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50 Practical Ways You Can Help the Homeless
50 Practical Ways You Can Help the Homeless
50 Practical Ways You Can Help the Homeless
Ebook44 pages33 minutes

50 Practical Ways You Can Help the Homeless

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Have you driven past someone standing at an intersection with a sign that reads homeless, anything helps? Did you want to help but just didnt know what to do or where to start?

In Fifty Practical Ways You Can Help the Homeless, author Travis Sharpe answers those questions. He presents fifty practical ways you can help someone who is experiencing homelessness. These insightful tips offer a valuable guide for those who want to reach out for the first time or the person who desires to take their assistance for someone a little further.

It focuses on helping individuals with tangible needs like food, water, and shelter as well as other needs like finding a job or learning how to use technological and other community resources. But Sharpe also gives a reminder that homeless individuals also need a helping hand of the heart, soul, and mind, and sharing the gospel message of Christ can also buttress their efforts to find stability.

Fifty Practical Ways You Can Help the Homeless puts Sharpes many years of experience into actionable and practical steps you can use now to be a blessing to someone in need.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 10, 2017
50 Practical Ways You Can Help the Homeless

Travis Sharpe

Travis Sharpe has devoted his life to ministering to the homeless and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is most passionate about helping people in pain and leading them into a relationship with Jesus Christ. After receiving Christ as his savior in 1994, he soon sensed God’s calling to become a preacher. It was during his first year of Bible college that he had his first interaction with a small group of homeless men and women. That encounter changed the course of his life and ministry. Throughout his four years of college, he led a homeless ministry that grew each year. After his marriage to April in 1998, they applied and were accepted as missionaries with Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples, Inc. In 2001 they began the Garden City Rescue Mission in Augusta, Georgia, and led that ministry until they sensed another calling in 2009. With a desire to minister to homeless and displaced persons on a global scale, Travis began Unsheltered International in 2011. Under his leadership, this new ministry now reaches needy people in more than a dozen states. In 2015 the first international ministry was started in the Philippines. Unsheltered International Philippines has a staff that ministers daily to street children and homeless families. Travis holds a master’s degree in pastoral theology from Victory Baptist College and a doctorate degree in pastoral counseling from Andersonville Theological Seminary. He travels extensively throughout the US and foreign countries, speaking in missions, conferences, and revivals. He regularly answers the call to assist churches and missionaries who want to learn more about homeless ministry. For the Sharpes, ministry is a family affair. His two children, Hunter and Sarah, are very much involved in the daily work with their mom and dad. As a family, the Sharpes live overseas several months each year. Home base is a small farm in Logan, Alabama. They are members of Temple Baptist Church in Cullman, Alabama. When he is not on the mission field, Travis enjoys bass fishing, especially in rivers and creeks. Give him a kayak and a fishing pole, and he might disappear for several days! Contact Travis Sharpe: Unsheltered International P. O. Box 2625 Cullman, AL 35056

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    50 Practical Ways You Can Help the Homeless - Travis Sharpe

    Copyright © 2017 Travis Sharpe.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-9368-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-9367-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017910056

    WestBow Press rev. date: 06/30/2017




    Section 1 Acts of Kindness

    Section 2 A Hand up

    Section 3 Sharing Your Faith

    Section 4 Going the Extra Mile

    Some Advice as You Put These Suggestions into Action

    About the Author

    He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.

    —Proverbs 28:27


    This book is dedicated to all the men and women I have met and become friends with since my first encounter with people who were experiencing homelessness in 1996. You have been an encouragement to me and helped me to understand that you have hopes and dreams—just as I do.

    You have taught me to love, respect, and appreciate people without regard to their plights or economic status. Many of you have helped me as much as anyone else ever has. You have been friends to me, and I am eternally grateful.


    W hen I first began to help the homeless men and women of Augusta, Georgia, in 1996, I was both scared and mesmerized. I found myself going to places where I had never gone before and talking to people whom I had never before acknowledged. I found myself constantly drawn to my new friends. Most of them led lives that were drastically different from mine—yet we became friends. I quickly discovered I had more in common with the average homeless person than I had ever imagined.

    As I continued to visit in the downtown area of the city week after week, most of my friends thought I was crazy. Many of them told me that I was wasting my time, but I felt differently. I knew

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