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Let’S Get Stoned: Using Stones and Crystals to Create a Life That Rocks!
Let’S Get Stoned: Using Stones and Crystals to Create a Life That Rocks!
Let’S Get Stoned: Using Stones and Crystals to Create a Life That Rocks!
Ebook107 pages55 minutes

Let’S Get Stoned: Using Stones and Crystals to Create a Life That Rocks!

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About this ebook

Enter here to learn how to think about using stones and crystals as tools for your journey. You may have heard the point of our journey is to experience a life of joy. Lets Get Stoned teaches you where stones and crystals can help play a part in living your joyful life.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 25, 2017
Let’S Get Stoned: Using Stones and Crystals to Create a Life That Rocks!

Robyn Vie-Carpenter

My mission is to: Be out. Spread love. Teach joy. Crediting her 20+ years of using stone and crystal energy combined with what she calls the 5 Principles of Joy, for her ability to continually find the light in the darkness. Saying working with stones took her from two evictions, a job loss and a breakup in (6) months’ time to writing a book about joy, living her dream life and meeting the love of her life, Robyn Vie Carpenter truly has created a life that rocks! Don’t call it a comeback, call it an evolution! Robyn has been happily married for over four years and living with her wusband, Veronica, in the Bay Area. Let’s Get Stoned is Robyn’s first book.

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    Let’S Get Stoned - Robyn Vie-Carpenter

    Copyright © 2017 Robyn Vie-Carpenter.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-8201-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-8203-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017914867

    Balboa Press rev. date: 10/25/2017

    In creating this book, I have broken the chain of incomplete books trailing behind me. For this, I am truly grateful. It was because of Jenn August’s encouragement and support that I even considered writing it, she rocks! It was because of Kim Trenka Hoog’s editorial encouragement and Dave Maddox’s countless hours filled with thousands of words, ellipses after ellipses, that it got edited. It is because of the irreverent and creative enthusiasm of Kathleen Phaneuf-Lorraine that I have my fabulous cover and inside art. It is because of the leaders and volunteers of Oklevueha Native American Church of South Bay that I was given the opportunity to contribute my time and talent to something spiritually important and their willingness to support me during this process. It is because of Brooklyn and the alter money, plus love for a film about Love made by my personal rock star, Rocco. Thank you, thank you, thank you Rev. Andriette Earl and everyone at Heart and Soul Center of Light for the gift of Divine Rememberance and the joy of being in service to a vision, love matters. And finally because of Veronica Brisco’s continued love and unwavering support that I had the time, energy and belief to write it. For this and so much more, I am truly grateful.

    Declaration of Gratitude

    My Love

    My Parents

    My Siblings

    My Friends

    My Teachers

    My Challenges & Triumphs

    My Detractors & Distractors

    My life in all of its dark and light places

    You have all encouraged me, believed in me and lifted me up so I could fly

    For this, I am truly grateful.


    Chapter 1—No Joints, No Judgment

    Chapter 2—Everything Begins with Gratitude

    Chapter 3—What’s Joy Got to Do with It?

    Chapter 4—Is That a Stone in Your Pocket or …

    Chapter 5—Decisions, Decisions

    Chapter 6—What Do Stones Eat Anyway?

    Chapter 7—Where Do You Get It, Who Do You Ask?


    No Joints, No Judgment

    Welcome friends! I’m so glad that you’ve chosen this guide to help you on your journey.

    Just a bit of housekeeping – as it says above, we have no cannabis. This is not a book about cannabis. If that’s what you’re here for, sorry. You might as well keep reading since you already bought the book.

    Secondly, as my mother pointed out when I first told her the title, we will not be judging people or stoning ourselves here. There will be no statements about getting better, fixing yourself or being broken in any way. We all have a journey. Yours is yours and mine is mine. We are all the stars of our own stories and no matter what challenges life brings, you can always count on your powerful spirit to keep you going. You can always do a comeback tour.

    I first started learning about using the energy in stones to enhance my own energy when I was in my late twenties in New York City, in a store in the West Village. I was ooing and ahhing over jewelry when I picked up an amber ring. The woman behind the counter took out a book and started reading the properties of amber – Increases life force … finding inner freedom … energetic protection from negative forces (Source: The Pocket Book of Stones). I was like Sign me up. I want all of that. I’ll take it. In hindsight, it was a great way to sell jewelry.

    Salesmanship aside, the experience opened my eyes to the idea that there is something very precious in semi-precious stones. Something more precious than their financial value. Until then, I looked at everything other than a diamond as being a space holder until my diamonds arrived. The day I put on that amber ring was the day my Hippie Diva was born. It was the first day I began to consciously work with the energy of stones.

    Since then I have learned a great deal more about the power of stones and crystals. I have learned how to find healing of body and spirit. I have learned how to create the life I dreamed of. I have learned to create a life that rocks.

    It was while sitting in a weekend workshop run by my friend Jenn August, I realized that it was time to write this guide. I decided to write it because of the numerous conversations I find myself in with friends and strangers about stones over the years. It happens no matter where I am: in the security line at the airport talking to a TSA agent, at the farmer’s market buying my greens for salad, with the librarian of a school I was touring, at 30,000 feet with the pilot sitting next to me – conversations about stones come up. I’m never really sure how it happens, it just happens. Regardless of where the conversation starts, we inevitably end up talking about stones.

    Once you get me started, I have a hard time stopping. I think that’s why people are so willing to ask me questions. I’m very open about my connection to stones and openly descriptive about the role they play in my daily life.

    I figure if I have this conversation everywhere I go, it would be more useful to write it down so people can read it for themselves. There are a lot of people with questions and I simply don’t have enough time to talk to everyone.

    So, following is my offering to help you on your journey. It is my hope that you

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