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God Had a Dream Samuel
God Had a Dream Samuel
God Had a Dream Samuel
Ebook37 pages11 minutes

God Had a Dream Samuel

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Just as the life of each of the children of God in the Bible was birthed in a dream and destined with a special plan for their life by God, long before he created the heavens and the earth, so is the life of every child born and living today. God wants every child to know he had a dream about them and has a plan for their lives. He wants them to fulfill that dream.

The God Had a Dream series of books, which are based on Bible stories, have been written and illustrated to excite and encourage every child to want to know Gods dream and plan for their life, to want to say yes to his dream and plan. The books are written to show that by obeying, obeying now, and obeying willingly, Gods dream and plan for them will be fulfilled in a mighty way.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 18, 2016
God Had a Dream Samuel

Linda Ramsey

Linda Ramsey has enjoyed working in children’s ministry for over fifty years. She is the mother of five, grandmother of twenty- five, and married to the same spouse for fifty years. During this time she has learned the importance of obedience. Her family and friends have encouraged her to write this book because of how the phrase “obey, obey now, obey willingly” had affected their lives. Her love of children led her to seek a bachelor of science degree in elementary education from Moorhead State University. Her love for God led her to seek a Master’s degree and PhD in theology from the Minnesota School of Theology while attending Community Church International Bible School. Other books by Linda: Once God Had a Dream, God Had a Dream Samuel, God Had a Dream Josiah, God Had a dream Mordecai & Esther, God Had a Dream Joseph & Mary

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    God Had a Dream Samuel - Linda Ramsey

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-5124-6 (sc)

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