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Character Building Through Christian Education for Youth: “Family Life”
Character Building Through Christian Education for Youth: “Family Life”
Character Building Through Christian Education for Youth: “Family Life”
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Character Building Through Christian Education for Youth: “Family Life”

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Character Building through Christian Education on Family Life for youths is very timely and significant and is ready to challenge many social ills that beset many confused, misguided, and delinquent youths and adults, spiritually. It promotes and supports righteous living as the basis and answer for most social problems of and in family life. Like Matthew Arnold said in Light for My Path, Nothing will do except righteousness; and no other conception of righteousness will do, except Christ conception of it (page 176). Its all about our attitudes and the choices that we make (Bishop Ronald Edward).
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 24, 2016
Character Building Through Christian Education for Youth: “Family Life”

Culbert Delisle Blenman

Culbert Delisle Blenman was born in Vieux-Fort, in St. Lucia, West Indies, on May 25, 1950. He attended the Vieux-Fort Roman Catholic Boys’ Primary School, the Vieux-Fort Comprehensive Secondary School (Campus B), and the St. Mary’s College in Castries, St. Lucia. Later on, he attended other Caribbean institutions of higher learning, the Seminary of St. John Vianney, and the University of the West Indies campus in Trinidad, where he obtained his spiritual and secular foundations, simultaneously. He subsequently became a high school teacher/missionary, and “sports’ director” over-seas, and also coached students in soccer and athletics. He was also an athlete, and soccer and basketball player himself. On returning home, he became Sports’ Director at the Vieux-Fort Comprehensive Secondary School (Campus B), his Alma Mater, for a brief period (1974). He also served as a licensed Lay Reader, Minister and Youth Coordinator in the Anglican Church in the south of the island. Nothing in his past indicated to him, that God was calling him to journey there for twenty-three years. Whilst ministering in the Anglican church in the south, he was also involved in Church outreach programs (sick and shut-in visitation with prayer ministry, and yearly visits to some rehabilitation centers and senior citizens homes in St. Lucia). Mr. Blenman has also been a farmer and a business clerk/supervisor for 34 years. Just before his retirement in 2010, he gave voluntary Christian Education talks in some schools, in the south of the island. Presently, he teaches Christian Education in the Pentecostal Church where he worships (“Born Again Revival Tabernacle”), and engages in inspirational writing. He is married to his youthful days’ sweetheart (Lydia), who has two children and two grandchildren, presently residing in the USA.

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    Character Building Through Christian Education for Youth - Culbert Delisle Blenman

    Copyright © 2016 by Culbert Delisle Blenman.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2016913893

    ISBN:   Hardcover         978-1-5245-3637-4

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    Special Notes From The Author


    Introduction (Specific)

    PART V

    CHAPTERS 1 - 6

    Chapter 1 Our Sexual Heritage

    Charpter 2 Patience, Tolerance, And Self-Control

    Chapter 3 Self-Confidence And Self-Awareness

    Chapter 4 Self-Esteem

    Chapter 5 Honesty, Truthfulness, And Trustworthiness

    Chapter 6 The Art Of Good, Positive, And Proper Communication


    CHAPTERS 7 - 10

    Chapter 7 Career Guidance

    Chapter 8 The Christian And His Work

    Chapter 9 The Good Citizen

    Chapter 10 True Freedom


    Glossary Word And Phrase List


    Notes Spaces.


    (Family Life)

    Culbert D.Blenman


    It’s all about our attitudes and the choices we make.

    Righteousness is the road to life; wickedness is the road to death. (Proverbs 12:28)

    Because, The road the righteous travel is like the sunrise, getting brighter and brighter until day light has come.

    The road of the wicked however, is as dark as night. They fall, but cannot see what they have stumbled over.

    Proverbs 4:18–19, Good News Bible (GNB)

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Scripture quotations marked GNT are taken from the Good News Translation — Second Edition. Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


    This book is dedicated to the honor and glory of God, our father and creator, who made it favorably possible for me to evangelize for the youths in this way, through the commissioning and righteous teachings of His dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ (the greatest teacher, physician, counsellor, problem solver, protector, friend, and only true source of peace, joy, and happiness there is), with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that God’s Holy Spirit gives to every born-again believer* (James 1:5 Psalm 111:10), through comfort, guidance, and counseling, and God’s justification,*love, grace, and mercy, during our life-long sanctification* process on this earth.

    Without this three-fold anointing, Volume 1 and Volume 2 books would not have been possible for me. Therefore, I give God special thanks and praise, and all the honor and glory that He rightly deserves.

    A wise old Greek philosopher called Aristotle (384—322 B.C) said, There is a foolish corner in the brains of the wisest man. And that includes me also, whose limited wisdom, knowledge, and understanding took up the challenge to write these two books.

    Notwithstanding, whether you serve the creature or the creator, this above quote applies to everyone; for no one but God alone knows everything, including all truths. So once again, I give Him all the praise, honor, and glory that He truly deserves, for making my limited Holy Spirit inspirations and truths, available to everyone.

    In Mark 16:15–16, NIV, Jesus says,

    Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all mankind. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.

    This above quote means that every born-again believer has been commissioned by Jesus to go into every highway and byway in the world, to seek the lost, the downtrodden, and suffering, and tell them about the good news of God’s love, grace, and mercy; so that they may come to know and experience the joy of salvation here on earth and eternal life in the hereafter. And that those who choose to live in unbelief or darkness have no hope.

    * See glossary



    When I remembered the physical and spiritual challenges and struggles of writing Volume I and Volume II, and my promise to God to share my Holy Spirit’s inspiration with the youths in this way, I knew beforehand that I would be severely opposed and discouraged by Satan and his disciples—including some believers who are wolves in sheep’s clothing, my own hometown people, and some of my relatives and family. It was just as Jesus said about himself in Mark 6:4 during His spiritual public ministry in New Testament biblical times. Yet, I still pressed on like Jesus, by the grace and mercy of Almighty God, the Holy Spirit’s prompting and inspiration, and sometimes encouraged myself with these many spiritual passages and quotes below, which came to my mind:

    a. I can do all things through him [Christ] who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13, NIV).

    b. . . . Because the one [Christ] who is in you [me] is greater than the one [Satan] who is in the world (1 John. 4:4, NIV); and With God all things are possible (Mark 10:27, KJV).

    c. For If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old one has gone, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV).

    d. No weapon formed against you [me] will prevail, and you [I] will refute every tongue that accuses you [me] 6:1 (Isaiah 54:17, NIV)—by putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 1, NIV).

    e. Like a song writer/artist said, I have been discouraged, but not defeated; cast down, but not destroyed. So consequently, King David who went through the same experience said, I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done [for me] (Psalm 118:17, NIV).

    f. For The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation… The Lord has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death (Psalm 118:14,18).

    g. Some persons use their failures as a yard stick to measure others successes and failures: just because they are unable or incapable of success in a certain area of life, they tell you that you will not or cannot succeed there.

    h. But never mind. . . . Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning (Psalm 30:5, KJV); because Everything is possible for him who believes [in God] (Mark 9:23, NIV).

    i. I take great consolation in what Job’s friend (Zophar) said to him when God gave Satan permission to afflict him (Job). Zophar said, You will surely forget your trouble, recalling it only as waters gone by. Life will be brighter than noonday, and darkness will become like morning. You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid, and many will court your favor [success] (Job 11:16–19, NIV).

    Some biblical quotations and verses have been repeatedly cited when they are fitting for reemphasis of specific, closely related ideas. And just remember, to facilitate studying some of the topics, an outline or reference plan has been given to precede some main themes discussions. Most scriptural verses and quotes have been selected from the Good News Bible (GNB) and the New International Study Bible Version (NIV). I also quoted passages of scripture from the old King James Version Bible (KJV).

    I conveniently quoted passages of scripture from the Good News Bible because it seems more simplified and easier for young people to study and understand. Since the book of Sirach in the Good News Bible is the same book called Ecclesiasticus in the old King James Version Bible, the best complete book for studying my work is either one of them. The NIV does not have the wisdom book of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus).

    The Winston Senior Dictionary defines the word definition not only as a brief explanation of a word or theme, but also the act of making something clearer; hence the reason why some of the definitions of my themes have been expanded in this book.

    All the words and phrases in quotation marks indicated by asterisks (*) will be found and defined in the glossary list of words and phrases. And when I quoted memory verses and phrases from Our Daily Bread or Daily Word mediation issues and could not locate the date, month, and year of the corresponding issue, I just put the source as Our Daily Bread or Daily Word, in brackets.

    And remember, I am not preaching religion or the religious doctrine of a specific church, but righteous living and making wise choices, through Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s teachings in the Holy Bible.


    Prevention of social ills is better than cure. And remember, Temptation is everywhere!

    We know that the world out there is full of opportunities, including some that promise us happiness but are all illusions and contrary to the real source of lasting true happiness, health, peace, and joy. Therefore, young people, guard yourselves against these negative opportunities and influences of this life.

    This book seeks to instruct and educate youths, in the first principles of good, sound, moral, and righteous living by making wise choices, through right belief—belief in and on the Lord Jesus Christ. Once more, I am not preaching religion or religious doctrine but righteousness, peace, love, joy, and true freedom through Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

    In the world out there, reasons for doing things that feel, sound, and look good may not always be good and sound reasons: If it feels good, tastes good and sounds good, then do it! Only to realize, as the old people say, What sweet in goat mouth get sour in he bam bam, for Say deer year key ne cha lair. In French creole, or Patois, we say it, Sè dèyè ki ni chalè. This means, that the forbidden fruit always tastes sweeter, but there will always be lots of trouble (heat) behind when you partake in illegal activities. The preceding creole was first written in English for proper pronunciation for the benefit of foreigners.

    Proverbs 12:15 in the NIV says, The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.

    And Proverbs 14:12 in the NIV says, There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.

    Young people, you need to seek wisdom, understanding, peace, and truth, and cultivate patience and humility. But most of all, honor truth, patience, godly wisdom, humility, love, and reverence for the Lord. The Holy Spirit will guide you and teach you how to do so.

    Along with educating yourselves at school for the world out there, you need to be wise and intelligent enough to make the right choices through right belief, which will positively impact and enhance you, your family, your community, your nation and the world.

    I wish to suggest and recommend to you here,

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