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God Is All There Is and the Devil Does Not Exist
God Is All There Is and the Devil Does Not Exist
God Is All There Is and the Devil Does Not Exist
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God Is All There Is and the Devil Does Not Exist

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God Is All There Is and The Devil Does Not Exist seeks to bring about awareness and remind us of Who We Really Are; for God is All There Is and there is No-thing else. There is only One-Consciousness that has individuated It-self and, thusly, there is no Devil in absolute form (as is taught and projected by many). All That Is, existed in a state of being, without the means to express Its being; in a state of being, God is No-thing unto Himself. Out of this conceptual knowing, God/All That Is longed to express, explore and experience It-self for what It knows It-self to be. And so the No-Thing created Some-Thing/Some-Form (all of creation), as a means or device(s), through which It can express, explore and experience It-self fully and abundantly.

We live in a world driven by fear, scarcity, competition, chaos, pain, struggle, confusion and discord. It is my firm conviction that all these factors have been born and taken root because we have forgotten, Who We Really Are. God Is All There Is and The Devil Does Not Exist is directed to all the men and women around the globe, who are entangled in shackles of fear, constructed by mythical beliefs and teachings about God and the mock Devil, which have been served to us for eons. The message I bring seeks to liberate and unchain us from these restraints. "So that we can live freely and express, explore and experience That Which Is within more fully and abundantly."

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 3, 2016
God Is All There Is and the Devil Does Not Exist

Muzire Mbuende

Native to Namibia, Muzire Mbuende holds a Bachelors of Technology in Electrical Engineering (B-Tech) from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape town, South Africa. He has been a curious student of this subject for the last decade. Growing up, he was always perplexed with why, in the midst of all the evil deeds, witchcraft, xenophobia attacks and killings, which He witnessed and heard about, God, remained disabled and idle. He pondered for years as to why the most miraculous and loving God would sit back and allow an ordinary man to end the life experience of another. Through various methods of Its own and only known to It-self, Life or God, if you will, silently provided answers.

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    God Is All There Is and the Devil Does Not Exist - Muzire Mbuende

    Copyright © 2016 by Muzire Mbuende.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016907702

    ISBN:   Hardcover              978-1-5144-9350-2

                  Softcover                 978-1-5144-9349-6

                  eBook                        978-1-5144-9348-9

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    Rev. date: 05/20/2016




    You are That Which Is

    You are not your name;

    Your name is but a label designated to you to be identified with.

    You are not your body either; you merely live in your body.

    Your body is just a means, a garment of skin, flesh and bones, created from dust, clothed unto you in the belly, as a means for That Which Is Within you to express, explore and experience It-self fully.

    You are a spirit experiencing It-self through a human form.

    - Muzire Mbuende (2015)


    I am in awe that, in the realm of infinite possibilities, in the realm of all that could be made possible, God has chosen to call me forth, to appear in physical form. And here I am, with lungs as a means of sipping a breath of life in this beautiful Prana. The Genius must have seen great value in you and I, to make us appear here on planet Earth; it is an even greater gift to exist and to be aware that we do. It is through the gift of living as a human being that I am able to pen this material. My cup over flows with immense gratitude that stretches beyond the word to God who has enabled me to make this material possible.

    I would like to acknowledge and thank my grandmother of soft wisdom: Justine Tjapaka Tuneeko Kangootui, to whom this book is dedicated. Although you are gone, my gratitude will never fade, for your undying support and endless effort in refining and polishing me, made me into the being that I am today. As a student under your guardianship, I took a page of humbleness, generosity and kindness from your book. It is with these values that I tirelessly attempt to make a garment for myself, which I will wear until I leave this world. You are a treasure and a gift, from life to life. Continue to rest and explore the ether, in peace.

    In this same space, I also wish to thank Thabita Muteze Mbuende, the woman who brought the torch of hope from the West, when my grandmother was silently and secretly preparing to depart. ‘Kau’ is a woman of extraordinary patience, endless compassion and love, one whom has been far more than a mother to me.

    I want to acknowledge the great authors, speakers and teachers of life in the field of prosperity and spirituality, whom I have not yet met, but whose work has touched me from a distance, has altered my perception of God and life, and has inspired and enabled me to always cast a lens of faith in God’s design, even in the darkest hours. To Neale Donald Walsch, Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Marc Allen, Mike Dooley and Mary Manin Morrissey, I, hereby, wish to extend my appreciation and admiration.

    I also wish to acknowledge and thank each and every soul that has been a part of my journey, in one-way or another. If it is utterly true, without variation, that there is no coincidence in life, then you were an angel, designated and sent by Life It-self into my path, in order to mold, shape and equip me with the tools I needed, to fully evolve and grow. I am grateful to you, and if I have ever wounded or caused you pain, emotionally or otherwise, please find solace and remedy in these words.

    Finally, I want to acknowledge Efraim Kangootui, who in ways I cannot put a finger on, fuelled my progress in the early stages of my life. I thank you.





    God Is All There Is

    Chapter 2 WE ARE ONE





    Chapter 4 JESUS SAID IT

    Chapter 5 I AM


    The Law of Polarity

    The Law of Attraction



    Blame and Self-Undermining



    Chapter 10 SUMMARY



    I embodied myself with a garment of dust in my mother’s womb, preparing myself to blend, integrate and adapt, to what was to be my new environment. After months in darkness and the safety and comfort of the belly, I finally embarked on planet Earth. I was greeted by confusion and chaos; evidence of suffering, pain and the ending of a human experience of another, by another, that I was hearing and witnessing, did not resonate with my inner knowing, and with the teachings about God served to me, when I was but a little boy. Teacher after teacher has taught me of a loving God that not only created men from dust, but also the surface of dust that men were walking on.

    My curiosity about God started When I was but a young boy; I was visited by sad news that a young humble, sweet and good-mannered little girl, about five or six years of age, who lived a few yards away from my homestead in the reserve, has passed on. Her life was cut short by a serpent (the very Devilish-entity I have been taught, deceived Adam and Eve, thusly the whole of humanity) during the night in their shack. A question visited my mind: How could God allow that?.

    Growing up, I heard of men ending the life experience of another through witchcraft for political, material or monetary gain. But I also have heard, it is God who created men; I wondered why He remained idle and allow other ordinary men to end the life of another as they wish. I deemed human life experience to be a sacred gift, and could not understand why it could be ended so cheaply.

    Fast forward to 2005, during recess in Namibia, as a student at Tshwane South College in Pretoria, South Africa, news found me again that one of our college mates’ life was ended by a knife, in Windhoek, Namibia. A familiar question emerged again from the closet of my subconscious mind: why did God not intervene?, and why God would He sit back and allow an ordinary man to end the life experience of another".

    In later years, my curiosity about God heightened; on many different occasions, I remember sitting at home and would switch channels on TV, just to watch different Sunday Church services around the globe. I would wonder how God is performing all these miracle of healing and wonder in different parts of the world simultaneously; the notion that God is a Holy Spirit and, therefore, is capable, was not an answer enough to satisfy my thirst on what I was witnessing on TV. Something was odd; something in me yearned for more truth.

    In 2008, while a student at Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape town, South Africa, xenophobia attacks emerged and was spreading like a virus across the face of South Africa, from Johannesburg in the Gauteng province, where it was initiated, to Cape Town in the Western Cape. I witnessed mass killings of foreign innocent souls; their human experience ended at the hands of other blacks, not because of their own choosing and calling, but because of pure hatred, propaganda and political pressures. The question emerged again, this time accompanied by many: Where is this God of miracles I have heard? Why does He not intervene and stop this deeds? Why is God idling while all this is transpiring? Who created men? How is it possible that an ordinary man can end the life of another man created by God, and God does nothing?.

    In the secrecy of my own heart, I pondered, begging to know why this free-will, granted unto men, easily tramples and violates the free-will of another; honours not, respects not and recognizes not, the choice of another soul wanting to live and express It-self more and fully on Earth? I meditated, and desired to know why this loving God, who created men, is hidden in the midst of all this evil. I searched, looked far and external, and beyond the buffet of information served to me by my environment and teachers. The pain that was unfolding before my naked eyes, did not correspond with the knowing of my soul, nor with the theory I carried in the closets of my mind about this loving God, who created men in his image and likeness.

    Life took me in circles, and, looking back, I am able to connect the dots to a degree. It has become apparent to me that I have become a slave to my own questions. The source of the answers has been guiding and inviting me ever since, in its own time, gently and unconsciously, serving me with the answers, in ways that my child-like mind cannot begin to assemble. I, hereby, pin this material with an absolute knowing that men are the engineers of all the chaos and confusion in the world and, thusly, they hold the solution.

    In recent years, I visited my inner being within, and, in there, life presented the most beautiful and simple revelation to me: We Are One. In there, I sensed and experienced a glimpse of the vastness that connects all of life. The world continues to suffer because men have not awakened to that palpable truth. We are One, and the God that I thought was separate, external and sited somewhere in the ether or heaven, and demanded Him to intervene and stop the killings, was a child-like idea that has been passed onto me, and to all those that hold such a believe. The utter truth is: We are an integral component of that which is called God.


    A total open-mindedness and tolerance is called for. If you attempt to grow and evolve, open-mindedness and tolerance are ingredients you ought to equip yourself with, to be ready and open for more of what life has to reveal, about It-self. This material emerges not to alter your beliefs, or to introduce you to a new creed, but primarily to remind you of that which you already know and, more importantly, to remind you to wear the garments of your knowing. What matters, is not who the Source, the Messenger or the teacher of the message is; what matters is, what is the message? Wayne Dyer once said: The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about. There might only be a certain subject, phrase or word that will resonate with you in this material; take that which resonates with you, and leave the rest for others.

    This material portrays no new belief system, nor is it selling anything new to you; it embodies nothing that is foreign under the sun, and the information is not intended for religious purposes, or any form of organized practice to be imposed upon anyone. It is made available to everyone with absolute love, and caters free choice in choosing whether to read and receive the message or not, at the reader’s own calling. Although the message perhaps comes with a distinct fragrance, in the main, the material serves as a subject that has been around for eons, and has been catered by different Masters and teachers at different times, in their own unique ways. It is the intent of this material to give the message a greater significance and substance, for, I sincerely believe, that it is a basic truth that, if accessed, understood and clothed, it will not only uplift the yoke of chaos, discord and confusion the world is subjected to, but will usher in the ingredients of love, unity, peace and harmony in the world. It is my firm conviction that it is a basic truth that is moderately taken and, yet, encompasses the key; men have been praying, yearning and seeking, for decades. Life has given birth to this material, to make known this basic truth, in a more meaningful and deeper sense. I am inspired to see that the message be addressed more extensively across the globe.

    There is absolutely nothing hidden to you; nothing is hidden from your soul. Your soul is all knowing; it knows all there is to know beyond time and space. This is not a logical or scientific material; it requires no form of education or training to comprehend it. This is a document about life; and you cannot comprehend life through the path of your mind, but only through the path of your heart. You already know this, and it will be confirmed to you vividly, as you read on; for it will begin to resonate with your knowing. If any human being on planet Earth is asked to sincerely sit quietly, and analyze their conduct on what they do on a daily basis, and highlight everything that is of good, and everything that is of ill, he will highlight the rights and flaws, effortlessly. Anything that is opposing your soul’s highest knowing will be clear to you, but still, man continues to do all the wrong things his soul reminds him, time and again about, and then, continues to wonder where God is.

    There is nothing hidden to you, even as a child at three or four years of age, where one has not heard a single bible verse, or the command: You shall not steal. If you go inside the kitchen and sneak some sugar in your mouth or pocket, you know, right there and then, that what you are busy with, is wrong. Your heart will be pounding, every part of your body will be whispering to you not to do it, not to steal, but still, you do not listen. How do you know that you are wrong? Because your soul, is all knowing; you, on your own accord, without a shadow of a doubt, know everything there is to know about right and wrong, about good and evil, without help from any teacher, guru, mentor, education or training. Even those who, for thousand years, lived in a jungle where information on paper and books were considered foreign and Western, knew and could differentiate between right and wrong, they knew every plant’s and herb’s usage; those which are good for food, and those which are good for medicine. How did they know? Because they were connected to Nature.

    The saddest conduct and ignorance I have come to learn, is that people are not open-minded and, thusly, not willing to question; they are not willing to examine their beliefs, even if these beliefs are

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