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Chanel, caught up in her promiscuous affairs, finally took a halt to focus more on being a faithful wife and starting her family. As she turned cold to her extramarital relationships, her husband, Joshua, decides to turn up the heat and drops a sexual bomb that blows Chanels mind. Her power in deceit controlled what happened when her husband played her same game.

Tug of Faith

Losing her grandfather was nothing compared to losing her mother to drugs or losing her virginity in an act of brutal rape. She lost her faith in God during this process. Alene turned away from God because she felt betrayed by his grace. With a new community church, Alene tugged away from the spiritual atmosphere. She was determined to give up until one friendMs. Jeanproved to be a better fighter than she was. The tug of faith gave Alene new hope, new aspiration, and new regeneration to her soul.
Release dateJan 26, 2017

Belinda M. Ward

Belinda M. Ward is the author of Too Little Too Late featuring Red Rose and Identical Love. Writing is her passion for her readers. She writes from her heart and soul. She currently lives in Virginia.

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    Kismet - Belinda M. Ward

    © 2017 Belinda M. Ward. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 01/24/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5835-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5834-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017900042

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the King James Version (Authorized Version) of the Bible. It was first published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible. Copyright 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.



    Tug of Faith




    destiny, fate;

    a power that is believed to control what happens in the future.


    I am grateful for my family and close friends who supported my first book, Too Little Too Late, as well as my second book, Kismet.

    I thank God for the monumental blessings he pours on me. I thank him in advance for his power over me, and I ask that he continues to be a blessing.

    A special thanks goes out to Lindsey Gaulding for seeing my vision and executing a magnificent book cover.

    To my literature fans, thank you for believing in me. I read all of your emails and heard all of your messages asking about the book. This is all dedicated to you.

    Lastly, to my beautiful daughter. Thank you for sharing your beauty with my fans. Your smile alone warms my heart.

    To a special man who has stolen my heart and my dreams, Corey Ward. Thank you for being my biggest fan and my toughest coach. I know after reading this, you are going to push me for book three. Thank you for your sincere love. You make me proud of myself.


    The more I said yes to his pleasure, the more he thrusted himself into me. The climax was close.

    Oh, don’t stop.

    He nibbled at my ear. I don’t plan to.

    My legs sat on his shoulders, barely stable. The room felt as if it was spinning. His sex was close to its destination. I was moaning and begging him to release me from this sex torture. I was chained to his love. He felt so good, and his hands were tight around my butt. I was locked in, and his orgasm would be my release.

    By now, my moans deepened with his moans. My chest seemed to rise and fall with the ins and outs of his pleasures. As he pounded into my plush territory, I screamed out. The tiger released, and the lion was dominating me.

    Trey, you outdid yourself, babe. I could see sweat pouring down his chest. His abs still looked tasty.

    His voice strained, he said, Well, you know I aim to please.

    His muscles toned and skin light, I watched him get up to go to the bathroom. I was glad his back was to me. I got a chance to sit up and peep at the alarm clock on the right side of his bed. It was two in the afternoon. I had a luncheon my life depended on. I knew Trey was about to show his attitude.

    Chanel, the hot shower is waiting for us. He smiled and peeped out of the bathroom.

    As I looked up at him, I got a glimpse of his reflection in the bathroom mirror. The steam was building up, but his well-toned butt was still visible in the mirror. His look told me he wanted more of me in the shower.

    Trey, you know I have to leave, baby. I was supposed to meet Joshua for lunch. I could see Trey’s glowing face begin to diffuse.

    You didn’t tell me you were meeting Joshua for lunch. That’s what I’m talking about, Chanel. That shit right there.

    I sat up in his queen sleigh bed. My feet were hanging off the side. ‘‘Why are you even going there? You know I care about you, but my husband comes first. Damn, why do you have to mess up the mood?" I got up and searched for my panties under his bed. My bra was on the night table by his alarm clock. He could see at this moment I was annoyed.

    Trey walked over to me, looking as sexy as he did when we met downstairs in the lobby. He was so tall, about six-foot-two, and built for days. His skin was light as honey wheat buttered bread. When he had a fresh cut, his gold T-shirt blended so well with his golden skin. His six-pack was his best asset. When I would ride Trey, I did

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