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The Spiritual Guidebook: A Practical Guide to Being Spiritual 11:11
The Spiritual Guidebook: A Practical Guide to Being Spiritual 11:11
The Spiritual Guidebook: A Practical Guide to Being Spiritual 11:11
Ebook228 pages2 hours

The Spiritual Guidebook: A Practical Guide to Being Spiritual 11:11

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About this ebook

Are you drawn to spirituality but you dont quite know where to start or what to do? Do you feel as if you are embarking on a spiritual journey, but you arent fully equipped with the tools you need?

The Spiritual Guidebook is a book designed for everyone who is new to, or drawn to the path of spirituality. It is a practical guidebook full of information, filled with terms, descriptions, ideas and reflective practices to help you along your journey in reaching self-mastery.

The Spiritual Guidebook differs from all others because it is a one-stop-shop, easy-to-follow, spiritual book of information and how-tos. It is a complete blend of the different aspects that spirituality encompasses and it draws on the learning and active practices of author, Rita Pietrosanto.

Rita makes reference to numerous inspiring authors and well-known spiritual teachers, such as Doreen Virtue, Eckhart Tolle, Gabrielle Bernstein and Louise Hay. However, Rita incorporates her learning from all the spiritual teachers she has come across along her journey, some of which are not so renowned, but are hidden gems!

From clearing your crystals and clearing your chakras. Connecting to your spirit guides, building on your intuition and learning to meditate. To programming pendulums and mastering the art of manifesting. The Spiritual Guidebook is an all-encompassing spiritual Bible for those starting on their journey!

Release dateJan 31, 2017
The Spiritual Guidebook: A Practical Guide to Being Spiritual 11:11

Rita Pietrosanto

Rita Pietrosanto is a qualified Mental Health Social Worker and Counsellor, Meditation Teacher and Intuitive Energy Healer. Rita is an Intuitive Channeller with a specific calling to help children and young people.

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    The Spiritual Guidebook - Rita Pietrosanto

    Copyright © 2017 Rita Pietrosanto.

    Photographs by Tania Mazzeo and

    Interior Paintings by Eileen Poldermans

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0476-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0477-1 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 01/31/2017


    To My Parents, Gerry and Gesina. The epitome of unconditional love. Thank-you for always believing in me, loving me and supporting me. This book is for you.


    Chapter 1:   Some Important Definitions: Spiritual Enlightenment, Spirituality, Intuition, EGO and Your Shadow Self

    Spiritual Enlightenment




    Shadow Self

    Chapter 2:   Is Your Journey Beginning?

    ‘Waking Up’

    Chapter 3:   Calling in the Big Guns: Spirit Guides and Asking for Help from the Universe

    Spirit Guides

    Asking for Signs and Asking for Help!

    Chapter 4:   All Things Aura Clearing, Cleansing and Protecting Your Energy Body

    Auric Field (the Aura)

    Chapter 5:   Show Us Your Chakras! Clearing and Cleansing Your Chakra Centres

    Chakra System

    Chapter 6:   Crystals and Gemstones

    Crystal Gridding

    Chapter 7:   Meditation – It’s Not as Hard as You Think


    Chapter 8:   Rituals: Grounding, Moon Phases and Manifesting!


    Moon Phases and Rituals

    Manifesting Using Vision Boards

    Manifesting by Speaking Things into Existence!

    Manifesting With Gratitude

    Chapter 9:   Spiritual Tools: Pendulums, Oracle Cards, Journals and Altars


    Playing With Oracle Cards



    Chapter 10:   Clearing a Room or Space (and don’t forget your car too!)

    Chapter 11:   Healing Yourself: Nature, Baths, Essential Oils, Colours and the Violet Flame



    Essential Oils (Aromatherapy)

    Healing With Colours

    The Violet Flame

    Chapter 12:   Animal Totems, Power Animals and Spirit Animals

    Chapter 13:   Healing With the Archangels

    Chapter 14:   The Ascended Masters – Who Are They?

    Chapter 15:   For those of you that want to learn a little more… Past Lives, Dark Night of the Soul and ‘Empaths’

    Past Lives and Your Souls’ Evolution

    Dark Night of the Soul (DNOTS)

    The ‘Empath’

    Chapter 16:   Learning to Love Yourself First But How Do You Do That?

    My Bookcase


    Like your great grandmother’s secret recipe book, or the charmed sisters’ ‘Book of Shadows, I’ve written this guidebook with the intention that it will be passed down from generation to generation, family member to family member, friend to friend.

    Consider it a textbook if you will, a spiritual resource or tool that you can turn to for information and higher learning. A practical guide to spirituality for when you are beginning your journey, or when your soul is whispering to your heart that it’s time to wake up, but you don’t quite know how to set the alarm.

    This guidebook is just as much your book as it is mine. I want you to make it your own; learn from it, yes, but be sure to change and adopt your own ways of using the tools and resources.

    Spirituality has no rules. What works for some may not work for others. While some may meditate sitting in a chair, others may meditate sitting on a cushion and others lying down. So, although the theory is the same, the practice may differ for each and every one of you.

    This guidebook is exactly that – a guidebook. It is a collection of information that I have personally sourced, educated myself in, practised and chosen to live by. It is a collection of knowledge and magic that I have learnt from other authors, researched on the internet and accessed from my own intuition, all of which I have used as part of my spiritual practice and feel to be true in my heart. I have included examples from my own life; how I personally use these tools and why certain information was important for me. Everything I have written about I have experienced personally or I have done work on. With this guidebook, my aim is to help teach you ‘the basics’ and to give you an insight into the practical side of spirituality.

    Opening up to your spirituality, growing, nurturing and cultivating it will bring a sense of meaning and purpose in your life like never before, so I hope that you are ready for the best thing that will ever happen to you. The journey of the self is an interesting one, full of growth, self-awareness and change. Be prepared to meet yourself all aspects of yourself the good, the bad, the scary and the parts you didn’t even know existed!

    Embarking on the journey of self-mastery and following your truth takes a certain type of person; a courageous, resilient and strong person; a person that is ready to better themselves in all aspects and I take my hat off to every single one of you who are simply drawn to this path, already find yourself on this path or those of you who are ready to embark on it.


    This book is written for all ‘students of spirituality’; whether it be that you are 45 years old, 25 years old or 15 years old. I personally didn’t step into and embrace spirituality completely until my marriage broke down when I was 27 years old. I have had clients walk into my office as young as 16 who are in tune with their spiritual side, yet they have no idea how to nurture or grow it.

    Yeah, I played with my angel cards every now and then, here and there. I sometimes chose to listen to my intuition – and other times I chose to ignore it. I had an occasional card reading and burnt some incense in the house, but it wasn’t until my marriage breakdown that I turned to my spirituality to help to ‘get me through’. However, now, in hindsight, I think that my spirituality helped me to find myself – my true self. It helped me grow into being the best possible version of a human being that I can be.

    For those of you on this journey (and you know who you are, as you haven’t come across this book by chance; synchronicity definitely!), this is your opportunity to find yourself, to remember who you truly are at the core of your being. Taylor Swift (yes, I am quoting Taylor Swift; I love her) states at the end of one of her songs: I don’t know if you know who you are until you lose who you are. And I couldn’t agree more with this. Whether you are a teenager and you have lost yourself in the pressures of school or society, or if you are trapped in a stagnant relationship or marriage and suddenly your partner walks out, it’s in these kinds of situations that you can lose who you are. This is what your journey is about; finding yourself again, your true self, and then mastering yourself.

    It is no coincidence that the journey of the self (‘journey to enlightenment’ – or whatever you want to call it really) is usually sparked by significant upheaval or change in our lives. Like I mentioned previously, mine was my divorce. For others, it can be financial problems, health problems, death, grief or loss of any kind. Any situation really, that leads us to thinking or seeking more out of life.

    Opening up to our spiritual side helps us to discover who we truly are at our core and it helps us to remember on a soul level what our purpose in life is. What is our Dharma? What is our mission? How can we help and serve others? What will bring us our sense of meaning and purpose? It’s when we work these things out and we live from our passion that the universe will always support it and support us. The more that we give to other people, the more the universe will give back to us. This is because the universe loves us and absolutely has our backs. My golly, have I been stubborn in learning that lesson! My fear/ego has always tried to scare me with that one, but believe me, we are always divinely looked after.

    This could mean that your passion is hairdressing and you are drawn to helping people look and feel beautiful on the inside and out. Or your passion is to be a teacher – to help educate the children and adolescents of today’s society in a loving and warm way. Or your passion is to build and design beautiful houses – for people to grow and nurture a family in.

    We are always serving others and we don’t always have to be working as a spiritual healer or Reiki master for the universe to have our back and support us. The universe just wants us to be happy. So, find your passion, your Dharma and live your life to the fullest.

    That is what I am doing right now as I am writing this book. I want to help each person reading it to learn about the practical side of spirituality; how to live, practise, embody and recognise spirituality in your everyday life.

    This guidebook is a collection of the information and experiences I have gained during my spiritual journey. It’s written for the people who are ready to embark on their journey into spirituality, but don’t quite know where to start.

    I touch upon everything I have learnt and everything I have found to be true in my journey. This is a guidebook with plenty of information to help you learn and actively practise spirituality. Take it at your own pace. I only wish that I’d had a guidebook like this when I first started on my own journey.

    This guidebook will give you practical information, activities and definitions, combined with personal experiences and examples to help you to better learn and understand the different aspects of living and being a student of spirituality.




    Spiritual Enlightenment

    What is Spiritual Enlightenment?

    Spiritual enlightenment IS self-mastery. It is about being in complete control of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviours with a solid ability to not be ‘rocked’ by external forces, individuals or situations.

    This is achieved

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