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Time and Curses: A Love for All Seasons
Time and Curses: A Love for All Seasons
Time and Curses: A Love for All Seasons
Ebook395 pages5 hours

Time and Curses: A Love for All Seasons

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When Joanie, the beautiful wife of the promising CEO of the Jackson family’s billion-dollar dynasty, discovers her husband’s plot to take over the family’s business, she ignites flames by putting her own plan in motion and sets off a juicy, sultry Southern tale of forbidden passions. Time and Curses: A Love for All Seasons is the essence of the sultry saga of this Southern family told against the beautiful backdrop of Lake Murray, South Carolina. It is filled with lust, deception, seduction, greed, and betrayal. Murder becomes the ultimate sacrifice to quench the scorching flames. We are drawn into the intricate lives of each family member and learn that nothing is as it appears. But what lies beneath the layers of their relationships when driven by the power of their deceitful passions?

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 23, 2016
Time and Curses: A Love for All Seasons

Loretta Elaine Jones

She is a new voice that evokes the steamy South through characters that are challenged by complex relationships dripping with passion and desire. It is clear that the author suffers no fools. Her female characters, even at their most unlikable, are strong and courageous, never losing sight of their ultimate goal. They go toe to toe with the men in a dance that draws us in and leaves us guessing who will come out on top.   She credits her writings to an upbringing surrounded by interesting stories that evoke deep emotions and sometimes heart-throbbing decisions. It is her belief that nothing in life is permanent and every situation is but a season. Therefore, one should breathe and embrace the seasons as they come and weather the storm; no matter how fierce the winds, there is a rainbow at the end. This to her is the test of love, forgiveness, and achievement. Having learned these lessons early in life with the death of her mother, she placed her gift of writing on hold to challenge her changing seasons, immersing herself in diverse careers. She has embraced this season to set forth her first novel, Time and Curses, to entertain, inspire, and motivate other new writers who have been faced with similar challenges, as well as honor those who have encouraged her along the way.

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    Time and Curses - Loretta Elaine Jones

    Time And Curses

    A Love For All Seasons

    Loretta Elaine Jones

    Copyright © 2016 by Loretta Elaine Jones.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 05/06/2021








    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57



    For Delores, My Children, Sheila, Gracie, Josie,

    Mary Ruth, Lois and Hillary-Jones girls

    Love is the essence of every season—embrace change with it!


    I am indebted to countless people for their support and encouragement along the way. The list is so long, from South Carolina, New York, Texas, New Jersey, and Virginia, family members and friends; you know who you are. I am forever grateful for your listening out and prayers.

    The following people have been exceptionally supportive and inspirationally encouraging:

    To God who is foremost in my life and who is the GREAT I AM. I am thankful for every step of this journey.

    To my sister and best friend, Delores, thank you for your undying love and commitment to believing in me when even I sometimes found it hard to believe in myself.

    To my children: Tabitha, JahSiah, Zoriah and Karlous. You all are the wind that propels me forward.

    To Nathaniel Tabb, thank you for tolerating my obsessions and listening to me while I indulged in my madness.

    To Kim Rucker and family, thank you for giving me opportunities to reinvent myself and explore new possibilities.

    To Mike, Phil and Alonzo thank you for your laughter and spirit of love.

    To my brother George, thank you for your dangerous input 47318.png .

    To Peggy Harless, thank you for all the Joel Osteen moments of encouragement.

    To Margaret Pickens, Pam Mallorin and Debbi Benz, thank you for all the helpful advice.

    To Gale Chapman, thank you for reading my first draft and revisions.

    To Gayle Barton, thank you for your words of encouragement –DICOM Toastmasters. I have kept your kind thoughts for years.

    To Myranne Feinstein, my first drama and literary instructor, Bennett High School; I am truly thankful for your impression. I did not sleep it away 47320.png

    To Tom Cantillon, thank you. You are an awesome instructor!

    To Pastor Pryor and the New Birth Family, thank you for providing a platform to develop my talents.

    To all the friends at Waffle House #1325 and Walmart #1780 for reminding me that a push out is worth a million dollars.


    "At first, my overall intentions were to make his life miserable, but after thinking it all out I couldn’t come up with a plan that I felt would hurt deep enough. Then the perfect opportunity prevailed and presented an ideal situation to settle the score. Everything fell in place. Why should I continue to suffer while he reaped the benefits of such a lush life?

    "That fucker was about to take his throne—so I had to act. The time was perfect and nothing could compensate for the pain and torment that had been suffered, at least nothing but his wretched life.

    "He thought he was paying off his cheap indiscretions. He wasn’t expecting me at all. He sat there at his desk with that shitty grin on his face, and after I laid it all out to him, he laughed. He tried to dismiss me with his money, as if I was some gluttonous fool, and after, I told him that it wasn’t about money. It was about vengeance. A debt that had to be paid! He didn’t take me serious at all. Oh well, he should have, ’cause when he turned his back on me, I was ready for him.

    "I pulled that cold piece out of my pocket without tremor or remorse and aimed for the back of his head. My hands were steady, the trigger was cocked, he never turned around, so full of himself, he was. I didn’t need the son of a bitch to look at me. It felt good being in control and out of control at the same time. The sound of the gun rapidly firing was electrifying.

    "I watched him fall to the floor, his greedy self grasped for life but it was no more. I fired two more rounds to make sure of that—no sense in wasting good bullets. I was cool. No sweat at all.

    Two for the price of one piece of shit was the perfect antidote. An end to all pain.

    Chapter 1

    Umm, yummy, Anita said as she filled the small gold-plated chafing dish with her mother’s much loved adobo chicken recipe and carried it into her dining room. She centered the dish on a beautiful spring green tablecloth complete with complementary napkins and her best china. The table was set for two, with a colorful mix of fresh cut spring flowers and a lovely calligraphy note to welcome her guest of honor. She was ecstatic about entertaining in her home—something she hadn’t done in a while. This was especially true since her consultant business was now prosperous. Anita smiled to herself and walked in and out of the dining room carrying the remainder of the meal. She carefully placed each dish in the perfect place.

    Anita hummed and danced around the kitchen excitedly to the sound of smooth jazz tunes that flowed throughout each room in her charming Queen Anne condo. Just as the doorbell rang, she eyed the two large vases on her coffee table. Each one contained two dozen beautiful red long-stemmed roses. They had been delivered earlier that morning.

    Oh shit, shoulda got those out of the way. Too excited now, she hurried to the door and flung it open wide.

    Wow! Don’t you look good! Anita grinned wide as she glimpsed her wide-eyed niece standing in her doorway. Joanie was dressed in a beautiful black-and-white spring knit St. John pant outfit.

    You sure keep that size 8 nicely, dear. In fact, no one would dare believe that you’re a married woman with two children, Anita teased. You’re just as fresh and fine as ever. I love the cut. Very sassy! It’s so Berry Be-ish as in Halle.

    Anita took a step backward to admire her niece one again before she reached out and embraced her.

    Girl, come on in.

    Joanie beamed with excitement while Anita ushered her inside and reached down to grab the larger of her matching TUMI luggage set.

    Damn, girl, Anita groaned as she struggled with the weight of the bag. You said you were staying a week. Honey, you packed enough shit to stay a month.

    Not all mine. Your big sister insisted that I bring you some Carolina hospitality. It’s that antique piece that she insists you have for your buffet.

    Really! Anita grinned. I didn’t want her to spend her money. That water pitcher and basin were much too expensive.

    You know your sister. She’s always two steps ahead and all over it.

    Joanie grinned, snapped her fingers in the air, and playfully twisted off, pulling the smaller bag behind her down the hallway.

    Speaking of Dee, I bet she threw a holy fit. You cutting off your long locks.

    Joanie turned and met Anita’s gaze. You know she did... I wanted something exciting to set off my new attitude.

    I gotcha, lady.

    Anita gently brushed past Joanie to take the lead and entered through the doorway of her guest bedroom.

    The room was ornately decorated with a plush queen-size mahogany high-canopy four poster bed that sat in the middle of the floor. The bed was dressed in red and black satin with enough matching pillows to guarantee a comfortable and royal stay. Anita could be eclectic and a bit eccentric, however she did have excellent taste. She liked to mix antiques with both modern and traditional pieces. Her overall art theme throughout the house was African and Native American sprinkled with a few pieces of Asian art.

    Overall, Joanie found Anita’s home interesting as well as meaningful. Each room invited you to explore, set a spell, and meditate. Joanie’s eyes danced around; taking note of everything added since her last visit, while Anita continued conducting her tour through the house. Anita pointed several interesting pieces that she had acquired from her trip to South Africa. Joanie listened intently. She watched her tall slender, statuesque aunt move about her, sharing memories of her travels to other countries as well.

    To Joanie, Anita was the picture of elegance and could have easily been a supermodel. She had flawless red-brown skin, round dark eyes, with a small pouty mouth. She wore her naturally wavy jet-black hair pulled back away from her face and swept up at the nape of her neck, highlighting her high-chiseled cheekbones.

    Lady, you don’t change. Joanie admired her aunt’s timeless looks.

    Anita echoed her sentiments. Joanie listened for subtle hints of a special someone in her aunt’s life. She hoped that Anita wasn’t still grieving over that old fart that dumped her. Joanie dreaded the thought of her spending the rest of her life bitter and alone.

    Joanie listened a few minutes longer to Anita’s nonstop chitchat and then blurted out, Gee, I hope you forgive me for taking a taxi. I love Connecticut this time of the year. Everything is so lush, green, and fresh. I should have taken you up on your offer after undergrad.

    Ooh really. Then does that mean you’ll visit me more often?

    Although the two of them spoke on the phone regularly, it had been nearly two years since Joanie last visited Connecticut—and almost a year since they’d sat in each other’s company. Anita regarded Joanie as more of a kid-sister than a niece. The two were ten years apart. Dee, who was fifteen years older than Anita, had raised her younger sister as her own after their mother, Meetah, a full-blooded Cherokee, abandoned the family shortly after giving birth to her. Five years later their father, after he had grown tired of waiting for Meetah’s return, announced that she died on a reservation in North Carolina. He took another woman as his wife.

    Big Jack, as their father was affectionately known, owned a corner store. At night he sold his potent corn liquor out of the back window. He saved practically every dime he made and invested it in Dee’s education.

    Dee graduated from Benedict College with a degree in elementary education. Some years later, she married Johnny Collier, a truck driver, and took Anita to raise as her own when she learned that her father’s wife was abusing Anita. Dee and Johnny tried to make up for Anita’s earlier unhappiness. It wasn’t until after Joanie was born that Anita connected.

    Joanie shared the same birthday as her maternal grandmother. Anita noted from old photographs that as Joanie matured, she bore a striking resemblance to Meetah. She loved Joanie and felt that her niece possessed her mother’s spirit, and the two quickly bonded.

    Anita could tell something was up with Joanie, and she was curious to find out why the sudden visit. However, she decided to wait until after they had dined to inquire. For now, Anita rubbed her hands together and smacked her lips teasingly.

    "Look, baby girl, I fixed your grandmother’s adobo chicken complete with her flat bread."

    And do you have some of Granddaddy Jack’s corn liquor to go with it? Joanie grinned wide.

    I sure as hell do. You come on to the table. I’ll pour us a shot, but don’t get mad at me if you cut up and act a fool. I’ll just put your little ass to bed when you’re done.

    Right! You know, I believe it was me who put you to bed the last time, Joanie said emphatically. She followed Anita to the table, where they enjoyed reminiscing old times. They finished the meal and sipped on the corn liquor, chasing the potency of it with wine.

    How long have you had this stuff now—about twenty years?

    Joanie giggled and took another sip of the corn liquor. She patted her throat; the burning sensation was overpowering.

    Exactly, Anita replied, observing the amazing sparkle in Joanie’s eyes and the glow on her face. She raised her wineglass to offer up a toast.

    Here’s to you, baby girl, and your new attitude. Anita winked.

    Ooh, I’m feeling so good about now. Joanie managed to give Anita’s glass a quick ping before she sat her glass down heavily on the table.

    Shit, girl, you were already in the land of euphoria before you even took a sip of that corn liquor, Anita thought and grew more anxious to hear, so she popped the question and examined her niece closely.

    Come on, what’s up with you? You have a radiance that I haven’t seen in quite some time. I’ve been begging you to visit me for the longest. I get an urgent phone call from you saying you’re going to spend a week with me and here you are. Something’s up with that, so tell me... Please don’t say you’re pregnant? Anita teased, watching Joanie’s quick smile fade. Are you?

    Absolutely not!

    Joanie blushed and glanced over at Anita’s coffee table where she eyed the two beautiful large vases of red roses. She quickly rose from her chair, feeling the effects of the corn liquor. She steadied herself and carefully walked over to have a closer look. She snatched up the greeting cards and playfully began to read the first one out loud.

    Will it ever happen again? H.

    Just as she moved to read the second card, Anita quietly walked up behind her and politely took the cards from Joanie’s hand.

    Joanie snickered. Ooh, I’m not the only one who’s keeping secrets.

    Come on, don’t try to elude the subject at hand.

    Anita kidded, slid the cards into her dress side pocket and sauntered off to her bedroom, carrying one of vases. She sat it down on her nightstand, quickly returned, and chimed.

    I’m still list-en-ing.

    Well, I hope you won’t be too disappointed. I plan on spending a long weekend in New York. Joanie flashed a delicate smile and practically fell down on Anita’s overstuffed antique sofa.

    Oh, so now I get it. You’re meeting someone. Want to use me as a cool cover-up. Hmm, so your hairstyle does compliment your new point of view. Anita grinned amused. So where did you meet him. How long have you two known each other? Tell me. Is he single or married? Anita quizzed.

    Joanie grinned, crossed her legs, and naively looked up at Anita, who stood with her mouth wide open. I met him at one of my law conferences. We won’t speak on the other.

    Oh, so you want to keep me in suspense?

    Joanie sat straight up. Yeah, let’s keep it that way for right now.

    Aha! Anita smiled, moved slowly to the sofa, and sat down beside her. She watched the beam in Joanie’s eyes and knew who was responsible for it without mentioning his name. Anita knew her niece too well. This was not some casual fling. Joanie was not that kind of woman. She was a small-town girl, still relatively naïve, even though she had been married for over ten years and had two children. James was the only man that Joanie had ever known, and she remained pretty much untapped in regard to her sexuality. At least Anita gathered the latter from their Sunday night chats, when Joanie skidded around immaturely, eluding her lack of experience. And this was understandable, considering the tight hold that Dee kept on her prior to her marriage.

    Her sister never allowed Joanie to date, and Dee kept a close eye on any boy that showed the slightest interests. She went so far as choosing Joanie’s male escorts to social functions from among her oldest and most trusted church friends. Screening their sons, she made sure that they understood not to expect anything more than just a social date.

    Dee tried holding Anita with the same firm hand, but she openly rebelled. When it came time for Anita to select a college, she applied to faraway out-of-state colleges. She made it clear to Dee that she wouldn’t attend a college at all if she interfered with her decisions. Joanie, on the other hand, out of respect and compassion for her mother gave in to her mother’s obsessive control. Joanie received her undergraduate degree from Spellman.

    Only four hours away from home, Joanie stayed with a staunch pastor’s wife who was a close friend of the family. Dee picked her up on weekends, establishing an even firmer hold on Joanie’s young adult life

    Anita regretted that Joanie hadn’t reached out to her earlier. But then Anita was too caught-up in her own personal affairs to invest any quality time listening to her niece’s obsessions over a boy that she barely knew his name. Joanie never admitted it, but Anita believed that she planned her escape when she met James, ten years her senior. Joanie hastily married him.

    Dee was pleased when she learned about the family’s prominence and wealth. She was relieved that James exemplified a level of maturity uncommon to a lot of young men. She felt that Joanie’s fine virtues would be greatly appreciated and respected.

    Now as Anita sat quietly listening to Joanie, she was sorrowful for her. Although she didn’t want to put a damper on Joanie’s newfound freedom, she didn’t want her to be hurt or misused in the process. Anita loved her and felt it was her duty to warn her niece of the consequences, and therefore, she approached Joanie cautiously.

    Baby girl, have you given serious thought as to what you’re about to do? Not waiting for Joanie’s answer, Anita continued. Let me be honest. You remember my misfortune. My affair with my professor, and how we kept a relationship going for years before he decided to go back to his wife. I lost a baby behind that bastard’s decision. The relationship left me devastated. It has taken me years to completely get over him and still I find myself judging every man by that one confused asshole.

    Joanie kept her silence. She knew exactly where Anita was going, but her mind was made up. There was nothing Anita had to say that would persuade her differently.

    Not saying that this is the same case. Anita sighed. In fact the situation is probably completely different. Maybe you’re the wiser and he’s the prey. However, things don’t always work out the way we see it in our minds. There are some dangerous consequences involved here. Lady, have you even considered what’s at stake?

    Joanie saw Anita objections, and she answered quickly to defend herself. Please don’t judge me. I’m going through some serious trauma in my marriage. I need this, Anita.

    Joanie pleaded and sat straight up to meet Anita’s solemn gaze. She dropped her head as her large dark eyes swelled with tears. Joanie turned away, clutched her stomach as if she was in grave pain, and then blurted out.

    Nita, I feel trapped in a marriage that is hopeless. I’ve given all that I can or want to give to make it work. Truthfully I can’t say to you right now if James himself isn’t having an affair with some younger woman.


    That’s right. James has never been in love with me. He only married me because he thought it would please his father to have a wife that mirrored his mother. Attractive and well educated, except he forgot one thing. His father loves his mother and is still very much as passionate about her as he was the day they met. I’m simply eye-candy" for James. He’s so full of himself. He never wanted children. I never told you but James was so angry when I got pregnant with Erika. He discontinued sex with me for a long time after she was born.

    Of course, he denies punishing me. Said he didn’t want me to ruin my body. Our sex life is sporadic and uninspired. He’s lost his desire for me.

    Anita gasped in disbelief. She reflected back on when she vacationed with the family in Cancun. She sought to reassure Joanie.

    You should have seen the stares you got from those men, including James. Any man would find it hard not to be in love or desire you. I mean look at you. You’ve come a long way from that cute little small-town girl. You’re a beautiful, sophisticated woman. Stylish, flawless golden complexion, a body built like a Mattel mannequin. Girl, I was there when you strut your stuff in that two piece. There’s certainly nothing undesirable about you.

    Stop it, Anita, you know that has nothing to do with it. When a man finds other interest outside of his marriage that doesn’t matter. He’s happy and you know what’s so funny? I like it just fine! ’Cause I don’t care anymore. I am tired of pretending to be happy.

    Joanie’s face was hot with anger. Her tone was cold and indifferent. Anita could scarcely believe what she heard.

    On the surface, James held Joanie high on a pedestal and was known for embellishing her with expensive gifts and compliments. Although Anita had long sensed that Joanie was unhappy, she thought it had to do with James being workaholic.

    She watched now while Joanie struggled to make sense. Anita moved quickly to the sofa and sat down beside her. She snatched up some Kleenex from the box on the sofa table behind them and handed a few to Joanie, before taking her seat beside her.

    Joanie took in a deep breath, paused for a minute, and then spoke softly.

    Nita, James is selfish, egotistical, ruthless, and controlling. He’s consumed with himself. In public he behaves himself as a loving family man. When he’s at home he is totally secluded from us. Before I left, I practically begged him to spend time with the children. If it weren’t for the family’s vacations and social functions, in honor of him, of course, we’d rarely appear in public as a family.

    I see, but...

    Nita, I’m very much in need of this weekend. I am as excited as hell about it, and I pray that heaven will be most forgiving and merciful to us.

    Anita sighed heavily. Baby, what you’re about to do just might not be the solution. In fact this may evoke some serious problems of its own. I understand how you must be feeling. Is it even worth what you’re about to sacrifice, if James finds out. Is this guy worth all of that? Anita kept up her façade, knowing full well the guy Joanie planned to meet.

    Joanie laughed. An expression of sheer happiness flooded her face like she’d been hit with a fresh spray of spring.

    He’s passionate about some of the same things that I am—life, love, and family. He’s multitalented, extremely intelligent. A serious risk taker. He’s been patient, thoughtful, loving, and fun to be around for so long. Although he can be quite fiery at times, he has a gentle and quiet spirit that I adore.

    Umm, why do I get the feeling that I know him? Anita teased, this time hoping that Joanie would trust her and fess up, but Joanie didn’t, and so Anita posed the next question.

    What do you think James will do if he finds out about you two?

    I’m not thinking about James right now. He hasn’t given any thought to my feelings nor his children. I’ve never been so sure about what I’m about to do and it’s time.

    Time! Anita chuckled inoffensively. Baby, I say wait a little longer to...

    Nita, don’t! Joanie blurted out and held up her hand. I’m not talking about divorce. All I want is to give a part of me to a man that desires me for who I am. Engage in some ‘he and me time’ without a lot of swagger.

    Oh shit! Anita laughed. Joanie, you’ve got to be real. You think this guy is gonna just fold tent... go home and live a passé life after he dips into your beautiful soul. Not to mention your own self-control, after you’ve felt his heartbeat next to yours.

    Joanie sunk her head into the back of the plush antique sofa and closed her eyes to blot out Anita’s pleas. Anita reached out and pulled Joanie into her arms to warn her again of the costs involved with her decision.

    Of course it’s a compliment to any woman to have a choice, single or married. A lot of women I know would die for an opportunity to spend a long weekend with someone who’s openly expressed a desire for them and willing to ignite passions that have seemingly been ignored. Although I must be honest with you, it’s got a heavy price tag. You make sure that you and he are ready to eat the cost of this long weekend of passion.

    Joanie broke from their embrace and got up from the sofa. She walked over to the dining table, where she picked up her glass of corn liquor and drank it down in one swallow. This time she didn’t flinch or cough as the potent concoction burned the back of her throat and warmed her body.

    All right, I guess that’s your answer. You can handle it. Anita laughed.

    I will. Joanie smiled.

    Okay, girl. A sword has been drawn, Miss Little Itsy Bitsy Prissy Pie. You remember when I used to call you that because you always appeared to be so sweet and pristine. You’ve always tried to please everybody else. It’s time for you to please yourself.

    Anita rose from the sofa, walked over to Joanie, and enveloped her in her arms. She spoke soothingly. Come on, let’s put on our nighty nites, climb up in that royal high country bed, like we ustah do, talk and laugh the night away.

    Joanie watched Anita out of the corner of her eyes while she cleared the dishes from the table. She followed her into the kitchen, carrying the leftovers.

    And then will you tell me about Mr. H? Joanie asked curiously.

    Anita turned around and chuckled. I might but only when you’re ready to tell me about your mystery guy.

    We’ll keep their names confidential right now, but I promise to be truthful about my feelings for him.

    Okay, good enough. I’ll do the same. Let me grab that jar of your granddaddy’s corn liquor so I can really talk some shit. I might even give your inexperienced little ass a few tips on how to handle that ‘gladiator’ of yours.

    As the night went on, the two women sipped the potent corn liquor, shared the covers, and laughed themselves silly reminiscing old times. They shared their hopes, career plans, and dreams. They even shared their deepest desires. Yet come morning, all had not been shared. The object of their desire went unnamed for right now. Neither one was ready to discuss the complexities surrounding their relationships.

    Chapter 2

    Nia sashayed into the bedroom wearing a purple satin negligee that hugged every curve in her full and voluptuous body. Her short coiffed hair was brushed back off her face, illuminating her smooth brown flawless complexion, luscious lips, and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. She intentionally crossed in front of the television, then strolled over to the nightstand closest to her husband, Bobby. She leaned in slightly toward him, exposing a set of large well-formed breast. She dimmed the lamp.

    She wanted and needed to feel him inside her. Nia thought as she repeatedly contracted her vaginal muscles. She watched him out of the corner of her eye. It had been a tough week at her boutique. With the new spring collection under way and a new sales clerk to train, Nia felt exhausted. She wanted his familiar touch all over her tensed body so bad, and she was prepared to beg if necessary. It had been more than a month since he last touched her. She hoped that tonight they could somehow rekindle their fire, especially since he was leaving for New York in the morning. Nia further thought, hell, some good hot flowing sex might even persuade him to reconsider his commitment in their chaotic marriage.

    Nia turned to glide back across the room. She paused in front of the TV, and with her hands on her hips she stared down at him and said in a sugary voice, "Baby, I recorded that Lakers game. You can

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