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Into the Light of Jesus
Into the Light of Jesus
Into the Light of Jesus
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Into the Light of Jesus

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Into the Light of Jesus is a book of inspired letters of encouragement from the heart to Jesus. The letters are comprised of entries from the authors personal journals. They tell of His love, healing, strength, peace, forgiveness, and acceptance.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 14, 2016
Into the Light of Jesus

Amelinda Casias

Amelinda Casias is a mother, teacher, and writer. She resides in San Antonio, Texas, with her son. She was passionately inspired and called to write for and about Jesus when faced with a difficult trial in her life. Her inspirations led her to speak of Jesus' unconditional love, healing, and acceptance through her journal writing.

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    Into the Light of Jesus - Amelinda Casias

    Copyright © 2016 Amelinda Casias.

    Cover Art by Amelinda Casias

    New Living Translation

    Life Application Study Bible

    Second Edition

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-2519-3 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016901053

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/14/2016



    I would like to dedicate this book, Into the Light of Jesus, to the one who cares and loves so much that He rescued me from darkness, my Savior Jesus Christ.


    Before I acknowledge the people in my life that made it possible for me to write and complete this book, first, I must acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ. He instilled His strength and His power in me to write this book for Him so that, others too may find hope in Him. Jesus found me at a time in my life when I was completely lost and had no hope with my life and in myself. Through my journal writings, it drew me closer to Him and His heart. I would not have been able to write this book without the one true God of my life. All the glory and praise to my sweet Jesus. Thank you Jesus. I love you Jesus.

    Second, I would like to acknowledge my son, Jake, who allowed me the time and its process to write this book. He sincerely expressed his genuine and kind heart, patience, understanding and support as I spent endless days and nights basking in the presence of Jesus. Thank you Jake. I love you son.

    Finally, to my parents, Jesse and Mary, who have supported me with words of encouragement in answering the call to write for my dear Jesus. Thank you mom and dad. I love you both.

    Last, but not least, WestBow Press and its staff that assisted me in publishing my book. Thank you to those individuals who made my writing life possible. I am truly blessed.


    When I began writing some years ago, I did not know the outcome of my journal writings. It was until God began to direct my path in answering the call in writing a book for Him, to Him and about Him. Jesus planted the seed in my mind and in my heart to write a book that gave hope in Him. He utilized my fingers and my mouth to release a message that would reach out to someone in how real and loving He is. It was through Jesus that I began to heal and transform. Jesus became real by pouring His unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness, strength, peace, joy and grace. I, extend all the glory to the one true God, my Lord and Savior.

    When Jesus came into my life, it was through a devastating trial for me that I did not have the desire in repeating. It was one I did not expect to experience once again that is, another failed marriage and a divorce. I did not understand why and how another failed marriage was about to break me until I started to write in journals. The Lord certainly knew what He was doing in and with me. He was about to change, transform and redeem my life and my heart through writing for Him, about Him and to Him. I followed His call and direction in writing this book without the knowledge as a writer. However, I followed His call with His loving words that spoke into my thoughts and into my heart. And, here I am, presenting this book to others in hope that it touches your heart and encourages you that God is alive, God knows you, rescues you and loves you unconditionally and completely. He is the ultimate Savior who embraces you and holds your heart in His hands gently and lovingly. So, do not ever be discouraged that you are alone because He is always with you in every form and in every way until the end of time.

    Into the Light of Jesus


    Lord, how I love thee. You, my Lord, continue to fill and fulfill me with your love… your unconditional love. Lord, you are my true Savior, who has saved me from the darkness, continues to save me from the pit of darkness and into the light of your radiant and glorious face. You are all I need. You are my portion that fills every need and every moment in my life on this earth. I know one day I will see your beautiful face, Lord my God.

    Deuteronomy 6:7-11 (NLT)


    It’s a long winding road without the Lord, but with the light of the Lord one will reach its destination. Just like one’s journey of faith, we must continue seeking Him for He is the way, the truth and the life. The Lord is the light that shines on our road to freedom and our destiny. He has great plans for us. It all begins when we trust Him with His plans. He is truly the light in darkness.


    A monarch butterfly, a fragile and delicate creature of God, travels thousands of miles to reach its destination, yet the Lord takes care of this small beauty of His. How much more can He take care of us… it’s indescribable and unimaginable how Jesus loves us so much.

    The Lord defines who you are. There is no one who can determine or define who we are. For it is not through human eyes, but through God’s eyes we are defined. We are valued, precious, beautiful and worthy of His love. His love never changes and never fails.

    People may say you will never change, but that’s not true. It is a choice to change, but that is when God intervenes in our lives, heart and inner soul. It must take God to work in us, and to finally accept it. What man tears down, God is there to build us up. But we must allow Him to do so.

    Through my life with relationships, man allows you to feel loved temporary. The Lord allows you to feel His unconditional love always. Men in my life, somehow at the end of a breakup or divorce, I felt unloved and unworthy. It was the enemy having me to believe that I was no good. God sees you differently than what man and the enemy says about you.

    The Lord holds the key to our heart desires. He is the only one who can open our hearts; and the Master of our soul. It is He who I live for. He has opened my eyes to His realness. Little by little, my eyes are seeing how glorious He is. These circumstances in life, these trials and storms are only fragments of life. It will all work out in His goodness and not to harm, but to meet our God-given destiny and gifts that only He has instilled in us. Lord, use me as you desire and change me who you created and designed me to be in all your glory.

    I was okay to feel ordinary. Now, I don’t want to be ordinary, as if I was living through the motions of the world and living my emotions. I want to be all I can for Christ. I want to be used by Him and what He created me to be… discovering God-given gifts. The Lord is opening my eyes to see who He has created me to be. To see the things I did not think I had in my soul, nor the things I thought or imagine in doing. He is healing me and in time He will show me all that I am in Him… in Christ Jesus. I am nothing without Him. The Lord is using me to give Him all the glory. I am growing in Him. I am a seed that I need to continue watering with His word.

    Lord, grant

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