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When I Rise: Soar Through the Year 52 Inspirational Messages
When I Rise: Soar Through the Year 52 Inspirational Messages
When I Rise: Soar Through the Year 52 Inspirational Messages
Ebook155 pages1 hour

When I Rise: Soar Through the Year 52 Inspirational Messages

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About this ebook

When I Rise is a weekly devotional designed to help you know the Heavenly Father better through a combination of short everyday life stories and scriptures. Understand your place as Gods beloved child and live the life he has designed for you.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 7, 2016
When I Rise: Soar Through the Year 52 Inspirational Messages

Mitzi McBride

Mitzi McBride is an ordained minister and motivational speaker. She believes God’s call on her life is to help others to know the Father’s love and to live with kingdom principles operational in their lives. Mitzi is passionate in her pursuit of God and passionate about sharing him with others. She lives with her husband and an assortment of four-legged friends on a farm in beautiful middle Tennessee. Much of her inspiration comes when she’s home on her own personal mountain.

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    When I Rise - Mitzi McBride

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/05/2016


    Author’s Note


    Week 1 God Turns the Curse into a Blessing

    Week 2 Frozen Lakes and Frozen Hearts

    Week 3 Matching Steps

    Week 4 True Identity in Christ

    Week 5 Are You in a Groundhog Day Moment?

    Week 6 Broken Desperation

    Week 7 Are You A Swashbuckler?

    Week 8 You Get What You Deserve, Right?

    Week 9 Do Unto Others

    Week 10 Faith as a Little Child

    Week 11 Faith Like Pie

    Week 12 Walking Through the Valley

    Week 13 Delivered From Dog Bone Anger

    Week 14 Not Worried? Should You Worry About That?

    Week 15 Costume or Uniform

    Week 16 Don’t Trip Over the Turtle

    Week 17 How Much Do You Love Your Neighbor?

    Week 18 The Day the Sun Stood Still

    Week 19 Is Your Love Life Monotonous?

    Week 20 Are You a First Responder?

    Week 21 Clean Out Your Fence Row

    Week 22 A Humble Heart

    Week 23 Spiders and the Blood of Jesus

    Week 24 Is It Well With Your Soul?

    Week 25 Stop the Name Calling

    Week 26 Are You the One Jesus Loves the Most?

    Week 27 Roosters and Grace

    Week 28 Are You a Clown?

    Week 29 Acceptance without Work

    Week 30 Work at Being a Three-Legged Dog

    Week 31 Different Spirits, Different Results

    Week 32 Put Your Tongue in Timeout

    Week 33 From the Red Sea to the Sea of Galilee

    Week 34 Have You Crawled through the Mud to get to the Blood?

    Week 35 Let’s Go This Way and That Way

    Week 36 Is Believing Seeing or is Seeing Believing?

    Week 37 Tomato Seed Faith

    Week 38 Can You Share Some of Your Tomato Seeds?

    Week 39 Win, Lose, or Draw

    Week 40 Who’s the Boss?

    Week 41 Courageous

    Week 42 Signs, Wonders, and Miracles

    Week 43 The Sun Came Up This Morning

    Week 44 Take Down the Rearview Mirror

    Week 45 Yes and Amen?

    Week 46 Are You Still in the Sheepfold?

    Week 47 I Saw God This Morning

    Week 48 Picking up a Good Signal

    Week 49 Do You Play Offense or Defense?

    Week 50 This Same Jesus

    Week 51 Bring Me What You Have

    Week 52 What About God?

    Author’s Note

    The Word of God will forever change you. I know this because it happened to me. I was a captive and a prisoner who has now been set free by my Savior. I was saved long before I realized I was a precious child of the Most High God. Not a servant but a beloved, adopted child of the King. It is now the longing of my heart that other captives and prisoners be set free. This devotional is a combination of divinely-inspired stories, one for each week of the year, and daily Scripture reading. It is designed to present you a scripture to meditate on each day. I pray you soak in His Words written especially to you and that you allow the Truth to take you from glory to glory.


    Special thanks to my assistant, Alicia Arthur, who has been a huge blessing to this project. She knows how to keep me on task. Thank you, Alicia, from the bottom of my heart!

    Thank you to my girls, Bonnie and Katie, who are mighty women of God with their own gifts and talents. You have both been an inspiration and encouragement to me.

    Special thanks to my father who has always led by example in his own quiet, strong way. You taught me to stick with it when the going gets tough!

    Last but not least, thank you to my wonderful husband, Darrel. You are such a kind-hearted and loving husband. Thank you for allowing me to reach for my dreams and spread my wings to soar. I could never really express how much that means to me.

    God is so, so good!

    Week One

    Nehemiah 10 and 13; Numbers 6:24–26; Ephesians1:3; Deuteronomy 7:13; Malachi 3:10; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Genesis 27:28-29

    God Turns the Curse into a Blessing

    Reading the Word of God is so vital, so life giving, and so imperative to our spiritual wellbeing that it is no wonder there are so many distractions in this world. Those of us who have lived long enough to remember a slower-paced life would have to agree that the closer we are to Jesus’ return for his church the more distractions there are.

    After the Israelites had been in slavery, they had forgotten the ways of the Lord to a large extent. I am sure after a while, due to the long days of working for thankless masters and the various hardships they endured, it became easy to skip their feast days and assembling to hear God’s Word. After living for generations under the oppression of slavery, it probably seemed futile to tell their children of the goodness of their God and how He was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. After all, where was that goodness? Over time, the Israelites became spiritually dead. I can relate to this. We all know how easy it is to skip a day or two of reading God’s Word when we are busy and to miss church because we are tired after a long week at work. Our spirits suffer from lack of nourishment, just like our bodies suffer when we go without food or feed it the wrong food.

    When Ezra the prophet came to read the Torah to the children of Israel, they were reminded of the miracles God had done for their people. Reading about the curse of Balaam and how God turned that curse

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