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Hidden Treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven: A “Heavenly Prescription” for Diminishing Nations
Hidden Treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven: A “Heavenly Prescription” for Diminishing Nations
Hidden Treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven: A “Heavenly Prescription” for Diminishing Nations
Ebook444 pages6 hours

Hidden Treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven: A “Heavenly Prescription” for Diminishing Nations

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HIDDEN TREASURES OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is a Guide for Everlasting Life for those inhabitance of the planet earth; who lead their way of life in accordance with beliefs systems, customs, values and traditions, directly derived or influenced from the Western culture.

It is a MODERN NOHAS LIFESAVING ARK FOR THE WEST which puts forward the Reasons and Solutions, of Demographically Shrinking Problems, of the Western world.

The book, also enlightens with the Wonders of the Mysterious Spiritual World. Revolves around the Holy personality of Messiah Jesus Christ, and explains important issues, such as morality, spirituality, the Journey towards world hereafter, state of man after death, Philosophy of Hell and heaven, the Antichrist, and the Sources of Devine knowledge.

PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateJul 22, 2016
Hidden Treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven: A “Heavenly Prescription” for Diminishing Nations

Daud A. Nasir

DAÜD A.N. CHAUDHRY is a member of ´´ Dan´s Religion and Cultural Research center´´ near Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He specializes, in the field of ´´ comparative religions and cultures’’, specially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Writes in a simple scientific manner, using a unique logical and convincing, style of arguments. His research work, revolves round the scientific reasons of certain, beliefs, and thoughts hidden in hearts, which compel certain individuals to act in a certain way. The presented book is a result of his personal research work.

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    Hidden Treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven - Daud A. Nasir

    Copyright © 2016 by Daud A. Nasir.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2016911869

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5245-9335-3

                    Softcover        978-1-5245-9334-6

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    Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®). Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    Rev. date: 12/23/2016






    1. Our God

    2. The Creation Of Heaven And Earth

    3. The Kingdom Of Heaven

    4. The Metaphorical Language

    5. The Advent Of Law

    6. The Prophets & Their Opposition

    7. The Israelites

    8. The Holy Scriptures

    9. The Commandments Of God

    10. Morality And Spirituality

    11. Hell, And Heaven

    12. A Spiritual Experience

    13. Jesus Christ As The Messiah

    14. The Fulfilment Of The Law

    15. Facts About The Crucifixion

    16. Relationshp Between Christ And Christains

    17. Why Jews Do Not Believe Jesus As The Messiah?

    18. The Mystery Of Antichrist

    19. The Institution Of Marriage

    20. A Moral Revolution

    In the name of God, the Lord of all worlds, the Gracious, the Merciful, Master of the day of Judgment, & the Author of Life"

    To My Dear Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Chaudhry Mohammad Yaqub Of Throh Hurrian, (District Sialkot)


    I have a message.

    A heavenly message of life.

    A very special message for those inhabitance of the planet earth; who lead their way of life in accordance with beliefs systems, customs, values and traditions, directly derived or influenced from the Western culture.

    It is a Noah’s Life Saving Ark, for the Western world; with the help of which, the diminishing demographic problems of the west could be solved

    Western culture a special way of life, influenced by the Modern Christian theology. It is not restricted to the continent of Europe, but also includes many other nations such as America, Canada, Australia, Japan, and even Israel.

    The Western world, which has done a great service to the humanity, with its wonderful inventions, is diminishing from the face of the planet. Because of its Modern way of life sometimes also named as the Christian way of life, the number of children per family continues to decline.

    There are many reasons which have contributed for this situation, but mainly is the lake of understanding of the important role of a family, in accordance with the heavenly view of the world. For Christians and Jews, the main reason is the lake of understanding of the Biblical laws.

    Western way of life, based on an Anti-Christ ideology has produced so much permissive and immoral cultural pressures, that it is simply not possible for any nation walking on such lines to survive very long.


    Some of the Western Governments such as Germany have made great efforts to solve this problem, but have failed, even though it has a very fine system of benefits and tax breaks that includes allowances for children and stay-at-home mothers, and a tax break for married couples.

    Some Governments have even made it possible for women, to get living expenditure paid from the state, to produce children, but the only people taking advantage of that system are the Muslims, which are mostly foreigners. After many efforts, the German Government, which provides best financial assistance for children and families, issued a statement as following: -

    The fall in the (German) population can no longer be stopped. Its downwards spiral is no longer reversible.


    Why such capable Governments cannot solve the problem is because the problem is Spiritual and not physical. The solution is hidden in the Way of life provided in the Ten Commandments, but, people, not believing them from heart, have created a new way of life totally contrary to the Commandments of God.

    Apart from some exceptions, most people are practically Atheists.

    Atheism is in fact not a denial of God, but a lack of belief or faith. People who identify themselves with a religion, such as Christianity, or Judaism, though do not declare to be atheists, but practically lead lives with a puzzled belief that, there may be a God, and do not believe that he is watching, and will one day punish or reward people for their actions.

    Christian denomination, though declare that Jesus was the Son of God, who came to show the world the way, do not make their social laws in accordance with the Bible. Political organizations, named as Christian Political parties are never seen making country laws in accordance with the Biblical philosophy. Also, apart from little things such as circumcision, or prohibition of swine flesh, Jews do not lead their lives as per Torah.

    They have not only misunderstood the definitions of Blessing or Curse, but have forgotten the Biblical promise: -

    Behold, I set before you this day a Blessing and a Curse; a Blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you; and a Curse, if you will not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day.

    ‘If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments and do them, I will make you fruitful and multiply you, and establish My covenant with you. And if you walk contrary unto Me and will not hearken unto Me, I will send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children and make you few, and your highways shall be desolate. (Deut. & Lev.)

    King Prophet David explains same message in a poem: -

    Those blessed by the Lord shall inherit the land, and dwell upon it forever,

    The righteous shall inherit the land but those cursed by him shall be cut off. (Psalm)

    Generally, most damaged, because of so called modern way of life are the Western nations. The same West, which have created a sharp Eye which can find out the hidden treasures of the universe; but its spiritual eye is almost closed. It has no idea about the Hidden Treasures of the kingdom of heaven.

    In very simple words, Christians are not real followers of Christ; and Jews are not real followers of Moses. Both have lost their way in the wilderness´s of ignorance.

    My book, is a special spiritual medicine, for such righteous inhabitants of the Western World, who love their respective nations, and want to enlighten themselves, with the secrets of everlasting life. It contains astonishing facts, beneficial for spiritual and worldly advancement of mankind. Written especially for Western societies, but can be beneficial for anyone interested in enhancing his spiritual grade. It not only makes corrections regarding certain unfounded beliefs, but also introduces its readers a system, to find out authenticity of certain matters.

    It revolves around the Holy personality of Jesus Christ, and presents solutions for certain cultural and social problems of the Western Societies. Based on the Holy Bible, it presents the Real Christianity as presented by Christ along with important issues, such as Morality, Spirituality, the state of man after death, journey towards world hereafter, Philosophy of Hell and heaven, the Antichrist, the right solution of low demographics, and the sources of Devine knowledge.

    Based on the Holy Bible, proves that there is enough light in the philosophy of its teachings, that any person, or nation, walking on those lines, can achieve a remarkable status among others within a short period.

    And all such states that, due to their anti-biblical way of life, are almost ready to hand over their lands to others due to their extremely low birth rate, can start growing again and retain their God-given lands with glory and splendor.


    But it is a pity that, I found most people uninterested, spiritually blind, puzzled, arrogant, or lost in the wilderness of ignorance. This does not mean that world is completely empty of the righteous. All it means is that in my experience, apart from few, which I can probably count with my fingers, I have not found enough wise men, which could secure a safe future for mankind. Religious leaders and teachers have no importance for Biblical law as compared to their respective National laws, and very many so-called religious organizations are serving as political tools for worldly Governments.

    Once, a friend told me a joke. He said that a few years ago, when there used to be separate churches for the so-called Whites and African Americans, a young African American in Birmingham, Alabama, wanted to make a confession. While entering the church, he was told that he was not allowed to enter, because it was only for the White people.

    The young fellow, feeling a little disgraced, still insisted to enter the church. As he tried to push the big door, the gatekeeper called for help; and was thrown out. As soon as he fell on the front stairs of the church, his head struck the ground, and he became unconscious.

    While being unconscious, he dreamt. Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him, put a hand on his shoulder, and asked him, why was he crying?

    Oh my, good Lord, cried the young man, you are just the person I was looking for. You see, I wanted to make a confession, but they won’t let me go in there.

    So, what? said Jesus. It is still not a good-enough reason to cry. THEY DID NOT LET ME IN THERE FOR THE LAST TWO THOUSAND YEARS.

    Though it’s a joke, it has hidden truth in it. In our age, many of the churches and synagogues are just like shops which open at certain times. There is no spiritual food left; people walk in hungry and come out hungry.

    So why is it so?

    The truth is that the religion presented by some so-called religious teachers is not which was presented and taught by the founders of the religion themselves, and people have made amendments per their wishes. The presented stuff is only a broth of their political aspirations, old customs, and unfounded beliefs.

    There is so much difference in the actual teachings of the founders of those religions, that if Prophets were made to visit the planet earth, they will never be able to recognize if it was the same way of life they taught.

    It looks as if we have been hijacked by our circumstances, and wrong information is pumped into us by several external and internal forces. Some people are very skillfully deceived in name of life to enter a tunnel of death, and, steadily brought to the point of demise.


    I have undertaken the hard work of saving mankind from such dreadful situations. This is a kind of work which is bound to receive a lot of opposition. The writer understands the benefits of writing something people like to read, but that will not serve the great purpose of saving the world from destruction.

    It might appear as if the writer is against religious sects or originations, but the fact is that I have no intention to create any kind of hard feeling against anyone. It can be easily understood that it is a great favor to point out certain mistakes, with the result of which people have become losers and feel pain. The writer may be wrongly understood as the enemy of those denominations, but I am sure an honest enquiry will see the pure intention and service for everyone’s benefits.

    It is also possible that some might find few ideas so controversial that they might appear to them as if the writer is extending the scope of his advocacy; or as if he is creating a new religion. Basically, there is nothing new in this book, which is due to my personal ability, except that like a bee, which sits on the flowers and gathers honey, I present some amount of heavenly honey, hoping that it might be beneficial for someone, somewhere for spiritual healing.


    Obviously, it would be wrong to expect, that just because of the above presented claim, all readers would believe, that the solution is hidden, in the commandment of God, or the problem has anything to do with spirituality.

    It is possible that many may become surprised, and consider it to be waste of time, to even to try to find a connection between demographics and Biblical way of life.

    There are hundreds of walls which needed to be crossed to convince someone. So, as the Bible reads, Set forth your case, says the Lord; and bring your proofs, I shall prove that the only way to survive is to repent and live a life in accordance with the Heavenly Philosophy.

    It is necessary, to prove that the Modern thoughts and beliefs are wrong, and then present the Real Christianity, as believed and presented by Jesus Christ.


    A former who wants to grow a garden, must first uproot old trees, then make the land suitable for new trees, the writer has no choice but to uproot all wrong beliefs from the hearts, and then grow the right thoughts.

    The Writer has no choice, but to put forward all realities, starting from God, His Creation, His Heavenly Government, and His Commandments, etc.

    For instance, the subject of God must be discussed because He is the fountainhead of everything.

    The subject of Creation is important because in accordance with the writer´s Philosophy, the true rights and responsibilities, are hidden in pondering over God´s creation.

    And one of the reasons of low demographics is that women´s rights are not based on justice. West has made certain mistakes because of not pondering over the mode and principle on which a woman is created. So, to prove the above-mentioned theory, the writer must discuss the subject of Creation of God.

    You see, if the writer´s claim is wrong, and laws of the world, have no connection with a Creation´s purpose, and characteristics with which something is created, and laws should just be created on bases of Majority is authority, then the author has almost nothing to offer.

    The writer must lift up the curtain from the Hidden treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven, and many other important subjects such as Prophets, Angels, Holy Scriptures, commandments of God, morality, spirituality, and the philosophy of hell and heaven, and the true way of life.

    The writer must start rebuilding the same Building of Faith, which we build by Jesus, and have been damaged with the calamities of the time.

    The building has three parts as following: -


    This portion may be called as religion made easy puts light on general information on the way of life presented by the Prophets of God.

    It is necessary to prove that Jesus who lived his life in accordance with the Law of Moses’ ‘and came to fulfill the same Old Biblical Law, presented a way of life" which provides life guarantee for nations.

    Jesus provided a full package of thoughts and beliefs, on which the life on planet earth depends. In accordance with the philosophy of Jesus, it is simply not possible for any nation to survive, no matter how much money it has, or how Great Supper Power it may claim to be.


    This part puts light on the holy personality of Jesus, his teachings, and claims.

    This part mentions the facts about the Cross, and circumstances of the believers and the enemies. It mentions the beliefs of early followers, and the opponents. Also, puts light on the spiritual condition of modern Jews and the subject Why Jews do not believe in Jesus


    This part puts light on the spiritual condition of the Western societies, and proves that the Western way of life is an Antichretic way of life.

    The self-made rules of the society, look only good from the surface but are extremely damaging for human. Due to certain man made laws, the institution of marriage the main stream of demographics is seriously damaged, and until this is repaired, the problem of low population cannot be solved. A proper solution how to increase the demographics is also presented, in shape of a story.


    My book is a heavenly navigation system, which provides directions to embark on a Modern Noah’s Life Saving Ark, which also flies to a very mysterious high, mountain, where a spring of spiritual water of everlasting life is situated. I welcome you, on board, this ready to sail, flying Ark. If you are a brave person, have hunger for truth, and possess the ability to ponder over situations, I feel blessed to have your company. May God be with you. (Amin)

    Daud Ahmed Nasir

    25th November, 2016



    The heavens declare the glory of God;

    And the firmament shows his handiwork.

    Day unto day utters speech,

    And night unto night reveals knowledge. —Psalms

    What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies? For its maker trusts in his own creation when he makes speechless idols. -- Habakkuk

    "The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. -- Jesus

    God—his existence, his characteristics, his whereabouts, along with his relationship with mankind—is the most important subject for human.

    But is there a God, or is he only a creation of human imaginations? If God exists, then, where is he, and why can we not see him?

    There are many such questions that need answers, and I found most people of our planet earth, completely ignorant, or at least puzzled about this most important subject. In my view, never on planet earth, was there a need as today to disentangle the hidden secrets and mental complications regarding God.


    Let us first assume that there is no God, so obviously, we will not believe in any religious philosophies or prophets etc. Can we then be at peace with ourselves, or are there some questions that need answers? Can we honestly satisfy ourselves that there is no creator of heaven and earth?

    Even though we declare to be atheists, can we be at peace with ourselves? Can we convince ourselves that there is no God, because we cannot see Him with our physical eyes?

    Being Atheist, we still know by experience that there is always a procedure to find out knowledge of something.

    For instance, nose is to smell, ear is to hear, and tongue is to taste. We also know that we cannot taste with an eye and hear with a tongue, so obviously, there may be a chance that we cannot find God with our physical eyes, and special spiritual senses are provided for that purposes.

    Same way, human eye simply does not have ability to see everything, and such unlimited and fine things, such as spirits, sounds, and magnetism etc., but certainly we feel and accept their existence, because of their signs.

    We may say that the universe just arrived naturally during the so-called bang without a Creator, but the heart and even the brain will simply not accept this; because it has never experienced any other fact on these lines.

    There was a time when word bang could have been used to convince people for the creation of heaven and earth, but nowadays, we see many times these so-called bangs when terrorists destroy something, and never anything systematic is produced.

    Scientists, many of whom deny the existence of God, are forced to believe on the need of some creator because of certain discoveries, such as that if the force of gravity was even slightly different in one direction, the sun would burn too hot for the earth to survive as a life-sustaining planet.

    That proves that there must be someone, behind all these wonders; otherwise, the universe simply cannot exist.

    So, whether we have faith, or not, we know that for every effect, there is a cause, and for every move, there is a mover. We are forced to believe that there must be a creator and in charge of this universe.


    We experience one of the rules that things which must be everywhere at the same time, cannot be limited. For instance, radio waves and light can only be experienced by their results. Light is a name of a sort of electromagnetic radiation. We cannot see it but can see other things because of it.

    There might be some human who want to have a big-size human figure, as God, to whom people could see, like the idol worshipers, but obviously, such a God, who is placed somewhere, will not be able to move himself at time of distress of a person being at some distance.

    So, to run the universe, it is a requirement that God must be infinite, unlimited, and everywhere. He cannot possibly have a limited body. He is needed on the planet earth, under the sea, over the clouds, in the heavens, and all hearts.


    The nature is evidence of the existence of God. The colorful hues of the sunset, the depth of the sea, the alternation of day and night, the sun, the moon, and the stars, and the perfect balance of things, does not allow any heart to deny his existence.

    And if we look deeply into the creation of heaven and earth, and its wonderful works, and reach to the conclusion that nature or someone has made proper arrangements for the physical necessities of mankind. We have no choice but to believe that such a nature must have also made arrangement for the spiritual needs of human.

    In simple words, we must accept the concept of God, prophet hood, and obviously, a guideline for life on planet earth. So, let us find out the arrangement made to help mankind for proper knowledge through prophets.


    Although the prophets of different times preached different ways of life, one thing always remained the same. All of them stressed that there is a God, and believing in him was always the first and most important of the commandments. In other words, there can be no religion without the central idea of God.

    Listen O Israel, our God is one (Deut. 6:4) informs us of the fact that there is someone behind our creation. The stress on the word one is since had there been more than one God, both the systems of heaven and earth would have been corrupted.

    At times, the pluralities of God would have acted against one another. Their differences would have resulted to the universe plunging into chaos because each one would have worked for the welfare of his own creation. As in the saying Too many cooks spoil the broth, different Gods would have considered it permissible to destroy others, leading to chaos. This sentence informs us that there is only one God in charge of everything.

    And that someone—we may call him God, Jehovah, or Allah—is the creator of everything. He is the one who created the heavens and the earth. Time, distance, rules of nature; and everything we see or feel, like sun, moon, stars, mountains, seas, humans, clouds, trees, animals, all give us signals that there is someone behind these wonders.

    This wonder all around us is beyond our imagination to understand; how is it controlled and run? How has he raised up the heaven without pillars and the secret of alternation of day and night? A branch of a fruit tree that bears fruits is not sweat, but the fruit is, how and when was the sugar mixed? Strange—very strange.


    Though human have observed and gained some knowledge about natural laws, it has not been perfected even in a single branch. The sun, the moon, and stars have been shining since God knows when and still providing service as new, why no service is needed?

    The fire burns and water extinguishes the fire, but why? Many times, we come to know an answer, and we find the secret, but another big why comes into existence.

    Whatever we see or feel on planet earth and in the sky, we cannot simply ever imagine how it was created. If all the great scientists of all times get together, they cannot create an insect from nothing. So, who is behind all this?

    Human knowledge is so limited and imperfect. In my earthly life, I sometimes used to wonder, about the end of our universe. What it will be like? Is there a sort of a wall at its end? If not then does it not finish forever, and if it does, and there is a wall then what is behind the wall? Is it just some kind of space, then if so, it cannot be the end, as space is also something. The end must be such where, there should be nothing, from that point.

    But what will be something, which will be like as nothing.

    Once, I said to myself, It will be wonderful to see something for which, I could say, this is nothing. I wanted to think of a situation, I could call it nothing," but all I got from this kind of research was a worn-out brain.


    The fact is that human do not have a choice, but to believe the idea put forward by people who claim to be messengers of someone called God.

    The problem is that if we suppose that there is no Creator of this universe, then we must believe that nature has created itself without a God. There are no examples to reinforce these beliefs, and even if we somehow take a strong stand on this theory, we will not be able to convince ourselves why certain things have certain characteristics and how nature, which has no soul, has created itself so perfectly.

    As per the holy scriptures, God has ordered these creations of his to act and behave in a certain way. In other words, the last string or law-controlling remote control is in God’s own hands.

    The holy books of God tell us that God said, Let it be, and it came to be so (Gen. 1:11) How it happens, only he knows.


    It is a fact that without believing on the prophets or personal experience, there is no real proof for his existence. Most people, especially the philosophers, have tried to determine the existence of God through the exercise of reason but have only could declare that there should be a God.

    The argument can only travel only to a distance, that the contemplating the universe needs a creator. But there is a mile of difference between feeling a need and arriving at certainty that the God whose need is being felt does, in fact, exist.

    Our worldly wisdom and knowledge, though in pursuit of astronomy, and physics, and philosophy, looks as if it has penetrated through the universe, cannot make us believe in the existence of God.


    The only way humans can attain absolute certainty regarding the existence of God is by revelation, or by personal experience, of the might of God. It is a fact that God proves his existence to people through powers of his attributes.

    Without this, human cannot get rid of doubts and suspicions. In spiritual terminology, it is said that till a person observes the living powers of the living God, Satan does not depart from his heart. That means that without revelation human, cannot believe in the existence of God, with certainty.


    The revelation is that God contacts a person and informs him of his being, as he does to prophets. To believe in God through his attributes is that as a human leads his life per commandments of God, gets magnetized with certain qualities. In spiritual language, soon as he becomes righteous, things start happening automatically.

    For example, a typical righteous person’s conduct will exhibit no default, and all his actions should breath faithfulness with God. Because of the commandment, The Lord God is one. He should abstain from associating anything with God. With no pride in his knowledge or actions, he should consider himself ignorant, and his soul should prostate all times at the threshold of God Almighty.

    He should draw the grace of God to himself through supplications and prayers. By doing so, a secret will automatically unveil itself that his prayers will start producing fruits in such a way that he will be extremely surprised. Not only will his prayers be heard and miraculously accepted, but he will feel that a secret invisible hand is making him victorious everywhere.

    It looks that in the creation of man, a system of a mediator has been made necessary to archive anything. A person’s hearing is dependent on air, and his sight is dependent on the light.

    The power of creation of human is dependent upon some matter. Same way a person’s knowledge needs a teacher; so, unless God teaches him or sends a messenger to teach him, it is not possible for anyone to make a living relationship, to believe in him with absolute certainty.

    God is only known through his attributes. Through his might, he unveils his invisible countenance and becomes even more difficult for one human to explain the other because the condition of fulfilment of desire to see God is righteousness, a commodity extremely rare in this age.

    It’s difficult for any person to try to make someone believe in the existence of God as God does not have a physical limited body, which could be seen with physical eyes. God is only in spiritual form, and spiritual eyes are needed to visualize his existence; but still, some directions can be given for somebody to start thinking towards the right path.


    First proof is the historical proof. We know, only a few centuries ago, the nations of the world were not familiar with one another. When the world became knitted, people came to know the religious histories of the other nations. Then the world came to know extreme similarities regarding belief in God among different nations.

    For example, when the Christians reached Asia, they came to know about prophets Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Confucius. One thing was similar in these people. All their preaching revolved around the theory of the will of God.

    So, as we compare their teachings with other teachings, we have no option but to believe that all these prophets must have one master; otherwise, we must believe that these prophets must have met somewhere to make such similar theories.


    Another proof of God is that experience has shown that the existence of God is written on the innermost plates of our souls. If a human sit with himself and try to talk to his spirit, the spirit will produce a feeling of satisfaction in favor of the belief in God. Though many people deny the fact that they believe in any kind of God, but

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