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Come Unto Me: An Outlet for Abused Children
Come Unto Me: An Outlet for Abused Children
Come Unto Me: An Outlet for Abused Children
Ebook64 pages13 minutes

Come Unto Me: An Outlet for Abused Children

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This book is a collection of poems by the author about abused children, with a section for lullabies. The majority of mothers and fathers seek and reach out for the highest goals for their children. However, mothers bear most of the responsibility when the children are very young. Both the mother and father must be involved and share this responsibility. There is a strong bond between mother and child. However, some children fall by the wayside, and our hopes and dreams fall. Our reach is beyond our grasp. We do not always know why children are as they are. It may be the environment and its profound effect on children; it may be that the general personality orbit could be the attitude of the parents abuse or allowing others to abuse them.

As parents we can hope, dream, guide, have faith, love, and work constantly toward Gods plan for all children to reach their goals or potential through guidance, example, and always, love and respect for their mother.

This kind of introspect has led the author to write these poems about mothers, children, family, faith, love, hope, and other poems but especially about abused children.

The lullaby section contains some suggested lullabies mothers may try setting to their own tune or innovating in song. It lulls the spirit to awaken the soul and mind to dream and to hope far beyond time and experiences untold.

The voice is like an instrument, with many beautiful colors of time. It soothes the infant to sleep like soft melodies in a mothers armswith love and contentment.
Release dateSep 19, 2016
Come Unto Me: An Outlet for Abused Children

Mattie Shavers Johnson

MATTIE SHAVERS JOHNSON is an accomplished educator, lecturer, author poet, and musician. She has taught at the elementary through college levels; written and performed both piano compositions and poetry in a variety of settings and on many occasions. She has produced a community guide book and published several chap books. Her early public speaking earned honors in high school and college. Johnson is a native of Garland Community, DeKalb, Texas, the eight child (a twin) of four brothers and six sisters born to Robert S. Shavers and Laura Garland Shavers. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN; Master of Science Degree, Hunter College, New York City; and Master of Science, Public Health, Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN. Johnson established a scholarship in the name of her parents at Fisk University also in Nashville. Her Alma Mater, Meharry Medical College honored Johnson with a scholarship in her name for her many contributions to the institution. She has also given valuable service as a Girl Scout board member, and a choir director of music. Johnson is a member of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church where she serves as an Elder. After thirty successful years in the teaching profession, she devotes her time exclusively to her writing and volunteer work. Johnson and her deceased husband, Dr. Charles W. Johnson, Sr. are the parents of three adult children.

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    Come Unto Me - Mattie Shavers Johnson

    Come Unto Me


    An Outlet for Abused Children

    But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me… Luke 16:18




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    © 2016 Mattie Shavers Johnson. All rights reserved.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Published by AuthorHouse 09/19/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-3856-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-3855-9 (e)

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