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Timeless Transcendental Treasures: The Art of Being Mindful
Timeless Transcendental Treasures: The Art of Being Mindful
Timeless Transcendental Treasures: The Art of Being Mindful
Ebook85 pages35 minutes

Timeless Transcendental Treasures: The Art of Being Mindful

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Transcendental Treasures is written with an eternal vision of love in mind. A vison of a pure and true love where there is an understanding that we are not just these material bodies. We are eternal, full of knowledge and bliss that is our essential nature, as well as the nature of all living entities. We are all here and now, bonded, to this space ship called Earth on a voyage through time and space and we are all connected and have a story to share. One key note is that because we are eternal, our journey and story started prior to this life and will continue after we move on to the next state of being.
Release dateFeb 19, 2016
Timeless Transcendental Treasures: The Art of Being Mindful

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    Timeless Transcendental Treasures - Darrell Roberts


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    © 2016 Darrell A. Roberts. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/16/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7732-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7750-0 (e)

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    Timeless Transcendental Treasures is written with an eternal vision of love in mind. A vision of a pure and true love where there is an understanding that we are not just these material bodies. We are eternal, full of knowledge and bliss that is our essential nature, as well as the nature of all living entities. We are all here and now, bonded, to this spaceship called Earth, on a voyage through time and space and we are all connected and have a story to share. One key note is that because we are eternal, our journey and story started prior to this life and will continue after we move on to the next state of being.

    This collection of poems utilizes the wisdom of the ancient ones, by creating poetry based on ideas, which if implemented on an individual, as well as a collective basis, would produce a more desirable living condition on our beloved planet. The aim of sharing this book is to appeal to the higher eternal, human consciousness and touch the soul of the reader encouraging them to take up the challenge of transforming themselves into a better person. It is Time to awaken the Divine in us all!

    The poems themselves all have a unique character, they want to sing out to the reader, desiring that their song assists the reader on their journey through life. The inspiration behind Timeless Transcendental Treasures is Lord Sri Krishna, recognized by many as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Lord Krishna is famous for speaking the Bhagavad-Gita Song of the Lord on the battle field of Kurushestra, India over 5,200 years ago, and until this day His message resonates with many who have searched for enlightenment.

    The wisdom of the ancients found in the Bhagavad Gita has influenced many other prominent scholars, philosophers, scientists, politicians and other leaders in the world society. Distinguished personalities such as Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Henry David Thoreau, Albert Schweitzer, Carl Jung, Ralph Emerson and Prime Minster Nehru to name a few. The guidance found in the Bhagavad-Gita is timeless and transcends all cultures, religions, genders, and nationalities.

    The poems

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