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A Whirlwind Etherealness: A Novel
A Whirlwind Etherealness: A Novel
A Whirlwind Etherealness: A Novel
Ebook182 pages3 hours

A Whirlwind Etherealness: A Novel

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Niobe Newton is a star-crossed lover to Chase Tomson. Together they go on a journey through time and space to finish a story that was never completed from their teenage years. Once the lovers come together in what seems like fate, they have to find a way to make their journey work, considering the fact that they are from different sides of the track. Can these lovers make it, or will an outside force field stop them before their story is complete?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 10, 2016
A Whirlwind Etherealness: A Novel

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    A Whirlwind Etherealness - Typhoon

    Copyright © 2016 by TYPHOON.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-5144-8732-7

                    eBook          978-1-5144-8731-0

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    N othing in life is a

    coincidence. Life happens like a boomerang, when you think you got away, it comes back around full throttle. I left home to experience life the opposite of what I was raised and when I graduated high school and decided that the only way I was going places and experiencing the world was to go into the Navy. I didn't have my mind made up on what it was I wanted to accomplish later on in life but I knew that the decision that was best for me. I became a specialist in my field when I found out I was pregnant with my first born. She was my chance to become the mother I never had in my life. I am in no way downgrading my grandmother's upbringing. But a little girl growing up without her mother raising her can cause her to question love. My baby girl made things different for my life. No longer could I only think about myself, I had another human being to look after. Gone was the days of partying all night long with my battle buddies or going away for the weekend on road trips with my friends, nor go on a shopping frenzy with my best friend. No Eastern Star Balls for me. Well at least I could tell her about the experience that I had before she came. I could tell her all about going to the Mother Land (Africa) and experiencing life where we should all go someday. I ended up having another little girl who would grow up to be my personal assistant. Not soon after her birth, their father and I split up for good. I went back to South Carolina to start again with two small children in tow. It was my grandmother's prayers and healing words that help me release all the pain that I had held in me to keep the strength for my children's sake. All the pain I thought had gone away with prayer and wisdom was only the tip of the ice berg. I had so much anger and pain within me it spilled into my relationship with Stephan. I met Stephan after I had acquired my second apartment. The first one was while I was in the Navy. This one was a townhouse. I met him while getting reacquainted with some of my family members. Stephan was visiting one of his friends that evening. I had dropped a pot top because it was potluck night. He was being a gentleman and picked it up for me and helped me home. Do you think that was the last I saw of him, Nope? Stephan came back to the house and we got married two years after that. We have a beautiful baby girl who I can say honestly runs us. Stephan and I was married for seven years and together ten years total before we got divorced. Before my divorce was final though, fate decided to play with me and bring back into my life, Chase. Chase and I never finished a story that was impossible to complete because we were both from two different sides of the train tracks. It wasn't until August of 2011 that we picked back up from the year 2000. This story is about the beginning stages of what would slowly become my world madness later on down the road. Every day or every other day, I was going through emotions and trials with tribulations. This isn't a fairy tale, but a tale of a woman deciding to follow her heart and along the way converted over to Spirituality.

    How I can best describe what I was going through was to write about it every day. I experienced a lot but only wrote down what touched my heart. Within this book, I had some tough times and being indecisive didn't help. As I made different decisions within my life, I have learned new things, experienced different sensations, heart ache, pain, betrayal, being forgotten, looked over, I have been blessed beyond measure and doors opened up for me just by my faith alone. Along with my grandmother's up bring, the Military, and the hard knock life system, Spirituality was the only choice I felt comfortable with in moving forward to the future. This chapter in my life happened when I became separated from my now ex-husband. Some might read what I write as only harking on negative experiences, but to be honest, I had some good experiences also. I am just writing about the reality of my world and how it affected me and my children. I'm not writing just to speak, I'm writing from my heart and soul. I had some emotional experiences that touched me even writing this book. This book isn't for people who is looking for someone to poke fun at the misfortune of one single mother, I just hope that what I write someone, somewhere can get something from this book if it's nothing but learning about Spirituality. Enjoy!

    This is not the beginning of my story

    August, 25th 2011

    Today is the first day of school for Bakari and Shardee. Kiara and I went to get their school supplies from Big Lots, that day they were having a sale and I wanted to catch it so they could have all they needed to start the school year out good. It was a week with no lights but this was a chance for us to learn how to stand on our own two feet. During this time, I was indecisive about my love life. I really don't want to focus on that anymore. I just want to have a good time. Later on Stephan stopped by to see the girls come home from school (we're separated by the way). He suggested that I utilize the grill to cook on. I started thinking to myself, now why haven't I thought of that. He cooked dinner, but in the back of my head he is trying to win me back. He was asking all these crazy questions about my sex life. Awkward . . . Anyways, it's about to get dark. TTYL.

    August 26th, 2011

    Good morning, I been up since 0630 and decided to go on FB and saw some bad stuff. I had to confront said person, but as usual they don't want to hear it. So he turned his phone off. That's made me mad (at that time, I got even).

    2029- It never fails that he has to affront me off on a day that could have been perfect. I believe that he was spending time with his ex-girlfriend and his children and I would hinder his plans so he wouldn't be alone. Those are just my thoughts, but for the fact that I wanted to spend time with him without having to leave then he goes and act all noble talking about it wouldn't be right if I did that by coming out. Alright I won't try no more (I think it was the first time making this statement not knowing it wouldn't be my last). I'm sick of trying and all he gives me is excuses because he has emotional days. The way I was feeling, I didn't care about emotional days (not knowing that should have been a red flag also). But I felt like I had an emotional year, shoot life.

    2156- Why I sometimes feel like I should have stayed my behind home. Sometimes I feel like I will always be talked about indirectly. I end up catching the slick things that come out of his mouth but I choose not to say nothing.

    Nine days later I moved from Florence, South Carolina to Conway, South Carolina.

    September 4th, 2011

    Good morning, I am feeling good this morning. I got my love with me. My children are comfortable and I feel funny sleeping in my old room but I will adapt. My family wanted me to stay in Conway, but I didn't want to because I am a city girl. I need my own space. Now, if this was my own spot I would reconsider if I could remodel. With the help of money of course. I'm not going to lie, I am tired. We been going at it like rabbits or newlyweds on top of moving for two and a half days got my body wore out and hurting a all my womanly places.

    2045- I got stood up tonight for drinks and video games. I was told I would get a phone call to let me know if he would be coming back over or not. I got nothing, so after realizing that I called him and basically went off and sent a text and got no response back.

    Five days later

    September 7th, 2011

    I'm done cleaning up the house today. I had finally cleaned up the house the Stephan and I shared together, it was bittersweet and decided not to stay for the inspection because it was so far away and five pm was to long for me to wait around. Chase and I are fighting as usual. We got into it big time last night. Today conversation was awkward. Conversations and interactions from here on out will be crazy from here on out. I'm cooling off right now. My body got overheated.

    September 8th, 2011

    The Lord God knows I love that man. I'm afraid to give my all to him though. I'm also afraid that he will either try to change me or get sick of me. Either way, it's scary. It's crazy how I didn't and still don't feel that way about Stephan. So that being said, it's says a lot. The girls are registered in Palmetto Bays Elementary School. I thought I wouldn't be able to do it because I didn't have their birth certificate, but they still were admitted anyways.

    September 9th, 2011

    Good evening, I just sat down to relax after being on my feet half the afternoon cleaning the kitchen. Journal, I wanted to throw up a few times for the maggot's shells. I threw half if not all of the mess that was in there away. I cannot believe how nasty this house has been and no one thought to clean it up until I came home. Anyways, I don't know what's going on between my boo and I. Ever since that fight the other night things has been funny. He doesn't think so, but I know so. Today he is sick. Been this way for a couple of days now. I feel bad but since I really don't know him like that, I don't want to come off as overbearing and being bossy. So I figure that I would call and check up on him, that's the least I could do. I finally did my hair today. I got tired of walking around with my head looking funny when I know I can do better than that. So now I look decent as ever. Monday I want to start working out with running and using the WII and start back at the gym. Drinking here I come.

    September 12th, 2011

    Good Morning, how about I had a crazy night. It started out good by going food shopping. Cleaning out the fridge that Chase did for me. I absolutely hate cleaning up grime and the fridge had enough of it. Curry Chicken (my favorite dish besides Smothered Pork Chops) with string beans. Things was looking good until the phone calls started. Stephan was relentless. He called all afternoon all the way until 10 pm. Chase and I was getting ready to go to sleep when I hear banging on the door. Grandma at that time was sick with Dementia and I didn't want her to get up. I answered the door with an attitude because it was late. This crazy man was at my grandmother's door looking all delirious, I had to threaten him with calling the Sheriff on his behind before he decided to go all the way back to Florence. I hated doing that, but he gave me no choice. He basically forgave me though.

    September 13th, 2011

    I feel like crap. I feel fat, irritated, not motivated to do anything. I'm getting confused about who I want to be with, when I'm not with him I get confused. But when he is around he does things to make him seem like he's the one for me without a doubt. But then on the other note, I also want to work things out with Stephan. Don't know what to do.

    September 19th, 2011

    Good evening, I smoked with him today. At first things went good but as time progressed, I started doubting our whole relationship. I don't know how to trust him. He made a statement earlier about not letting go his female associates. He said I don't know if I should put all my eggs in one basket, stated this standing in my grandmother's kitchen cooking or me assisting him as he cooked for my family. That statement put ???? in my head. Like really dude? He knew he messed up too, I saw it in his face, but he kept talking to try to cover up what was said. What have I gotten myself into? He was telling me some things today that made me think he was talking about himself (which in turn he was talking about us and using us as an example). So, I guess leaving him is out of the question, he'll flip out on me and do something crazy.

    I worked out today:

    Zumba- 40 min

    53/58- Tae Bo

    15 min jogging

    Three days later

    September 22nd, 2011

    Jogged -0705-0725

    Zumba- 870 pts (45 min)

    Good afternoon, I know it seems like I don't write but I've been busy. Either spending time with Chase or now school and taking care of the girls.

    September 23rd, 2011

    Jogged -20 min

    Zumba- Intermediate 45 min

    Zumba - Expert 20 min

    I broke up with Chase today based on my intuition. I didn't break up with him because I didn't love him, I did it because of the lack of trust. I simply cannot trust him to be faithful to me. There are times where he's MIA and non-reachable (now, I know why) and I don't want to put up with it anymore. Oh, he's mad at me and probably hurt but he has to many sneaky ways. I would just rather let it go instead of fighting about it all the time. And that's exactly what I did. Let it go (or so I thought).

    September 24th, 2011

    I'm feeling sick all the time. Last night was the 2nd night I couldn't sleep; I'm feeling the effects of breaking up with him. I do miss him already though (sad face). He was becoming my best friend.

    September 25th, 2011

    Today was raining. Gloomy weather and I'm getting toasty why my love is sleep before the games comes on. We just had an argument about me not trusting him as usual. I don't know what to do.

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