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The Boy Who Dreamed of Becoming a Soldier
The Boy Who Dreamed of Becoming a Soldier
The Boy Who Dreamed of Becoming a Soldier
Ebook198 pages1 hour

The Boy Who Dreamed of Becoming a Soldier

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Alonso Caz was a boy that dreamed to one day become a soldier. That day came sooner than he imagined. His mission was to go around the world and report back to his commander, who realized what a great soldier he had recruited from what he had observed.

With his spectacular vessel and high-tech equipment, he set off on his journey to traverse the earth, experiencing all the malice that the enemy was inflicting but also showing the brilliance and valor of his commander-in-chief, who guides us to see the dark side of a very powerful enemy, whom were exposed to everyday of our lives and are capable of freeing ourselves from if we are prepared to face him.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 25, 2016
The Boy Who Dreamed of Becoming a Soldier

Jose L. Zuluaga

My name is Jose Luis Zuluaga. I was born in Colombia, South America, in the city of Medellin, on June 17, 1969. Since I was little, I wanted to be an actor. At the age of twelve, I had my first opportunity in acting, and it was from that moment that, through study and practice, I could work in different Spanish plays in Colombia and the United States. I had the privilege of learning and working in Spanish radio for many years in New York, but I think that writing is my greatest passion.

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    The Boy Who Dreamed of Becoming a Soldier - Jose L. Zuluaga

    © 2016 by José L. Zuluaga.

    Translated into English by Soldier Lisa Wallace

    Photo by Soldier Carmen Lynch

    Illustrations by Soldier Sam Smiertka

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2016911128

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5245-2345-9

                    Softcover        978-1-5245-2344-2

                    eBook             978-1-5245-2343-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 07/20/2016





    Mission 1 Voyage Around the Earth

    Misión 1 Viaje Alrededor de la Tierra

    Mission 2 Journey on an Insect

    Misión 2 Viaje sobre un Insecto

    Mission 3 Why Small Soldiers Cry

    Misión 3 Por qué el llanto de pequeños soldados

    Mission 4 The Final Mission: The Sadness of Children

    Misión 4 Última misión: la tristeza de los niños

    To my son, Christian.

    Papi, thank you for making every day of my life—no matter what the circumstances are—an eternal smile!

    Mission accomplished, soldier!

    I love you.

    To my wife, Lisa.

    For your unconditional support and for believing in what I write.

    To my family.

    Thank you for allowing me the privilege of being part of every one of you.

    A mi hijo, Christian.

    Papi, gracias por hacer que cada día de mi vida- sin importar cuál sea la circunstancia- sea una eterna sonrisa.

    ¡Misión cumplida, soldado!

    ¡Te amo!

    A mi esposa, Lisa.

    Por su apoyo incondicional y por creer en lo que escribo.

    A mi familia

    Gracias por permitirme el privilegio de ser parte de cada uno de ustedes.

    Alonso Caz dreamed of growing up to be a soldier. He loved any video game in which the armies of good faced the legions of evil. In his bedroom, there was no room for any toy that wasn’t a part of the army against evil. Alonso felt like a soldier, but not just any soldier—Alonso belonged to the army of good!

    Alonso’s father, Mr. Caz, always made sure that Alonso finished all his homework before going out to play. One night, after a delicious dinner, he allowed his son to play for a few minutes before going to bed. Mr. Caz wasn’t very good at video games, but he always took the opportunity to sit next to Alonso to watch him play. Alonso seemed to win every battle in front of him.

    Alonso Caz era un niño que soñaba con ser soldado. Era feliz con todo videojuego en que se enfrentaran las legiones del Bien y del Mal. No había en su cuarto espacio para albergar otro juguete que no fuera parte de un armamento para combatir el Mal. Alonso se sentía que era soldado, pero no de un comando cualquiera: ¡pertenecía al Ejército del Bien!

    Su padre, el señor Caz, siempre se aseguraba de que Alonso terminara las tareas antes de jugar, para luego, después de una deliciosa cena, permitirle a su hijo divertirse por unos cuantos minutos antes de irse a dormir. El señor Caz no era muy diestro para los videojuegos, pero siempre que tenía la oportunidad se sentaba al lado de Alonso para verlo jugar y salir triunfante en cada batalla que enfrentaba.

    After a few minutes, Mr. Caz told his son that playtime was over and went with him to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Mr. Caz watched to make sure he did it correctly because every child should be supervised by his or her parents while brushing until they reach eight years old.

    Like every night, Alonso finished brushing his teeth, put on his favorite pajamas, and said good night to his mother, father, and sister. He then went to bed accompanied by his two inseparable friends: the light-blue blanket and his brown teddy bear.

    Pasados unos minutos, el señor Caz le informaba a su hijo que el tiempo de juego había terminado y luego lo acompañaba al baño para que se lavara los dientes y asegurarse de que lo hiciera correctamente; porque todo niño, desde el momento en que aprende a cepillarse los dientes, y hasta la edad de ocho años, debe ser supervisado por sus padres para que lo haga bien.

    Igual que todas las noches, Alonso terminó la limpieza de sus dientes, se puso su piyama favorita, le dio las buenas noches a su madre, su padre y su hermana, y se fue a la cama acompañado de sus inseparables amigos: la cobija azul clara y el oso de peluche café.

    After Alonso had been in bed for a few minutes, Mr. or Mrs. Caz always came in to make sure he was comfortable and asleep. That night was no different. Mr. Caz had tucked him in and kissed his blond hair when he realized that Alonso was still awake.

    Are you okay, son? asked Mr. Caz.

    Yes, I’m fine … responded Alonso.

    Then why aren’t you asleep, son?

    Hugging his teddy bear and staring at the ceiling, Alonso responded, Papa, now I know what I am going to be when I grow up … I am going to be a soldier!

    Oh yeah? responded his father. And why do you want to be a soldier? he asked, genuinely curious about what his son had

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