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Stories in Rhyme
Stories in Rhyme
Stories in Rhyme
Ebook124 pages57 minutes

Stories in Rhyme

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About this ebook

Most people are familiar with that old English idiom, A picture paints a thousand words. I would more than heartily venture to say, in describing Maureens poetical work, that each one of her poems paints a thousand pictures! A unique take on the world at large with customary, whimsical eye for comic detail, the book portrays the humorous side of human nature in an amusing and sometimes endearing way that, for me, certainly captures a quintessential raw essence in wonderful concoctions of rhyming word descriptions. All of them, of course, having her characteristic twist-in-the-tale, delicious irony that has become a trademark that is so prevalent in all her poems. Heres an opportunity for you to discover and savor a real feast of fun.
Release dateAug 16, 2016
Stories in Rhyme

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    Stories in Rhyme - Maureen Higson

    © 2016 Maureen Higson. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 09/19/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6138-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6139-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6137-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016911971

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    Poetic Ride

    A Letter from a good neighbour

    Vicars Secret

    Said the Wise man

    New Toy



    Worst kind of Politician


    A dream Adventure

    the healer

    Relentless Time

    The Appliance

    The prizewinner


    Sea Voyage

    Dream Time

    A Softer Ambition


    The Haunted Sea Captain

    John’s Home.

    Wonder Cure

    Ghost Train to London

    Fairy Witness

    The Champion

    An Interlude

    Calling Will’

    The Rogue

    The Invictus Games

    Black Holes

    All at Sea


    The Hat

    The Spell

    Dracula’s Date

    The Haunting

    The Shed

    An Old Friend


    Sob Story

    Well Matched

    Dr Jones

    Pen Portrait of Tess

    Living Memories

    A Horsey Tale

    A loving Son

    Was it you?

    Dance Duo

    Cops And Robbers

    The Tree.

    The Ghoul.

    Peace and Quiet,


    Who Rules?


    A Battle of Wills

    In a Word

    The Lesson

    A Divided Heart

    Lost Self


    The Ghostly Stranger

    A Night Out

    Another World

    A Painful Romance

    Finding The Clue

    Calling Time

    The Highwayman’s lady

    A Way of Life

    An Elderly Pursuit.

    Lost Identity

    The Escapee

    A Sad Tale.

    Sea Adventure

    Locked in Heaven

    Betwixt Between

    A Day Out With John. (My Lad)

    Mars Bound

    Weather Warning

    Grandfather William. (apologies to Lewis Carroll)

    The Bond

    Free Spirit


    The best of Enemies

    (an english attempt at a wild west tale)


    Food for Thought

    Happy Birth- Daze


    A Cautionary Tale

    The Critic

    The Toff

    The Kingdom

    The Star.

    That’s Life

    A Love Affair

    The Wish

    Lifes Changes


    True Love

    The Spectre.

    Dancing Queen. (apologies to Pam Ayres)

    Loves Roundabout

    A Greenfingered Solution



    Myrtles Magic.

    Funny Poem

    About the Author


    To Tony, Who suggested I write this book, and has been a tireless support.

    To Roseleen, for her imaginative encouragement.

    And Kath. appreciating the fun times.


    Poetic Ride

    I ride a powerful poetry horse

    we storm through words and phrases,

    leaping into seas of inspiration

    and the mind fog it erases,

    Weaving tapestrys of stories

    while we are in full flight

    turning, twisting sentences

    until the lines are right

    Sprinkling exclamation marks,

    commas here and there

    so now a poem’s taking shape,

    and with a sense of flair,

    His winged heels touching stories

    that speak of fools and sages

    For me to weave them into rhyme,

    and lay them on the pages.

    A Letter from a good neighbour

    Dear Mr Reginald Hesquith Esquire,

    I am writing to tell you your house is on fire,

    I have been a good neighbour for quite a few years,

    So I’m hoping this message will quieten your fears

    in saying the firemen have gone to much trouble

    by quelling the flames on most of the rubble,

    I think you’ll appreciate there isn’t much left

    of the house that was once an impressive address.

    But I’m hoping your holiday is going well.

    Respectfully yours,

    Augustus John Snell.

    Vicars Secret

    Intriguing sounds are emanating through the vestry door.

    Sounds like the vicars occupied, but how..I’m not quite sure,

    He isn’t practising a sermon, or a very somber psalm

    The noise is out of character, and fills me with alarm.

    He obviously has company, but the bishop can’t be due.

    I know he isn’t seeing me, it’s definitely not you,

    So who’s stifling a giggle, to the clinking sound of glass,

    and the raucous laughter tells me that he isn’t saying Mass.

    Overcome by curiosity I must see what I can spy,

    But peering through the keyhole I stare into someones eye.

    Said the Wise man

    I’ve said it before, now I’ll say it again

    You carry two bags while you’re on the Earthplane,

    In the first are the problems you’ll need to sort out,

    The second holds answers that takes care of doubt

    You all know the first one, holds all of your pain,

    But the second tells how not to do it again.

    The first shows exactly what you must work through

    The second gives

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