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The Rainbow’S Light: Part 1-Reborn
The Rainbow’S Light: Part 1-Reborn
The Rainbow’S Light: Part 1-Reborn
Ebook155 pages2 hours

The Rainbow’S Light: Part 1-Reborn

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Droplets of evil had diluted and eventually dispersed the white power of the suns special light. The special light had a purpose. It was created for such a time as this. The purpose carried a good intent, but some devilry had diluted and dispersed the good intent.

It was remembered by those occasions when rainbows arched the sky. The rainbows appeared less to men and others forgot. But most men had forgotten the purpose of the rainbows reminder, and most men and others had never known the purpose of the special light.

It was always known by a few that such a time as this would come. The few, intent on good, feared the coming of such a time. Now the greater number, who were evil, were aware that the time, or a time, had come. They were, at first, unaware that the special light might reconvene as a whole and that the white power of the whole might thwart their intent.

These others were not men, not human. Though they had mans outward appearance, most were subhuman; some were superhuman. Evil intent rested with the superhuman; but, to them, the intent was not evil, just inevitable. Only those carried upon the waves of the special light had the energy to combat the evil intent, and then it was only when they came together.
Release dateOct 12, 2016
The Rainbow’S Light: Part 1-Reborn

Derek Earls

Dr Derek Earls has written a number of novels since his early retirement from a scientific career. He lives in Newton Abbot, close to the sea and he writes for the pleasure of writing per se and hopes to share the pleasure with his readers. Ideas accumulated over the years tumble out into his works as fresh as the day they were seeded in his mind.

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    The Rainbow’S Light - Derek Earls


    D roplets of evil had diluted and eventually dispersed the white power of the sun’s special light. The special light had a purpose. It was created for such a time as this. The purpose carried a good intent but some devilry had diluted and dispersed the good intent.

    It was remembered by those occasions when rainbows arched the sky. The rainbows appeared less man and others forgot. But most men had forgotten the purpose of the rainbows’ reminder and most men and others had never known the purpose of the special light.

    It was always known by a few that such a time as this would come. The few, intent on good, feared the coming of such a time. Now the greater number who were evil, were aware that the time, or a time had come. They were, at first, unaware that the special light might reconvene as a whole and that the white power of the whole might thwart their intent.

    These others were not men; not human. Though they had man’s outward appearance, most were sub-human; some were superhuman. Evil intent rested with the superhuman; but to them the intent was not evil, just inevitable. Only those carried upon the waves of the special light had the energy to combat the evil intent and then only when they came together.


    V ibron had stared at the rainbow. Whenever rainbows appeared, his being was aware of their presence well before his eyes confirmed the multicoloured display. The colours seemed more vibrant than normal and the radius of the arc must have been near-infinite to produce the almost flat band across the sky.

    Had the time come? If the time had come, what should he do?

    When a false dawn had come before, signalled by too weak a sign, too pale a hue, any attempt at a passage towards the epicentre had been prevented; foiled by…by what, by whom?

    Had the dawns been false or had they been real? Was the prevention seeded by good or by evil?

    His mind wandered back to that time when they had been together; that time when the decision was made to disperse, to avoid potential attacks on their presence and on their being.

    They had come together in the commune. The large house and its extensive grounds belonged to Rebron, who had inherited the whole from some ancient, stooped fellow many years ago. The man had met with Rebron in the old city and explained that a time would come when others would join Rebron in the house; until then the location must be kept secret.

    Rebron still lived there, at the epicentre to which they all knew, or at least felt, they must return some day.

    Vibron and his partner Indola had been the last to arrive. Rebron had no partner. Perhaps this had been predetermined and caring for a partner, when the time came, might have presented some distraction to his role. He had introduced them to Glantel and his partner Bolina and to Osan and his partner Yogun. The three women, Indola, Bolina and Yogun had followed the leading of their men. They believed in their men, believed that the journeys and the coming together were necessary, important.

    Vibron, Glantel and Osan had seen the paper’s advertising of places, their places in the commune. Others had responded and been rejected, sifted out by Rebron. On the evening of that first day, Rebron had explained.

    Thank you for coming, Rebron said as they took their seats for that first communal meal, that first communion.

    As a final test, an ultimate check, he had allowed them to choose places at the table. He had placed himself, naturally, perhaps supernaturally, at the table’s head. Naturally, perhaps supernaturally, they had chosen correctly. To his left sat Osan, Yogun and Glantel; to his right sat Vibron, Indola and Bolina.

    Rebron pointed at himself and then his communicants, clockwise around the table.

    Rebron, Osan, Yogun, Glantel, Bolina, Indola, and Vibron; our rainbow.

    The food was already there, in the table’s middle. At his simple request,

    Eat, they all filled their plates and ate in silence.

    The silence was not an uncomfortable one, since all knew that their host held the ground and further correspondence rested with him. It was aided by their delight at the foods on offer at the table. So many were new to them.

    The silence allowed them to consider Rebron’s words. To some they made a vague but immediate sense; others struggled.

    At the meal’s end, Rebron moved to the large, dark-oak sideboard and carried the silver bowl to the table. The bowl had seven silver cups hanging from the silver pegs on the bowl’s side. In turn he dipped each cup into the red liquid, which he called wine and the filled cups were passed around the table.

    A toast, ladies and gentlemen – to the rainbow’s end in the rainbow’s white light, Rebron offered.

    All joined in the toast and now none understood the words.

    Vibron looked again towards the current rainbow, as Indola moved to his side and silently, almost unnoticed by him, slipped her hand into his. If anything the intensity of the separated colours had increased, with the Indigo and Violet exhibiting a particular vibrancy.

    Perhaps this was truly the time. He considered those first weeks in the distant commune and those times around the dining table.


    A fter the previous night’s meal, Rebron had purposely avoided an immediate explanation. He knew that those around the table would not yet understand in full; perhaps they never would until that time came and, although this was a time, a necessary time, it was not the time. However, they had come. At least they understood the need to be there.

    Friends, relax, enjoy the garden. Get to know the house and your fellow residents. I have things to do in the quiet of my room. Tomorrow we will consider things…our purpose further, Rebron had said as he left the table and then the room.

    The dining table was in the centre of a large kitchen and the proximity of the sinks provided the distraction of table clearing and washing of dishes. The activity provided an easier backdrop to their conversations and sharing.

    The sharing revealed the relative commonality of their backgrounds. Some had no recollection of biological parents and had grown to adulthood thanks to the caring of others. The small kindnesses shown to them had been sufficient for survival and atypical during the anarchy that followed the dimming of the sun’s light, centuries earlier.

    Now the anarchy had waned, in parallel with the limited clearing of the atmosphere that had moderated the sun’s kiss upon the land and its crops. The small, residual population, which had survived a second, truly dark age, could now exist, should they so wish, without fighting neighbours for a sufficient part of the small bounty that their Earth provided.

    Although semblances of society were now sprouting, the newspaper and its advertisement were one example, some were aware that a stronger element of evil had entered the land, under cover of the dimmed light. Indeed the dimmed light had somehow seeded the mutations of those beings with limited acumen, limited humanity. In the absence of a fully developed society, those beings had started to congregate at the feet of those other apparent mutations, who exhibited a superhuman presence but, incongruously, the same limited humanity.

    Although the now-gathered’s seeking of this commune was in part a fleeing to a caring safety, all were driven by, listening to, a faint inner voice in dreams that insisted upon a role in combating the growing evil.

    None were yet aware of being chosen in any special way or being available for empowerment.

    Those early arousals from thought-pricked, interrupted sleep helped Rebron prepare the breakfast table, without any correspondence on matters deeper than the breakfast fare.

    At the end of the next night’s meal, Rebron chose the un-cleared table as the pulpit for his words of explanation.

    Friends, he started. First of all some comments on the mundane. Those who chose to wander the grounds last night will have come across the animals that may be new to you; a few pigs, sheep, chickens and cows that will provide some of our needs over the next…for the time being. The barn contains sufficient flour and stored vegetables to see us through the coming winter period. If we are still together in the spring, then a greater part of the grounds will be cultivated as necessary. However, it is not anticipated…I do not believe that this first coming together will last until the spring.

    Rebron waited as he looked around those seated at the table, allowing time for any response. He did not know how much those seated understood. He knew that they were congregated for a purpose; that all before him had some awareness that a purpose existed. His congregation remained silent.

    You are not here by accident but by design, he continued; again allowing a silence for any interruption.

    Together we can combat and nullify the growing evil that is abroad. Separately our power will be insufficient.

    It was Osan who then interrupted.

    I can’t speak for the others, but…, but Yogun and I have had vivid dreams of this time or a time that is to come. We came here, answered the advertisement hoping that…perhaps fearing that this was the start of such a time. But what power…how are we any different from…?

    Rebron was pleased at this start to a discussion; this move from a sermon.

    Osan, you do have an element, a part of the necessary power. Have you forgotten that time when the boy was saved from the sea’s waves?

    Osan was startled. ‘How did Rebron know of that time when he had exerted some influence on nature’s pull?’

    Rebron continued,

    The boy had never learned to swim and there was no reason for the waves to subside. Yet your thoughts led to the waves declining in power and the power being transferred to the boy’s arms and legs.

    Rebron allowed the silence in, before continuing.

    All of you, all of you around this table, you have past experiences similar to Osan’s. You are special. You are a part of the special light. Together our powers form the white light that overcomes or deflects all evil. You and I were conceived for such a purpose; to combine.

    Again Rebron waited for any response to his words. He noted the whispered correspondence between male and female partners that signalled their recalling of those times when Osan’s experience was mirrored by their own. Yogun squeezed Osan’s hand in lieu of exchanged words.

    The power, of which you have each seen but a glimpse, is of nothing compared to the white power of our combined gifts. Such a symbiotic power will be necessary for the time that is to come. There are forces afoot, forces of evil, that cannot be combated by each of us as individuals but together those forces can be overcome.

    Yet again Rebron paused. He was now concerned that those around the table remained silent; any impact of his words being confined to shared and questioning glances between those gathered.

    For the first time, he realised his own importance. He had hoped that the responsibility might be shared equally between those who had been carried on that white beam to this encounter. His time alone, without the benefits arising from any partner, had been exhilarating, but

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