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Wrapped in the Father's Arms: The Role of the Father?
Wrapped in the Father's Arms: The Role of the Father?
Wrapped in the Father's Arms: The Role of the Father?
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Wrapped in the Father's Arms: The Role of the Father?

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PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 31, 2016
Wrapped in the Father's Arms: The Role of the Father?

Charlene Ward

Charlene Ward was born and raised in the rural area of North Carolina. She is the youngest of 11 siblings. While growing up, Charlene learned to appreciate God and what He means to her. Charlene graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. She faithfully believes in the motto “helping others help themselves”. She feels that her education has given her the knowledge about life and people, but her greatest learning was of the word of God. She says her desire to learn more of God gave her the motivation to reach out and help others. She received a certificate of completion from the Daniel’s School of Prophets in 2011. She later went on to graduate from the Bethel School of the Bible in 2012 where she enhanced her knowledge about the Bible. Charlene is the author and poet of the book entitled “Fruits of the Spirit”, her very first project. She is a devoted church member working as a youth leader who loves the Lord and she is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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    Wrapped in the Father's Arms - Charlene Ward


    IN THE



    The Role of The Father?



    Copyright © 2016 Charlene Ward.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-4421-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-4420-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016908639

    WestBow Press rev. date: 05/31/2016



    Chapter 1    God The Father

    Chapter 2    God The Provider

    Chapter 3    God The Protector

    Chapter 4    God The Comforter

    Special Dedications

    This book is dedicated to all the fathers and men who acted in the role of fathers. And a special thanks to my heavenly Father.

    Heavenly Father,

    When I was lost, You were so easy to find.

    Little did I know, You were there all the time.

    You showed me unconditional love in so many ways.

    You gave me a new life, so I can be saved.

    You are my father, my provider, my protector, and my comforter.

    I can never doubt You, for there is no other.

    So, I thank you, I praise you for who You are.

    You may not be here in the natural, but I know your love dwells in my heart.

    And now, I respect and honor You, for where You have brought me from.

    I hope one day I will meet You and live in Your great kingdom.

    Happy Father’s Day.

    Love, your daughter Charlene

    Message from the Author

    The information presented in this book is gathered directly or indirectly from life experiences. It is also based on the author’s perspective as it relates to the scriptures gathered from the word of God from various versions of the Bible: the (NLT) New Living Translation Version, the (NIV) New International Version, (TLB) The Living Bible Version, the (NKJV) New King James Version, and the (KJV) King James Version. I thank God for granting me the wisdom and faith to write this message to be a blessing in someone life. God’s grace and favor allowed me to write this book. He wrapped His arms around me and told me to go forward, and that is why I humbly take no credit for this creation. To God be the glory!

    —Charlene Ward


    This book is about the characteristics of God and what He represents. He is a Father, a Provider, a Protector, a Comforter and much more. He is God, and there is no other like Him. Consider yourself actually being wrapped in the Father’s arms. Let’s start with God’s fingers. You can rest assure that with a touch of His fingertip we are protected and safe. We know that with His hands wide open, there are many blessings to receive from Him, which makes Him a provider. And when God wraps His arms around you, you are comforted with His love and kindness and mercy. He is considered the Father above all fathers for those who choose to believe and obey Him. He is the first person of the Godhead, known as the Father. He is the prime example of a father because He will protect you in time of trouble; He will make a way for you when all hope is gone, and He will comfort you in times of sorrow. Isn’t that what a father should do for his children? He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the God of yesterday, today, and forever more. Whatever you are going through, just pray this prayer of relief to Him …

    Our Father which art in Heaven,

    Hallowed be thy name

    Thy kingdom come,

    Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven

    Give us this day our daily bread

    And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

    And lead us not into temptations

    But deliver us from evil;

    For thou is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever


    —Matthew 6:9 KJV




    What is a father? A father is defined as a male parent. There are many roles of a father. Traditionally, a father has been known as the head of the household. He is a person who is mostly respected, having absolute authority over his family. A father has the responsibility of protecting, supporting, and helping his family. A father is loving and caring. A father also disciplines his children when they are disobedient. He is the one who sets the rules of the household, which are supposed to be mirrored by the word of God.

    There is a saying that any man can father a child, but it takes someone special to be a daddy. Although both are technically the same, one may argue that there is a difference between the two. In some cases, fathers have the inner responsibility to supply their families with the basic needs of clothing, shelter, and food. Dads, on the other hand, give guidance to their family as well as supply them with the basic necessities in life. The word dad is a

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