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The Pastor's Note: A Collection of 100 Daily Devotions
The Pastor's Note: A Collection of 100 Daily Devotions
The Pastor's Note: A Collection of 100 Daily Devotions
Ebook142 pages100 hours

The Pastor's Note: A Collection of 100 Daily Devotions

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About this ebook

Throughout the gospel, we find how Christ used parables to describe our personal relationship with God. He took the tangible things of life as example to illustrate a spiritual life in Christ.

The devotional before you has one hundred devotions, many based on parables of my life and stories I recall. Why one hundred? One hundred represents fullness and a completion, as well as principle of return. My first hope is that your reading this will not only help you to recognize that everything is spiritual, but also give you an opportunity to know and experience more of Gods presence. Second, my hope is that completing this devotion wont mark an end or accomplishment, but that you will be spiritually primed to pursue greater depths in an intimate relationship with our Savior. And last, with the principle of return, I pray that you will continue to grow and be further profitable to Gods kingdom and purpose, taking what God gives in abundance and pouring it over into the lives of others.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 6, 2017
The Pastor's Note: A Collection of 100 Daily Devotions

John L. Spurgeon

John Spurgeon surrendered to the ministry at the age of forty and he is currently the pastor of Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Nacogdoches, Texas. He has his B.B.A. degree from Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas. He and his wife, Debra, have two children and three grandchildren. To find out more, visit

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    The Pastor's Note - John L. Spurgeon

    The Pastor’s Note

    A Collection of 100 Daily Devotions

    John L. Spurgeon


    Copyright © 2017 John L. Spurgeon.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-7524-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-7525-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-7523-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017901805

    WestBow Press rev. date: 3/6/2017


    Imagine That

    Raining in My Heart

    I Can’t Right Now

    Utilizing the Fullness of God

    The Essential Ingredients

    A Very Sharp Knife

    God’s Got You

    To Overcome Fear

    May I Have Your Attention?

    Where Do You Stand?

    Extra Baggage

    Does He Have Every Room?

    Hold Up for a Minute

    Without the Son

    We Are the Body

    Who Am I?

    The Strong Hands of Our Father

    This Is Going to Be a Great Day!

    Walking in the Fullness

    We Thirst For Him

    I Rest in His Peace

    His Picture of Faith

    Experiencing God

    Raised to Walk

    The Water of Life

    Knowing Him

    Calling on My Name

    Efforts of the Adversary

    Our Testimony of Grace

    Being Attentive to This Day

    Fear No Evil

    Centering Our Lives

    Profitable to His Purpose

    What’s the Song You’re Singing?

    The Exact Gift

    Expanding Our Trust

    A Mountain in Christ

    A Holy Rock

    Keep Your Head Down

    Surety of His Presence

    A Song of Grace

    A Time to Rest

    Step Up to the Fountain

    How Is the Weather?

    Committed to His Path

    True Paradise

    Read the Instructions Carefully

    To You This Day

    His Team

    A Change in Weight

    Don’t You Remember?

    His Grace on Me

    Guide Me, Lord

    I’ll Fly Away

    Lead Others as I Lead You

    Denying Ourselves

    Every Second of Every Day

    I Will Follow

    What a Great Gift!

    Follow the Savior

    He Empowers Me

    In the Midst of …

    A Trustful Expectation

    Watch the Hand

    The Word Became Flesh

    By Grace, Not Ashamed

    Have You Checked Your Fences?

    The Proven Cornerstone

    This Cup

    Huge Estates

    New Days and Seasons

    Step Up and Be a Leader

    Gracious and Merciful

    Prosperous Intentions

    It Started with Him

    A Sweet Aroma

    Lord, Lift Me Up!

    Both Body and Blood

    For God Is Love

    A Need for Light

    Not the Same

    Arise and Praise!

    Covered in Grace

    In the Forefront of Friendship

    Plans for the Day

    Shaken up in Jesus’ Name

    By the Hand

    In All Our Adversity

    My Faith in Him

    Look No More; He Cares

    Cry Out to Him

    A Gift from God

    Accepting His Offer

    Becoming a Vessel

    The Greatness of His Love

    A Taste of Honey

    Am I Different?

    Secured in Christ

    Praying for Pastors

    King or Servant


    I give all praise and glory to God, the Father, who called me to the ministry eleven years ago and said He would put the words in my mouth and share what He gives.

    Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: Behold, I have put My word in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.

    —Jeremiah 1:9–10

    I also give praise and glory to God for a very important person whom He brought into my life more than twenty-five years ago; that is my wife and best friend, Debra. Without her response to the prompting of the Spirit, this book would not be in front of us today. She saw God’s hand at work in me through these writings and moved to open up opportunities for others to experience it as well. I love you, Debra, and praise God for your love, support, and constant devotion.


    This devotional book was born of a series of pastor’s notes sent out each week from a pastor to his congregation. The purpose was to encourage believers to remain focused on Christ and build a life of consistent fellowship with the Father. The notes are short and quite concise, focusing on one or two verses of scripture and how they apply beautifully to the various circumstances of everyday life. These writings always have a clear message of application; not a sermon, but a personal note from the life of one to another.

    You see, John Spurgeon has a very unusual spiritual gift. This gift is from the Holy Spirit and is manifested in John as a profound ability to read scripture and clearly understand what the scripture means. He communicates this understanding to others in incredibly simple terms. Each of the pastor’s notes is a sample of this gift. Even though the note is written to a broader audience, you will find each one quite personal. That is the extended work of the Holy Spirit doing His amazing work in our lives.

    —Charlie Carlisle


    Throughout the gospel, we find how Christ used parables to describe our personal relationship with God. He took the tangible things of life as example to illustrate a spiritual life in Christ.

    The devotional before you has one hundred devotions, many based on parables of my life and stories I recall. Why one hundred? One hundred represents fullness and a completion, as well as principle of return. My first hope is that your reading this will not only help you to recognize that everything is spiritual, but also give you an opportunity to know and experience more of God’s presence. Second, my hope is that completing this devotion won’t mark an end or accomplishment, but that you will be spiritually primed to pursue greater depths in an intimate relationship with our Savior. And last, with the principle of return, I pray that you will continue to grow and be further profitable to God’s kingdom and purpose, taking what God gives in abundance and pouring it over into the lives of others.

    There are journal spaces provided at the end of each devotion where you can date your reading, make a note of what the Holy Spirit is revealing to you, or simply write a prayer for the day.

    May God bless you in your life in Christ.

    Imagine That

    Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

    —1 CORINTHIANS 2:9

    As I began to examine and meditate on this verse of scripture, my mind went to a song MercyMe released a few years back entitled I Can Only Imagine. It is a very powerful and moving song that describes the attempts we make to try and comprehend what it will be like in heaven, only to conclude that the grandeur of it all is more than we can possibly fathom. I truly believe God’s heaven, which awaits the life of every believer, stretches far beyond anything we could possibly imagine.

    For quite some time in my life, the Holy Spirit has invited me to search all things, yes, the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10). Christ reveals to us in the gospel of John that He came so we might have not only an eternal life but an abundant life as well. He used parables to help us further grasp what it is to have a personal relationship with God. When Jesus would speak, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like …, He was saying our relationships with God, through the saving grace of His Son, are like this. Then He would go on to describe characteristics of a healthy relationship.

    This takes us to the Word today. We, as God’s children, are not only encouraged to find hope in the heaven that awaits us when

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