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Thar She Blows
Thar She Blows
Thar She Blows
Ebook87 pages25 minutes

Thar She Blows

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This manuscript originated from a lifetime of love of the horses, especially racehorses. It utilizes the biblical history and is supported by scriptures of the Holy Bible. Each chapter (I have them as races in lieu of chapters) contains four Holy Bible scriptures that pertain to horses. Race 1 gives a background of the history of horse from the time of Noah and his ark to the present time. Each race thereafter gives the history and story of the many racehorses that were owned by the author and trials and expense of each one. The manuscript includes the authors wisdom of thoroughbred racehorses and the gamble of investing in the racehorse business.
The conclusion of the manuscript tells the story of this ninety-one-year old horse owner and his companion and what lead to the decision that he must terminate his racing investments.
Release dateMar 8, 2016
Thar She Blows

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    Thar She Blows - James Ragsdale


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    Published by AuthorHouse    03/04/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7456-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7457-8 (hc)

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Table of Contents

    Race 1  Historical Race      $2 WIN – PLACE — SHOW

    Exodus 15:1

    Exodus 14:9

    Deuteronomy 11:4

    Genesis 47:17

    Race 2  Practice Race      Personal side bets between owners

    Joshua 11:4

    Joshua 11:6

    Joshua 11

    Deuteronomy 17:16

    Race 3  Training Race      Personal side bets between owners

    2 Samuel 8:4

    2 Kings 6:14-15

    Samuel 8:11

    2 Samuel 15:1

    Race 4  Claiming Race      $2.00 Win – Place — Show

    I Kings 20:1

    I Kings 4:26

    I Kings 9:19

    I Kings 10:25

    Race 5  Maintenance Race      $2.00 Win – Place — Show

    2 Kings 14:20

    2 Kings 14:20

    2 Kings 19-28

    2 Kings 13-14

    Race 6  The Thoroughbred Race      Across the board WPS

    2 Kings 2:11

    2 Kings 6:17

    2 Kings 7:6

    Race 7  Thoroughbred Race      Across the board WPS

    I Chronicles 18:4

    2 Chronicles 1:14

    2 Chronicles 9:28

    2 Chronicles 25:28

    Race 8  Thoroughbred Race      $50.00 to Win

    Job 41:13

    Psams 20:7

    Psalms 33:17

    Psalms 76:6

    Race 9  Super Derby

    Psalms 32:9

    Psalms 147:10

    Isaiah 5:28

    Isaiah 43:16-17

    Race 10  The Last

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