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Inner and Outer Meanings of Buddhism
Inner and Outer Meanings of Buddhism
Inner and Outer Meanings of Buddhism
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Inner and Outer Meanings of Buddhism

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Buddhas concept of no self is correct and superior to the old Hindu concept of a permanent, eternal, and unchanging self. God, freedom of will, immortality, and the law of karma (moral retribution) are the things-in-themselves. These things-in-themselves belong to the transcendent realm of noumena. These things are not governed by the causal chain of the world of senses.

The outer meanings of many concepts of Buddhism are different from their inner meanings.

Mind is a physical thing like mercury, and human body is like a glass tube containing mercury. Mind is active as well as passive.

Existence is prior to essence.

There is no transcendent aesthetic. There is only a phenomenal aesthetic.

The sense of space is created by the inverse square law.

The light of the absolute goes on decreasing as we move from a mother to the family, from the family to the society, and from the society to the state.

According to the inner meanings, the twelve links of the dependent origination are actually made of three separate and independent chains.

Nirvana and many other concepts of Buddhism are unknowable and inconceivable.

An attempt has been made to make the inconceivable concepts as conceivable.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateNov 4, 2016
Inner and Outer Meanings of Buddhism

Singh M Parashar

Singh M Parashar was born in India in 1939 and he gained an Msc degree from Indore University . After working as a research officer for Forest Research Institute in Dehradun for five years , he moved to France for further training .

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    Inner and Outer Meanings of Buddhism - Singh M Parashar


    Suddhodana was the father of Gautama Buddha. Suddhodana was a kshatriya and ruler of shakya clan. Queen Maya was the mother of buddha. At the age of 15 buddha got himself married to Yasodhara and gave birth to a son whose name was Rahula.

    Buddha was born in Lumbini (in Nepal) 567 BCE.

    Siddhartha Gautama Buddha is also called as the Shakyamuni, Bo, Bhagwan, Mahavira, Tathagata (Thus come One and Thus gone One), Arahant and with other respectable names.

    Buddhism originated in 5th century BCE in Magadha kingdom which is situated between Kosala and Rajagrha.

    It is said that Buddha died in 404 B C E.

    However, the accuracy of this period of the life of buddha is doubted by many historians. Queen Maya died shortly after the birth of Buddha.

    Many buddhists believe in the miraculous birth of Buddha that is, without a sexual intercourse. Christians also say that Jesus Christ was born without any sexual intercourse with any human being. Buddha’s mother queen Maya conceived him in a mystical way. A belief in the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ and Buddha is a superstitious belief. With the help of modern technology, a human egg can be developed into embryonic stage without any kind of fertilization or outside genetic material. Children can be produced with only maternal genes. It is said that Lizards can also produce a form of virgin birth. A child produced by virgin birth is simply a genetic duplicate of his mother.

    Prince Buddha lived in Kapilvastu which a situated on the border of India and Nepal.

    Prince Buddha was moved by the sight of a sick man, an old man, an ascetic and a corpse and he started his spiritual journey. Generally people are moved by the death of their own close relatives. Buddha left his kingdom for doing meditation in the forests and his son Rahul was born in his absence. For six years various spiritual exercises were made by Buddha.

    It is claimed ultimately Nirvana was attained by Buddha. Buddhism is full of contradictory statements created by Nagarjuna and other scholars.

    Contradictory statements have been given about the life of buddha. The earlier texts on buddha’s life present him as a human being without any divine qualities. Later writers presented buddha as an omniscience and a transcendent being and they claimed that a large number of miracles were performed by buddha. Many buddhists say that supernatural powers were possessed by him.

    Buddha was the most truthful of all the founders of all the great religions of the world. Buddha never claimed himself as a divine being or a son of God. Mohammed claimed that the Koran was sent down by Allah through angel Gabriel. Moses claimed that he had a talk with God. Mortal men can neither see God nor hear His voice. God is always unknowable.

    For 40 years Buddha worked as a teacher of buddha dharma.

    Buddha led an ascetic life and he renounced his kingdom due to his will to get rid of power.

    Nietzsche said human actions are governed by a will to get power.

    Kings kill their own relatives for becoming the rulers of their countries. Buddha renounced his kingdom and became a mendicant with a noble aim that is, to remove sufferings from the world. A will to get rid of power is superior to a will to get power. Buddha left the palace along with his charioteer Channa and went to forest for finding the solution of sufferings by leading an ascetic life. Buddha returned his ornaments of gold to Channa. Gold is not touched by the guardians of Plato, sufis and buddhist monks. Buddha lived in Rajagaha by begging. Buddha did meditation and Yoga exercises under the guidance of a hermit teacher whose name was Alara Kalama. It is said that Alara Kalama taught buddha the concept of nothingness. Buddha was not satisfied with his master and sought guidance from Udaka Ramaputta. It is said that Udaka Ramaputta taught buddha the process of perception. Buddha’s new master also failed to provide him the solution of the sufferings. Throughout the history the most learned people are appointed by the kings for giving education to the princes. A rational way of thinking must have been created in buddha by his teachers during his childhood. Buddha practised austerities and self-mortification with an aim to bring the sufferings to an end. Buddha was at his death point and his life was saved by a girl whose name was Sujata. Sujata gave buddha payasam (prepared from milk and jaggery). Buddha continued his search for getting jhana and full knowledge of truth by making more religious exercises.

    Sometimes people become ascetic due to their failure in love or due to some other personal events in their lives. Mohammed did meditation in the caves of mount Hira. Solitude is always sought by all great religious thinkers.

    The enlightenment:-After doing meditations and other spiritual practices Buddha got his Great Awakening under a bodhi tree. After attaining enlightenment buddha was called as the Enlightened One (Samyaksambuddha).

    Buddha also kept many fasts, penance and austerities for getting his enlightenment. After the failure of many practices buddha ultimately discovered the middle path. The middle road was also found by Mohamed.

    After attaining enlightenment Buddha became a sinless Arhant. It is also claimed that Buddha also attained Parinirvana that is, a deathless state.

    A true Parinirvana can be obtained by cultural immortality. The ideas of buddha are immortal.

    Buddha got enlightenment in Bodhgaya, a place near Patna. The images of Avalokitesvara, Tara, Vajravarahi, Yamataka and other buddhist gods of buddhist mythology are contained inside the Mahabodhi Temple.

    The teachings given by buddha:-Buddha came in contact with the ascetic people of sramana schools The wheel of Dharma was moved by buddha.

    Buddha rejected the rituals, rites and sacrifices. Buddha declared that the caste system is not decided by birth. The Sakya-muni gave his first discourse in a deer park which is situated in sarnath (near Varanasi). Sarnath is near to the capital Magadha. The first sermon was given by buddha to his 5 followers and the first sangha was formed by these followers. These 5 sadhus had also done meditations and self-mortification along with buddha. Buddha explained them the Four Noble Truths and the eightfold marg (path) leading to an end of sufferings and liberation. Buddha also explained that sufferings are due to cravings.

    Buddha also delivered his teachings at Magadha, Kosala and other areas of east India.

    Ananda was a personal helper of Buddha and teachings of Buddha were explained to masses by him. Dharma deals with the teachings given by Buddha. Buddha asked people to seek enlightenment through meditation.

    Buddha explained the 4 Noble Truths. Buddha stood for the middle path between self-mortification and self-indulgence.

    It is said that Buddha’s last meal was prepared from the flesh of a pig. Theravada buddhism allowed people to eat the flesh of animals.

    Buddha threw light on his doctrine of not-self and the concept of dependent origination of phenomena.

    A belief in God was rejected by Buddha. A peace of mind is created by a belief in God. Buddha also did not believe in the doctrine of first sin or eternal damnation. There is no Saviour in buddhism. It is wrong to say that Jesus Christ died for our sins. Buddha did not perform any miracles for winning adherents to buddhism. Without a blind faith in God no religion can become strong. Many buddhists became hindus and muslims due to the atheistic nature of buddhism. Buddha and Mahavira belonged to the warrior class and they successfully proved that religion is not the monopoly of the brahmins. Vedas and the caste system were rejected by buddha and Mahavira. Buddha accepted the doctrine of rebirth and law of karma only on the basis of utility. The advantages of a blind faith in God are more than the benefits obtained by a belief in rebirth and the law of karma. Of all the religions buddhism is the most scientific and rational. Buddha declared that Dharma is the universal law of nature.

    Buddha rejected rituals, sacrifices self-mortification and metaphysical speculations. The caste system of hinduism was approved by Rig Veda and it was also rejected by buddha and Sikhism.

    Hindus believe that the Vedas were revealed by Brahman. Buddhism was a reformation of hinduism.

    The growth of buddhism in India:-

    Buddha spent 3 rainy seasons in the Bamboo Grove monastery. The number of his followers became more than 1000 and a great role in the propagation of buddhism was played by Ananda, Assaji, Rahula, Punna, Mahakaccana, Subhoti, Mahakasyapa, Maudgalyayana, and Upali. King Suddhodana and other members of the royal family also became Buddhist. Buddha preached for forty years.

    Buddha had to face the ridicules made by his critics and sometimes physical attacks were made on buddha.

    The Sangha was brought into existence by buddha by turning the wheel of the Law.

    Buddhism was propagated by the 5 Arhats (saints or monks) of buddhism. Buddha opened the door of sangha for women and the ordained buddhist nuns were called as bhikkhunis. Mahapajapati Gotami was the foster mother of buddha and she became the first bhikkhuni. Buddha made rules for the monks and nuns. The relic of the right tooth of buddha has been preserved in the temple of tooth in Sri Lanka.

    At the age of 80 Buddha died at Kushinagar. The cremation relics of buddha were stored by king Asoka inside 84000 stupas.

    Buddhists believe in the human and divine nature of Buddha. It is claimed that Siddhartha Gautam was one of the 28 Buddhas. Buddhism is based on a psychological study of human nature.

    Jainism is older than buddhism and it was founded by Parsva who lived about 200 years before the birth of Buddha. Mahavira was the twenty-fourth teacher (Tirthankara) of Jainism.

    Buddhism disappeared from India and Jainism had an impressive history of growth. There are many similarities and differences between Jainism and Buddhism.

    The holy books of Buddhism and Christianity were written after the death of their founders and the accuracy of their sacred texts is doubtful.

    Ananda was his cousin and a personal servant of Buddha. He contributed towards the collection of sutta pitaka and presented these collections before the first buddhist council.

    Devdatta was the cousin and brother-in-law of Gautam Buddha Devadatta became a buddhist monk. He tried to create schism in buddhism and he won the support of 500 monks. He tried to kill buddha by throwing a big rock. Later on he again tried to kill buddha by sending a mad elephant. However, buddha brought the elephant under his control by showing his hand. Physical attacks were made on buddha. Jesus Christ was also opposed by Juda the Iscariot. Mohammed was opposed by Abu Labh and his wife. All the founders of religions had to suffer persecution.

    After death of buddha the first buddhist council was presided by Mahakasyapa and this council was attended by 500 monks with a motive to preserve the original purity of sutras (discourses) and the vinaya rules concerning the monastic life. Buddha’s words were declared as authentic and they were recorded in the baskets of buddhism. About 84000 teachings given by buddha were confirmed and recorded. The oral transmission of monastic rules were recorded in the Vinay text.

    The later history of buddhism:-

    The historical buddha himself did not write his teachings and for a long time they were transmitted orally. The oral traditions were put into writing after about 400 hundred years of the death of buddha. Buddha’s teachings were transmitted orally from one generation to the next generation.

    The second council was held at Vaisali for dealing with the disputes about the Vinay rules. The third council was held at Asokarama in Patliputra for dealing with preservation of moral purity in sangha. The fourth buddhist council was held in Sri Lanka and the teachings of theravada buddhism were recorded on palm leaves, hides, horns etc. The fifth buddhist council was held in Mandalay (in Burma) with a view to preserve the original teachings of Theravada buddhism and it was attended by 2400 monks. The sixth world buddhist council was also held in Burma and it was organized by Theravada buddhism.

    Hence, it is possible that the original teachings of Buddha were altered.

    The Sutra pitaka was preserved and read by Ananda. The Sutra pitaka contains the dialogues which took place between buddha and his followers. The Vinaya pitaka was recorded by Upali. During the first century all the holy books of buddhism were put into writing in Sri Lanka. The sutra Pitaka was written before the Vinaya pitaka. Dhammapada, Udana, Samyutta and Anguttara are the most popular books of the Pali buddhism. The palm leaf manuscripts were in Pali language and they well preserved by buddhist monks.

    The buddhist texts are called as Nikayas (agamas).

    Nikayas is composed of 4 books which were transmitted verbally from one generation to the next for a long time and they were put into writing at a later date.

    The sutta pitaka is in Pali. Mahayana books were translated into Tibetan and Chinese languages. The accuracy of these books is also of doubtful nature.

    Upali was another follower of Buddha.

    Vinaya Pitaka throws a light on the monastic code of buddhism. The Abhidharma Pitaka is regarded as correct by Theravada buddhism. Emperor Bimbisara became a follower of buddhism and he also contributed towards the growth of buddhism by constructing many viharas.

    During the 3rd century king Asoka became a buddhist. The rock edicts of Asoka contributed to the growth and preservation of buddhism in India. A light on the teachings of buddha is thrown by these rock and pillar edicts. The period of buddhism under king Asoka is regarded as the golden age of buddhism.

    Asoka’s the pillar edicts and rock edicts deals with moral and social precepts of buddhism. The king of Magadha was a zealous propagator of buddhism.

    Without making use of force king Asoka carried out the proselytism inside and outside India. Buddhism was spread in the world without conducting any war. King Asoka stood for justice and kindness to prisoners and animals. He accelerated the collection of medicinal herbs. Asoka also provided facilities on the road sides for helping the travellers. The credit of making buddhism a world religion goes to king Asoka.

    The history of Islam is red with blood and people were offered to choose between Islam or death. Miracles:- Many supernatural events are described about buddha. The birth of buddha without a sexual intercourse is a miracle. It is said that the birth and death of buddha were marked by the arrival of earthquakes. Some buddhists claim that buddha had supernatural powers and buddha produced fire out of his upper body and water from his lower body. It appears that buddha did not perform any miracle and these miracles were fabricated by irrational people. It is unscientific to say that miracles were performed by Jesus Christ.

    It should be noted that buddha addressed his teachings to the masses or ordinary men.

    Confucianism addressed his teachings to the kings.

    Buddhism can be divided into the eastern buddhism and the the southern buddhism.

    There are about 360 million buddhists in the world. Madhyamaka or sunyavada doctrine was created by Nagarjuna. Buddhism was also propagated by Sautrantika, Yogacara and Vaibhasika schools of buddhism. During the 3rd century BCE 3 baskets of Abhidharma system (tripitaka) were collected and the discourses (sutras) given by Buddha are contained in these baskets.

    These scriptures are regarded as authentic by Theravada (the doctrine of elders) buddhism.

    The Sarvastivada school of buddhism originated in northern India and central Asia. The sautrantika schools of buddhism was a branch of the sarvastivada school. The pudgalavada was also another famous school of buddhism.

    In north India Buddha was raised to the level of a Supreme and eternal Lord Adi-buddha and the historical Buddha was regarded as an incarnation of Lord Buddha. Buddha is worshipped with an awe and admiration. Buddhist also believe that Lord Buddha is surrounded by a large number of Bodhisattvas. Buddhists also claim that the bodhisattvas will come back on earth and they will incarnate themselves as living human buddhas for the sake of salvation of mankind. The goal of their life is to enter into Sukhavati (a paradise of sensuous enjoyment).

    In 1260 Kublai Khan became the chief ruler and lama of Sakja monastery and his successors were called as Dalai Lama. The original rational teachings of Buddha became adulterated by superstitious and magical practices and beliefs. Prayer wheels were made with a declaration ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ (the brightest gem). The monastery of Lhasa became the seat of Dalai Lama and the later claimed himself as an incarnation of Lord Amitabha (the buddha of Sukhavati paradise).

    The history of buddhism is marked by schisms. Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana were the main sects of buddhism. Vajrayana came into existence in the 5th century.

    The growth of buddhism outside India:-

    Theravada buddhism found its way into Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and other countries of southeast asia. The credit of growth of buddhism in Sri Lanka goes to Asoka’s son Mahinda. Mahayana buddhism came out of theravada buddhism and south India is the birthplace of Mahayana buddhism.

    Buddhism coexisted with confucianism, shintoism and Taoism and adapted to the local beliefs without sacrificing the basic precepts of buddhism.

    Many Chinese and other asians adhere to a mixture of beliefs and practices of buddhism, confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism. The credit of rapid rise of buddhism goes to its adaption and flexibility to the local culture. The original purity of buddhism was lost due to its acceptance of local gods, spirits and other beliefs. Buddhism is not a static religion. Buddhism is a dynamic religion. Hinduism failed to win followers outside India. Islam successfully proselytized people in foreign countries. Before the end of 7th century Mahayana buddhism was fully established in Tibet, central asia, China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam. Chinese buddhists worshipped buddha as Lord Amitabha, the ruler of Sukhavati paradise. They also worshipped buddha as Avalokitesvara that is the Lord of True Law. Buddhism and Taoism became mixed with each other.

    Buddhism also became fully established in the Hellenistic world and some Greek rulers also became buddhists Alexandria became a famous seat of buddhism. Plato and Bhagavad Gita believed in the doctrine of reincarnation and this proves that since the ancient days a contact existed between the Greek and hindu civilizations.

    Aryadeva, Bhavaviveka, Chandrakirti, Nagarjuna and Dignaga were the most important thinkers of buddhism.

    Hiouen-Tsang and other chinese missionaries made a pilgrimage to India and they wrote about buddhism in India. Nowadays buddhism is spreading at a fast rate in western countries. Buddhism has saved people from nihilism that is, a total rejection of all beliefs.

    The decline of buddhism -in India:-

    Mahavira and Buddha were contemporaries and they belonged to the kshatriya (warrior class). Jainism was brought into existence by their Tirthankaras (conquerors or Jinas).

    The muslim invaders and the brahmins contributed toward the destruction of buddhism in India. It should be noted that Jainism survived and flourished in India and buddhism lost its roots in India. The aim of buddhism and Jainism is to escape from the cycle of birth and death. A belief in the existence of a permanent and changeless soul is rejected by buddhism and accepted by Jainism.There are many similarities between buddhism and Jainism. A belief in the existence of God is rejected by buddhism and Jainism.

    Nalanda (a place near Patna in Bihar) was a famous buddhist monastery and a university of buddhism.

    The buddhist monasteries of Nalanda and Vikramasila were destroyed by muslim invaders and there replaced by Islamic mosque.

    The prayer ritual (puja)

    The buddhists devotional exercises include the ritual of prayers, prostrations, devotional offerings, chanting mantras, pilgrimages etc. Buddhists believe in the supernatural powers of Lord Buddha. Buddhists and Hindus start their puja by the sound of a bell. The sound of bell indicates the law of dependent origination and also the law of karma. Hindus believe in the magical powers of prayers. The bell is kept inside a lotus-shaped cloth.

    The puja ritual is marked by offering flowers, fruits, food, milk, drink,and other gifts. Flowers are a symbol of impermanence and the cycle of birth and death. By burning incense buddhist believe that the dharma will spread in all directions and the air will become pure. The use of water indicate non-violence. During the puja service candles and incenses are burnt. The followers of Theravada buddhism worship the statue of buddha with flowers. Lamps are burnt before the statue of buddha and circumambulation is done by them. The ritual of prayers is a petitionary prayers for getting moral guidance.

    During prayers people show repentance for the sins committed by them. A prayer made for forgiving sins saves a man from future sins.

    During the prayer service fingers are pointed towards the sky. Asalha puja ceremony is conducted by the followers of Theravada buddhism and it is held in july (during eight lunar month) that is, at a time when moon is full. In Nichiren buddhism homage is paid to Lotus Sutra. Puja indicate the deep respect and devotion to buddha. Puja is also performed inside homes during the morning and evening. A puja done on Uposatha days is regarded as an act of great merit. By puja and prostration the moral impurities of the worshippers are erased and karmic merits are earned by the worshippers. Prayer is a total self-surrender to Lord Buddha.

    During the puja ceremony buddhists bow down three times with their hands raised and joined together (anjali) before their hearts or heads. This practice is a symbol of deep homage and respect given by the buddhist to buddha, sangha and dharma. Puja ceremony also indicates that the precepts given by buddha have been accepted by the worshippers. Buddhists also bow down before their stupas, monks, teachers and parents. During prostration the ground is touched by the forehead. The followers of theravada buddhism make a five-limbed prostration .In Vajrayana buddhism prostration is done before starting meditation.

    Magha Puja is an important festival observed on the full moon of Magha with an aim to enjoy the inner purification and with a determination to abstain from new sins. Magha Puja is done with great zeal in Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand.

    Buddhists have got a deep faith (sraddha) in three jewels. The followers of Mahayana buddhists have got a deep faith in Lotus-Sutra.

    Buddha declared that good deeds done by a man are more important than the rituals and sacrifices. Khawarijit also declared that a man becomes a muslims by his acts and not his declaration of faith. The ethical behaviour of a man is more important than the ritual of prayers. Money spent on rituals can be used for giving charity to the poor.

    Hindus, muslims and Sikhs make use of prayer beads for counting the name of God.

    Vows are also undertaken during the prayer service.

    Prayers are made for getting divine light and transcendental knowledge. Rituals are performed by the buddhists for spiritual gains. They also seek rebirth in the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha of Mahayana buddhism.

    Prayers are also made for getting Nirvana (liberation from the cycle of birth and death).

    A prayer for right and moral guidance is more useful than a prayer made for wealth, health, victory, children and other things of the world.

    Diseases can not be eliminated by making prayer or by reciting the Fatiha. There is no link between the moral order and the secular or physical order of nature. Cancer or heart diseases can not be cured by prayers or faith healing. Inner strength is created by prayers and the unbearable pain becomes bearable. There are no material benefits of making prayers. There are only moral benefits. Prayers have got nothing to do with the earthly fortunes.

    Buddhist prayers are marked by the recitation of Amitabha’s name and by repentance for the sins. Buddhists also make prayers for the destruction of karmas. Buddhists believe that our prayers are heard and answered and a helping hand is extended to the believers by the Supreme Power.

    The deification of historical buddha:- The historical buddha was deified by the buddhists.

    God buddha is different from the historical buddha. God Jesus Christ is different from the historical Jesus Christ. God Rama is different from the historical Rama.

    Prayers are made by the buddhist to historical Buddha, transcendent buddhas and bodhisattvas. Many buddhists make prayers to their Lotus-sutra and other holy books. They also make prayers to their gurus, sangha, gods, local spirits etc. There is no God in Buddhism and this gap has been filled by raising the historical buddha to the rank of God. Buddha was a truthful man and he did not claim himself as a divine being or having a contact with any divine being.

    Nietzsche asked people to worship a donkey as a God. Lord Krishna said: Whatever god is worshipped by a man, it is I who give an answer to his prayers. God is merciful and he will answer the prayers even if the prayers are made to a donkey. Nietzsche was an atheist by mouth and a theist by hart. Nietzsche and Schopenhauer used to keep the statues of buddha in their rooms.

    Prayers and postures:-The worshippers show their homages by giving thanks and praises in fixed postures. Gassho is a japanese word and it is used to indicate reverence for buddha and this practice is done with palms of the hands touching each. Postures are physical symbols or signs used for indicating the feelings of the worshippers. People close their eyes and believe that Lord Buddha is standing before their eyes.

    Buddhists and hindus make prayers with the joined of palms. The buddhists of Theravada school bow down and prostrate their bodies in front of a statue of buddha or an altar. A worship of statues is regarded by Islam as an act of idolatry. A worship of book is done by Sikhism. A book worship is more useful than a worship of idols.

    Buddhists in Thailand do a five-limbed prostration before and after doing their meditations. During prostration ground is touched by men of all religions. The buddhists of Vajrayana school claim that the karmic impurities are eliminated by prostration. Pride is best destroyed by submission and surrender to Allah or Buddha.

    The process of prayer of a Tibetan buddhist is marked by the rotation of a prayer wheel (a cylindrical metal rotating about an axis and containing the written words of the prayers).

    Prayers are conducted inside the temples as well as inside the private homes. However, the public prayers are more useful than the private prayers. The precepts and other teachings of buddha are mentioned by the worshippers during their prayer service.

    The prayer- formulae is repeated several times by the buddhists. During the prayer services holy mantras are recited by the buddhists. During prayers buddhists say: Homage to Buddha, the Worthy One. Buddhists frequently say: I seek refuge in Buddha, I seek refuge in Dharma and I seek refuge in Sangha.

    It should be noted that Dhamma is a universal impersonal principle of the universe.

    The Absolute is a superhuman impersonal consciousness. The taoists say that Tao is beyond the reach of prayers and no prayer is made by the taoists.

    Thanks are given to buddha. Holy verses of the buddhist scriptures are recited during the prayer ritual.

    Buddhists, hindus and muslims believe that our prayers are heard and answered by the Supreme Power and a helping hand is extended to the worshipper.

    The common consent argument given for the existence of God or some supernatural power is accepted by all men, of all times, of all places and of all religions.

    The opening of a buddhist prayer is made by reading the Lotus Sutra.

    Prayers are conducted individually as well as collectively in groups.

    Mental and physical sufferings belong to the world of phenomena. Prayers and rituals belong to the world of noumena. There is no direct link between the spiritual order and the physical realm. However, the noumenon is hidden inside every man. Buddhists, hindus and muslims believe in the magical powers of prayers. The efficacy of prayers is limited to the spiritual side of the life of every man. Buddhist monks wrongly believe that by chanting hymns they can save themselves from snake bites. There is no connection between the prayer ritual and worldly things. God and prayers belong to the spiritual realm and poverty or plenty belongs to the physical realm. There is no direct link between the two realms.B uddha rejected the advantages of prayers. Good conduct is created by a fear of God.

    Sacrifice of animals are offered as a homage to God. We should a blind faith in a God or some supernatural power. During the ancient days hindus used to make animal sacrifices by uttering hymns from Vedas. Hindus used to kill goats and other animals with an aim to please gods and seek from them progeny, wealth and other things. Jews and Muslims also make animal sacrifices. The aim of sacrifices was to make a act of charity of meat. Superstitious people believe that God can be pleased by making sacrifices and material rewards are given by God for making sacrifices.

    Spinoza asked people to have an intellectual love of God. An intellectual love of Buddha is better than sacrifices.

    The Tibetan prayer:-Buddhists in Tibet say: Om mani padme hum. This is a six-syllable holy mantra uttered in Tibet by the buddhists. During the prayer service a prayer wheel is rotated by the buddhists. Om means that god is hidden inside the ego. The word ma is uttered for getting protection from lust or asuras and the word ni is used to indicate a control over human passions. The word pad is uttered for the removal of ignorance and the word me is spoken for getting protection from hungry ghosts. The word hum is uttered with a belief that wisdom will save the worshippers from hell. Aum or Om is a spiritual symbol of Lord Buddha (Ultimate Reality). Buddhists claim that our sins can not be forgiven by God. Oaths are also taken for abstaining from new sins.

    There is no priestcraft in buddhism. Christians believe that a priest can forgive our sins. Sins are erased by making prayers. An inner cleansing is done and felt by making prayers and seeking forgiveness.

    Prayers and charity are regarded by the muslims as a kind of purification. The followers of all religions say that sins are cleansed by prayers and charity.

    It is generally accepted that monks have got a greater sanctity than the laymen. Buddhists have to make a confession of their sins in the open public. Buddhists show repentance for wrong deeds done by a man and they also show repentance for having wrong views. The followers of Japanese Pure Land sect believe that Amitabha Buddha has got power to cancel our sins and he can save us from worldly desires, attachment, anger and other evils. A buddhist monk has to make his confession before a group of 20 senior monks. A belief in the supernatural powers of the priests was rejected by buddhism. Every buddhist is his own priest. Generally clerical duties and worship ceremony are performed by the priests.

    Christians believe in the sacramental powers of the priests. A belief in the pardoning power of the priest is rejected by Islam and Sikhism and they say that our sins can only be forgiven by God.

    Christians confess their sins before a priest and their confession of sins is not done be in the open public. Prayers save us from new sins and the intensity of the pangs of conscience created by our past sins is reduced. Deadly sins are erased by making prayers and a man gets freedom from the guilt feeling. An Islamic prayer is marked by a declaration that Allah is most merciful and most forgiving. Some Buddhists make prayers by remaining sitting in their chairs. Muslim make prayers by kneeling and sajda. Muslims, Hindus and buddhists are the people of the beads. The name of God is remembered and counted with the help of prayer beads. Buddhists say: Thou are the possessor of a holy diamond, a jewel and a Lotus Hum. The people of Tibet believe in the miraculous powers of prayers and they also believe that prayers save a man from rebirth. The worshippers of all religions claim that sins are erased by making prayers.

    Buddhists do not make prayers to any God. There is no God in buddhism and Jainism. Majority of the buddhists worship Lord Buddha as God. God buddha is different from the historical buddha.

    Chinese and Japanese Buddhists believe that Amitabha Buddha emanated from eternal Lord Buddha. Amitabha is the ruler of the Pure Land paradise and prayers are made to him. Buddhists also worship a large number of Bodhisattvas and they claim that the Bodhisattvas will come back on earth and take birth as a living Buddha. Buddha was against a worship of gods.

    A prayer made in vernacular language is more useful than a prayer made in arabic, hebrew, sanskrit and other foreign languages. Majority of the worshippers say their prayers without understanding their meanings.

    Aristotle said that there can not be any friendship between a man and God. Chinese do not make prayer to Tao and they say that there can be be no contact between a man and tao. Muslims say that prayer is a talk with God.

    The content of prayers:-

    Generally the followers of all religions make prayers in fixed forms of worship. A new energy is created by making use of new words in the petition to Lord Buddha.

    Prayers can be made successfully only to a personal or sensible being and prayers can not be made properly to an impersonal God or force similar to the force of gravity.

    Prayers are marked by giving thanks to God. Prayers creates a feeling that we are absolutely depend upon God. A prayer for getting right guidance and transcendental knowledge is better than a prayer for getting wealth and other things of the world.

    During prayers the ethical and metaphysical attributes of God are mentioned. Mahayana buddhism is a vehicle of mantras.

    Some people claim that silent prayers are more effective than the prayers made in a loud voice.

    The advantages of prayers:-

    A sense of social unity or cohesion is created by the congregational prayers.

    Good conduct is created by making prayers. During the wars prayers are frequently made and an internal strength is created by remembering the name of God. A man becomes pure and holy by the repetition of the holy names.

    Hindus make prayers to Brahma and other deities. Polytheism was created by Rig veda.

    Prayers are made by Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims to an external God. During the month of Ramadan crimes are reduced. The strength of the will is best created by making prayers and a man becomes persistent in his efforts. Anxiety, depression and a feeling of helplessness are best removed by making prayers to God. Pride is best destroyed by submission and surrender to Allah. During prayers a worshipper enjoys an exalted state of mind. During an Islamic prayer a king and a beggar stands in the same row and a sense of equality of all men is created by prayers. Buddhism also tell us that all men are equal. Mohammed asked muslims to face danger by making prayers. Lord Buddha is at a higher rank or plane than the worshippers. Fear of death is best destroyed by reciting prayers. A sense of hopelessness is also destroyed by having a personal relations with God. During prayers we feel that we are not alone in the world and God is with us.

    The literal meanings of buddhist

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