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Secret Seductions: Letters of Lustful Intentions & Impulsive Desires
Secret Seductions: Letters of Lustful Intentions & Impulsive Desires
Secret Seductions: Letters of Lustful Intentions & Impulsive Desires
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Secret Seductions: Letters of Lustful Intentions & Impulsive Desires

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About this ebook

Venture into a world where a woman anonymously entices a man purely with explicit and sexually seductive letters driving both him and her over the edge until she decides to reveal who she is.

A secret admirer grows into a lover and then some as these two explore the way their carnal, impulsive desire for each other grows into lustful intentions with explosive details.

These letters were really sent to someone.

Use a letter to entice your significant other.

You never know . . .

You may find yourself having lustful intentions and following impulsive desires . . .

Release dateJul 3, 2017
Secret Seductions: Letters of Lustful Intentions & Impulsive Desires

Cyn Hazel

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    Secret Seductions - Cyn Hazel

    Copyright © 2017 Cyn Hazel.

    Cover Image courtesy of Cyn Hazel

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-2728-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-2729-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017910333

    iUniverse rev. date: 06/30/2017


    Intro Letter

    First Letter

    Second Letter

    Third Letter

    Fourth Letter

    His First Letter to Her

    Fifth Letter

    Sixth Letter

    Seventh Letter

    Eighth Letter

    Ninth Letter

    Tenth Letter

    Eleventh Letter

    Twelfth Letter

    Thirteenth Letter

    Fourteenth Letter

    Fifteenth Letter

    Sixteenth Letter

    Seventeenth Letter

    Eighteenth Letter

    Nineteenth Letter

    Twentieth Letter

    Twenty-First Letter

    Twenty-Second Letter

    Twenty-Third Letter

    His Second Letter to Her

    Intro Letter

    Can you handle the truth?

    I wish I could tell you. I wish I had the nerve. I wish you could see. I write to you because the truth is I’m afraid I’ll slip and say … and say …

    You have no idea how hard it is to want you but feel like you don’t want me the same way. You have no idea the battle I fight between wanting to believe you and wanting to doubt you every day. You have no idea how much more than my sexual desire I want to give you. You have no idea the restraint it takes to pretend that this war doesn’t rage inside me at the simplest sound of your voice or a glance at your smile.

    I wish you knew just how badly I want to be with you. I wish I could tell you how much I want to lie in your arms. I wish I could wake up to you every day. I wish I weren’t so afraid to tell you that I am falling in love with you and it scares me.

    But … you confuse me. I confuse me. The only real thing I know is I wish you knew.

    We can start here because you do have a clue about the types of dreams and fantasies I have. And now you know how much they include you. You have an idea of how badly I want to fuck you and scream your name as I cream all over your dick. You know exactly how many times I’ve fucked myself while calling your name. Because you’ve read these letters already. They are all addressed and e-mailed to you. You probably thought that they were just a part of this book. And initially they were. But something changed. And now these letters are proof of how many times I’ve loved myself to thoughts of you.

    I hope one day we move beyond this. But these letters … these letters are pieces of me especially written for you and shared for the world to see. Because now our world knows that, to me, I belong … to you.

    First Letter

    Hey, you,

    I’ve been wanting to fuck you for a while now. To feel the size of your cock wrapped in my warmth, knowing somehow that it will fill me. I’ve been waiting to feel the veins that I know are hidden there. Something about the way you walk and move tells me it will be the best-awaited ride.

    See—I want to fuck you with my clothes on. I want to be in a public place when I wrap your rock with my softness, lights shining on us so brightly I can feel them burning through my clothes. I can feel them now as my nipples tense and my pussy juices pour out onto my lips—lips that I want to slide along your shaft, teasing it with my wetness.

    Every time I plan to see you, I make sure to leave behind two vital pieces of clothes that hide my desire for you: my bra that hides my tightly puckered nipples, and my panties that collect my juices. I should be embarrassed by the puddle created in my clothes, but you never seem to notice. That all ends tonight.

    Tonight, I’m getting ready to see you at our friends’ party. Will you recognize me? Do you think you know who I am?

    I’ve made sure everything is smooth, soft, and sweet-smelling. I’ve picked out the perfect outfit, a simple maxi dress that hugs my body and moves as I move. I have picked out the sexiest FMPs—fuck-me pumps—so when I climb into your lap, you have something other than my ass to hold on to as I ride you to a spectacular finish. The dress has two high slits, one on each leg, that expose everything but the space I’m holding for you. I hope you’re ready. I’ve been wanting this for so long now that I’m already gushing. My nipples are already taut with the anticipation of having your hands and fingers make me a new bra.

    If you figure out who I am tonight, I want to be ready. I’m not going to wear panties as usual. There will be at least three other women in very similar outfits. Only I’ve altered mine to look different.

    If you figure it out, tonight will be our first time together. Most people want their first time to be sweet. But your lips call out the animal in me. Your eyes tell me you think I’m out of your league. But I know you have a knack for beast taming. How else would you hide yours so well?

    No. I don’t want you to see me naked yet. I just want you inside me. I want to see your bewildered expression as I straddle you. I want to whisper in your ear about the panties I left behind as I undo your buckle and begin stroking you. I don’t want to suck you. I don’t want you to eat me. I just want to fuck you. I think about sitting in your lap and feeling you glide inside me. I want to feel your grip on my hips and your breath on my neck as I try to control

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