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Living Beyond the Grave: Discovering the Empowered Life God Intended for You
Living Beyond the Grave: Discovering the Empowered Life God Intended for You
Living Beyond the Grave: Discovering the Empowered Life God Intended for You
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Living Beyond the Grave: Discovering the Empowered Life God Intended for You

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Have you ever heard someone say, I can be a perfectionist or I can be critical or I have a bad temper? Have you ever considered which sins were in the tomb with Jesus before he was resurrected on the third day? I am sure that many have not considered it.

In Living Beyond the Grave, Bruno R. Giamba examines how perfectionism, critical/vengeful spirit, and anger are more than simply a personality trait or something that has been adopted by a family context. As we examine systematic theology, we discover that Jesus was the curse for the law (Gal. 3:13). Salvation cannot be attained by keeping a perfect law but only through trusting in the person and work of Christ. An overwhelming majority of Christians are still attempting to please God by keeping a record. They strive to be perfect. Perfectionism is in the grave. Is there no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus? (Rom. 8:1) Then why are Christians more likely to condemn others rather than pray for others? Did Jesus not take on the cup of wrath for mankind? (Matt. 26:39) Yet why are more Christians living in anger? Is it possible that most Christians excuse their sin by blaming a personality trait or a past family context? We must not allow this! Its time for all Christians to take the responsibility that we are living in the grave and need to live beyond the grave

I believe there is great hope for the body of Christ when individuals take their sin to the feet of Jesus and begin to believe that Christ can set them free! As freedom reigns, Christians will live beyond the grave!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 22, 2016
Living Beyond the Grave: Discovering the Empowered Life God Intended for You

Bruno R. Giamba

Bruno R. Giamba (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) is an adjunct professor at Lancaster Bible College. He is a person who loves to help believers gain a deeper understanding of God through the essential doctrinal truths of the Scriptures. His experience as a pastor, instructor and speaker has allowed him the opportunity to minister to many believers for over 25 years. Presently, Bruno resides in Pennsylvania with his wife and four children.

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    Living Beyond the Grave - Bruno R. Giamba

    Copyright © 2016 BRUNO R. GIAMBA.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-6932-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-6934-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-6933-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016921140

    WestBow Press rev. date: 12/22/2016


    Foreword: Rev. James M. Hertzler




    Oooh, That Smell!


    I Said, Take It Back!


    The Mud Of Perfection


    Are Your Wheels Still Spinning?


    Sweet Revenge


    Sweet Redemption


    So Angry I Could Chew Nails


    Jesus Took Nails For Us


    You Decide

    CHAPTER 10

    Living Means Freedom



    In loving memory, to my father, Giuseppe Gabriele Giamba, his dedication to remain faithful as a husband and father.

    Gioia and I dedicate this book to our parents Gabriele and Annunziata Giamba and Attilio and Maria Gaudiuso. For their loving support and dedication to our lives. Without their love, care, support and encouragement, the writing of this book would not be possible.


    The blessings of being a spiritual mentor are many, however perhaps the most profound is how God uses it to bless my own life. I first met Bruno over 25 years ago, at a camp in New England; he had recently become a believer and I had the privilege to become his mentor early in his walk with the Lord. Over the years, we have created many memories whether it was eating half gallons of ice cream together while watching football, wrestling the family dog Bowser, Bruno riding a motorized dirt bike for the first time or when he realized that camping does mean sleeping outdoors…in a tent…with a sleeping bag and not in a hotel room. Through the years, we have developed a rich relationship that has afforded me to be a part of some very important moments of Bruno’s life like dropping him off to bible college when he heard God’s call on his life to be in full time ministry or performing his wedding ceremony to his wife Gioia or being there for him when his father passed.

    God has granted me the privilege to walk alongside Bruno through both the highs and the lows. In, Living Beyond the Grave, Bruno has taken the foundational truths of the Scripture and placed it alongside his life journey. He delicately balances the problem of sin with God’s amazing grace. As his spiritual mentor, I can affirm to you that what Bruno is sharing with you in this book are lessons he has personally learned by applying God’s truths. Although the road has not always been easy and at times uncertain, God has used these difficulties to bring discipline into his life and transform his heart. Bruno and I have spent many a time talking about what the scriptures say and how it applies to our lives. Rather than giving Bruno the answer or fixing the problem he was presented with, I often listened to him share his heart and helped him navigate through what God was speaking to him. Isn’t this what our journey is all about on this side of glory? Following and obeying the Holy Spirit.

    Although I am Bruno’s mentor I am the one who has been blessed by his thirst for the truth of the scriptures and encouraged by his willingness to wait on the Lord during the difficult times. God continues to use my relationship with Bruno to mentor other men in their journey in following Christ. May this book also be an encouragement to you as you are challenged by the spiritual truths that Bruno has presented to you and as you apply them to your daily life.

    Jim Hertzler


    It has been a long-life dream to begin a writing career. I have had the privilege to study, learn and be challenged by many great professors and scholars throughout my collegian and seminarian experience. As a student, pastor, and teacher, I continue to learn with great passion from the Lord. It has been my pleasure to worship, love and serve our great Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore, I must begin by saying, "Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity to write this book. I acknowledge you as my Lord and dedicate my life to you!

    To my wife, Gioia, thank you! Your commitment to our Lord, our union and our children is a constant source of encouragement to me! There was no way I could even consider writing this book without your continued love and support for me and your commitment to see God’s will fulfilled in my life! I love you! To my four precious children; Maria, Rebecca, Giuseppe, and Sofia, thanks for being my greatest fans! It is an honor to be your father! I am so proud of each one of you! The Lord has blessed me with amazing children (Psalm 127:3-5)! I love you with all my heart!

    Special thanks to my parents and in-laws! Without their grace, mercy, love, dedication and commitment to Gioia and I, this book would not be possible. To our extended family, I have so many to mention and you know who you are! I want to thank you for all your love, support and encouragement throughout the years! I love you all!

    We want to thank two special people in our lives; Terry and Donna Kraus. They have been a source of support, strength, encouragement, and love. We have been through many challenges in our lives and they have been there for us through it all! We love you and thank you for all that you do! We cherish our friendship with you!

    To my father in the Lord, Jim Hertzler, thank you for being there through all my trials, difficulties, insecurities, and uncertainties. God has sent the perfect person to help me navigate through the series of challenges in my life! Words could not express how thankful I am to you and Millie!

    To my family of believers from Grace Evangelical Free Church in Stamford Connecticut, thank you. At the initial start of my journey with the Lord, you were a source of strength and encouragement! A special thanks to Pastor Scott Taylor; his willingness to train me in true discipleship while displaying it in daily living!

    To my family in the Lord, Vito and Joanne Colucci (mom), their dedication, support, love and care for me! I will never forget the role you played in my first five years in the Lord! The fun times, laughing often and the seriousness of following Christ. Righteous G and Vallie girl, love you guys!

    To our special family friends in the Lord, Ed and Rosie Rosario! Gioia and I cannot thank you enough for your love, support and prayers! We love you!

    To our special friends Joe and Maria Hancock, for introducing Gioia

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