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Freedom Fighters: Losing Our Freedoms
Freedom Fighters: Losing Our Freedoms
Freedom Fighters: Losing Our Freedoms
Ebook187 pages2 hours

Freedom Fighters: Losing Our Freedoms

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There were a lot of people in America who were afraid, not knowing what was going to happen to them. People were spending most of their savings, trying to stock up on food and bullets. Crime was going up, and the police were busy. Therefore, everyone who wasnt ready was trying their best to get ready.

These are the same people that thought the survival groups were crazy people. But now they found themselves in a bind. The grocery stores couldnt keep their shelves stocked fast enough. Food prices, guns, ammo, and survival gear have skyrocketed.

The police were harassing people who were carrying weapons or guns. They had sworn to uphold and defend the constitution, but they were now breaking the law by not upholding the oath.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 22, 2016
Freedom Fighters: Losing Our Freedoms

Fighting Patriot

The author went to basic training in October of 1997. It wasn't until January of 2005 that he went to Iraq. He got out in 2006 with an honorable discharge. He waited four years to join the Army Reserve in 2010 and got out in 2011. His MOS was 88 Mike (Medium to Heavy Trucks). While in Iraq he had to transition from being a driver to gun truck security. He stands for Freedom, in God We Trust, and the true meaning of our Constitution. He currently lives in Kentucky with his wife and children.

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    Freedom Fighters - Fighting Patriot

    Copyright © 2016 by Brian Bowen.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 06/21/2016






    Chapter 1 One Of The Guys

    Chapter 2 Working Out The Kinks

    Chapter 3 Time To Get Trained Up

    Chapter 4 The Enemy Is Here

    Chapter 5 Just When You Think It Couldn’t Get Any Worse

    Chapter 6 Furthering The Invasion

    Chapter 7 Reaching The Farm

    Chapter 8 Time For New Laws

    Chapter 9 Getting Our People Back

    Chapter 10 It’s Time To Gear Up For The Fight

    Chapter 11 A Call To Action

    Chapter 12 The Battle Begins


    It is a time of desperation for those who love their country. The true Americans want to preserve their way of life (Freedom) so; they have put measures in effect just in case there was ever a need to defend it.

    The oath that a military person says is this: I (your name) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officer’s appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, so help me God.

    The American people have forgotten this. America has fallen in the area of Integrity. They are no longer concerned with the truth. The American people (not liberals) have had to take matters into their own hands.

    Colonel Young and his group in Kentucky, and Colonel Malone and his group in New Mexico, have all trained for such an occasion. But, there has been a monkey wrench thrown into the cogs. Not only are they to deal with the New American Dictatorship but, now they must deal with the invasion of the Chinese.

    The Chinese have called in their debt. With five trillion in debt owed to other countries, and six trillion owed to the Federal Government. China has decided they want their 1.3 trillion dollars back and they want it now. With America saying they can’t afford to pay it back and knowing there was no way china could make them pay it back; America says they won’t pay. This gives china no other choice but to come and get it. So, they declare war on the United States.

    Now the survival and Militia groups realize they may have to take on this threat and wind up helping out the new government they now despise.



    It was a cold rainy day. Things didn’t look good for a day of shooting and tactical training with those whom would later become known as my brothers.

    Cole had just come back from Iraq a few months ago and was desperately looking for something to do on the weekends.

    There were times he wished he was back in a combat zone. It was hard to go from action every day, doing things 24-7, to only working an 8 hour job. A person could get bored very easily.

    Cole talked to a friend of his named Steven, who he had been friends with for a long time, even before he went to Iraq.

    He talked to Steven about his dilemma. Steven told Cole that he belonged to this survival group and that they trained once a month on a Saturday and sometimes on Sundays.

    So Steven asked Cole, Would you like to come and check it out? Cole said, I would love to.

    Sorry, but I will have to pick you up, this group of survivalist keeps their wear abouts private because, the government is always making a big deal out of nothing. For everyone’s first time, we pick them up, said Steven.

    So, when that first meeting came around Steven went to Cole’s house. Steven honked his horn and Cole came outside.

    You ready to go have some fun? Steven asked.

    Boy am I, said Cole. He put his AK47 and additional gear in the back of Steven’s truck, before joining him in the cab.

    Well, even though it is supposed to rain, we are going to have a lot of fun, commented Steven.

    Cole told him that in the Army they trained in the rain, snow, or heat. So it doesn’t matter to me, I believe I can handle it.

    Well, in that case, it sounds like you are ready for just about anything, Steven said.

    Well, let’s just hope so, replied Cole.

    As they drove, they talked about the war, and also about the direction the government is heading.

    Well, Cole said, I haven’t been keeping up with current affairs all that much. In a war zone you don’t have much time for such things," Cole explained.

    All you ever hear on the news is about another soldier being killed and what the death toll is. We just didn’t want to hear such things so you kind of lose track of world events. There was news on in the chow hall, but it was noisy so you couldn’t hear much, said Cole.

    Cole hadn’t realized the government had gone so far off track.

    So is this the reason for such a group? asked Cole.

    Well, kind of, Steven said. We don’t train hoping something will happen but, in case something does, we want to be prepared.

    The drive was only thirty miles from where Cole lived. So when Steven said, Were here. Cole said, Already? Where are we?

    On a 100 acre farm, replied Steven.

    A hundred acres? asked Cole.

    Yeah and it even has two springs on it, replied Steven.

    Getting out of the truck, Cole noticed about eight guys getting their gear out of their vehicles. They just looked at him but, didn’t say anything. After everyone had their gear ready, we headed into a little room in the home of Travis Young, who I would later come to know as Colonel.

    Everyone was wearing a uniform of some sort, some in ACU’s, Multi Cam’s, tiger stripe, DCU’s, and BDU’s. Cole’s uniform was the DCU’s he had worn in Iraq. There was also an assortment of gear, rifles and pistols.

    Cole was used to being organized, you know everyone looking the same, dress right dress and such. This was going to take some getting used to. But after hearing that most of these guys have never been in the military, he understood.

    With all of these guns, he was glad he had brought his. He had his 40 cal. in a shoulder holster and his 9mm in a drop leg holster. He had his gortex boots on, and he looked like a soldier.

    They all seemed to get along just fine. They were cutting up and joking around with each other. Seeing all of this made him relax a little more.

    As the meeting came to order, everyone sat down and gave their undivided attention.

    Colonel was an older man but, he was passionate about this whole thing. He had given his entire life to it. Even though Colonel would not admit it, everyone looked to him as the leader of this rag tag bunch.

    Colonel began the meeting by talking about the status of the government and the economy.

    How many of you believe that a grid-down situation will happen soon? asked Colonel. Several hands went up. Cole didn’t know what to think, he thought they were just a little off at first but, as Colonel continued to talk about current affairs, he began to understand. He thought a little less about them being crazy. Maybe he needed to look a little closer into this.

    Cole had his own personal beliefs about how it was going to go down. He leaned a little more towards the prophetic, biblical side of it.

    Colonel continued, The president cannot continue to spend money, tell lies, and ignore the rights of the American people and expect things to continue as normal. Everyone agreed to that.

    The president spent more money in his first term than all the preceding presidents.

    Even the Democrats of his own party knew he was messing up but, they didn’t have the back bone to tell him.

    Colonel went on to say that there was a TV show called, Dooms Day Peppers that helped a lot of concerned viewers to realize they were not alone. The liberalist movement, thought these Peppers were crazy, out of their mind, kind of people.

    Nobody knew what it was going to be like so, they just prepared for the worst. Colonel told us that all he knew was the bible said that a third of mankind would be killed in the end of times.

    As this part of the meeting came to an end, David said, Everyone grab your gear, it’s time for some training.

    David was a body builder and was always pushing everyone to exercise. He was always saying, You never know what type of situation you may need to get yourself out of, and you may need your physical strength to survive.

    You would never guess that by looking at David’s muscular stature that he was also a crack shot. He was being trained to be a sniper.

    Cole responded, Shooting, sounds like a good idea to me.

    Everyone was putting on their tactical vests and made sure they had plenty of ammo before heading to the shooting range. Before Cole could start putting his gear on, a guy by the name of Miller started talking to him and asking questions about what he did in Iraq.

    Cole responded by saying, Oh just went on missions and such. He did not want to tell anyone what he really did in the army just yet.

    Miller said, I’m in charge of demolitions on this team and was wondering if you might be interested in doing something like that.

    Cole told him he wouldn’t mind blowing a few things up. I had training in the army with demolitions. Sounds like fun.

    Cole said, But only if it is legal. Let me think on it till our next meeting and I will give you an answer then. I don’t want to make any hasty decisions right off the bat.

    As we all headed to the back forty, Steven asked, What do you think about it so far, Cole?

    I don’t really know what to think, Cole replied. I didn’t know things were as bad in the world as they are.

    That is why we train, said Steven, …we need to be prepared to survive when it all goes down. There will not be a government to take care of law and order, Steven continued. It will be chaos such as we have never seen.

    Well, said Cole, …on that note, I think it is time for me to get ready for this disaster or whatever it may be.

    Cole could see the truth in everything Colonel was saying and he didn’t want to be caught with his pants down, so to speak.

    Well to be honest, said Steven, …in your situation you have more to prepare for than you think. You have a family, so there is a lot more for you to think about.

    How am I going to explain all of this to my wife, asked Cole?

    There is no good way to explain it, replied Steven.

    We have guys here who have lost their wives and families for a cause they believe in. Take Colonel over there for example, he and his wife got a divorce over this kind of stuff. She just couldn’t grasp it.

    As Cole looked over at Colonel, he was thinking about what he was going to say to his wife, how was she going to take this and was she going to think he was crazy?

    When we arrived at the shooting range, everyone was amped up and ready to go. We had a safety brief so that everybody was on the same page.

    Nate spoke up and said, You can never be too careful. I know everyone here is safety conscience but, we always need a reminder. Someone may be having trouble at home or may be sick that day. You just never know where someone’s mind may be.

    Nate was tall, slender and in great shape. He was an expert shooter and had a vast knowledge of guns. He worked in a gun store so he had to know what he was talking about. Nate was married to Rosemary and had three children, Mary age five, Rose age seven, and William age ten.

    Miller was doing the training today and told everyone to gather around and get this ball rolling. We are going to be working on bounding over watch maneuvers, instructed Miller.

    He was kind of a gruff guy and a bachelor. Every other word out of his mouth was a cuss word.

    Miller got everyone’s attention by saying, Now listen up girls, we will start out by coming up on a clearing, and when we get there we will scan the field for signs of an enemy force. If none are detected, then we will cross over. When we start the cross over into the field, one person will run out about twenty yards and take a knee. He is to be on the lookout for the enemy. If all is clear, he will motion for the next person to come out. Then that person will run out and take a knee beside the first person. He will look out for a few seconds and then tap the first person on the shoulder and get up and run for another ten yards. When the all clear comes from him, he will then pass that sign on to the first person who will then pass it on to the rest who are still in the tree line. Then the next person will come out and so on down the line until the field is crossed.

    Does everyone understand this? asked Miller.

    Nobody said anything for fear of getting it wrong

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