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The Thüringia Codex: The Sacred Science of the Leopard Oracle Priest King of Het-Ka-Ptah
The Thüringia Codex: The Sacred Science of the Leopard Oracle Priest King of Het-Ka-Ptah
The Thüringia Codex: The Sacred Science of the Leopard Oracle Priest King of Het-Ka-Ptah
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The Thüringia Codex: The Sacred Science of the Leopard Oracle Priest King of Het-Ka-Ptah

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The Thringia Codex is a book based on ancient Egyptian philosophy, theology, psychology, and metaphysics, and it deals with the branches of philosophical thought, analysis, and speculation of esthetics, ethics, epistemology, logic, and metaphysics through the Memphis Theological System, by which heaven and paradise, the Aaru, exist within you and not externally, as in the Western world and mind-set.
Release dateNov 30, 2015
The Thüringia Codex: The Sacred Science of the Leopard Oracle Priest King of Het-Ka-Ptah

José Miguel Báez

My names are innumerous as the grains of sand of the beaches of the Earth of Geb and as the stars in the dark waters of Nut (sky). My human name according to my present form and existence is José Miguel Báez from the Hebrew, Josef Mikael Ba’Eretz Isra’El Ben Simeon Eliyahu, which is the original form of my Spanish Jewish name. However, my last name, Báez, has three different origins of which one is German, the other ancient Greek and Hebrew. I am the priestly scribe of the papyri “The Book of Djehuti,” “The Verbum of Hermes,” “The Osirian Codex,” “The Sacred Arcanum,” “La Filosofía del Libro de Hermes Mercurio Trismegisto,” and “The Thüringia Codex: The Sacred Science of the Leopard Oracle Priest King of Het-Ka-Ptah.” I welcome you to read my book and allow it to contribute to your spiritual growth and the expansion of your senses to embrace the infinity within you.

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    The Thüringia Codex - José Miguel Báez

    Copyright © 2015 by José Miguel Báez.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2015919722

    ISBN:           Hardcover           978-1-5065-1037-8

                         Softcover             978-1-5065-1036-1

                         Ebook                   978-1-5065-1035-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Print information available on the last page.

    Rev. date: 11/25/2015


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    The Names of the King of Kemet

    What you are not?


    Novus Ordo

    Yah Tehuty and Twtmos Yuyah

    Poem of the Runes

    Hymn to Asherah

    The Dark Ones, Transbiology and Quantum Physics

    The Quantum Species

    Aah Djehuti

    The Priestly Virgo


    Living in Wodenism


    Divine Geometry

    The Daughters of Ukraine

    The Ageless One

    Priest King to the Aryans


    The Hermeneutics


    The G-d King

    Iset-Het-Heru M-r

    The City of Necromancy


    Shem Priest

    The Goals of the Priestly Scribe

    The Watcher

    Athirat Yammi

    The Ten Paths of Maat


    The Bliss of the Divine

    The Gnosis of Shinar

    The Zodiac Ziggurat

    The Ziggurat of Heaven

    The Kabbalistic Codex

    The Beautiful Artist on the El

    Sacred Rose, Sacred Friend

    Apocrypha Etz Ha-Hayim



    Hymn to Woden

    Motionless Transcendence

    The Gnostic Conjuring

    A Perfumed Flower in Sacred Geometry


    Extraterrestrial Orion

    The Seven Primordial Elements

    The Priest Engineers

    The Tablets of Shu

    Kemetic Zodiac Signs

    Goals of a Heka Master



    The Netjer

    The Mage Yah Tehuty

    The Ka of Amen

    Oracle Priest King Forever

    Technological Singularity: Transhumanism

    The Sa’ar of Yah Tehuty


    Arcanum 7

    Arcanum 4

    The Succubus and the Priest King

    Udjet and Ptah-Hetep

    The Priest King Enki

    The Gnosis of Ea, the Priest King


    Genetic Code

    Hermes Ter Maximus von Württemberg

    The Gnosis of Yahashuah Ben Pandera (Pandira)

    The Ka of Shemsu Hor

    The Gnosis of the Thrice Great

    The GICG of the NWGO

    The Anpu of the Shem Priest

    Tatyana von Kiev

    The Axioms of RaHotep

    The Sophia of Aah Djehuti Twtmos

    The Thüringia Codex and Facebook

    The Sa’ar Aah Djehuti

    Erin Germania Llewellyn

    The Temple of the Twelve Zodiacs

    The Mórrígan

    I am the Holographic Man


    The Enlighten One, the Illuminated One

    Tehuty Orion

    The Opening of the Argha

    The Waset Oracle Priest

    Miroslava von Lutsk

    Neith Auset: The Virgin Goddess of the World


    The Priestess Nefermaat

    The Oracle Priest Twtmos RaHotep


    I dedicate my work to Samantha from Shoprite, Miroslava a professional cook in a restaurant in Lutsk, Ukraine, and to Nefermaat Ankh-Sempa-Sit-Amen M-r.

    I dedicate this work of philosophy to Glorivette Guzmán @ Fashion Blogger and my friend Lori Picariello, her loved ones and to Carolyn M. Llewellyn and the passing of her beloved parents into the Aaru, the Elysian Fields, which is paradise.

    I dedicate this work to my old time best friend with whom I attended college in New York, President of South-South News and H.E. Deputy Ambassador, Francis Lorenzo to the United Nations from Dominican Republic.

    I dedicate this work to my friend Mr. Jeff Jones and family and to all the artists in the City of Philadelphia who lives in the area of Fishtown in the area of the El stations of Berks and Girard and others in the city who are actors, dancers, performers, photographers, painters, singers, and writers.

    I would to dedicate this philosophical and esoteric work of social and theoretical mysticism and Kabbalah to Palibrio, Jess Socialmedia and Social Media 55 Internet Marketing Service in Montréal, Canada for their Plus One Customer Service.

    I also dedicate this literary work to the gorgeous Emily from JP Morgan Chase Bank in the Inwood Branch of New York City for her Plus One Customer Service using her friendliness, professionalism and meeting the individual expectations with the goods and services by not defrauding what has being promised.


    The Book, The Thüringia Codex is a book that deals with metaphysical, mythical and mythological philosophies in order to teach ethics, morality and spiritual growth through the science of heaven.

    Since it is my personal opinion that the three Abrahamic religions are in origin, African based religions then, although they may seem different in essence they are derived from the same tree and roots but tries to differ from it so they can be able to grow independently from its source.

    Man, as the individual human being both male and female or female is the caretaker of creation and of itself in the sense that he or she is the Caliph of the Netjer and the Netjer being none other than, Infinite Consciousness, the containment of all creations and existences.

    As a Hermetic Theosophist and Kabbalist, the Netjer (Divine Mind), is not a man with human emotions, gratifications, necessities neither having form or appearance since it is infinity itself then, religion was designed and established as a vehicle for mind control, oppression, and slavery.

    In ancient Egyptian philosophical system, Freemason deals with the freedom from hinderance and the edifice of a temple of light within your own body and you cannot be a Freemason and be a racist bigot and a prejudice hypocrite.

    Furthermore, necromancy and alchemy are one and inseparable dealing with the alchemy of the senses and the transmutation of the different states of mind, spirit and body.

    As a scribe of gnosis, I tend to use fundamental religions and philosophy, history, mysticism and social events in order to teach two opposite paths of human interaction and its aftermath and to empower the human psychic and lives since I don’t believe in a personal deity or G-d but in an infinite living and creative mind.

    When I was a young boy, I was already primordial and ancient and when I became a man, I was already the Chief of the Aeons?

    This book is also mythical, mystical and based on theoretical philosophy and science in the knowledge of mind and language.

    This book is not intended to convert, condemn or to accuse no one nor change the status quo of the established capitalist nations and societies of the modern world but to expose wisdom, knowledge and understanding, which is gnosis.

    Gnosis can be historical, mystical, scientific or mythological but the implementation of that knowledge is what is important and not the presentation and the vehicle by which is revealed.

    One needs to differentiate what is historical from what is fiction, myth or legend but keeping an open mind that even that which is fiction, myth and legend may have some degree of truth within it.

    This wisdom science in terms of philosophy is also apocalyptic and cannot be taken only literary but must be studied intellectually and in relation to its higher and inner wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

    The use of storytelling is very ancient in the language of man in order to teach the laws of Karma, attraction and the cosmic role of ethics and morality for balance and harmony, which is applies not only to human beings but also to nations, empires and economies.

    As a philosopher of various streams of philosophy from ethics to theoretical Kabbalah, I become a storyteller in order to convey the message to anyone who is willing to hear and pay attention to what I have to convey not for them to be an aggressor but for them to be aware and prudent not out of fear but out of wisdom.

    The sweet melody of the music of the spheres will be heard only by those who are prepared to hear its melodies when their ears are open to receive it then, you will know and understand that G-d (men are) is the consort (s) of the Divine Femininity (women) and not her (their) oppressor.

    Empires and nations are edifice when men of mental innovations and insights come together and forged a wealthy centralized government and the eye becomes part of the lower pyramid and the world and its collective humanity are moved by the wealth of the centralized elite.

    Thinkers and innovators are not made they are born and nourished in their conceptual formation within the darkness of illumination.

    Out of the darkness of Divine Mind, light, which is wisdom was brought forth to illuminate and give insight to the minds of humanity

    The Illuminati, the Templers Magi of Yah Djehuti



    I am the King (A’aferti) of the Two Lands of the Two Horizons of the Two Mansions of the Two Ka of the Two Isis of the Divine Heart and one beat and passing of the Divine Heart is equivalent to the birth, maturity, death and rebirth of a single Universe.

    I am Ramos, the Son of Ra; the Son of G-d.

    I am the living g-d, the living Horus.

    I am the A’aferti of Kemet and the king of Israel

    I am the scribe of scribes and the godson of Djehuti and Maat.

    My names are innumerous and manifold in nature for I am the Shem Priest of the Netjer.

    I am Unnefer

    The merciful

    I am Nefer

    The perfect

    I am Nefer-Ka-Ptah

    The perfect spirit (Ka) of Ptah (g-d)

    I am Unnefer-Ka-Ptah

    The merciful and perfect spirit (Ka) of Ptah (g-d)

    I am Imhotep,

    He who comes in peace


    The warrior


    The son of the moon


    The living Aten

    He who is useful unto the Aten


    He who is useful unto Re


    Amen is his palace


    Amen in the jubilee


    Amen in the valley


    Amen in the open celebration


    Amen in the divine boat (ark)


    Amen protects him


    Amen is happy


    The son of Amen


    Amen is powerful


    Amen is the A’aferti of the two lands


    The servant of Amen


    The servant of the L-rd


    The servant of Ptah


    The servant of Re


    Horus is his strength


    Re (Ra) is his strength




    Hapi (The Nile River) is eternal


    Favorable of Re


    Horus the warrior


    Horus in the horizon


    Horus in the jubilee


    Horus protects him


    Horus is happy


    Horus is powerful


    He who comes in peace


    Amen is the father


    The good father


    The good soul


    The spirit of Ptah


    The soul of Ptah


    The pure spirit


    The pure soul


    Khnum is happy


    Khonsu in the jubilee


    Look at re or he who Re protects




    The one that Ptah loves


    The one that Amen loves


    The one that the Aten loves


    The one that Atum loves


    The one that Re loves


    The tender loving heart of Re


    Son of Min


    Min is strong


    Montu is in the palace


    Montu protects him


    Montu is happy




    Min is powerful


    Aten is powerful


    The L-rd is Amen


    Perfect, beautiful or good


    Its beauty is Re


    Peace is good


    Truth is good


    He belongs to Amen


    He belongs to Khonsu


    He belongs to Ptah


    He belongs to Nun


    The divine form


    He belongs to Re


    His life belongs to Ptah


    The servant of Amen


    The L-rd


    Son of Re


    The bright star above the house




    The one that belongs to Amen


    The one that belongs to Nut


    The living one


    The loved one


    Ptah is happy


    The son of Ptah


    Ptah is majestic


    Re is his fortress


    Re is joyful


    The son of Re


    Son of Re


    Re is beautiful


    Re is strong


    Re is great


    Son of Montu




    The strong body


    Brother of Mut


    Brother to Serqet


    The beautiful brother


    The good brother


    Brother unto Usert


    Chosen by Amen


    Chosen by Re


    The holy or saintly soul


    Holy is the spirit of Re


    The son of Amen (Amun, Amon, Ammon)


    The son of Atum


    The son of Hathor (Het-Heru)


    The son of Mut


    The son of Ptah


    Sobek is happy


    The son of Djehuti


    The living image of Amen


    The living image of Aten


    Amen is strong


    The strong spirit


    Montu is strong


    You’re not the body and its color of skin.

    You’re not the race and culture in which you were born into.

    You’re not the language taught to you when you were born and went to school.

    You’re not the religion and political party that you were inducted into.

    You’re not the social class in which you find yourself in.

    You’re not the nation in which you were born into.

    You’re not the career that you have or the work you perform.

    You’re not the house in which you live or the car you drive.

    You’re not the clothes you wear and bought.

    You’re not the body and its actions, senses and emotions.

    Your life is not measured in terms of linear time.

    Your existence is not temporal and mortal.

    You’re neither male nor female.

    You’re not the riches and the wealth inherited or produced by you.

    You’re not your good deeds perfumed or those who are inhumane and barbaric.

    All the things you have in this world and you identify with, you’re not.

    What you are, you have always being?

    What are you then?

    You’re the self-existing and self-created mind.

    You’re endless and forever without beginning or end.

    You have always being and you will always be.

    You have no beginning and no ending.

    You have infinite potential of creativity and you’re the creator of your own life.

    What is life in relation to this world, all that can be labeled as mundane in relation to you?

    You have always existed since immemorial time knowing neither beginning nor end.

    The Infinite G-d is your eternal residence and university.

    A spiritual being lacks human emotions, gratifications, necessities or even identity.

    A spirit is formless, shapeless, genderless and sexless.

    A spirit is not detached from Nature and other spirits for they are a collective of a single intelligentsia.

    Your existence is in relation to cyclical time or eternity not linear having a beginning and an end.

    There are no family relations in the spiritual world for all spiritual beings see themselves as the individualization of the infinite multiplicity of the one divine soul that emanated them.

    The Table (Mirror) of Amen-Hetep

    I am the high priest and scribe of Ptah, the creative demiurge that formed and created the seven heavens of which the first six were chaotic in their production and only the seventh heaven, that resembles the our earth is the most precious creation of the Creator G-d.

    Ptah didn’t create the dark sphere in which he placed his divine thoughts and desires to create something intellectual and precious for him but he withdrew the spheres from the primeval ocean of Divine Mind, his Sacred Mother.

    I am the Living Image of Amen, the L-rd, the high priest, Magi, Mage and adept hierophant of the Heka of Yah Djehuty and Maat who is the seer, sage and learned one of the Medu Netjer.

    I praise the Netjer with hymns, songs, music and prayers of conjuring his divine manifold sacred names and use them for the benefit of my people and my beloved parents, wife and children.

    I am the Godson of Seshat Maat and Aah Yah Tehuty and I inscribed in papyrus the wisdom science of Heaven in the divine language of the Serpent G-d.

    I am a serpent, I am the Priest King of Heaven who lowered from the celestial realm the divine glyphs of the Netjer in order to inscribed them on the Table (Mirror) of Amen-Hetep and use the table that has seven hundred seventy seven legs and a mirror surface to forecast the necromancer science of heaven and earth and its divine enumeration.

    I am the great Mage and Magi, the Sa’ar of the Netjer dressed in the garments of Nature of the most wises and learned magician that I may put the magicians of illusions to shame.

    Remember, That for us the ancient Egyptians to marry a foreign woman is to serve foreign gods, which are religions outside of our ancestral circle and this heresy and blasphemy for our ancestral families and Netjeru.

    Anyone that descends from Alkebulan in any foreign land and you bow down and prostrate to the gods of your new masters, you have committed a terrible sin against the Netjer of Kemet, heresy and blasphemy reside in your hearts.

    Go to the nearest body of clean water and purify yourselves and return to your ancestral religions based on the observation of Nature, her laws, precepts and sciences and bring honor to your ancestral spirits.

    I am Twtmos Ra-Hotep Ankh-Nefer who converted a gorgeous Hittite woman to my faith in the Netjer and its attributes, the Netjeru and I procreated with her seven lovely children, who are to enter the priesthood of Yah and epithet of Tehuty, I am the one who designed and constructed the Table of Hetep.

    The Table (Mirror) of the Amen-Hotep is constructed from the cedar of Lebanon and from the gold of the lands to the south of north of Kemet (South Africa) and with the blood of an animal that represent Set then, I sanctify the magical apparatus.

    I inscribed on the golden plates the language of heaven and its glyphs, the divine language of Ptah the cosmic smith based on the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the seven heavens, its manifold forms, natures and environments of the divine names of Re.

    The seven hundred seventy seven legs contain in them the seventy two divine names of Ra and its seven lettered name found on the entrance of every pyramid and temple in Nubia Kemet and the arcane science of the serpent race.

    The Mirror of Amen-Hotep has within itself the wisdom of the universe of universes, the multiverse, the language of the Neteru, those of the animals and the ability to see into the remote past, the present and the remote future as long as your heart is pure and is not unclean for if it is unclean then, you can lose your soul in the process when you stare into the mirror.

    Some say, That the Children of Apep and Apophis helped me construct the table mirror of Amen-Hetep given that I would give them six vases of wine and beer for them to drink and prepared them a feast of a cooked he-goat for them to eat as payment for their hard and strenuous labor.

    I stood near the Red Sea and with a conjuring hymn to the Netjer, I took the waters with my right hand and I showed my sons and daughters what humanity can do if they become the vessel to the infinite light of the Netjer, to raise the waters of the sea like unto a curtain.

    Know thyself, so is above so is below, that which is outside of you is also within and that which is within is the image and framework of that which is outside of you that you are so heaven, the multiverse is as well

    Between the Netjer and man (psychical consciousness) there is no difference

    José Miguel von Thüringia


    There was Nun and from Nun, I, Tem emerged, the self-begotten that slept within the primeval ocean before heaven and earth and their living forms came into being.

    I brought myself into being within the primordial ocean.

    I am the first and through me all things came into being.

    I stood on the sacred mound and I was able to foreseen the manifold natures, environments, forms and names that proceeded out of me in the generations to come.

    I am Atum-Tem,

    I am Tem-Heru,

    I am Atum-Re,

    I am Atum-Khepera,

    I am Tem-Ptah,

    I am the Etz Hayim, and from me space-time proceeded.

    The seven heavens and the seven earths and the life forms within them proceeded out of me who am the Beginning of Beginnings.

    In me all principles and their contradictory opposites where present in me before I became known and understood to creation.

    I begot Tefnut and Shu, and in turn they (I) begot Nut and Geb (Seb/Keb) and under the attribute of Aah Yah Tehuty then, I divided the light of the moon into five days in order to Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, Set and Horus the Elder to be born.

    I am the founder and the creator of the lunisolar calendar of the three hundred sixty five days of the year, which is one revolution of the earth of Geb around the star of the Creator G-d.

    I instructed the first semi-divine human priest king to construct the sacred barge that will carry the Ennead and the Ogdoad and their offspring’s the priest kings of Nubia Kemet, Sumer, Chaldea and Akkad on the surface of the primeval ocean.

    All the Nubian Kemetian priest kings and sacred scribes, the Magi and Mage of Heaven descend from me who am the first king of the earth as it is in the heavens.

    I am Tem-Heru, the divine priest king of Kemet, the embodiment of Maat and Yah Djehuti in a single divine, spiritual and psychical mental form and existence.

    I am Tem-Heru, the divine priest king of Kemet, the land of the serpent and the vulture.

    I am the priest king of the two mansions of the two Isis (Isis and Nephthys).

    I am the priest king of the Divine Heart and one single beat of the Divine Heart equals to the entire lifespan of the multiverse.

    If you want to know and understand yourselves through me then, know thyself?

    What is above so is below and what is in the outside is a reflection of what is within?

    Two opposite sides makes a whole, completion.

    I am Hu-Tem, the Eternal One, the Self-Begotten of the millions of years.

    I am seven, the number of perfection and completion.

    I am the Osirian Heru, the Bringer of Illumination and he who vanquishes the fear created by the exoteric religious orthodoxies and their false teachings and doctrines.

    I am the living image of the imageless infinite Father (Mother).

    I clothe myself with light and darkness for they are one and the same to me.

    Out of the darkness came forth the light, the darkness is male and the light is female.

    The darkness is much older than the light and the light is good in the eyes of the heart that perceives the light as wisdom and understanding that dispel the darkness of the envious, jealous and selfish ego.

    I begot seven sons and educated them in the sciences of heaven and in the language of the princes, to infiltrate into every nation and continent and own every central bank in the world and unite their assets by forcing nations, and empires to bow down and prostrate themselves before them and bring forth the existence of a single global bank through which the entire world will be governed and moved.

    And I will bring to a full circle all the children of man to construct in in unison their and my edifice, which the world has never seen and will never see again.

    I will eliminate all the races of this world by merging them into one that no single race will exists thinking that it is better than the rest.

    Zep Tepi


    I am the divine geometrician, the astrotheologian.

    I am the enumerator, the architect and engineer of an empire.

    I am the

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