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Help! I’M Losing My Identity: Discovering Purpose-Fulfilling Destiny Series
Help! I’M Losing My Identity: Discovering Purpose-Fulfilling Destiny Series
Help! I’M Losing My Identity: Discovering Purpose-Fulfilling Destiny Series
Ebook69 pages58 minutes

Help! I’M Losing My Identity: Discovering Purpose-Fulfilling Destiny Series

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This book is about the reality that leaves no one out. Its the question everyone has to answer for themselves, and its about discovering the purpose for your existence and how to fulfill your destiny. It is a timely piece, as some people fail to fulfill their purpose.
This book unravels the reality of your unique existence, guides you, and encourages you to take your place in your destiny, no matter how far you have come.
Life truly begins when you discover your purpose. Until you discover your purpose, the essence of your existence remains unknown. However, its never too late to begin the journey to your destiny. Start where you are now, and stay on course to your destiny. This is what this book is all about.
This book is a must read for every young person, as well as every adult.
Release dateAug 15, 2017
Help! I’M Losing My Identity: Discovering Purpose-Fulfilling Destiny Series

Joshua O. Olumefun

Joshua O. Olumefun is an ordained minister of the gospel, called by God with the mandate to reach out with the power of the gospel to recover lost territories and establish godly seeds among generations. He has a clear-cut calling, and his dynamic ministry helps young people discover their purpose and fulfil their destiny. He is passionate about winning souls and the movement of the Holy Spirit. He is a gifted teacher of the word of God and ministers with clarity and simplicity to different nations. He has served at different levels of ministry as a pastor, pioneering youth church pastor, youth minister, workers coordinator, joint Christian campus fellowship president, and fellowship president, among others. He is an alumni of L.I.F.E theological seminary, where he obtained a bachelor of theology in pastoral studies. He is a graduate of computer science and other trained qualifications. He is passionate about his ministry and blessed with a godly wife and blessed children.

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    Help! I’M Losing My Identity - Joshua O. Olumefun

    2017 Joshua O. Olumefun. All rights reserved.

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scripture quotations marked TLB are taken from The Living Bible copyright © 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Published by AuthorHouse 08/15/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-8098-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-8097-2 (e)

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    dedicate this book to the Almighty God, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the author of life and truth.


    And Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.

    —1 Samuel 17:33

    Pastor Joshua is a young minister of God who is imbued with the qualities of a great leader for his generation. Having mentored a lot of young men to the fulfilment of their destinies for over twenty-five years myself, I can recognise God’s grace wherever I find it. The grace of God is upon him. Then, this book is very timely; the body of Christ needs a dose of truth at a time like this, when things are falling apart in the world and a lot of the youth are losing their directions based on wrong decisions and value systems. From the passage I started with above, Saul discouraged David from taking the challenge that would change his destiny forever because he himself never faced and conquered any such challenge. If you want to be able to kill giants in your future, go under a giant killer for training and mentoring. A non-giant killer can never train you to kill one.

    Never stop an adventurer of faith. If Goliath had been a champion from his youth, I think the more reason we should allow our youth to start putting their faith to practice from their youth; they will become stronger as they go. As they go, they will grow.

    May you be richly blessed as you read this book. Be expecting more to come after this. God bless you.

    Louis Olufemi Ogundare

    President, Cloven Tongues of Fire Ministry

    Akure, Nigeria


    The journey of writing this book has been that of teamwork, partnership, and support, and I specially appreciate everyone whose involvement and role in this journey has made this vision a reality.

    This has been a journey of discovery, and joining with you guys has made this journey more fun-filled, adventurous, and fulfilling.

    I have had to learn, relearn, and unlearn in the process of putting this vision together, and I believe your challenges, achievements, struggles, development, and experiences among others all contributed to this process.

    I say thank you to my friend, Pastor Samuel Olatunbosun, who took time to read through this work, and after all said, Pastor Joshua Olumefun is a vessel of inspiration, impact, and great blessing to multiple hundreds of people. In reading this book of his, I consider it an extension of the Bible in giving doubtless solutions to the situations of many generations in identity discovery and repositioning. With this book, I strongly believe that your identity will be properly built and will trigger you for destiny fulfilment. I am glad to recommend this book to you folks out there to study it for a restructuring of your identity in Christ.

    I appreciate the various platforms where I have had the opportunity to share these principles and see many lives transformed as a result of this, before publishing this work.

    I celebrate the gift of my precious, loving, and God-loving wife, Peace, whose unrelenting support, help, and love inspire me to fulfil my destiny.

    To our beautiful and loving princesses, Faith and Divine, I say thank you for being a part of our journey at such a time as this; you have been a gift to us indeed.

    And to you, I say thank you for

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