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The Good, the Bad and Evil
The Good, the Bad and Evil
The Good, the Bad and Evil
Ebook237 pages2 hours

The Good, the Bad and Evil

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This is a fiction story. The story is science fi ction horror, I call it. Also you have hiphop poetry from what we call the hood. You get plenty of drama combined with the science fi ction horror. The book is loaded with action. There is never a dull moment until the end of the story when peace is fi nally the result. Racial tension is one of the focus points as well as blacks and whites who are close friends. Fighting, wars, bloodshed, drugs, sex are all here in one story. The book also consist of R&B LOVE SONGS, GANGSTA, UNDERGROUND, HARDCORE, DIRTY SOUTH, POP AND EVEN COUNTRY RAP. What I call HIP HOP LYRICS FROM THE HOOD. I can be heard on and
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 12, 2017
The Good, the Bad and Evil

Lil Ice

About the author I was born in Memphis,Tennessee in 1949. Attended Manassas High School until 1964. Moved to Chicago. Graduated from Crane High School. Turning down football scholarships and maybe a pro career because of my rebellious life style. Leaving Arizona Western to attend Malcolm X College and received two AA degrees. A BA degree from University of Massachusetts Amherst. First in my family to received a college degree. Grew up as friend with the Black Panthers Party. I have been in 3 near death experiences. The things that have the most affect in my life were the rioting when Martin Luther King was killed. Sitting on the back of the bus. Segregation and the not equal laws may have the greatest impact on my writing style. I write about what the world is really like and what I want to see the world become. My writing is not to offend but to show truth.

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    The Good, the Bad and Evil - Lil Ice


    I would like to share my story with the world. My name is not important. I was never given a name. I have used many names. The one thing I am not is the devil or Satan as he is called. Where I came from. Even I don’t know. I woke up one day and I was here. I was the first on earth. I was here before the dinosaurs. Here with the dinosaurs. Yes It was I in the minds of the first people on Earth. Some people confuse me with their conscience, but I am more. I am a living thing, a control freak you might say. Getting off on making your life a living hell. I feed off your suffering. I get stronger as I create evil. Humans are my life line that gives me my powers. I don’t know where I came from. I don’t know what I am. I don’t know if I am immortal or not. I just know I keep living. Have the abilities to regenerate my molecular structure whenever I am injured or even killed. I don’t seem to be able to stay dead. When I die I come back. I do age. Every 100 years I return back to the age of 12. So I am able to assume a normal life, except I can never bare kids. Never wanted any anyway. I hate kids. I have the abilities to put people under spells as you call it. Hypnotize maybe is a better choice. Change people into things that they would have never done. Change people who thoughts are maybe I will or maybe I want. Inside of every human. You have this bad and good in you. There is an on and off switch inside of everyone. I have the abilities to turn that switch on inside of either one of you sexually making you bisexually, lusting for sex with anyone. The abilities to make you commit crimes. Change you from evil to good or vise versus. For some reason I hate been good. I guess living so long. I have the abilities to change forms, changing from female to male. I can change into anything that is living, animals, insects, etc. If I am killed. I come back reincarnated. One of my greatest asset is that I am a telepathic. I am able to read your mind. I can read many minds at once. I have the abilities to million task as I call it. I can understand millions of minds at one time. That is why I can determine whose best to target to kill or commit the greatest crimes. I am reincarnated of reborn into the form I left in. I like drama more so then an everyday boring existence. But I love to see good people do all types of evil and then die. I hate humanity. Their selfishness, their bigotry, racism, their hate for one another gives me great pleasure. I am the driving force on all this police brutality. I don’t have the powers to make money but I can get in the minds of people to give me money or steal their money by changing into them. Of course I can get all your information in your mind to be you. Since I have been here a long time. I have accumulated wealth. I have had wives, but I find no use for one these days. Beware because my favorite past time is making ever one happy is the saying. Men and women alike. I get high off of making everyone sex addicts. Even thou I myself prefer women only. You know it doesn’t take much to do this. I find out most of the women already are willing participants. I create serial murders. My most powerful abilities would be having the power to be in the minds of million to suggest that they all do one single things. I was the one who influenced all those American people to vote for their new leader in 2016. I have been in that leader mind since his existence. I might be in your at this moment. I was there when 17 million Jews died. Then there I was The People’s Republic of China when 50 million died. Putting people in labor camp for execution. Starving people to death. Killing people just because they were considered dangerous thinkers, even having execution quotas. I was there in Russian doing the Great Terror purged all that opposed him killing millions because he was a paranoid fanatic. I was there in the 1800 in Belgium and the Congo when 10 million Africans were killed. Genocide that no one ever mention in history. That dictator today is still consider a hero. Mark Twain talk about this dictator but most of the world ignored his killing of blacks. Never comparing it to the holocaust. I was there in Japan when 5 million death doing World War 2. Evil thoughts into the minds powerful people is what makes me stronger. Without any of them knowing I have control their minds. One day I might be in your mind. Today I am in a small rural city in Alabama. Looking for some excitement. I am sure the town could use a little bit too. Right now I am driving down the street looking for a place to stay. I am looking for the finest hotel I can find. Not too many places inside the small town. I had a little luck. Nice lil quiet home for rent on Dauderdale Street across from one of their famous Church. Perfect place, right next to the Lord’s home. Nice quiet quaint place, white picket fences. Today is Saturday. Tomorrow I will put on my Sunday best and go meet the Pastor, Bishop, Priest, or minister. Today is Sunday. Sunday morning I head for church. I sit and listen to the Pastor. I am into the mind of all 70 or so souls in the church. I see that the pastor is lusting for several underage girls and a few married souls in his congregation. Having already having affairs with women in the town already. His wife not knowing, but she has been faithful to him. It want be hard to getting the pastor to do my work. He has already started down that dark road. I will just get him turned on to the opposite sex life also. Now I will surely have fun with his wife. They are a young couple. First, I myself will have his wife. The pastor sees me and ask me to stand and give my name. I stand and tell the congregation that my name is Epollos One. He said my name is an unusual name and refer to Apollos the God of destruction which that I am. At least I am good at destruction. Maybe I am some sort of God, but even I don’t know if I am. That is the latest name I have taken. He introduced me to his congregation. I see a few young ladies eying me. I am in my early 20’s. I have become a master of forgery also. Creating my birth certificate and other identification that I will need. I am a computer whizz. I can forge anything. I can used a computer to hack into anything. These are things that I have learned during my many years of living on earth. I was there with the very first computers in 1833 with CB and there in the 1940’s and the 1950’s with those two scientist who invented the first modern computer. I know more about computer then any person alive. I have even made my living with computer. I made a fortune on computers. Today is Monday. I meet Sarah, wife of one of the deacon invites me to dinner. What I did read in her mind. She would like to introduce me to her 19 year old daughter, Judy. After all I am one of the most beautiful human on earth. Remember my changing of form give me the power to make me look like anyone. I bring some expensive wine, the best. We sit down to dinner. Small town cooking is some of the best food to eat. The young girl wants to eat me like a rabbit in a carrot patch. I can hear in her mind how she wants to make love to me. I read her mom’s and dad’s mind. Mom wishing she could get a piece of me. Dad thinking I was the finest young man he ever seem, said if he was a woman he would take a piece of me too. Dad been sleeping around. What she didn’t know is dad has another family in Decatur, Alabama. Two other kids, a boy and girl. Mom been keeping a secret too. Having an affair with the pastor as well. With small towns this is nothing out of the normal. Life is boring and everybody need some exciting. Otherwise they might go crazy. Now if you having that problem, just wish for me. Call my name, Epollos and I just might come to your rescue. Nobody want boring. If you ask for me, I want make you rape or kill anyone. I will help you realize your sex fantasy only. Now his woman in Decatur knows about his family, but his wife have no knowledge of the woman in Decatur. After supper, we go outside sit on the porch and a porch made swing. She tells me about her last boyfriend. Just a bunch of lies. She said that she broke up with him because he wanted to make love to her. She said that she refused. All lies. She claim that she wanted marriage and wouldn’t give him sex unless he marry her. Anyway she said he went off to college on a football scholarship. But the truth is he left her because the guy was a lover boy and had plenty of women. She couldn’t keep her hands off him and wanted to make love every day. This guy didn’t have time for making love with her every day. She was as they say just another girl he was using. Anyway I entertained liking her too. She weren’t ugly by a long shot. Pretty blue eyes, redhead white girl, name Star, real, name Judy. Now I know you would like to ask me what color I came here as. I don’t think it is important for your knowledge. But I am no fool. I am always a white man. Now we all know the reason for this. White man rule, yes or no? This is my world, so I know how to play the game better than anyone. She ask me out to the show with her friends. I pick her up that night. We meet Judy and Robert. Both girl having the same name. We go back to Robert’s house. They have a few drinks. I never touch the stuff. Robert passes out. Few minutes later I find myself in bed with Judy and Judy. This was free will. I didn’t have to use any of my powers. I ask Judy, are you not afraid Robert will wake up? She said don’t worry. He will be out until morning. I ask Star, I thought you were a virgin? Judy laughed. Star, what are you laughing about? I interrupted. It’s okay Star. No big deal. I knew that Star had only had sex with the star football player. Unlike Judy, who was sleeping around, something that Robert knew nothing about. They were engaged. But so was Robert who had another relationship with a big city girl. Judy said to Star, you actually told him you were a virgin I broke that up by asking Judy and Star, if this was something they did all the time? I knew the answer. Star had never done this, but Robert and Judy had done this more than once. I am sure Robert might ask Judy if they did this when he wake. But in her mind I already knew. Robert wouldn’t think that Star would stoop so low. Star said, you must think I am a

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