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Marvelous Adventures with Marly and Aerie in Washington D.C.
Marvelous Adventures with Marly and Aerie in Washington D.C.
Marvelous Adventures with Marly and Aerie in Washington D.C.
Ebook52 pages30 minutes

Marvelous Adventures with Marly and Aerie in Washington D.C.

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About this ebook

Marly and Aerie are two guide dogs working across the United States with Juliet and Shawn, who are blind. This adventure takes place in our nations capital, Washington DC, where the dogs guide their handlers as they explore Americas historical monuments. At the National Air and Space Museum, they learn about the first airplane, explore the solar system, and find moon rocks. Their guide work in the hotel displays excellence until Marlys adventures turn upside down. Aeries adventures at the Title Basin keep Shawn on his toes. Racing through the Capital Mall during a thunderstorm surprises their companions at the undeniable abilities of blind people. As always, Shawn, Juliet, and their guides manage to make an impression on everyone they meet.
Release dateOct 12, 2016
Marvelous Adventures with Marly and Aerie in Washington D.C.

Juliet Cody

Juliet Cody is an immigrant from Colombia. She came to America as a child. The family lived in Hoboken, New Jersey. Having parents who grew up on the tropical beaches of the Caribbean, the family soon moved to the beaches of Southern California where she still resides. She married, had a daughter, and taught prekindergarten until blindness struck. She did not sit in the dark. Instead, she turned on the light of independence by attending classes to learn mobility, Braille, and living skills. Juliet became involved in the blind community. She became a state board member for the National Federation of the Blind, formed three chapters and served as president, taught in the Colorado Center for the Blind, became a board member of Disabilities Issues Advisory Committee at the California State University San Marcos, and is president for the San Diego Guide Dogs for the Blind Chapter. She returned to school with her guide dog, Marly, received twenty-seven scholarships and earned her BA and MA in literature and writing. Juliet travels with her guide dog, Marly, her best friend, Shawn, and his guide dog, Aerie, across the country. She has dedicated her career to writing children’s books to bring positive awareness about the abilities of the blind, with a humorous flair. Together they plunge into the guide dog culture and challenge normative conventions in the world today.

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    Marvelous Adventures with Marly and Aerie in Washington D.C. - Juliet Cody

    © 2016 Juliet Cody. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 06/20/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-4259-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-4260-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016916674

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.






    Chapter 1 Touch Down In Washington Dc

    Chapter 2 The Hotel

    Chapter 3 Clicker Training

    Chapter 4 Air And Space Museum

    Chapter 5 The Tennis Ball And The Elevator

    Chapter 6 Exploring Washington




    With honor and love I want to dedicate this trilogy: Marvelous Adventures with Marly and Aerie in San Diego, in New York City, and Washington DC to Titi and Finita, the best parents in the world. Thank you for having the love and the courage to come to America. Renee Alison Cody and Jagger Ray Cody for always making me proud and happy, and my family for supporting me with love.


    I would like to acknowledge Guide Dogs for the Blind for their well-bred and excellently trained guide-dogs. Especially Charles Nathan and Keith Tomlinson for their dedication and love for the dogs. The puppy raisers for their dedication to the hard work, love, and time that takes to teach our guide-dogs their social skills. Especially puppy raiser Pat Salzarulo, who with her big heart is always there for all of us handlers whenever we need help. Peter Mansell AKA Shawn for sharing all the adventures with me and being a part of my life. My illustrators, Jenn Uran and Eric Calderon, whose creativity, talent, descriptions, caring, and love not only brought my book to life, but allowed me to see the images. My editor, Aleesa Allen, who put her heart into the story until it shone like a diamond. My angel, Jan Owens, for her love, dedication, encouragement and guidance. I want to thank mumsy for loving me and asking me to write a book. Rita Mansell for her help, timeless energy, and

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