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Perfection: Fulfilling My Destiny in the Kingdom
Perfection: Fulfilling My Destiny in the Kingdom
Perfection: Fulfilling My Destiny in the Kingdom
Ebook74 pages1 hour

Perfection: Fulfilling My Destiny in the Kingdom

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This book is a tool to assist you in your journey towards your destiny. It identifies perfection and how it relates to every individual. Hopefully you will begin to see yourself different once you understand what God has done for you. I believe that God will reveal things to you, and you will be able to handle the obstacles that have bound and prevented you from moving forward. Everyone has hopes, dreams, and visions of whom or what they would like to become and or do. Somewhere along the way, you were distracted or found yourself overworked and you lost interest in what you had planned. How do you combat that and get back on track? Have you thought about your destiny? This is only a few of the questions that people ask themselves or have been asked by others. We will be discussing these things and others. I am sure you will be enlightened on a number of things you have been challenged with, and hopefully, you will find yourself revived.
Release dateMar 8, 2016
Perfection: Fulfilling My Destiny in the Kingdom

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    Perfection - Michael Simmons

    © 2016 Michael Simmons. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/07/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7649-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7648-0 (e)

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    You are perfect

    Understanding Who I Am

    Identifying things, I want to correct

    Work towards perfection

    Identifying Obstacles

    Negotiating Obstacles

    Reaching My Goal



    I would like to thank God for inspiring me to write this book and my wife for encouraging me. I would also like to thank my friends who spent time with us as God was revealing himself to me through study. I thank the individuals who purchase this book and pray that God will inspire you to do something with the gift he has given you.


    My relationship with God is one that I chose to be lifelong. I made a declaration and said if I should ever accept God's call I will put forth a lifelong effort and try to learn as much as I could. This is important to me because, I believe when we make a decision; we should know or have some idea why. My journey began by trying to learn and understand what God required and what that meant to me as a believer. Well, just like many people today, I accepted a lot of what others were telling me about God. Through my persistence to learn, God began to give me a clear understanding. I struggled with the emotionalism of receiving the Holy Spirit because I did not fall out, shout, or cry profusely as others did when they received it. Later I found that to receiving the Holy Spirit is not a hard task, all we are required to do is ask then believe we received it. Through years of seeking, studying, and absorbing as much as I could, I felt there was more. I ask myself this question, if God is as powerful and capable of doing all these things that I have heard and read about; should not there be more to his word? Where is the power and promises that he has promised us? This went on for a couple of years, while continuing to work myself to the ground being faithful. Please understand that I am not angry nor against the process, I went through.

    During the summer of 2002, I experienced a major conversion. After coming home from Sunday service, I was sitting in a chair at home and I picked up my bible and began to go over a couple of scriptures that captured my attention during service. I began to read Matthew chapter 6 and when I read verse 10 my life changed.

    He revealed to me that his Kingdom has come. I am not talking about his word only, but the government of God. I am talking about a Spiritual government that has tangible effects in our daily lives. We pray for miracles in order to see a sign or a move of God as a last resort. If we have not noticed, miracles take place when there seems to be no hope for us in any way, so God intervenes. Jesus was born a King stated in Matthew chapter 2, to inhabit his Kingdom on earth. A king has to have a kingdom, a place to rule over. In chapter 4 his Kingdom Dominion was activated. Verse 17 of chapter 4, he made a declaration and he began to preach and teach the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the supreme rule of the Government of the Godhead operating independent of this worlds system. That means we do not have to be dependent on this government to sustain us, because we have our own government as believers. Now we depend on the guidance from God to assist us in accomplishing things on this earth. Now depending on a person's spiritual mindset, they have to determine where their trust lye, in this government or Gods. Whether it is the Kingdom of God or this earthly government, one of them will rule in every area of our life by the decision we make. God wants us to understand our relationship with him is spiritual; this is why he gave us a spirit, so we can have a connection with him. Until we understand the spiritual connection, we will not be able to receive all that he has given in the relationship. A person who does not know this can easily curse God. Unfortunately, many believers do not understand whom God created them to express in the relationship. If we do not understand the relationship, we will not flow in it with spiritual authority. An uninformed person may experience unworthiness, imperfection, and uselessness. Many people have become comfortable with that state they are in. What do we do?

    You are perfect

    I have heard the statement I am not perfect quoted many times. We have heard this statement announced over the pulpit, in the streets, on TV, radio, and among our

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