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The Presence the Power and the Authority
The Presence the Power and the Authority
The Presence the Power and the Authority
Ebook85 pages2 hours

The Presence the Power and the Authority

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Equipped with spiritual understanding, the child of God can walk in all the boldness God intended for us to walk in. This book awakens us to the present reality of the Holy Spirit, his ministry, his power, and the authority given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit is the president of the body of Christ and therefore must have preeminence in his body. The purpose of this book is to exalt the Holy Spirit and to draw our minds to the fact that he is real, personal, and seeks to lead us. This book also seeks to make us aware of the immeasurable authority we have in Christ. We must exercise it.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateAug 22, 2016
The Presence the Power and the Authority

Justice Annang

I grew up a timid and shy person. At age of eighteen, I received Christ as my Lord, who healed me of stomach ulcers. As I encountered the Holy Spirit, he supernaturally stripped me of all timidity and shyness and put me on the course of boldness. Since then, I received from God the supernatural ability to stand in the presence of many to teach the Word of God. In 2014 Lifeworld International Ministries was birthed through the leading of the Holy Spirit. He also gave me the mandate to start Living Faith Teaching Seminar, which is held annually.

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    The Presence the Power and the Authority - Justice Annang

    Copyright © 2016 by Justice Annang.

    ISBN:      Hardcover        978-1-5144-9639-8

                    Softcover         978-1-5144-9638-1

                    eBook             978-1-5144-9637-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Scriptures were taken from the New King James Version, Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Other scriptures were taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Rev. date: 05/31/2016








    1 The Person Of The Holy Spirit

    2 Communion With The Holy Spirit

    3 The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit

    4 Our Great Teacher

    5 The Spirit Of Revelation

    6 I Am Not An Orphan

    7 The Promise Of The Father

    8 Manifestations Of The Holy Ghost

    9 Why Does The Holy Ghost Seek To Manifest Himself


    10 The Power Of The Holy Spirit

    11 Baptism In The Holy Spirit


    12 Authority

    13 Authority In His Name

    14 Scriptures For Meditation


    I dedicate this book to Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin. A Prophet and Teacher of the word of God.

    A man I never had the opportunity to meet in the flesh but it seems like I had known him in person.

    A man I highly esteem and a man who demonstrated the Power of the Holy Spirit.

    As I read his books seem like he was right in front of me talking to me and as I listen to his tapes and watch him teach something always seems to quicken in me.

    Papa Hagin or Dad Hagin as he is affectionately known has had a great impact in my life as a believer and also in ministry. Dad Hagin your legacy lives on.

    You have been a mentor to me. My wife and I have been blessed by your life and ministry. I am forever grateful to God for leading me to your teaching material which is full of the Word of God and does not contain theories or opinions.


    This writing looks at the most precious, gentle and mightier Person.

    Despite the fact that he is all that I have mentioned, he has been relegated to nothing by His own precious saints.

    The Holy Spirit is the President of the body of Christ (The Church) and He seeks to be acknowledged, revered and allowed to govern His church so that he leads us into the fullness of the plan of God.

    I did not write this book because I wanted to write a book, I wrote it because I was driven by the Spirit of God who is my friend. He prompted me to and dealt with me in prayer about His Presence, His Power and Authority.

    Dear Saints of the Most High God, let us come back to that place where we see the Holy Spirit for who He really is, and who He is in our lives. Many people are comfortless, anxious and in turmoil because they have not recognised the Holy Spirit who the Father has sent in the name of His beloved Son Jesus Christ. This is what the Spirit of God said to me in Prayer, ´If you refuse to acknowledge a person in your midst; you automatically refuse his presence because every person has a presence that can be felt. The person and his/ her presence are one and the same. Refusing my Personality is equal to refusing my Presence. Acknowledging my person/ personality is equal to acknowledging my Presence. Therefore your awareness and acknowledgement of me will cause my manifestation because you revere me and therefore will yield to me.´ My Friends isn´t what the Holy Spirit saying true? Our interaction and daily fellowship with one another demonstrates this; when a person is ignored, cut off and shut off, he or she has no chance of contributing to conversations and is prevented from interaction with the rest. Does that mean that individual is not present? Certainly not. The opposite to this occurs that when that individual is acknowledged, recognised and made to know and feel that their presence is of importance, then we see the manifestations of that individuals personality (characteristics).

    Did Jesus Christ’s presence and personality impart lives when He walked on the face of this earth? Yes it did. In fact, everywhere Jesus went there were manifestations that proved that Jesus had been there but it took the recognition and the acceptance of the people for Him to work in their lives. We praise God for the fact that we can and we are going to experience the workings of the Holy Spirit in a greater dimension in our lives because He is here and we must be conscious of His Presence. We only need to take this truth by Faith and walk it out, and what a glorious time will we have in the natural (or Physical realm) because the spiritual and supernatural will become so natural to us. The church is a spiritual entity and gets it strength from the spiritual realm.

    Let the president of the church have His way!





    Who is the Holy Spirit?

    The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the God Head and a member of the Trinity.

    He is God Himself. A good illustration of this relationship is the different states of water. Water exists in solid state as ice, gaseous state as steam and as a liquid in the form of water. Therefore God is one but in three Persons and in Hebrew Elohim is a name of God. This name

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