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Successful Relationships: Sharing Simple Behaviors That Bring Results
Successful Relationships: Sharing Simple Behaviors That Bring Results
Successful Relationships: Sharing Simple Behaviors That Bring Results
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Successful Relationships: Sharing Simple Behaviors That Bring Results

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About this ebook

In my work with thousands of clients over the years, I have come to realize that there is a tendency for many of us to make things far more complicated than they need to be. It is time to simplify things. This short and easy-to-read book is based on the belief that creating the relationships we desire is not as complicated as we make it out to be or as difficult as we have always been told.

This book shares simple, straightforward, and practical lessons anyone can use to make their relationships the best they can be. Raise your awareness level and become more accountable of yourself and become more consciously aware of and sensitive to the long-term impact your words and behaviors have on your relationships. You are creating your tomorrows today, so why not do it consciously and create what it is you really want?

This book is for anyone who longs to create and enjoy the best possible relationships they can. It is for those who enjoy a good relationship and want to take it to the next level. It is for those who know something is missing in their relationships, and they want more. It is for those who desire to create with their partner joyful and trusting relationships, providing a solid foundation upon which they can build happy, fulfilling, and balanced lives.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 20, 2016
Successful Relationships: Sharing Simple Behaviors That Bring Results

Larry Williamson

As a credentialed and experienced master-certified and board-certified coach, Larry has spent his entire career supporting clients as they learned it was up to them to create that which they truly wanted. With thirty-four years in the corporate world (training, development, and human resources) and fifteen years of private coaching and having served on numerous boards, each conversation reinforced to Larry was all about relationships. Whether it was an executive in the corporate world or someone dealing with challenges in their private life, the first opportunity was to always get the individual to look within and to first examine and come to understand the impact of their own words and behaviors on their relationships. Larry supports his clients as they gain clarity on their current challenges and opportunities, their self-talk, and how their current thought patterns may be creating self-limiting beliefs and behaviors. With this insight, they then learn to consciously make new choices to move toward the life they truly desire. Larry’s passion is relationships, and he feels this is the foundation to our success.

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    Successful Relationships - Larry Williamson

    Copyright © 2016 by Larry Williamson.

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    Rev. date: 12/19/2016








    Chapter 1   It Does Not Matter from Where You Start

    Chapter 2   Overcoming Self-Imposed Limits

    Chapter 3   Commitment

    Chapter 4   Starting with Transparency and Understanding

    Chapter 5   What Are You Doing to Create the Relationship You Envisioned?

    Chapter 6   Promises Made

    Chapter 7   Personal Relationships: What Is Your Role?

    Chapter 8   Appreciation and Gratitude

    Chapter 9   The Importance of Simple Acts

    Chapter 10   Communication

    Chapter 11   Conflict Prevention

    Chapter 12   Make Me Feel Important

    Chapter 13   The Importance of Creating Time for One Another

    Chapter 14   My Best Friend—It’s Always a Balance

    Chapter 15   Growth Is Not an Option; How We Grow Is

    Chapter 16   An Open Letter to Couples Starting Out

    About the Author

    Of the regrets I might have at the end of this life, one will not be that I did not let go and give in to love, fully giving and fully receiving. It is my hope that no one goes through this life without feeling this.

    A Note From the Author:

    Supporting thousands of clients over the years, I have come to realize that there is a tendency for many of us to make things far more complicated than they need to be. It is time to simplify things. This short and easy to read book is based on the belief that creating the relationships we desire is not as complicated as we make it out to be, nor as difficult as we have always been told. This book shares simple, straight forward and practical lessons anyone can use to make their relationships the best they can be. Raise your awareness level and become more accountable to yourself, become more consciously aware of and sensitive to the long term impact your words and behaviors have on your relationships. You are creating your tomorrow’s today, why not do it consciously, and create what it is you really want!

    Larry Williamson


    It is difficult for one to fully commit to anything without a belief it is possible. Creating a wonderful and rewarding relationship is indeed something you can do. It is my hope and desire that more people every day adopt this belief and know this is something they can accomplish. It all starts in our mind—first with a belief, with a vision. It is our beliefs that direct our behavior, and our behaviors play a large part in determining the type of relationships we build with others.

    Let’s go ahead and address this right up front:

    Am I saying that relationships are easy? No, I am not.

    Am I saying you will not have to work consciously and consistently on making your relationship work? No, I am not.

    Am I saying you are not going to have to compromise and, at times, put the feelings of someone else above your own? No, I am not.

    It is not my intention nor in any way am I going to tell you that relationships are easy. What I am saying is that relationships do not have to be as complicated as we often make them out to be.

    The ideas for action presented in this book may not be new to you. After all, I think we all know deep down how we should treat one another. The question is, do we do it on a consistent basis? To be aware of something yet not practice it serves no one.

    This book is for anyone who longs to create and enjoy the best possible relationships they can; for those who enjoy a good relationship and want to take it to the next level; and for those who know something is missing in their relationships, and they want more. It is for those who desire to create with their partners joyful and trusting relationships providing a solid foundation upon which they can build happy, fulfilling, and balanced lives.


    This book is not, nor should it be, considered a substitute for professional marriage counseling. That is not the intent. While I do believe this book can be of help to anyone who chooses to consistently put into practice the guidelines offered, there is no substitute for professional counseling when it is needed.

    Larry Williamson, MCC, BCC Founder and President, Anchored Values Coaching and Consulting


    To my wife, Carolyn, who has consistently modeled to me what true, unconditional love is. Without her love and support, this book would have never been written. My gratitude to you, Carolyn, for you are the inspiration for much about what I write.

    To my son and daughter, Damon and Kate. Never a time do I remember when I shared my ideas with you that we did not have a spirited conversation. You have always been open with me, and I learned so much from you both.

    To my sisters, Diane and Beverly, for a lifetime of support and encouragement.

    To those no longer with me:

    – My brother, Roger. He always showed me just how easy it was to form lasting relationships with just about anyone.

    – My father, Ertle, and my mother, Betty. It is the lessons I learned from you that provided the foundation for all that was to come.

    To all those who have entered my life and taught me all that you have.


    From Corporate HR to Relationships?

    How does one move from a career as a corporate human resources executive to writing a book on relationships? Actually, it was a pretty smooth and logical transition.

    Of the many roles I had the honor of providing support in, leadership development and internal coaching were included. While providing this support, the role and impact of relationships was a common topic. Conversations ranged from relationships with peers and supervisors to personal relationships. While this was going on in my corporate role, I was also coaching through my own company, Anchored Values, professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs across the globe. Maybe not in every case, but here too, there was a high correlation of issues they shared with challenges in relationships.

    To address these challenges in my corporate role, I began to develop and offer programs on conflict prevention, personalities as drivers of behavior, handling emotions, team development, and many more. I also began to share, through my coaching and consulting role, many of the same concepts I taught in my presentations.

    Looking back over what had been shared with me through the years, there were some common themes I could not ignore. I began to open myself up to offering coaching for couples, addressing marriage concerns, relationships with children, etc. I was excited about the opportunity to help clients improve their relationships and celebrated with them the improvements in their lives.

    All through the years, I had kept many notes of the lessons I learned. As I read and reread my notes, I began to think about how I could use this information to expand my reach and hopefully reach many more people. In addition to speaking engagements, a book seemed like a great place to start, and an idea was born!

    Love, Respect, Admiration, Appreciation, and Gratitude

    One of the things I do with clients is to help them identify

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