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It’S Not About Me . . .: Christ Jesus “Is I Am” in Me
It’S Not About Me . . .: Christ Jesus “Is I Am” in Me
It’S Not About Me . . .: Christ Jesus “Is I Am” in Me
Ebook163 pages2 hours

It’S Not About Me . . .: Christ Jesus “Is I Am” in Me

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This book is written to express my strong innermost feelings, lifes challenges and obstacles, the ups and downs on this earth, overcoming as a fighter, being a soldier of Christ Jesus. No matter how tough the situation, always remember that the Lord delivers souls out of prison within and into the light, not allowing the enemy to crush our lives. There is life ahead. The hope is Christ Jesus. He is life and love created from above by our Heavenly Father. We no longer have to dwell in darkness, like those who have long been dead, but instead, we put on light the armor of God. If without love but with hate, there will be no movement in time from darkness to light. Love makes the world go round the life of living. All of us will die someday. Are you afraid? If so, why? If, however, youve never experienced the light of life, living in darkness, how will you ever know if you continue to live in death and darkness? The book of Genesis tell us that, in the beginning, God spoke the words Let there be light and there was light from darknessthe day to night. And he saw it was good, and it was so. To go through one day to the next, you must pass the night to get to the day of light. We are all born into light from darkness, for God is love and light. Everything in life is created out of love and the light in Christ Jesus. Glory to God!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 21, 2017
It’S Not About Me . . .: Christ Jesus “Is I Am” in Me

Sandra Ubom

I was born in the south Birmingham, Alabama. My father, Haywood Askew, and my mother, Catherine (maiden name: Harvey), have eight children: three boys, five girls. Im third child after two boys. With the pressure of discrimination always at the front door, my father thought it best to relocate to Southern California from the south. We always had the love of both parents all through our childhood years, growing up, and we passed it on to our own children. My grandma was my inspiration. She always felt proud even in troubled times; she always managed to find the light even in darkness. As a member of the Baptist Church, she had fellowship and praised the Lord, and she always gave thanks as she walked to catch the bus for transportation to her church. As a child growing in the baby boomer era the 50s and 60s era, discrimination was so strong, but she always instilled in me to be and feel proud of who you are and to not let anyone say you arent good enough, because God will always love you. His love is unconditional. She tells me, Times will be tough, but every morning when you rise, look in the mirror and say, Thank you, Jesus. Everything is going to be all right. In scripture, God flowed in the darkness of the earth, and he spoke the words Let there be light, and it was so; he passed through darkness, speaking the light. Everyoneregardless of race, color, or creedwill experience tough times through life and trials and tribulations and will learn to become a good soldier of Jesus Christ and have faith in order to get the victory line into the kingdom of God.

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    Book preview

    It’S Not About Me . . . - Sandra Ubom

    It’s Not

    About Me …

    Christ Jesus Is I Am in Me


    John 14:20(NKJV)

    "At that day you will know that I am in My Father,

    and you in Me, and I in you".

    Glory to God!


    Copyright © 2017 Sandra Ubom.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    It is with my deepest sincere intent to deliver a message of understanding God’s Word to the reader. If any information is misrepresented or out of context, please forgive me; because it is not my intent. I opened my heart in truth to let my message be delivered in truthfulness.

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Author Portrait by Jeremiah Bostwick

    WestBow Press

    A Division of Thomas Nelson & Zondervan

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-8976-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-8977-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-8975-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017908602

    WestBow Press rev. date: 09/19/2017

    I dedicate this book too

    My loving Husband

    in Heaven

    My son Kenneth

    My daughter Erika

    I will always love you.

    1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NKJV)

    "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

    Love never fails.



    My Story

    The Gravesite

    Getting Through a Crisis

    Encountering Jesus

    No Health Insurance Coverage

    I’m a Cancer Survivor

    Trusting in Christ

    Get Through Fear/Good Thoughts

    Creation of Human Life

    The Serpent Called the Devil

    Freedom to Choose

    The Trees

    The Fall the Original Sin

    Body and Spirit

    Not Justified by Works

    Responsible for Our Actions

    The Location of Eden

    God’s Goodness

    The Book of Ezekiel

    Adam and Eve Borne Two Sons

    Seth the Appointed Seed

    We Choose Our Fruit to Eat

    Abraham’s Seed of Promise

    The Lord Appears to Abraham

    The Sons of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac

    A Bride for Isaac

    Esau and Jacob are Born

    Esau Sells His Birthright

    Isaac Blesses Jacob

    Jacob Marries Two Sisters

    Jacob Departs Leban

    Esau Comes to meet His Brother

    Wrestling With God

    Jacob Meets His Brother

    The family of Esau

    The Butler and Baker’s Dreams

    Jacobs Son’s go for Grain

    The Brothers Take Benjamin

    Joseph Revealed to His Brothers

    The Birth of Moses

    Moses kills an Egyptian

    What is the Mosaic Law?

    Moses Gets Married

    The Spiritual Rock

    Lack of Faith

    Are You Really Free?

    About Paul the Apostle

    Stephen the Martyr

    Paul’s Calling

    Paul’s Road to Damascus

    To Take a Vow

    Many Members

    Paul Arrives in Rome

    Paul Writes to the Saints

    What is meant by Elemental Things of the World?

    What is the Whole Armor of God

    The Battle

    Jesus Led by Spirit

    We Wrestle Against Principalities and Powers

    Roman Soldier’s Armor and God’s Armor


    I wrote this book to express my heartfelt feelings about my life challenges. It reveals obstacles that I overcame, and the ups and downs I endured, as a soldier for Christ Jesus. No matter how tough life may get always remember that the Lord delivers souls from the darkness inside and propels them into the light. I’m delighted to share with you how I overcame being diagnosed with cancer twice!-During this challenging time in my life, the Bible was my infinite source of sustenance. The closeness and intimate relationship I felt with reading the Bible made it possible for me to face these challenges head-on without the fear of being alone. The Holy Spirit dwelling inside gave me the necessary understanding and knowledge to write this book and encourage others, like you. I am overwhelmed when I experience the greatest presence ever; having a relationship with Christ Jesus. He has opened my heart in such a positive way, that it has led me to be the best Sandra Ubom I can be, for myself and others.

    In this book, I speak about partaking of the forbidden fruit and the message behind doing so. Adam was commanded, not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and consequences came to him when he did. Adam and Eve’s disobedience sparked the fall of mankind throughout the whole world. In sections of my book, I talk about the importance of Abraham living the life of faith the Hebrew patriarch along with his son and grandsons. I also mention Isaac and his wife Rebecca delivering two nations in their womb Esau and Jacob. I stress the passion and desire of hope the Christ Jesus who surrendered His life. God’s Grace that’s absolute and limitless. I mention some other select few carrying out God’s will delivering the Gospel the Good News that God is restoring our broken lives through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I stress the passion and desire of hope in Christ Jesus, who surrendered his life and died for us. God’s grace is absolute and limitless. I also link some of the important people who were selected to carry out the divine godly love of Christ. I talk about salvation the gift God’s Son Jesus of Nazareth Believing in Him and not of our good works. The resurrection of Jesus is widely known in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Salvation delivered us from danger and trouble; we are complete and whole forever, through Christ Jesus. To believe in His wondrous works means He died and was buried, and rose again on the third day. We are the joy and the light that trust and believe in Him. We are Children of God, and that’s quite special.

    In this book, you will also discover that man and woman have the free will to choose life or death and will be held accountable for the actions they take. I talk about Paul the Apostle and his major influence in revealing what it means to "Put on the Whole Armor of God." God has given us His mighty power to withstand any evil day. He will never leave anyone out in the cold. God knows every one of us, individually. He is omnipotent, which means He possesses universal power. He is omnipresent, which means he is everywhere at the same time. Lastly, He is omniscient, which means He has knowledge of all things. The Bible tells us that His invisible attributes are clearly seen everywhere.

    Let us all come together with open hearts and clear minds so that we can digest what is fruitful and believe in the plan that God has, through Christ Jesus, for our life. This is the ultimate way of getting to know Jesus Christ and building a sound relationship with Him.

    My Story

    My story began in 2009, the start of a new year. It was a clear, sunny morning, and I was driving on the highway. I looked up and saw the radiant white clouds and the picturesque view of the stunning blue sky. I was so enthralled by the magnificent beauty of nature. This was God’s creation. As I continued down the road, I glimpsed at the top of the hill, Chino Hill’s finest cows grazing in the grass. The presence of the Lord enveloped me. He was everywhere that day.

    I arrived at my destination, full of joy because Otu, my husband, was to come home from the Hospital. He had been through a tough, stressful three weeks at Placentia-Hospital in Fullerton, California. He had been told in early January 2009 that he had colon cancer, which unfortunately had spread to his lungs, liver, and throat. A tumor of that size could not be removed, and the doctors told us he had a few months to live. Otu never wanted to see a doctor and unfortunately it was deemed too late for any successful medical intervention. Time moved on, and he had made the decision to come home instead of staying in the hospital.

    The doctor consented to his wishes and requested in home hospice care. The hospice nurse was to provide the best possible care for us, and meet the needs of our family during the most critical time of our lives. She was scheduled to arrive the next morning to demonstrate how to care for the colostomy stoma Otu had on the left side of his abdomen.

    Even in the mist of this difficult time, and the state of his health, Otu was happy to be home. I witnessed the joy and reverence he carried for the Lord and the life He gave him. It brings tears to my eyes even today. Otu had eyes of sunlight and a shinning face of peace. I still remember. Otu created light and peace within me as we enjoyed that moment, he and I together, never focusing on the situation. We had good spirits flow freely between us and throughout the entire house.

    On that day, I remember, Otu continually asking me Sandra, has the nurse arrived yet?

    I would say, No, not yet, until that moment when she finally arrived.

    The nurse was in the middle of giving instructions on how to care for the stoma, when all of a sudden I got up and asked Would you like any water to drink?

    He said yes and when I came back to give him his water, he did not respond. He was gone. The nurse took his pulse and couldn’t get a reading. She and I pulled him from the bed down to the flat surface of the floor and began CPR, but it was too late. It was as if Otu had known it was his time to go be with the Lord. Despite Otu’s colon cancer spreading throughout parts of his body, I am grateful Otu did not suffer in pain. He carried peace from Christ Jesus Himself from the beginning until the end as he took his last breath of life. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

    Otu passed away on January 30, 2009, at 3:00pm. We set funeral arrangements for February 6, 2009 at Forest Lawn West Covina Mortuary. The funeral was spirit, filled and the presence of the Lord was upon us and did not leave our side. It was such a beautiful day.

    The Gravesite

    A few days after the funeral, my daughter, Erika and my son Kenneth and I arrived at the gravesite to pray and give thanks to our Heavenly Father for all His blessings upon our life. As we were departing, what we saw was astonishing! This was around midday a lightening came, a brilliant shock of white in the graphite sky. In an instant we saw darkness come to light hovering over the gravesite. It’s the Glory of the Lord in amazement we shouted! Otu is home in his resting place at peace.

    The Bible tells us Isaiah 32:18,19 (NKJV) "My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places, Though hail comes down

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