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The Perfect Daycare Provider Tells All
The Perfect Daycare Provider Tells All
The Perfect Daycare Provider Tells All
Ebook91 pages1 hour

The Perfect Daycare Provider Tells All

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Is there such a thing as perfection? Probably not. But, have you ever wondered if you do enough with your child? If you have long workdays and are exhausted when you get home, then you might not read your child their book before bedtime. Does that make you feel bad? Maybe you think No one can help care for your child better than yourself. If you hear daycare, what do you think? Negative or positive? Do you blame others for your mistakes? If you are willing to learn about what others like us can do for your child, then you have made a wonderful choice. You have decided to begin a journey that will only lead to greatness for your child and yourself as a parent. Do you have an open mind? Lets see.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 19, 2017
The Perfect Daycare Provider Tells All

Michelle McLellan

Michelle McLellan has been a successful daycare provider for almost two decades. Michelle chose her career in childcare because she loved working with children starting with her own since 1998. being a single mother for thirteen years, raising three babies to toddlers to teenagers to adults alone was a challenge. Yet a successful journey for her. Along with working fifty hours a week, in school and writing a book, she says “If this can be done then anything can be done” All of her positive energy is contagious. she says, You can do anything you want to. Michelle’s interests include, Astrology, Yoga, Intelligence, Science, Art, Teaching and Learning. Michelle has always written short stories and poems since middle school. Michelle’s passion is to inspire everyone to find their Inner Peace. She says, Life is like a bike keep on pedaling, If you fall off get right back on. Everything is possible. Michelle was born in Boston, Massachusetts and still resides there.

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    Book preview

    The Perfect Daycare Provider Tells All - Michelle McLellan



    We Love Your Kids

    A day care provider is not a babysitter. We are licensed through the state. To get our licensures, we had to take classes and accumulate hours. And we continue to do so all year round—classes that we have to pay for. We also have rules to follow.

    We love your children. We teach them how to walk, talk, clap, eat, sing, write, read, tie their shoes, get dressed, wash their hands, brush their teeth, and so much more. Most of all, we teach them how to be happy with themselves through confidence, independence, and happiness. Are these things important? Well they are important to your child. So yes they should be important to all of us.

    So as hard as your job is and as much as you have to work, remember this applies to us also.

    After almost twenty years of being a day care provider it has taught me the joy of teaching babies to toddlers to kids. It’s the greatest job to some of us, sometimes parents think our job is nothing compared to theirs which never makes sense to us. Who’s us? Us is a group of day care providers who work together and/or share our experiences.

    We have seen it all after all our combined years as daycare providers—including all different kinds of children and families. We’ve seen great children, troubled children, loving parents, and not-so-loving parents. And we’ve seen families who blame the daycare provider for things they should’nt. People sometimes need to blame someone to alleviate their own guilt. So why not blame the day care provider But we still sincerely believe in your children. And believe in working together.

    Do you relate to any of this? Is this book common sense? If so, there are these and many more questions and topics to discuss.

    Let’s go.


    A Day in Day Care

    O ur daily schedule includes the following activi ties:

    Free play – Your child can play freely for twenty minutes.

    Music time – piano, flute, harmonica, microphone

    Center time – Your child picks a center from the shelf. Centers include things like dinosaurs, a computer, blocks, letters, shapes, a doctor kit, the build-a-cake center, Mr. Potato Head, puzzles, fishing, pound a ball, or cashier.

    Reading/circle time – One child picks one book each, and we read as a group.

    Curriculum – Children ages three and up have a place at our table to do their work. Our curriculum consists of matching pairs, shapes, letters, and numbers. In addition, children work on name writing, adding, subtracting, what objects go with what, and money counting.

    Craft time – Craft time consists of painting, stamping, Play-Doh, stenciling, coloring, markers, crayons, and clay.

    Outdoor time – Outdoor time consists of bikes, chalk, bubbles, water, the jungle gym, jump rope, hula hoops, and basketball.

    Baking – cakes, cupcakes, and muffins which they all get to participate in.

    Throughout the day, and the schedule also includes breakfast in the morning, an a.m. snack, lunch, and a p.m. snack.

    We provide it all!



    I n an interview, we meet with you to talk about how we work. Hopefully, we’ll feel some good vibes between each other. Everything is explained in detail—about how we run our business and how well your child will be cared for. When you really get to know us, you’ll see it’s over the top. Our job is always the result of a commitment to pure excellence.

    But the interview isn’t just for you. It’s for us, too! We’re interviewing you, also, which I don’t think many parents realize. If you decide you don’t like a place, you don’t go to it, right? It works similarly for us. It’s an opportunity for us to see and hear what kind of person you are. If we don’t connect with you or we don’t feel you would work well with us, we may say no. So if during the interview you are wondering, Will I like her? Can I trust her? believe me, we’re wondering the same about you. Connection is important.



    W e provide a contract for you to read and sign. This contract informs you of our rules, times, and rates. It also asks about any allergies your child might have. It provides information about how we run our day care and what we provide for your children. We advise you to take it home and really read through it. Then fill it out thoroughly and sign.

    If you don’t read it sign it and, in a few weeks/months or even a year later might feel confused and ask us why something is the way it is. You signed the contract, so our questions or thoughts to you might be, "Did you read the contract? We all forget things but,

    We are organized professionals who run a business that includes intelligent planning and is focused on extreme effort. We love and care for your child. We stay focused on keeping things as simple as possible.



    F or mothers who are nursing their babies and want to send them to day care, here’s some advice: Do yourself, your baby, and us a

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