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Your Presence Is All I Need Lord
Your Presence Is All I Need Lord
Your Presence Is All I Need Lord
Ebook343 pages3 hours

Your Presence Is All I Need Lord

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This book is a collective work by Azariah Yedidyah that features insight into rejoicing in the Lord, running for the Lord, being baptized in the Holy Ghost, and discipleship studies along with judgments of God. The richness and depth of knowledge the Lord gave to the author is incomprehensible. The work is amazing in fact that one so close to God could extract the precious treasures of grace from the Saviors table to the glory of God. Something so inspired by God clearly hasnt been conceived in the minds of men for ages. This work supersedes all expectations and promises, a delightful journey to understanding what before was unrevealed. Thank you, Father God, in Christ Jesus, matchless name by the power of the Holy Ghost.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 3, 2016
Your Presence Is All I Need Lord

Azariah Springs

He has heard from the Lord often. The Lord tells him "How to be healed of the Coronavirus by worshipping The Lord Jesus Christ." This is for the world, that all might see the glory of the FATHER."

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    Your Presence Is All I Need Lord - Azariah Springs

    Copyright © 2016 by Azariah Springs.

    ISBN:   Softcover       978-1-5245-2912-3

                  eBook            978-1-5245-2911-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Rev. date: 08/03/2016





    HEBREWS 9:27

    1. The Accident

    2. The Rapturing Away

    3. The Throne of God

    4. My Experience—For God’s Glory

    5. The Holy Righteous God of Heaven and Earth

    6. The Lamb of God

    7. The Joy of Heaven

    8. The Return

    9. To Evangelize

    10. Jesus Spoke About Hell Forty Times in the Bible

    11. Jesus Spoke About How to Be Saved in the Bible

    12. Angels in the Life of Jesus and the Ones He Spoke of in the Bible

    13. Experiences You Have Had With God

    14. Jesus Commands Us


    15. Songs of the Lord

    16. Word of God For Those in Human Trafficking

    17. The Beauty of An African-American Woman

    18. Scientific Formulas

    19. Judgment of God on the City of Raleigh, America and the Globe

    20. Knowledge of God

    21. Running For Jesus

    22. Study of the Blood

    23. Gospel of Mark Neighborhood Word, Worship & Prayer Studies

    24. Hungering and Thirsting After God

    25. The Rejoicing Heart

    26. Persecution & Suffering in the Bible For God

    27. Water Baptism & the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ

    28. Baptism in Holy Ghost of the Lord Jesus Christ



    HEBREWS 9:27






    I wish to first dedicate this book to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who created me to glorify God, gave me life through His Blood shed for me on the cross, them empowered be by the power of His Holy Spirit. Father thank you that you showed me that my black people need Jesus badly and that I must show them their ministry gifts and how to be free by Word.

    Secondly, I wish to dedicate this book to the family God gave me to love, sharing in the highs and lows and allowing God to work on my behalf to bless the nations.

    Father I ask you to keep all those who have held me up in prayer and give them special answers to prayers and faith to endure. Father allow your ministry gift of the Holy Ghost go throughout the world in Jesus Name. Thank you Father in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

    HEBREWS 9:27






    Eyewitness before the throne of God,

    Told by Azariah Springs

    When taken to Heaven March 1965

    After an automobile accident.


    Nine years old—in the fourth grade at Mary E. Phillips public school—I did not think about much on that certain day except fighting in sibling rivalries and going for candy at the local store. I was meaner than usual, a selfish little kid who had made one of his younger sisters cry.

    I was the fourth boy of nine children born to a nice family in Raleigh, North Carolina. My childhood was happy. I had nice a nice mom and dad and often played outside enjoying the sunshine and thinking about God constantly, at times getting glimpses of His glory. Often I would hear Bible stories from my parents and I was taught to say my prayers each night with my grandmother and mom.

    I learned the most about Jesus in Sunday School at Martin Street Baptist Church and from my dad and the bible books he bought us. I loved those books and being curled up on Sunday in the living room chair, reading chapters about Jesus, racing to finish them before my brothers did. They gave us enough knowledge to be baptized all together on a wintry January night in 1965 at the church, laughing together afterwards dripping wet at the newness and the joy of Jesus…we were new creatures.

    Still, I allowed sin to ruin me somewhat; pride, selfishness and me-ism contributed to my malicious state that day. Sneaking out to get candy (it was my new habit to cross the street very fast, outrunning cars coming both ways) I was hit by a Chevrolet and knocked to the pavement, landing on my back and hitting my head. I was knocked out at that point and the next scene I remember was a crowd gathered around and faces with the buzz of noise as I was lifted from the street. I was placed in a cab to be taken to the hospital where I became unconscious, seeing all the faces shrinking away as at the end of a tunnel.


    The next thing I remember was being above the accident scene, floating and shooting upward in my spirit body as my soul returned to God, its’ maker. An angelic friend held me as we zoomed quicker than light through space and the Heavens, protected by the surrounding light tunnel of the Holy Spirit. I was raptured to Heaven and in the twinkling of an eye was brought before the frightful Throne of God!

    (Let me reiterate several verses and points)

    And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Hebrews 9:27

    For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord we persuade men. 2 Corinthians 5:10

    I was taken to Heaven immediately; there was no holding area or purgatory, no tallying of after-death special prayers as some false teachers would have us believe, but I was, immediately, before the Throne of God for Judgment.

    Friend, if you have never known the love of God or have backslid or decided to ‘play a game" with God, I urge you to repent, confess your sins before God.

    Cry to God with a contrite heart in humility, speaking of your unworthiness, begging His forgiveness of your sins through His blood shed for you on the cross. Romans 3:23

    Then believe fully on the Lord Jesus unto salvation, confessing it with your mouth. Romans 5:8, 12 Romans 6:23

    Receiving grace to know that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Not of works (being good, doing good, having a good philosophy) lest any man should boast. Your righteousness was a filthy rag before God, you are saved by the righteousness of Jesus who died, rose and sits at the right hand of God interceding for you. Romans 10:9

    Backslider, God still loves you but any Sin: idolatry, desires of the world or flesh, imperfect love, fear and all manner of evil and rebellion, must be dealt with. Return to God, get the sin out, ask God for his help. Repent!


    Before I go into my humbling and frightful experience quivering before the presence of His wrath on my sins, let me share what John the Apostle witnessed of the Throne in Revelations.

    And I saw a great white throne, and Him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away; and there was no place for them.

    And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of Life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

    And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered which were in them; and they were judged every man according to their works.

    And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

    And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Revelations 20:11-15


    I remember being brought before the Throne of God for judgment. Many angels and hosts of heaven where present in a mist as I stood fearfully before His countenance with my guardian angel nearby. Spiritually, I was naked—solidly alone before the huge, omnipotent, Almighty, ever present Holy God. Nothing in Heaven nor anything on earth could help me as I stood unprotected and exposed in my filthy unrighteousness and sinful state before the Holy Righteous God of Heaven and earth. All was quiet and reverent before the Holy God (as in courtrooms on earth before sentencing) and I quaked with fear, at first unsure of my surroundings, then, in the spirit, becoming frightfully aware.


    I saw the veiled visage of Righteous God looming before me in His vast countenance, as an ocean of His judgments rained upon me, blasting me from all sides. God’s words, like a sword, tore into my soul, inundating me in waves of fiery truth that rent, shook, burned into and illuminated all my unrighteousness, unholiness, evil thoughts, deeds, speech and ugly sin. I cringed even more with every blast of God’s righteous anger and judgment that grew louder and louder, rising in fury and volume to the vastness of a million hurricanes and landfalls. And if it were so, I would have cried for the rocks or mountains to fall on me and hide me from the terrible face of God and the wrath of the Lamb.

    My soul was ashamed, disgusted, tearful, hurting, crying in agony as each of the father’s holy convictions and judgments struck self-abusing chords in my spirit at the remembrance of each sin. I could not cry out, nor defend myself, because my soul was guilty as charged and nothing in Heaven and earth could impede God’s truth. God is not a man that He should lie nor divert His judgments. The whole universe and all creation cringed as He spoke with storms of thunder and lightning concentrated on my being. He spoke to me mind to mind, like a searing laser, and He cut into the depths of my soul, illuminating the grossness of sin and unholiness I had done in the perfect Holy Temple-body He had given me. This shamed me even more and, like a loving Father, He paused to allow me to understand this great atrocity in His wrath. Then He explained my total unrighteousness and that making His temple unclean by even one little sin stains it forever.

    (NOTE: If I were only nine years old at the time, facing God’s total wrath for my sins, how much more sin-stained will you be and how will you be delivered from God’s wrath?)

    Before God’s presence, my guilt weighed so heavy: and the Lord continued, undaunted again, alighting one or another of my more atrocities sins. God’s voice boomed wrath over the evil, dishonor and hurt that I had inflicted on my parents and the family he had given me. It shamed me into reflexive sorrow as I knew I had broken one of His greatest commandments and caused harmful, hundredfold effects that tore at the fiber of the sacred family structure. The Father again took the time to reason with me and tell me about the family he had given me, and He allowed me to see the goodness of His blessings I had taken for granted.


    At that point, feeling that I had done something worse than all mankind to the people God gave to love me as a family, I knew I was going to Hell!

    I wept in great fear and dread of my eternal destination; my frame was wracked with sobs. I didn’t want to go to Hell. But my sins and unrighteousness had already condemned me before God even spoke. I had chosen Hell by my own choices, and there was no way now to undo my actions. For God to be a just God, He would have to send me to hell as everlasting punishment for my sins. I could not live life over again as some false teachers and world propagandists had taught. "It was appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment."

    I was a wretched, spiritual creature in obeisance before the Holy God, unable and unworthy to stand in front of his Holy Visage. My spirit body was quaking and shaking more fearfully and his countenance of wrath exceedingly waxed hotter as he boomed greater amplification of more indignations pounding my soul. I was riveted like an oak in a gale force hurricane, buffeted and unable to stand as in a nuclear explosion. I cried silently, begging for the finality of God’s great judgments and to be sentenced to Hell, away from His great wrath. And I prayed for the Heavenly rocks to fall on me and hide me from my chastisements, but there was no end. The Heavens vibrated as more thunderous fury was released on my sinful frame and I wilted, with nothing left. The raging current gripping my innermost soul, not slackening but enlarging the terror and dread reality of Hell into full conception. The fire, brimstone and torment had not been prepared for man but for the devil and his angels when they rebelled and enlarged Hell or when man sinned and rebelled, separating himself and herself even more from the redemptive work of the Cross and the Blood of the Lamb.

    Great fear took hold of me in the great shaking—the fear of being separated from God in the fires of Hell for all eternity! Unquenchable, burning pain as to cause the gnashing of teeth, where the worm dieth not. Oh God of Heaven and Earth help me! I seemed to say as these thoughts lapped at me, as Yahweh resounded louder, His untold wrath at my sinful presence before Him reaching culmination with a fiery, rising crescendo that made me nearly divide, faint, cringe and flee.

    God’s anger, at its’ epitome, boomed to unknown heights over my soul, seeming to ask in the turn of a moment, What can stop my wrath from casting your sin-stained soul to Hell and Damnation in the Lake of Fire?


    I said nothing, but gazed mournfully at the floor, trying to think of a way out, some excuse, some reason, but looking into the fierce eyes of God, before which no lie or excuse would dare stand. I shivered and cried as the Lord and all Heaven waited. And like John in Revelations 5:4, I wept much. For no man was found worthy to open the seals in his Heavenly dilemma and no man nor creature in Heaven could help in my judgment.

    There was silence in Heaven for about the space of half an hour. Revelations 8:1 My cringing deadly silence continued as the Lord had demanded and waited for an answer as in Job 38:3.

    The Lord waited, knowing I was unrighteous; and in the next Heavenly second was about to pass judgment on me….But


    The Lion of the Tribe of Judah spoke, The lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world, the Great Redeemer-The Lord Jesus Christ. Just as I thought all was lost, he spoke in my behalf. Immanuel-God who became man, was born of a virgin, gave hope to the hopeless, was crucified, dead and buried then rose on the third day and now sits at the Right Hand of God. My high priest in Heaven interceded for me. The Savior of the World came to save me from my destiny in Hell.

    Are you on your way to hell tonight with no real hope, no one to intercede for you? Reader, now is the time to learn about and surrender your life to Jesus.

    The Great Mediator-the Lord Jesus-interceded before the father’s wrath. "He is one of ours" was the soft paraclete statement Jesus made from the right of the throne to the Father.

    For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

    For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Romans 6:23

    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9

    My head jerked up partly from its condemned state, as I thrust a look at my great Savior, pierced and wounded for my transgressions, the Lamb slain for the Foundation of the world. My hopeful and still pleading eyes and

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