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Crying for or from Forces: Memoreal
Crying for or from Forces: Memoreal
Crying for or from Forces: Memoreal
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Crying for or from Forces: Memoreal

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Some of us believe in the impossible, while others believe in what is said to be reality. If forces do exist, how would the nonbelievers react to such blasphemy? Say they dont exist, how does science explain the mysteries of being overcome by something else? Something inhuman. Perhaps the most potent question is what would these things say or do to us? Reality is what you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. To someone else, what you see could just be another dust practical in the air. Their body could be here, but their mind is somewhere you cannot reach. Go ahead and say that Realm is just a made up reality. You can only see as well as the person who was born without eyes. This is where it all begins Memoreal.
Release dateMar 18, 2016
Crying for or from Forces: Memoreal

Jessica Green

Jessica Green discovered her love for writing at an early age and pursed her talent in 2006 with the publication of her first novel. Motivated by her passion, she continues to pursue a career writing novels, screenplays, and short stories that inspire and uplift people of all ages. She currently resides in North Carolina with her two daughters and her granddaughter.

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    Crying for or from Forces - Jessica Green

    © 2016 Jessica Green. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/11/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-8515-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-8513-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-8514-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016904272

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    Chapter 1: Entering Forces

    Chapter 2: New Lives

    Chapter 3: Meeting my Mother: A Two Year Process

    Chapter 4: The Ending Three Months

    Chapter 5: Earth’s Realm

    Chapter 6: Silencess awakens

    Chapter 7: The End

    Chapter 8: The Vampire Book Club

    Chapter 9: Dying Numbers

    Chapter 10: Children’s Death

    Chapter 11: Reunion


    There are people or forces flying around, we just can’t see them, but they are there. My sister told me about them. When I was young I’d talk to them, but I don’t remember it. Some of them pick a person to possess and tell horrible things to. One of them picked me to possess. My sister let it happen, when she took me to a place, and let one whisper to me. I didn’t know why I was chosen, but in the end I found out why.

    PHASE 1



    Can you hear them? my sister asked me.

    Yes… oh gosh, make them stop! I screamed.

    What are they saying? Can you understand them?

    No, no, no! Make them stop, please!

    No, tell me what they’re saying! You must!

    Then my sister punched me and I fell to the floor.

    What are they telling you?

    I was so scared. They whispered horrible things. I was screaming so loud that glass started to break. Yet the glass didn’t fall to the ground. Instead, the glass started to float and at 90 miles per hour, was headed straight for me. I wanted it to be a dream; wanted it to stop.

    Please make them leave me. Tell them to go away!

    I can’t do that. They’re having to…much…fun.

    She threw me to the floor once again, and I was still running from the glass.

    I don’t want to hurt anymore, I tried to tell her, but instead she covered my mouth with her hand. The spirits, demons, and whatever other forces that was in the room left.

    Shhh, she whispered.

    I heard footsteps from upstairs, once again I heard the sound of breaking glass, and this time I felt something. My sister slowly took her hand off my mouth and told me to be quiet.

    What’s wrong? Who’s up there; are they going to hurt us?

    They may possibly. It’s a demon in human form. He felt us here.

    Us? Us as in me and you he felt? Us, as in you, someone else and I? Were there forces here too? Where did they all go? I asked.

    She put her hand over my mouth again, because I was being too loud.

    Are you okay?

    I shook my head no. I heard a footstep, and someone screamed my name.

    DAGAR, where are you?!

    My sister screamed Ragumaro, and a brick wall appeared around us. Then she took her hand off me and said, You have to run, go to the rainbow, find then sun, and stay safe until I can find you.

    I knew what she was trying to say, and I listened. Then the brick was disappeared, I ran, and she screamed, Time travels!

    The basement wall opened and I got transported to another place; A place where I would begin my journey.


    My sister stayed behind and I don’t know why she did. We both could have escaped, but I guess it was her choice to stay behind. Something was wrong though, she said ‘Time travels,’ but there had to be two people inside for it to work, and I was the only one who went. Unless there was two, but that would mean something was inside of me. ‘Oh gosh, what’s in me?’ I thought to myself. Then I got so angry, what was happening today? It’s like I was changing; why would my sister hurt me, then save my life? Why did she even bring me to that place, I knew she had powers, but I didn’t need to know anything else. She showed me spirits, forces; she let them whisper and possess me. How could she let one stay inside of me, and why? I fell to the floor and started to cry. I had never experienced that much pain before. Then something spoke to me.

    "You know you have to go back, right?

    What?! I shouted, while tears fell from my eyes.

    You have to go back and save you sister’s life.

    Who are you? Why is there an echo in my head?

    My name is Trydown. You need help to get back, so I stayed with you.

    Then I got angry and told whatever possessed me to go away. It was quiet afterwards, so peaceful and still, but alas, not for long. A moment later I was crying again. It came back to me and started to talk.

    I’m not going to let you win, no way!

    Just leave me alone, please, I said.

    You have to go back one day. You can’t spend the rest of your life running away, and you know that.

    One day I will go back, maybe, but not now. If you stay, I’ll never be whole again.

    What are you talking about? I’m trying to help you become whole.

    No, my sister told me all about forces, and what the really try to do, I muttered.

    What did she tell you about us? he replied.

    She said they pull humans down, and bury their dreams alive. They want us to be sad, and hate the people around us.

    Well, yes, but I’m different and just want to help.

    I don’t believe you, and you can just leave. I’m not going to save my sister. She’d be safe if you didn’t enter me when the portal opened.

    You’re right. But I want you to become strong, and that’s why you need a journey.

    I’m just a child, I don’t need this, I protested.

    You’re not a child anymore! You’re fourteen! You need to act like an adult for this journey.

    I’m not going on this journey, and I don’t want to grow up. I pouted.

    What are you doing? he questioned me.

    Walking away, I answered.

    No, you can’t go through that door. If you go through, you won’t be able to reenter for four years, don’t you know that?

    Yes, I know. I shrugged my shoulders carelessly.

    Don’t you care about your sister?

    Yes, but she left me, and gave me you!

    For a reason, she stayed behind to stop the person from getting you.

    Sure she did. I stopped at the edge of the door.

    You know if you take the easy way out and pass through the door, you won’t find any peace. In fact, the next four years will be the hardest of all.

    I reached for the door handle, and then stopped. If I don’t take this path, the other path, what happens on it?

    Well, it could be shorter than four years, and possibly easier.

    Explain. I stood with my arms crossed.

    It’s a two year journey, and will have a lot of fun and good things in the adventure.

    How hard is the four years?

    If you fail the first two years, you get a second chance, and can return here.

    Okay, I’ve made my decision. I choose the four year journey.

    I must warn you that only a few survive that road and make it out alive.

    Well then, I guess I’ll be one of the few.

    A couple minutes of reconsidering and I opened the door. It creaked loudly. The blackness enveloped me, but I was ready to save my sister my way. Then something stopped me, and it spoke. We never realize what we have until it’s too late; when it’s gone. We spend our time to get everything back. If you walk through that door, you’ll spend more time than is needed.

    ‘Why do I even do this?’ I thought, then once again collapsed to the floor, crying. Where is all this pain coming from? It hurts so badly, I said aloud, not expecting a response.

    When we were all whispering to you, you heard more than you needed to know, and now, you won’t let go of all that’s happened.

    It has to be more than that.

    Maybe it’s your past coming back to torture you.

    My past was all good. The words sounded unconvincing to my own ears.

    You know that’s not true.

    How would you know, you weren’t there! Even if you were, you would’ve seen only well.

    If that’s how you feel about the situation, then go ahead.

    I walked through the door into darkness. Entering the world was scary, and I had no idea how to survive on my own. I walked into a forest, and my journey would begin there in Africa. Somehow I had to get back to the portal, and close it when the time was right. So I left words on trees where the portal would be. The portal was a way back to my sister and another path to something worse than the world. Well, the world is pretty evil, and I decided maybe some help would be useful.

    Trydown, are you still there? I asked.

    Yes, what do you need? I thought you wanted me to go away.

    I don’t know what to do. I have no family, and I’m in the middle of nowhere. I hung my head.

    You’ll follow the voices of the forces.

    How will I follow them? I asked with a frown.

    First, wipe the frown off your face. You can feel them when they’re near, right?

    Sometimes I can maybe, and frankly, yes.

    Okay, so you look for the clues they leave behind and track them down until you can feel them. After that happens, you call for them.

    Wait, how do I know which ones to destroy?

    You’ll know. Besides, I’ll be there to help you.

    I really didn’t know if I should trust her. What if it was a trap, and a way to kill me? She explained that as soon as I destroyed the demons, the spirits would appear and come in to me. I needed so many spirits in me to be able to destroy the main demon.

    You’re going to help me?

    Yes, I told you I’m good, and not like other forces.

    Know that if you’re lying, I’ll kill you, and not let you escape.

    Sure you will, Dagar, she said, laughing.

    On day one of my journey, I got 200 miles across Africa. I felt a demon close by, and could see it coming my way. Trydawn, I whispered softly.

    Yes, I know, I feel and see it too.

    What do I do now?

    Do you feel a bad presence or a good one?

    A very bad force and I want to kill it.

    The force approached me and asked me a question. She’s dead. Why would you go back?

    I remained silent, and I felt hate start to flow through me.

    Answer me! the demon screamed.

    Then it tried to possess me, and it started scarring me as I just stood still.

    Dagar, now kill it! Trydawn screamed.

    I can’t move! Something’s wrong, and someone’s hurting really badly.

    Yeah, you stupid girl, you’re really dumb and no good, the demon said, laughing.

    Dagar, don’t listen to him. Fight it. Please do something, don’t let him hurt you anymore.

    I grabbed the demon by the neck and tried to squeeze his breath away. He was entering my body, and I couldn’t stop it. I found myself scarring myself with a knife.

    Dagar, please listen, kill it with the knife and blood. Cut him in half. Hurry Dagar! Trydown said urgently.

    I took that knife and cut his body in half. He vanished. The knife and blood fell to the floor. It was over. Trydawn, how could a knife and blood kill him?

    Dagar, you’re special. You can destroy evil, and nothing they do can stop you. Unless you quit, or give up the fight.

    I don’t understand.

    One day, when the time is right, you will.

    Why me, how was I special? My past was horrible, and Trydawn knew that. I hurt people, and everyone hates me. How

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