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Why God Did Not Make Anyone Homosexual
Why God Did Not Make Anyone Homosexual
Why God Did Not Make Anyone Homosexual
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Why God Did Not Make Anyone Homosexual

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God does not promote hate, and neither do I. There is a vast difference between hating someone and being extremely disgusted at their lifestyle. Homosexuals claim they were born homosexual. God says being homosexual is not natural. One of the two is lying. In spite of homosexuals being so sincere about being born that way, this book will give you positive proof they made themselves that way.

The Islam extremists that want to kill us really believe with all their heart that it is Gods will to do so. Were they born to believe that? Neither were homosexuals born that way. Is it love or lust?
Release dateJul 18, 2016
Why God Did Not Make Anyone Homosexual

Ron Searcy

Mr. Searcy has been writing and publishing for two decades with four books presently on the market. They are “From Bankruptcy to a Millionaire—Twice: A True Story,” “How Anyone Can Understand the Bible,” “Divorced at the Courthouse but Not in Heaven,” and “Why No Money Down Real Estate Really Does Work.”

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    Why God Did Not Make Anyone Homosexual - Ron Searcy

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    The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV) is adapted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. All rights reserved.


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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-0208-3 (sc)

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    iUniverse rev. date: 07/18/2016






    Chapter 1 How Someone Can Really Believe a Lie

    Chapter 2 What God Has to Say about Homosexuality

    Chapter 3 Biblical Marriage

    Chapter 4 God’s Promise to Abraham

    Chapter 5 Moses’ Law

    Chapter 6 Handling Objections

    Chapter 7 God’s Love and God’s Wrath

    Chapter 8 Conclusion


    As I write this book in 2014, so far, there have been nineteen (19) states that have had their anti- homosexual marriage laws struck down by federal courts. This is in spite of the United States Supreme Court ruling in 1986 in the case of Bowers Verses Hardwick that upheld the right of states to make homosexual activity a crime.

    So far, twenty nine states have passed laws allowing homosexuals to marry their own gender. Why? Like most people, our lawmakers are totally ignorant of what God has to say about the matter because very few actually study the bible. Oh, a few read it, many listen to their minister or, Sunday school teacher but, hardly any actually studies the bible. God says to study to show you are approved to him, not just read.

    If one did study, you would see that God not only compares homosexuality to having sex with your own mother, he says that those who support homosexuality, is worthy of death. I have listed those scriptures in this book so, you can read for yourself.

    I once attended a public meeting when Al Gore was a US Senator and clearly recall him saying the minority runs this country because they make the most noise. They get organized, get the media’s attention and sell their agenda to the general public. Homosexuals have tried to say they have the same right to marry their own gender, no different than a man and a woman marrying. That argument didn’t get very far with the Supreme Court.

    I hope I have your attention enough to read this book and learn the real truth about homosexuality.


    I dedicate this book to my best friend and fellow Christian, Janie. By accident, eighteen (18) years ago as I write this, God surely put us together.

    Many pretend to be friends or, are friends until money is thrown in and sadly, you find out that the person you thought you could trust, isn’t the person you thought. It’s rare to find a real friend who will be there when you need them and you can totally trust them and laugh all the time. Janie is that kind of person and I value her friendship so much and want her to know because of who and what she is, is why I love her so much.


    To my daughter, Pamela Lynn Searcy Doster, July 5, 1969 - July 14, 2014. Murdered in Tampa, Florida. As with your sister that proceeded you in death by cancer, Pammie, your dad loved you and your sister, Rhonda, so very much. I will see you both in heaven soon.


    I couldn’t finish this book without acknowledging the help Mrs. Kirsten Guzman has given me in typing this book and my previous book, "From Bankruptcy To A Millionaire - Twice: A True Story. Kirsten, I appreciate you so much.

    Chapter 1

    How Someone Can Really Believe a Lie

    First, in a study, or debate, on the subject of morality there has to be a basis of authority which, of course, is the bible. Morality has to do with the mindset of a person. One either chooses to do good or evil. One isn’t born to be a fornicator and cheat on their mate, it’s something they choose to do. In most cases of cheating in a marriage, the cheater didn’t just decide they were going to cheat, it’s because they either allowed evil to overcome them or, they fed their minds with porn. Your mind is sort of like a computer, what comes out is dependent on what you put in it.

    Before I deal with what God has to say about homosexuality, whether or not homosexuals were born that way or not, you must first understand about the sub-conscience mind and how it works in your life and how easy it is to brain wash another person. People who watch porn don’t even realize that slowly, but surely, it warps their minds and makes them into perverts, not even realizing what porn has done to them and even thinking it doesn’t affect them to watch it.

    If you think you aren’t brainwashed then, let me ask you a few questions and see if you are, or not. Someone once said, if you don’t use your mind, someone else will. Few of us challenge what we have been taught. When you finished school and your mom and dad banked at a certain bank, I bet I can tell you where you bank. If, in a religion, if your mom and dad attended a certain church, I bet I can tell you where you attend. If mom and dad has their car insurance with a certain company, I bet I can tell you where you have yours. Still think you aren’t brainwashed? Drugs and porn are somewhat alike. Nearly every person you will meet who is doing hard drugs, started with weed and/ or, drinking and as time went by, they slowly progressed deeper and deeper until the drugs and/or pills ruled their lives.

    Porn is the same way. One starts off looking at porn and it slowly warps their minds and they keep trying different things and finally get to the point of swingers, swapping mates, bestiality and all kinds of perverted sexual things. I have seen it happen several times. I used to have a branch manager who was a great guy, early 40’s and had a great wife. He started looking at porn and went from the national average of sex twice a week at his

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