presume Megan will be pleased to show me the way each time?

    I think she’ll be very pleased, sir.

    Good luck, Frank and in your college career, best wishes.

    Frank stopped at Megan’s desk and told her the gist of the conversation with Lt. Gill.

    Dammit, Frank, if you don’t beat all. I’ll be calling when I can shake loose from here.

    Frank drove his new Olds to his new residence. Bill and Ike were waiting for him and when he drove up and honked they immediately dashed out from the house.

    Welcome home, Little Buddy, Bill yelled. We have news for you!

    Hi, Son, Eileen yelled at him as she was running to greet him with a hug. I went and got the U. S. F. schedule and enrollment papers and Bill went to the V.A. and got the papers you need to enroll for the summer term.

    And more news, said Bill. Ike and I are flying out Monday for Miami and then we’re flying to Belize.

    One other thing, Little Buddy. Since this house is rather expensive to run I’m having the bank send you a check for a grand a month for house expenses. Since you’ll be taking care of it for us I figure we should pay all household expenses. Now, let’s go inside and have a drink to our recently liberated son, free from the bonds of the U.S. Navy!

    The next morning Bill went with Frank to his bank and Frank deposited his check for his terminal leave and the bank draft of his savings from the naval base bank at Mayport. Over the past four years he had saved over $15,000 from his navy pay and bartending jobs.

    Next he called Megan and let her know he was open for visitors after the next Tuesday.

    Do you mean your aunt and uncle are leaving this soon? Where are they heading?

    They say on Monday they are flying to Miami and then to Belize. When you want to come down, let me know and I’ll come and get you.

    You got a deal! I can’t wait to get you alone. I miss you already and it’s only been two days!

    On Wednesday Frank received a call from Dick Gill. For the first time he found out Lt. Gill’s first name.

    Frank, is that invite still open for me to bring my wife and two kids down for a couple of days?

    Sure is. Want me to mail you a map, Frank asked.

    It won’t be necessary. We’re bringing along a personal guide if you have room for her.

    That’s wonderful! I can’t wait to meet your wife and kids and the personal guide.

    We’ll see you Thursday evening. I’m taking a four day pass and I also gave one to my Wave assistant.

    The last bit of news about Megan’s coming raised a problem. He knew Megan did not want to sleep with him but where would he put her.

    Looking at the two bedrooms he noted one was almost as big as the master bedroom. He measured it and found he could easily put in two single beds and still have lots of room. He immediately drove to Tampa and purchased two single beds on the promise it would be delivered and set up the next day. He next drove to Sears and bought the necessary bedding. In two hours he had solved the problem.

    Not wanting to be idle he went to a couple of small bars between his house and Tampa and asked if they needed a part time bartender. He told them about his part time bartending job in Jacksonville. He was hired at the second one, about three or four miles from his house, with the stipulation he would not be available during any tests he would have to take or when friends visited. He would notify them in advance.

    Late Thursday afternoon, he was putting some catered food in the new microwave he had just purchased when a loud honk sounded from his driveway.

    He ran out and saw a fairly new Ford station wagon with The Gills in the front seat and Megan and two young kids in the back seat. Several suitcases were behind the back seat. Also prominent were two large inflated plastic horses with large openings in their middle.

    They got out of the car and Dick Gill introduced him to his wife Angela and his kids; Dick, Junior, age 4 and daughter Melody, age 8. Megan walked up and planted a big kiss on his lips accompanied by a big hug.

    More of that later, Megan whispered in his ear.

    Good lord, Frank! This is even better than what Megan described to us! I didn’t believe it could be that nice but it’s even better! We’re going to get dressed and hit that beach!

    I tried to tell you, lieutenant, but you wouldn’t believe me! Megan replied.

    Megan, this is a vacation. I’m ‘Dick’ when I’m not in the office.

    Yes, Sir, she replied.

    You can drop the ‘sir’ out here also, he said, smiling at her.

    He showed his guests to their rooms and when Megan saw her room the smile left her face replaced by a look of disappointment.

    I thought I’d be in your bed so we could cuddle, she said quietly. I don’t mean to make love but just cuddle like we did in the car.

    Come in when everyone is in bed. I didn’t know where to put you, you’ve been adamant about not wanting to make love and I don’t how much more necking like we did in the car that night I can take. You came close to getting raped that time.

    I’ve wondered almost every night what it would be like, making love with you after that time in the car, she replied. But I’m glad I didn’t.

    About five minutes later the Gill family came out of their room dressed in swim wear.

    OK if we go ahead and get wet? Dick asked. Both of his kids were wearing the inflated plastic horses around their waists.

    Go ahead. I have food in the oven and we’ll be over in a few minutes, Frank answered. As soon as they were out the door Megan came over and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him several times, finally slipping her tongue between his lips.

    Oh oh! I better not do that again! I got butterflies in my tummy! she remarked.

    You should see what it did to me! Frank replied, laughing.

    Maybe I better not look, she replied, chuckling.

    Frank turned the microwave off and changed into his swim suit. Megan joined him in two minutes and together they walked across to the beach, holding hands.

    You know, Frank, I got those same butterflies when you held my hand walking across the road. You had better watch it!

    Watch it? I didn’t do anything except let you hold my hand when you reached for it.

    I know. Just watch it! she giggled.

    After playing in the water for awhile with his guests Dick asked if he had any fishing gear and if there were fish out in deeper water.

    Of course! We have a batch of rods and reels in the room behind the car port. You’ll have to wade out a ways, at least up to your waist to cast to where they are. At night you can cast off the beach. We have quite a few artificial lures but they sell shrimp up the road about a mile.

    Which is better? I’ve lived in Jax for about 5 years but I’ve never been salt water fishing before in my life.

    I’ve had about the same kind of luck with either. With artificial you have to cast and reel in more often but you present the lure to a bigger area, rather than just let it set. But the live bait attracts fish because of the smell. ‘You pays your money and you takes your chances,’ as the old saying goes.

    You sorta surprised me Frank, Dick said quietly. I thought you’d put Megan in your room instead of buying beds and putting them in our room. Angela was also surprised. She thought it might be because you didn’t want to shock us, not being married to her. We’re more modern then that! We lived together before we got married.

    The first time I met Megan was the time I came to your office for the re-up talk. I took her out for the first time that night and I was back in my room at 9:00. I think she’s still a virgin and I don’t intentionally deflower a virgin, especially one her age. She’s kept it for almost 21 years; let her decide who to give it up for. I won’t try to take it but if she wants to give it up for me, she’ll have to make that decision without coercion from me.

    Well I’ll be Goddamned! A real gentleman! A high thinking, honest to God real gentleman. I deem it a real pleasure to have met you sir. You don’t find many of your type still around!"

    Don’t take me wrong, Dick. I’ve done my share of screwing but always in a mutually beneficial affair.

    In a few minutes the kids were getting tired and Junior was proclaiming his hunger. Junior was the name Dick and Angela called the younger Dick.

    "We should get dressed

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