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Rogg’S Bar and Grill
Rogg’S Bar and Grill
Rogg’S Bar and Grill
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Rogg’S Bar and Grill

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This story is about a group of old people that live in Florida. It will be mainly about Roger after he retired from his job. It tells about all the good times, the sad ones, along with the bad and happy ones also. Youre going to meet all sorts of people that Roger met along the way, the differences in lifestyle his new friends are living in Florida.
Release dateJun 10, 2016
Rogg’S Bar and Grill

Roger Riffelmacher

Roger was born in Saginaw Michigan in 1942. After serving eight years in the military, he went to work at General Motors for the next thirty-two years. Upon retiring, he moved to Cape Coral, Florida, with his wife, Joyce. While filling his spare time when he wasn’t playing golf, Roger took up writing and realized he had a new passion. His first book was entitled The Shuttle, and that was followed by his second book called Identical Dreams.

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    Book preview

    Rogg’S Bar and Grill - Roger Riffelmacher

    Rogg’s BAR

    and GRILL




    1663 Liberty Drive

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    © 2016 Roger Riffelmacher. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 06/10/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-1329-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-1330-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-1328-0 (e)

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14


    After being married for 43 good years, Roger’s wife died unexpectedly; the house that they lived in was too big and lonely to live in by himself. It had too many memories of his wife, so he thought about selling it. Roger only had one son who was married with three children of his own. For the past couple of years Roger and his son Butch didn’t see eye to eye on anything and grew apart. His son was too busy with his life, and raising his own family, so after some minor disagreements Roger and his son went their separate ways. Once his house was sold, there wasn’t any reason to stay up there. In the winter it was too cold and in the summer there were too many bugs.

    A week before he moved, Roger went around and said good bye to all his friends he had known. He had no idea where he was going yet, but it had to be warmer and fewer bugs than here. He loaded everything he could in his big old car and headed south. He was going to Florida. That’s right, Florida, where the weather would be a lot warmer than here, and fewer bugs to put up with. I’m free at last. Thank God Almighty, I’m free at last.

    Two days after Roger left for Florida, a large black car pulled up in front of his old house. A man in his 50’s and dressed mostly in black went up to his old house and inquired from the new owner where Roger had gone. The family inside said they didn’t know. He hadn’t left a forwarding address, except that it would be somewhere in Florida. So the stranger said Thank you, and left.

    Roger took his time driving south for the next two days. He did a little sightseeing along the way; in the morning he would sleep in, and at night he drank a few beers, now that he had all the time in the world now.

    On the second day, he saw a black man in an Army Uniform hitch-hiking. So he pulled over and offered the young solder a ride. Get in; I’m going south, all the way to Florida. Roger said; How far are you going?

    All the way to Georgia, mister, that’s where I ‘m from. I just spent eight long years in the Army, and now I’m going home, my name is Clyde. Roger smiled, then said, Well Clyde; I’m glad to meet you. Did you see much action while you were overseas?

    Yah, I spent two tours in Iraq; when I made it through the second time without getting hurt. I figured I shouldn’t push my luck any longer and I had enough. So I got out and now I’m going home.

    I always thought the Army gave you guys a ticket or something to get home on.

    They still do, but I lost mine playing cards with some of my buddies, you know how that goes.

    I sure do; I spent four years in the Air Force. Only I didn’t see any action like you did; I just retired and now I’m going where I hope it’ll be warm all the time. These old bones just can’t take the cold anymore.

    Roger and Clyde hit it off pretty well; they talked for the next three hours. It seemed like they had a lot in common. They talked about the time they spent in the military and the different sports they liked, and a lot about the women.

    I have to stop and get some gas pretty soon and we’ll get a bite to eat at the next town we come to. Roger told Clyde.

    About fifteen minute later stopped at a little town in the middle of nowhere. There was only one old gas station and a rundown restaurant. The gas station was on one side of the road and the restaurant was on the other side.

    Hey Clyde, why don’t you go over and get us something to eat, and I’ll be over as soon as I get some gas.

    Take your time; I’ll get us something to chow down on. Clyde said as he walked across the street and into the greasy spoon where he ordered a couple hamburgers to go.

    While Clyde was waiting for his food, he noticed two red-necks that were sitting in a booth; But he didn’t’ think anything about it, and sat down at the counter waiting for the food. The two red-necks got up and walked over to Clyde. One of the guys bumped into him on purpose, almost knocking him to the floor.

    What’s wrong with you? Clyde said to the two red-necks.

    They both turned around and the biggest one, the one with the long hair said, Hey Boy, are you a real soldier or are you just playing like one, so this old man will give you a free hamburger? You know what, I think you should take that uniform off Boy; there’re too many white boys wearing the same uniform. I said NOW the red-neck yelled at Clyde.

    Across the street Roger had just finished pumping his gas and went over to the greasy spoon to get his food. When he opened the door he saw that one of the red-necks was holding Clyde from behind and his friend with the long hair was about ready to hit him; Roger ran up behind the one that was getting ready to hit his friend, and grabbed him by his long hair, pulled him backward and down to the floor, in a flash Clyde turned around and punched the other guy in the face. In less than a second the two red necks took off running out the front door.

    When the big one ran out the door, he yelled, I’ll be back.

    Clyde looked at him and yelled back, Run you chicken shits, run, and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.

    The old man that was behind the counter said I’m sorry about what just happened, those two are a wild bunch When the old man handed Roger and Clyde their food he told them, They’d better take their food and leave because those red-nicks would be back with some of their friends. The food is on the house; now you guys had better get going.

    Thanks mister, Roger said as he took the food and left.

    The day after Roger and Clyde left the greasy spoon, a large black car pulled into the gas station to fill up. After he got his gas the stranger walked across the street to get something to eat and maybe some information. When he asked the old man behind the counter if he saw a man that looked like Roger, the old man told the stranger he remembered seeing them alright, but he was a day too late.

    After the stranger finished eating he walked back to his car; and the same two red-nicks stopped him and said. After you get done with them two, we have some unfinished business with them, if you know what I mean; The stranger just looked at the two red-necks and without saying a word, got into his car and left.

    It didn’t take long to drive though Tennessee. Then they came to Georgia, and Roger and Clyde would part company.

    You know buddy, if you’re ever down in Florida, look me up and we’ll have a beer or something,

    I might just do that Roger; yep I’ll take you up on that, but it’ll be on me. By the way, how will I find you?

    That’s something I don’t even know, I guess it depends on where I run out of gas or find a friendly bar.

    Well good luck and thanks for the lift. Clyde said.

    The two bumped knuckles and Roger drove off. For

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