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The Evolution of a Reiki Master
The Evolution of a Reiki Master
The Evolution of a Reiki Master
Ebook112 pages1 hour

The Evolution of a Reiki Master

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Unable to suppress her emotions anymore, Jo Anns thoughts were becoming clearer. Individuality returned, and repressing her psychic gifts was no longer an option. The cancer remained a humble reminder of her fragile mortality.
Release dateMar 14, 2017
The Evolution of a Reiki Master

Jo Ann Schwetz Mehnert

Jo Ann Mehnert was born in Amsterdam, New York and raised in Brooklyn and Queens. Jo Ann now lives and works on Long Island. She married in the 70’s, had two sons and eventually divorced after 25 years. Recognizing her gifts at an early age, she would periodically shelve them until her cancer diagnosis in 1994. Kicking and screaming, she was brought ‘back into the fold’. Her gifts have grown and developed to make her the Reiki Master she is today.

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    The Evolution of a Reiki Master - Jo Ann Schwetz Mehnert


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    © 2017 Jo Ann Schwetz Mehnert. All rights reserved.

    Edited by Linda Chong Haber

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  03/13/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-7505-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-7504-2 (e)

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    Pre-Reiki Background

    First Reiki Experiences

    Reiki Level I


    Kwan Yin

    Another Miracle

    Level II

    Animals And Plants

    Reiki Marathon


    Healing Masses

    Level III – Master/Teacher Level






    Angels And Guides


    Like Attracts Like

    Reiki Healing Practice





    Information For Surgical Team

    Obtaining Permission To Be Part Of The Surgical Team

    Reiki Requirements


    What You Might Expect








    Note to the reader: The stories in this book are based on actual experiences. Names have been changed to preserve privacy. This book is not intended to give advice for the treatment of a particular illness. It is one person’s experience with Reiki as an adjunctive therapy to conventional medical approaches. It is suggested that the reader seek the expertise of a trained professional to treat any serious ailment.

    In all cases, the author had made efforts to contact and obtain permission from the people appearing in this book.


    I was diverted from my life’s path and it took a cancer diagnosis to lead me to Reiki and put my life back on the right track. Reiki caused profound positive changes in my life. I developed the confidence to say ‘no’ to the things that were not supporting my life in a positive way. As I examined my beliefs and feelings, I became self-empowered. Gone was the victim role of my past. Today Reiki continues to enhance every area of my life, embellishing my teaching skills, adding to my psychic abilities, and deepening my spiritual development. Life still has its good and bad moments but understanding the larger picture does a lot towards keeping me grounded.

    I am not very different from the average person – I was married, young in my opinion, at 22 years of age. Two sons and 25 years later, in my late 40’s, I was divorced and re-entered single life. I am ecstatic to be heading towards ‘old age’ but not happy about all the wrinkles and body changes that go along with aging. I have a wonderful supportive circle of friends who have shared in my happiness and cried with me when I could not face the world.

    My purpose in writing this book is to give the reader insight into the personal development of a Reiki Master. Here you will learn the personal motivations and emotional experiences in The Evolution of a Reiki Master.

    This book is divided into three parts. The first part describes my journey with Reiki and how it has been a path of fulfillment for me. The second part of this book is a small compilation of personal experiences that have been a result of my heightened psychic senses. Finally, the third part of this book describes my Reiki experience in the surgical arena.

    To my Sons

    Edward and James


    My family of Friends

    Who have sustained me through thick and thin!



    It was early December 1994 and the Hematologist told me I had an incurable cancer. It was not one of the more common cancers I was familiar with, but rather a rare blood disorder called polycythemia vera and essential thrombocytosis – a myeloproliferative disease. After that mouthful of a diagnosis, I felt the Doctor could have just said supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, and it would have made just as much sense. This condition is a red cell and platelet disorder that has no known cause and is not hereditary. In polycythemia vera, the blood becomes thickened with too many red blood cells and platelets may also increase. These extra blood cells may collect in the spleen and cause it to swell. The increased number of red blood cells or platelets in the blood can cause bleeding problems and make clots form in blood vessels. This can increase the risk of stroke or heart attack.

    I was 45 years old and in seemingly good health. I displayed no symptoms. It was fortuitous that my Gynecologist did a blood panel and found the discrepancies in my bloodwork and sent me to a Hematologist. The Hematologist did a bone marrow aspiration to confirm the diagnosis. I needed to tell my two boys, ages 13 and 17, that I could die at any time or according to statistics live another 13.5 years.

    Well, I am now 68 years old, still going pretty strong – over 20 years later. I continue with my practices of Reiki, Yoga and Tai Chi. Dieting Disciplines are not my strongest point, so I have used moderation as my mantra. I have eliminated red meat entirely and limited my intake of cured and processed foods, reserving them for celebratory occasions. I incorporate macrobiotics and ayurvedic recipes approximately two times a week. I am in the practice of taking several supplements, vitamins and herbs, daily. And, I still go clubbing once a week! Go Figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My good fortune has not come without tribulations. There have been many times that my blood counts have risen to dangerous levels and threats of chemo which have sent me right into a downward spiral of depression. Many times the elevated counts create a domino effect causing my body to react with other symptoms. My weak points are my sinuses and my teeth and gums.

    The depression that I feel is always difficult. It feels as though I fight every day to stay in good health, and then I get slammed against a wall AGAIN.

    Presently, my battle is with my white blood cell counts. The elevated levels may be the onset of leukemia which is the usual course of my disease. Unfortunately, ‘unnecessary stress’ can cause my counts to elevate to dangerous

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